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Date: How can your environments impact who you are and the choices you make?

Rewriting Frankenstein

Pick one of the following scenes from the play. Think about how the situation affected the Monster. Think about how if the scene unfolded differently, the Monster may have changed. Rewrite one of the following to show how they would have impacted the Monster and his choices in life if the situation had been different. 1. 2. 3. 4. When Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to run away When the monster is in a town, where dogs and towns people are after him When Felix shoots the monster When the monster kills William

Your scene should have between 2-4 characters. 1 or 2 of these characters may be your own characters (not from the play). Your scene will have two parts: 1. What happens to the monster (the situation) 2. His choices as a result (the impact) Which scene will you rewrite? 1. What is the situation in the scene? What do others do to the Monster? When
Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to run away. He was left alone and scared he did not know what to do, what is right and wrong

How does this affect the Monster? What impact does it have on his life? What choices does he make as a result? He had to protect himself and the only way is to kill the people

1. How will you change the situation? How might things happen differently during the scene? When Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to lock the monster in a cage and train him

How will this affect the Monster? What impact will it have on his life? What choices will he make as a result? The monster learns right and wrong and everything goes wrong

Rewrite the scene using your ideas from the purple boxes above. Your scene should: Include A Note On Staging refer to page 6 in the Frankenstein play o Explain the set design o Explain the costumes and props o Explain lighting, sound, and special effects Include a paragraph to explain your choices for your Note On Staging Include descriptions of the characters refer to page 8 in the Frankenstein play o List each character and give a short (2-3 sentences) description of his/her appearance and personality Include stage directions (in italics) to indicate how the characters move and how they speak In your scene, include dialogue that will move the plot along and show how the new situation unfolds and how it impacts the Monsters life



Criterion A: You compose a script that shows how a situation impacts the Monsters life using a lot of details (dialogue and stage directions).

Criterion B: You write in the form of a script, using the appropriate structures expected in a play script. Your scene builds appropriately.

Criterion C: Your write your characters to reflect their personalities and tone. Your script is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.






You do not reach the standard described below. Your script reflects very limited imagination Your script does not use the Your script does not reflect the voice of and creativity. It does not show the organizational structures of a script. the characters. situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally disorganized. Your script has very frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your script has no details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects limited imagination and Your script sometimes uses the Your script sometimes reflects the creativity. It attempts to show the situation organizational structures of a script. voice of the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is beginning to be organized Your script has frequent errors in Your script has insufficient details but lacks coherence. grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects some imagination and Your script usually uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It somewhat shows the situation organizational structures of a script. the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally well-organized. Your script uses generally accurate Your script has adequate details (dialogue, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects imagination and Your script consistently uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It shows the situation and how it organizational structures of a script. the characters. impacted the Monsters life. Your script is usually well-organized. Your script consistently uses a formal Your script has substantial details The ideas build on each other. tone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the punctuation, and spelling are accurate. Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects a lot of imagination and Your script uses the organizational Your script masterfully reflects the creativity. It clearly shows the situation and structures of a script in a sophisticated voice of the characters. how it impacted the Monsters life. manner. Your script shows a mastery of formal Your script has illustrative details Your script is consistently welltone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the organized. The ideas build on each other punctuation, and spelling are Monster develops through the scene. in a sophisticated manner. completely accurate. Include a title Use the format of a script Edit for spelling, punctuation, and Describe each character o Skip a line each time a new grammar Include a note on staging to explain character speaks Use first person when writing the how your staging choices (set design, o Italicize the stage directions dialogue costumes/props, effects) show the o Write dialogue by bolding Use the type of language that the situation and its impact on the Monster character names character would use when writing Employ dialogue to show how the scene Build the dialogue and action to first the dialogue develops show what the situation is, then how Include stage directions to show the the Monster is affected action Use details to show the actions and emotions of the characters involved

In order to succeed you need to:

Name: SET DESIGN A big lab Torn hospital bed Metal floors Like brains in the back PROPS COSTUMES Cloth-for all Hospital bed Brains Wires


Frankenstein ; lab shirt, a bit of blood and gloves Monster: Blood, scars, torn t-shirt and pants- Jeans Jerry: T-shirt and pants (jeans)

LIGHTING/SOUND/SPECIAL EFFECTS Dim lights Lightning outside of the window Big flash when Frankenstein dies

Charters Monster- kind and mean Frankenstein- nice Jerry- rude and mean Scripts Stick together

Frankenstein is on stage sowing dead parts onto a huge body that is lying on a hospital looking bed which is in the center of the stage. The body of the Monster is under white sheets. The walls are torn and the paint is peeling which gives the impression that it is an old lab. There are zapping sounds because there are wires dangling from the ceiling and the Monsters body. The stage is dimly lit with one light focusing on the bed in the center. Lightning and thunder sounds should go off to show that there is a storm outside. Frankenstein: (excitedly in a German accent) I will make it. I WILL MAKE HUMAN LIFE! He continues to fiddle with the wires when a lightning hits through the glass and zaps the Monster and the wires. There is the sound of electric zaps and The Monster jerks his body. Frankenstein: (screaming) AAAHHHHH! Oh my God! It is alive. I did it!

Another lighting strikes and zapping wires, but this time it zaps Frankenstein when he touches The Monster. Monster: Ahhh

Name: The monster jumps back up form the ground Frankenstein: Monster: Frankenstein: zapped you. Monster: What is going on? Frankenstein: Monster: I do?


How are you living and talking? Wait, what touched me? When you were getting up from the bed, one of the wires was powerful and

(Scared and confused) What wire? Where have you taken me? Where am I?

(Calmly) You are in another room. I had to lock you in. (Furiously, his voice getting louder) Why do you have to do this to me? What did

Frankenstein: (Beginning to get nervous but still talking calmly) You are not really human. I created you from dead bits and pieces. Monster: What? Dead bits? Why?

Frankenstein: I had to put you in a room because I do not know what you are like yet? I need to find out who you are first. Monster: are. Frankenstein: brain in his head. You should be the one who is locked in the room. I am not the insane one, you

(Speaking softly to himself) How is he talking so well? I might have put a genius

Monster: (Yelling and banging the walls with his fists) Get me out of here. I am not crazy, I just want to live. Let me go. Frankenstein: You are in a safe place so calm down. I first have to teach you some things to make you good and for sure I will let you out to explore the world. Frankenstein walks up cautiously towards the Monster and puts his hand on his shoulder. Frankenstein: The world out there might not accept and so we need to be careful.

Monster: But if the world does not accept me, why did you make me? Frankenstein: B-because I wanted to make something that is better than human. I believe you can be better than human. Monster: (Shoulders slump forward) But I do not even know who I am. I am all these people and I cannot choose one. There are too many things to think about. My left hand might be someone and my right be another person. I cannot go out because villagers what kill me which is what you say. Now, I do not know what to do. Frankenstein: You can stay here and I will help you.

Name: Date: There is a knock at the door. Frankenstein opens the door to the lab to find Jerry standing there carrying a beer bottle. Jerry: Frankenstein: Let me in! No. Go away!

Jerry pushes him aside and walks in. Jerry: hiding? Why? Why dont you want me to come in like you usually do? What are you

There is the sound of the Monster hitting the wall. Jerry goes down the stairs to the room. Frankenstein: Jerry: You will regret opening that door. Dont do it. Shut up! I need to know what is happening. What are you hiding?

Jerry opens the door to find the Monster smashing the wall. Jerry: Frankenstein: Monster: Frankenstein: Monster: (Screaming in fear) Oh my God! What is this thing? (Screaming in anger) I told you! Why dont you ever listen!? Who is this? What now you are bringing everyone to see!? Its not what you think (Loud and scared) He might go telling everyone and I dont want to died Jerry and Frankenstein walk in to another room Frankenstein: Jerry: Frankenstein: (angry and whisper) Its all your fault what did I ever do I just yelled You should had not let yourself in Jerry tries to punch Frankenstein in the face but Frankenstein caught his fist and punched jerry in the stomach Frankenstein: Jerry: Frankenstein: you really want to go this way? (chill voice) No no I was doing it as a joke Okay lets see if you and the monster can be friends now Frankenstein and jerry go into the room where the monster is Monster: Frankenstein: Him again why did you bring him back? Cant you guys just be friends?

Name: Jerry: Monster: Ok ok Fine


Frankenstein walks out of the room Monster: Jerry: Monster: So what do you want to do? (annoyed voice) O just shut up I know you hate me and I hate you so why dont I just kill (warning mean voice) you dont have to do this Jerry runs at the monster but the monster grabs jerry by the head Monster: Jerry: Just stop I must Ahhhhhhhhhh The monster is smashing jerrys head in squish his brain bits are coming out Jerry: no no---Monster drops Jerrys dead body on the ground Monster: Frankenstein: I told you so finally he is gone from my life

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