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Othello Test Review Sheet

Use this sheet to help you sort through your study guides and notes while reviewing for the test. Characters Plot the reasons Iago hates Othello the visit to Brabantios house Othellos methods of courtship (his witchcraft) how Cassio loses his lieutenancy Iagos hand in this ways in which Iago tries to create jealousy or doubt for Othello the significance of the handkerchief Iagos proof of Desdemonas infidelity (dream, handkerchief, conversation about Bianca) the plot to kill Cassio Desdemonas innocence and death Iago and Othellos fates the definitions and purposes of soliloquies (speech performed alone on stage to the audience about a characters feelings) and asides (quick comments to the audience that other characters do not hear) character identification (Iago, Othello, Desdemona, Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia) reasons for Iagos hatred (Emilias infidelity, Cassios promotion) Iagos methods of using Cassio and Roderigo Othello as a tragic hero Cassio and Desdemonas goodness used against them

Themes appearance vs. reality Iagos honesty and dramatic irony racism and the unnatural relationship between Desdemona and Othello Othellos pride how he thinks it protects him initially; how he is insecure in it later being in tune and out of tune Othello and Desdemonas relationship, the murders Iagos method for manipulating characters pretends to be a friend by comforting the other character, tells the person things are not as bad as they seem, gives a plan of action that appears to help the other character but really benefits Iago

Passages Iagos soliloquy about servants and masters (1.1.45-61) I am not what I am. (1.1.71) Othellos confidence in himself (1.2.20-31) vs. (5.2.397-400) Othellos blood (passion) overrides his reason in dealing with Cassio (2.3.218-221) Iagos comments on reputation (2.3.287-290) Iagos comment about how men appear one way but are in reality different (3.3.147-148) Othellos wounded pride/humiliation concerning issues of his heart (4.2.63-65)

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