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Topical Heading

Program Title

Parent Information and Training Programs

Also Known as
Parent Training Programs
CFDA # (or ED #)
84.235F; 84.235G
Administering Office
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Who May Apply (specifically)
Private nonprofit organizations may apply that either are governed by a board of directors that meets the
requirements in Sec. 303(c)(4)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or that have a membership that
represents the interests of individuals with disabilities and a special governing committee that meets the
requirement in Sec. 303(c)(4)(B). To the extent practicable, technical assistance grants will be awarded to parent
training and information centers established pursuant to Sec. 682(a) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA).
Current Competitions
FY 2007 application deadline: March 14, 2007.
Type of Assistance (by category)
Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Fiscal Year 2005 $881,953
Fiscal Year 2006 $881,953
Fiscal Year 2007 $850,000

Note: The amounts shown also are included in the total for Demonstration and Training (# 84.235), also under
topical heading "Rehabilitation."

Fiscal Year 2007 Awards Information

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

Number of New Awards Anticipated: 8 (7 under # 84.235F and 1 under # 84.235G)

Average New Award: $100,000
Range of New Awards: $95,000–$100,000
Legislative Citation
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Sec. 303(c); 29 U.S.C. 773(c)
Program Regulations
Program Description
The program provides training and information to enable individuals with disabilities, and their parents, family
members, guardians, advocates, or other authorized representatives, to participate more effectively in meeting their
vocational, independent living, and rehabilitation needs.
Types of Projects
These projects are designed to meet the unique information and training needs of individuals with disabilities who
live in the area to be served, particularly those who are members of populations who have been unserved or
Education Level (by category)
Subject Index
Advocacy, Disabilities, Parent Participation, Parents, Rehabilitation, Training, Vocational Rehabilitation
Contact Information
Name Ellen Chesley
E-mail Address
Mailing Address U.S. Department of Education, OSERS
Rehabilitative Services Administration
400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Rm. 5018, PCP
Washington, DC 20202-2800
Telephone 202-245-7300
Fax 202-245-7591
Links to Related Web Sites

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