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DATE DUE : TASK 1 : 28 MAC 2013

LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history, nature and function of the English Language. (1.1, 1.2) 2. Identify and transcribe English words using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription. (1.3) 3. Analyse English syntax and morphology. (1.6, 2.3, 3.6) 4. Demonstrate an understanding of semantics and pragmatics. (2.4, 6.4, 6.5) 5. Present and justify verbally one of the issues below: i ii history, nature and function of English language phonetics and phonological knowledge

iii morphological knowledge iv syntactic knowledge This project addresses one of the learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, or 4 (depending on which topic the students select for their assignment) and 5.

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES To enable students to: 1. explain content knowledge related to the field (1.1) 2. elaborate learning theories to enhance pedagogical content knowledge (1.2)

Choose only ONE question from any of the topics given below and write an essay of about 1500 words. Topic 1: Nature and Function of Language 1. Humans use language for purposes different from animals communication systems or the human-like languages some have been taught. Discuss and provide relevant evidence to justify your arguments. 2. Non-verbal communication tends to provide the context of verbal communication and has the power to disambiguate or invalidate the content of linguistic expressions (Krippendorft). Discuss and provide relevant evidence to justify your arguments. Topic 2: Phonology 1. Phonological knowledge permits a speaker to produce sounds that form meaningful utterances. Why is this knowledge important? Discuss and justify your answer. 2. Non-native speakers of English (NNS) often have problems with pronunciation. Discuss the problems areas and suggest ways to overcome these problems identified. Provide relevant examples to illustrate your answer. Topic 3: Morphology 1. Many words are formed from combinations of other words, or from combinations of words and prefixes or suffixes. It is often possible to see a connection between the meaning of a combination and the meanings of its parts. Discuss some of the common processes of word formation in English. Elaborate with examples.

2. The knowledge of morphology can contribute to our understanding of English vocabulary and grammar better and help us in our future role as an English teacher. Discuss the statement above. Provide examples to support your answer Topic 4: Syntax 1. Discuss the rules of Syntax and generate five well-formed sentences. Are there sentences that can be generated from these rules that are ill-formed (some rule of English grammar is broken)? Provide examples to illustrate your discussion. 2. An English language teacher should have a very sound knowledge of grammar to enable him/her to become an effective English teacher. Discuss and provide examples to support your discussion.

GUIDELINES FOR THE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 1. This assignment comprises of pair and individu tasks but the assignment should be submitted and presented individually. 2. You can work collaboratively to collect data amd information 3. The written assignment should follow the format as follow: i Type-written with font Ariel size 12 ii 1 spacing iii Cite the source of the text and any references used using APA format iv Extra materials as appendices 4. No duplication of assignments from other coursework is allowed. 5. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. 6. The cover page should have the following information: a. Name b. Index number and ID c. Class/Group d. Title of Essay e. Lecturers name f. Date of Submission 2. You should adhere to the deadline. Without an approved extension of time, late submissions will be dealt with severely. 3. The length of the assignment should be more than 15 pages (excluding visual presentation and appendices). 4. The project carries a total weightage of 100%

A GOOD ASSIGNMENT SHOULD SHOW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A clear and critical understanding of the task Evidence of reading from a variety of sources Critical justification and rationales of activities used Originality in presentation Appropriate language use

MARKING CRITERIA The tasks will be marked against the marking criteria set for this coursework. Prepared by _________________________ Bridget Lim Suk Han TSL3101 Introduction to Linguistics PISMP Ambilan Januari 2013 Verified by ______________________ Dr. Hj Mohd Johan bin Zakaria Timbalan Pengarah IPG Kampus Tawau

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