Conversation With Father Giuseppe

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Conversation started Sunday 1:53am Giuseppe Civello This is my own Facebook Sunday 1:50pm Martha Marshall Fr Giuseppe are

are you there Monday 9:54am Giuseppe Civello yes, sorry I was celebrating an Easter Mass for the Pontifical Household as Pope Emeritus was not feeling very well. Happy Easter, by the way!

9:55am Martha Marshall thank goodness...I was beginning to send out the naitnal gurad looking for you national guard Yes...he will be fine, make sure you keep up to him the 1/2 teaspoon of bi carbonate of soda in clean water at least twice a day that will keep his body on the alkaline side and get him through the stress he has been feeling Christ want's him to relax and know all will work out all is prophecy playing out...

9:58am Giuseppe Civello yes, but he felt stuffed up this morning and had a bit of a headache. In the afternoon he felt better, though.

9:58am Martha Marshall good...keep the bi carb up to fight of anything off Tell me

9:59am Giuseppe Civello yes?

9:59am Martha Marshall Father Giusseppe , we have a young man Dexter who is planning to make his way form London to Rome to be with you

10:00am Giuseppe Civello okay.

10:00am Martha Marshall he will come with his latop armed with webcam and all sorts of encouragement he is anxious to be with you both.. laptop he is 38 years old and stayed with us 11months

10:01am Giuseppe Civello


10:01am Martha Marshall a very intelligent man who found us on the net when he was looking for truth

10:01am Giuseppe Civello good.

10:01am Martha Marshall will he be able to stay with you. is that possible

10:02am Giuseppe Civello we will see we have a guy who is in charge.

10:03am Martha Marshall ok...if you find out...we are connecting again tonight at 9pm our time, I know he has limited funds in that if he does not have to worry about acccommodation that would be a great help

10:03am Giuseppe Civello okay.

10:03am Martha Marshall also we are making arrangements ourself to go to Rome

10:03am Giuseppe Civello GREAT!!!!!! REALLY!!! I'M TELLING THE HOLY FATHER!!!!

10:04am Martha Marshall we have funds that need to clear...when they do we can get there...Hallooo...yes really we need to be with you

10:04am Giuseppe Civello I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

10:05am Martha Marshall 10:05am Giuseppe Civello 10:05am Martha Marshall The Vatican will not be the same


Giuseppe Civello Good. They need change!

10:06am Martha Marshall Christ overturning the table of the moneychangers Francis knows he is toast our guys have been watching and they see fear on his face

10:07am Giuseppe Civello really?

10:07am Martha Marshall yes.. how can he not be...the pressure is on he has denied the Christ 3 Peter and in the flesh twice we have kept up emailing hundreds of people including the Vatican news.. they all know

10:09am Giuseppe Civello Good!

10:09am Martha Marshall as a matter of fact/...the media has started a campaign agaisnt the news we sent them they are making up reports that are farcical about the Holy Father Peter and then speculation that he is is the Jew owned media way of letting us know that they know everything going on

Karen emailed all of the cafes and restaurants and hotles aroudn Castelgandolfo telling them what is going on hotels

10:11am Giuseppe Civello Oh, Good, Good!

10:11am Martha Marshall the Christ sent emails to Taxi companies amamxing amount of informaiton going out on our end to end your seige now people on the facebook page still commenting about it being a hoax and all... however when dex gets to you you can all make a live upload with his laptop

10:13am Giuseppe Civello Great

10:16am Martha Marshall I just went upstairs to tell Christ, he did say that he said in emails last week we were planning on coming..

10:16am Giuseppe Civello oh alright

10:17am Martha Marshall so when you see the guy in charge of Castel, you had better prepare him for a fe visitors..we have slept on floors before and prepared to do so again if necessary... few

10:18am Giuseppe Civello okay. For us its past 1:00 AM in the Morning, so I will tell him later.

10:18am Martha Marshall yes do that let him sleep...I am just relieved to hear from you


10:19am Martha Marshall well we have been hear for hours and I have said to a few it has been 22hours... here after the video and your comment where you feel like prisoners which is all truee, my imagination runs away...the Christ on the other hand remains as cool as a cucumber knowing the end form the beginning since it is His Story going down from

11:06am Martha Marshall are you still there

1:47pm Giuseppe Civello Oh Hi, how's it going?

3:29pm Martha Marshall hi there..back again just wnet into town for groceries

3:39pm Martha Marshall Christ looking into Flights rental cars etc..getting there for the Holy Father's birthday Monday 11:58pm Martha Marshall Father Giuseppe, Dexter will arrive in Rome at 3;10 and then make his way to Castel Gandolfo, so that should put him there around 5pm I would say. He is very excited and you will enjoy his company, he is looking forward to documenting and uploading to the world of unbelievers. I will post this to the Holy Fathers site.

11:59pm Martha Marshall Wednesday is the day he arrives...around is actually the real date of the crucifixion April 3rd at 3:10...the hour of death....the plane lands...all good...

1:25am Giuseppe Civello I asked if we had any room available. He said we have visiting nuns from the Diocese of Rome to come visit. They have been planning to come since March 1st apparently. I will see what we can do about your disciple. Today 8:17am Martha Marshall thank you he will come anyway floor space is good How is the Holy Father feeling?

10:55am Martha Marshall Fr Giuseppe, tweets are going around the internet to expect Benedict's funeral, that won't happen although they will try to kill him, Christ says to grin and bear it...we win... Today 2:11am Martha Marshall Still here Father Giuseppe, I feel like a mother hen baby sitting her chicks...

2:50am Martha Marshall it is 1;49 am we will go to bed ...leave a message when you catch up...ciao!!! Today 9:37am Martha Marshall finally....I see you have read my message...

9:37am Giuseppe Civello Yes!

9:37am Martha Marshall I worry when I don't hear form you

9:37am Giuseppe Civello It's okay! Don't worry!

9:38am Martha Marshall Ok... how is the hOly Fathere Holy Father

9:38am Giuseppe Civello He's okay!

9:38am Martha Marshall good...Dex will be with you in hours we have been so censored, it gets worse by the hour as this household has been sending around thousands of emails...2 houses next door to us are suddenly empty, the people gone, no notice of sale or anything, there one day and gone the next...all part of our war.....

9:45am Giuseppe Civello MRS. MARSHALL!!!!

9:46am Martha Marshall yes

9:46am Giuseppe Civello BAD NEWS!!!

9:46am Martha Marshall what

9:46am Giuseppe Civello go on the page!!!

9:47am Martha Marshall it is not showing anything diffenet on this end different what is it showing


Giuseppe Civello Francis has found out that this is our page. You can't message anymore.

9:48am Martha Marshall what about you

9:48am Giuseppe Civello The page is scheduled to be deleted in 14 days. I was also told I'm fired

9:48am Martha Marshall no worries when dex gets there he will aoraganize

9:49am Giuseppe Civello Archbishop George remains working for Pope Francis, and he is told not to say anything. I leave tomorrow though. His assistants hacked us and they know Dex is coming.

9:50am Martha Marshall wait until dex gets there

9:50am Giuseppe Civello "They won't allow him!" They said

9:51am Martha Marshall then you meet with dex stay...and meet him he will figure something be the one to speak for the Holy Father on the outside wait for him in the courtyard anywhere...I will send photo... Christ is asking...can you rent house or apartment and we move the Holy Father into it...

9:52am Giuseppe Civello I CAN'T I AM LEAVING BEFORE HE COMES! AND THERE WILL BE A GUARD WITH ME SO THAT "I DON'T GET INTO ANY TROUBLE" Sister Maria has been moved to a convent somewhere else and is not allowed to make any contact.

9:53am Martha Marshall then go to the airport to meet dex I will send you the details

9:53am Giuseppe Civello I am forced to leave Lazio region. I'm not even allowed to stay in Rome. or Castelgandolfo

9:54am Martha Marshall to do that you must you must go to the airport right???

9:55am Giuseppe Civello

They called me "a traitor giving support to the enemy". They are planning to have me removed of my priestly duties as well. No I'm taking the train. with two Italian police.

9:55am Martha Marshall where to

9:55am Giuseppe Civello To make sure Dex doesn't get to me!

9:56am Martha Marshall head to poland

9:57am Giuseppe Civello No I want to stay near my family. They told me they will try to move wherever the church will send me.

9:58am Martha Marshall Christ is saying to quit then, become his priest....

9:58am Giuseppe Civello 9:59am

Martha Marshall where is your family

9:59am Giuseppe Civello I don't know. They are basically putting me under house arrest.

9:59am Martha Marshall can you quit to become a citizen

10:29am Giuseppe Civello Please let people know what's going on! Everything that has happened on the page right now is not my doing! I myself have been banned from the page I started! Christum Credunt's page too!

10:30am Martha Marshall yes we are talking to dex now

10:31am Giuseppe Civello okay

10:31am Martha Marshall where can he meet you anywhwere

you home town yhou family...anywhere

10:32am Giuseppe Civello I don't know if I can sneak away! From the police.

10:32am Martha Marshall how long will you be in castel???

10:32am Giuseppe Civello They are watching me right now. I am packing my things as I text you. I am leaving asap

10:33am Martha Marshall get a message to when you gpo ... he can go to you where ever you go to can you talk to the pope before you go



Martha Marshall ok

10:34am Giuseppe Civello NO

10:35am Martha Marshall ask the police if they want to tlak with jesus he is on line now...ask them... talk

10:36am Giuseppe Civello Ciao we are the police stop talking to p Giuseppe he will stop facebook now basta cosi

10:40am Martha Marshall Polizio Crimes against God are unforgivable and Francis is the Antichrist

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