Tanya Koroyan's NRHH President Bid

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Tanya Koroyan Bid for President Makoto Ushihara Chapter National Residence Hall Honorary San Jose State


Tanya for President of the makoto ushihara chapter of nrhh

Experience & qualifications:
My name is Tanya Koroyan and next year I will be a senior at San Jose State University, graduating with a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology. I have been a proud member of the National Residence Hall Honorary Makoto Ushihara Chapter of SJSU since November or 2010. I consistently fulfill my responsibilities and duties as a member. This includes writing OTMs every month, voting, attending all chapter meetings, and helping with programs sponsored by NRHH. In spring of 2011 I served as the Vice President of membership, and was the lead on the traditional NRHH program of Xpression: A Diversity Showcase. Currently, I serve as the Vice President of Recognition, some of my responsibilities of this role include managing OTMs and putting on monthly OTM Writing Nights. Because of these experiences I am very familiar with the responsibilities that come with the executive position of President.

As president I plan to continue the following

Spotlight a member each meeting Take attendance Collateral assignments Hold meetings in the RAC Formal elections Special guests (ADNRHH and NAN via Skype)

Encourage NRHH members to become involved in the recognition of others through OTMs, programs, and by being a positive role model to the campus community. Through it all remembering the four pillars of NRHH: scholastics, service, recognition, and leadership.

Diamond Points
This will serve as an incentive to participate in various ways, and hold members accountable. Members would gain Diamond Points by doing the following: Attending Chapter meetings

Hosting programs Attending NRHH sponsored programs Fulfilling their collateral assignment Writing OTMs Writing Campus/Regional/National winning OTMs

The Executive board would maintain the Diamond Points and keep track of each members progress throughout the year. Obtaining a certain amount of points would allow the member to be eligible for NRHH sweaters, graduation robes, etc.

Collateral assignment
I would like to keep the options for collateral assignments. Members will rank their top 5 choices then be assigned their collateral. Some current ones we have include: RA Appreciation, Hall Government Appreciation, Culture of Clean, Alumni Recognition, etc. In addition to those options I would like to give the members the opportunity to create their own collateral assignment. This could be proposed at a Chapter meeting

Time commitments for Fall 2013-Spring 2014

Resident Advisor CVA Student Ambassador: 10-15 hours a week Alpha Omicron Pi: 4 hours a week

NRHH Moments

NRHH Inductions-Fall 2010

NRHH Inductions-Fall 2012

Kenricks Farewell Party

NRHH/RHA Retreat

OTM Birthday Party-Writing Night

Work Experience
Student Outreach and Recruitment, San Jose, CA 09/12 - Present Student Ambassador Work with undergraduate admissions counselors Facilitate group and individual campus tours SJSU Housing Services, San Jose, CA Senior Resident Advisor 08/11 - Present Facilitate programs throughout the academic year Manage the courtesy desk Supervise Office Assistants Maintain and schedule all desk shifts for Resident Advisors and Office Assistants SJSU Orientation and Transition, San Jose, CA 09/11 08/12 Academic Advising and Retention Services Office Assistant Facilitate Orientation Leader group interview Participate in planning for all Orientation Sessions in the Summer of 2012 Help and assist Coordinator in advising and training for Orientation and Transition programs Orientation Leader 01/10-08/11 Lead groups of 10-15 freshmen at each orientation session Advise students of university policies which affect their enrollment and help freshman plan their class schedules Attend all trainings, class meetings, and huddle group meetings MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center, San Jose, CA 09/11- 01/12 Leadership Today Assistant Assist retreat Coordinators in planning process Facilitate a small group at retreat Oversee Tunnel of Oppression work groups SJSU Housing Services, San Jose, CA 08/10 05/11 Resident Advisor Put on 16 programs for the 2010-2011academic year, for residents Be a positive influence to residents Perform scheduled duty shifts and desk duty shifts Attended Pacific Affiliate College and University Residence Halls (PACURH) Conference 2010 Attended National Association of College and University Residence (NACURH) Conference 2011

SJSU Volunteer Involvement

Associated Students Programming Board; Student At Large Voting member, attend all scheduled meetings and events Facilitate campus wide programs Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (PACURH) Conference Co-Chair Supervise Conference Staff, facilitate meetings Participate in regional meetings Contribute 10 hours a week to conference planning Leadership Today 2011 Delegate Social justice and diversity training Tunnel of Oppression National Residence Hall Honorary Write at least one Of The Month award bid a month Put on programs sponsored by NRHH Attend all meetings Vice President (02/11 05/11) o Assist the President in carrying out the executive duties of NRHH 09/12-12/12


01/11 - 05/11

11/10 - Present

Thank you for your time and consideration!

March 26, 2013

National Residence Hall Honorary Makoto Ushihara Chapter One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192 To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to write this letter in support of Tanya Koroyan, who is running for President of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), Makoto Ushihara Chapter at San Jose State University. I have known Ms. Koroyan for three years and have worked closely with her this past year in her role as Senior Resident Advisor of Campus Village Building A. Ms. Koroyan has been involved not only in her role as resident advisor, but also around campus and is well-known in Associated Students as a leader both in and out of University Housing Services. Ms. Koroyan is currently the Vice President of Recognition. In this position, Ms. Koroyan has put on successful Of the Month (OTM) writing workshops and is more than willing to assist others in writing OTMs. She also writes numerous OTMs monthly to recognize leaders at San Jose State. Because of her previous experience and her desire to be involved, I believe Tanya would be an excellent choice for president of NRHH. Tanyas enthusiasm, her dedication, her drive, her organization, and her passion for student involvement and recognition make her the perfect candidate for the position. I fully support Tanya Koroyan for the presidential role in the Makoto Ushihara Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary. Sincerely, Ana Acosta

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