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International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Society

IGNSS Symposium 2007

The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

4 – 6 December, 2007

Temporary CORS Networks for Land Reconstruction

in Aceh, Sumatera

F. H. Adiyanto (1)
School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems
University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia
Tel: 61-2-93854208 Fax: 61-2-93137493 Email:

C. Roberts (2)
School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems
University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia
Tel: 61-2-93854464 Fax: 61-2-93137493 Email:


Using CORS networks for land reconstruction after earthquakes and tsunamis is challenging due to the
limited infrastructure remaining after the event. Normally, CORS networks are set up in well
established cities or regions with developed infrastructure and utilities. The functionality of a CORS
approach is suitable to re–establish more than 10,000 land parcels in Aceh affected by the tsunami, but
can this method still be useful with limited infrastructure? Also, can a CORS network feasibly re–
establish cadastral land parcel boundaries previously based on bearings and distances using
coordinates? This is a very crucial problem as no survey marks exist to re–establish property
boundaries. CORS networks can provide an external infrastructure allowing the identification of
existing survey marks and the lay out of new and existing parcels for a large number of independent
users. Using sophisticated network RTK algorithms, larger inter-receiver distances allow CORS
networks to cover large areas with a minimal number of reference stations reducing the cost of
operations. Also in equatorial regions, such as Aceh, where ionospheric activity is expected to be
higher, a slightly denser array of CORS stations ensures reliable initialization. This paper will
investigate utilizing a temporary CORS network approach; that is using some higher order stations as
base station monuments, setting up a temporary CORS network over a small region and when
operations are completed, packing up the system and moving to an adjacent network of high order
monuments which comprise a new temporary CORS networks. Due to logistical considerations during
the organization of this project, real–time communications were not used in Aceh and only GPS data
was logged in the field. Reference stations logged 24 hours of GPS data and were processed using the
free online service from AUSPOS. These coordinates are then used in a post–processed simulation
mode using the Leica SpiderNet software.

KEYWORDS: Temporary CORS Networks, Land Reconstruction, AUSPOS, Cadastral Surveying.


Applications in surveying and mapping require high accuracy necessitating differential GPS
positioning techniques (Stone, 2000). In recent times, many organizations have built
GPS/GNSS based Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) networks for regional
and even national infrastructure. An example is the United States National Geodetic Survey
(Ibid, 2000). These reference stations provide a reliable and guaranteed service for single
users. The single user receiver sends a navigation position to the network which returns
observations for a virtual base station at that location and combines these observations with its
own to produce differentially generated coordinates to cm–level accuracy (Ibid, 2000). By
combining a number of reference stations, the CORS network can map and mitigate
atmospheric biases improving the initialization process.

CORS networks are being established in many metropolitan regions in many developed
countries where existing infrastructure is well established and stable. These established CORS
networks will be used for various purposes. Initially geophysical monitoring of earthquakes
was a primary motivation for the establishment of CORS networks but more recently the
benefits in geodetic infrastructure, Geographic Information System data acquisition,
navigation, local and central government data maintenance have become more persuasive to
funding agencies (Celik et al, 2006).

The devastating earthquakes and tsunamis on 26 December 2004 have seriously impacted
land administration systems in Aceh. Thousands of land parcels and their boundary markers
were destroyed. In addition, surveying and mapping systems have been affected by these
natural hazards. The first huge effect is from horizontal and vertical ground surface
displacements which happened after the earthquakes and tsunamis. The magnitude of
displacements varies from 0.1 – 2.7 m for horizontal and 0.04 – 0.32 m in the vertical
(Meilano et al, 2005). The second effect is from cadastral and geodetic control points which
have simply disappeared.

Furthermore, Benny et al (2006) stated that losing physical boundary evidence, submerging
land parcels at the seashore, losing land documents, loss of family members, and damaging
infrastructure have been a serious problem related to the securing of land and property rights.
Parcel boundary reconstruction needs to be done quickly and accurately for relocating and re–
coordinating land parcel boundaries.

Finding the location of missing parcels and coordinate determination in boundary points is the
most important task in land boundary reconstruction. In these stages, using GPS, combining
GPS with terrestrial surveying, using aerial photographs, satellite images and collecting land
information are the main activities (Ibid, 2006). Resurvey and re–coordinating more than
10,000 land parcels is a difficult task.

The use of RTK GPS gives many advantages in cadastral surveying especially when seeking
survey marks (Verseema, 2004). High productivity surveying at cm–level accuracy could be
achieved but this relies on successful initialization (i.e. ambiguity resolution) (Roberts, 2005).
There are a range of issues related to the use of RTK GPS for parcel boundary measurement
with respect to cadastral regulation in Indonesia. On the one hand, Government Regulation
No. 24 / 1997 about Land Registration has allowed for using GPS in cadastral surveying. On
the other hand, there is no specific direction in using GPS and some surveyors in Indonesia
are reluctant to adopt RTK GPS. There is also still debate about best practice for RTK GPS
due to its accuracy. Aceh presents special circumstances and RTK GPS for legal cadastral
survey in Indonesia is being used for the first time.


The more than 10,000 land parcels destroyed during the earthquakes and tsunamis (Benny et
al, 2006) cover a large area. Single based RTK that has been used for resurvey and re–
coordinating of land parcel boundaries has limitations due to the distance between the
reference and rover receiver. This limitation has been caused by distance dependent errors
limiting the inter-receiver distance to not more than 10 km to ensure quick ambiguity
resolution (Rizos et al, 2003). In addition, geographic conditions such as the many hills and
valleys present an obstacle for single based RTK.

Network RTK could provide coordinates to rover users with the capability of determining
static and real time positions in 1–2 minute intervals, with more accuracy and increasing
reliability (Uzel & Eren, 2006). The possibility of using network RTK in land reconstruction
is possible due to the huge number of land parcels that need to be measured. In addition,
according to Janssen (2003), a more active ionosphere is the main obstacle for single based
RTK in equatorial regions over extended distances. Network RTK is less sensitive to
ionospheric disturbances compared to single base RTK.

Another consideration for network RTK in rural areas is the communications infrastructures.
Wegener and Euler (2006) give some suggestions in selecting communications techniques
which will be suitable for the network RTK stations. First of all, technical aspects such as
transmission capacity, reliability of communication, coverage area, protocol to transmit
corrections, needs to be considered for gaining cm–level accuracy. For network RTK precise
positioning, generally less than one second latency in data transmission is required. In
addition, the size of the communication devices, antenna and GPS receiver equipment must
be easy to carry for RTK users.

Wegener and Euler (2006) stated that network RTK requires a central computing facility for
pre processing the observations from several reference stations, then provides network
corrections to the users. The central computing facility should be able to accommodate a large
number of users simultaneously and provide a compatible re-broadcast data format (such as
RTCM v2.3, 3.0 or 3.1) for the user equipment.

According to Stone (2000), due to the large volume of data that has to be managed, direct
network connection is preferable. In the other words, high speed data transfer is required to
transfer the GPS data collected. In addition, for monitoring and controlling the network RTK
sites effectively, it must be connected to the outside network. Telephone line, high speed
modem and Internet connection is needed for this purpose.

The temporary CORS network concept has the advantage of being an independent network or
cell that is the central computing facility only needs to communicate with its reference
stations and users without the need to connect to the external Internet. This obviously presents
significant advantages for disaster stricken regions such as Aceh. The whole single cell
network can “leapfrog” to a neighbouring cell network to continue operations.

Land line and underground communication infrastructures in Aceh have been destroyed, and
new communications infrastructure operates mostly “over the air”. GSM and CDMA service
providers have a good coverage of the area because many new Base Transceiver Stations
(BTS) have been built during recovery operations in Aceh. Some providers also have GPRS
and 3G services. An Internet service is predominantly by VSat and wireless in certain areas.
CORS reference stations are usually linked via ground infrastructure, however given the
situation in Aceh, network RTK communications between reference stations could still
operate using “over the air” communications (Cranenbroeck, 2007).

The cost of the communication is an important consideration when establishing network

RTK. It is very expensive to get a fixed IP address in Aceh. One fixed IP address costs almost
AUD650. In addition, the cost relates to the purchase price for communication equipment
(transmitter and receiver) as well as, if the communication will use mobile phone (GPRS)
then a monthly cost and additional charges based on capacity of the data transfer will need to
be considered. However due to the relatively low volume of traffic used for network RTK
data transfer, this monthly cost is modest. In contrast, single base RTK generally uses UHF
radios to transmit data which requires some country specific licensing permission. Network
RTK can avoid this complication.

Based on the CORS – TR project in Turkey, Uzel and Eren (2006) stated that CORS system
design consists of a number of steps that have to be fulfilled. The steps could be seen below:
1. Site determination and configuration;
2. Determine the type of GPS receivers for CORS network;
3. Decide the software packages that will be used;
4. Designing CORS control centre;
5. Decide the communication type.

Utilizing network RTK for land reconstruction will provide many benefits due to the large
area that can be covered, overcoming higher equatorial ionospheric activity and providing
positioning solutions in real time at cm–level accuracy (Willgalis et al, 2002). On the other
hand, real time communication and correction which is the key to success in network RTK
(Euler, 2005), becomes difficult to fulfil due to the lack of infrastructure in this remote area.
In the capital city of Aceh province, the tsunami has affected almost 70% of its geographic
area and associated infrastructure. In some districts near the capital city, the percentage is
even greater; almost 90% of regional area infrastructure was destroyed by this natural hazard
(Benny et al, 2006). “Over the air” communications is the only fast alternative to provide a
temporary CORS network in Aceh.


A few years ago, after the Katrina storm hit Louisiana, most of the city was seriously
damaged. The idea of a temporary CORS idea was suggested when some surveyors wanted to
stake out the elevations for relief purposes. Some problems included disturbed or destroyed
NGS benchmarks for surveyors (Cavell, 2006). The other reason for deploying a temporary
CORS network was the huge amount of land subsidence after the storm.

According to Cavell (2006), the GULFNet 75 km spacing CORS network has been set up by
the Centre for Geoinformatics, Louisiana State University in Louisiana. However, after the
devastating storm, surveyors needed a higher density network. Strong networks with
approximately 35 km spacing across the state would make the relief reconstruction project
easier. In this case, CORS networks with daily positions calculated have been used for a
better reference to detect the land subsidence after the storm and flood.

In addition, GULFNet was used to define the changing elevation of the land. The cost for
conventional geodetic levelling has been reduced by operating this network. Formerly, it took
$1500 to $2000 per mile and cost $16 million for primary state control. Increasing the number
of CORS network reference stations will reduce the cost for base flood elevation mapping by
approximately $50 million across the state (Ibid, 2006).

Aceh is a similar case to Louisiana in the terms of land reconstruction. Temporary CORS
networks are quite relevant for supporting this project. In addition, land subsidence and
ground surface displacement caused by the earthquake are also a large and ongoing problem.
Horizontal movements at the sub–meter level and vertical movements at sub cm–level
(Meilano et al, 2005) require many control points to be resurveyed.

According to Benny et al (2006), some other considerations concerned with the resurvey and
re–coordinating in land surveys for land reconstruction include:
1. Almost all affected parcel boundaries do not have coordinates in a global system. It
will be very difficult to resurvey the boundaries using GPS.
2. Huge numbers of cadastral monuments which relate directly to the cadastral
boundaries were destroyed during the earthquakes and tsunamis.

This problem presents an opportunity for future geodetic networks (Wanninger, 2006) linked
with the cadastre providing a foundation for developing a spatial data infrastructure (Zhang et
al, 2001; Brown et al, 2002; Rizos et al, 2003). In addition, huge deformation from
earthquake activity needs to be monitored by using a reference frame in a global datum. If
such an infrastructure were in place and the Indonesian legal cadastral system permitted, land
parcels could simply be re–established using coordinates (Blanchfield and Elfick, 2006)
without the need to find existing survey marks, monuments or evidence from surviving family
members. Such a proposal is controversial and in direct contravention of the principle of
“monuments over measurements”, but given the unique circumstances in Aceh and the
unfortunate likelihood of such an event re–occurring, such a step would be prudent.

Challstrom (2003) suggests temporary CORS networks should have 72 continuous hours of
data for the computation of coordinates for the permanent reference points. These reference
stations must be connected to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
Nowadays, some organizations are providing facility to send GPS data to be processed into
ITRF coordinates. Dawson (2001) stated that internet based GPS services have been offered
to process coordinates in a global datum. AUSPOS (AUSLIG Online GPS Processing
System) is the one such service. In early 2000, AUSLIG (now Geoscience Australia)
developed this service to provide Geodetic Datum Australia 94 (GDA94) coordinates for
Australian users and ITRF based coordinates for worldwide users. Therefore this service can
be used for global datum connection when deploying temporary CORS networks. However, it
must be noted that the ITRF coordinate system is defined at a particular epoch in time.
Anticipating this misconception, ITRF coordinate must be transformed into the Indonesian
coordinate system used for cadastral purposes (TM3, derivative from UTM).

The temporary CORS network in this project is established in co–operation with RALAS
(Reconstruction of Aceh for Land Administration System) project run by the Indonesian
National Land Agency (BPN) and the World Bank. Three Leica GPS System 500 receivers
and two Leica GPS System 1200 receivers were used in this exercise. The scenario is that
four receivers act as reference stations and one receiver acts as a rover. The AUSPOS service
is used for processing reference stations coordinates and the Leica SpiderNet software is used
for the network RTK simulations and testing in a post process mode.

4.1. Fieldwork Method

Ideally, this project seeks to set up a complete temporary network RTK system. However
there were many obstacles for setting up all the contributing types of equipment due to the
difficult conditions in Banda Aceh. Surveying with five GPS receivers simultaneously
requires many logistics. Initially, this project planned to run with four reference stations and
one rover receiver. 24 hour GPS observation would be observed at the four reference stations
and the rover receiver would conduct a static survey at five different points during three
different sessions (morning, afternoon and evening). Due to power supply problems only
three reference stations were established and measured for 24 hours.

The data must be converted to RINEX format and sent to the AUSPOS online GPS data
processing website. This site could be accessed at Receiver height,
type of antenna receiver, valid email address, dual frequency and RINEX data are the
requirement for processing within AUSPOS. This processing uses a 30 second sampling rate
and the nearest IGS stations (BAKO, COCO and IISC). Realization of the coordinates is
based on the ITRF reference frame which is provided by the IGS cumulative solution
(AUSPOS, 2007). The result from the AUSPOS service will be used as reference coordinates
for the subsequent network RTK simulations.
Figure 1. Reference Points (yellow stars) and rover survey marks (blue squares) overlayed on Google
Earth and the damaged coastline (inset courtesy Benny et al, 2007)

Figure 1 represents the location of the three reference stations. The three stations were set up
near the worst affected areas surrounding Banda Aceh. For safety reasons, GPS receivers
were best located near government offices or on the roof. The distances between the three
stations vary from 5 km to almost 20 km. The first reference station is Khaju. This station is
on the border of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar and it is about 1.24 km away from the Indian
Ocean. The second station is little bit nearer to the city centre and is marked as GH. It is
located on the roof of a building and is located about 3.93 km from the Indian Ocean. The last
station is Lhoknga. This station is set up on a tripod and located far away from the city.

Looking at figure 1 it is clear that the geometry of the network is poor (i.e. long and thin).
This has resulted due to the overwhelming logistical constraints, the shape of the damaged
coastline, the location of the major activities in relief land reconstruction and the location of
suitable sites for both GPS observation and security. The insert in Figure 1 shows the
damaged coastline in the Aceh Province. Regarding the five “rover” marks, two are located
inside the network and three outside network. These rover points are located on BPN
cadastral control points and Bakosurtanal (Indonesian Survey and Mapping Agency) geodetic
control points.

The most important thing is that the GPS antenna must be mounted on a pillar or similarly
stable mark (such as a concrete pillar) and the surrounding ground should also be stable. In
addition, it has to be located in clear sky view area to maximize satellites and minimize
multipath (Celik et al, 2006). Concrete pillars attract attention and therefore vandalism and
were avoided. GH reference station is mounted on a concrete roof for these reasons as well as
avoiding tripod centering and instability errors. The other two stations both required tripods
because it was impossible to mount them on concrete due to their surrounding environment.
Two Leica GPS system 500 with AT 502 antennas were used in GH and Lhoknga and a Leica
System 1200 with LEIX 1202 antenna in Khaju.

Figure 2. Pictures of Reference Stations, Khaju, Lhoknga and GH

During the preparations for the field work, it was anticipated that working in Aceh would be
extremely challenging and that trying to log useful GPS and in real-time would be unfeasible.
Therefore only static GPS data was logged and this data will be re-processed in simulation
mode using the Leica SpiderNet software. Future work should seek to use “over-the-air”
communications to link reference stations and produce real-time positions at the rover.
Survey Preparations
• 5 unit GPS (4 base stations and 1 rover)
• Monumentations

Field Survey I Field Survey II

• Static Survey on 3 reference points • Static survey on 3 reference points
• Collecting GPS data 24 hours • Kinematic survey
• Sites documentations • Survey documentations

Field Survey I Data Processing

• Compute XYZ coordinate
• Using AusPos service

SpiderNet Data Processing

• Single based RTK
• Network RTK

Statistic Analysis
Standard deviation Lat,
Long and Height

Figure 3. Flow chart for the proposed processing simulation using SpiderNet

4.2. Problems during Fieldwork

The problem during field work could be classified into three categories namely hardware
problems, security problems, and power supply problems. Firstly, hardware problems related
to the GPS receiver data storage. 24 hour observation at a reference station requires a large
capacity of GPS data storage. Commonly, compact flash (CF) is the main data storage for
Leica GPS System 500 and System 1200 receivers. Usually system 500 has 8MB CF capacity
and system 1200 has 16 MB CF capacity. This CF memory capacity is not enough for 24
hours of GPS data observation storage. These CFs needed to be replaced with a higher
memory capacity. The problem is that the availability of CF with fewer than 512 MB is an old
version and very limited in the electronic market. In addition, the GPS receivers could not
read the CF with 1 GB or more capacity memory that is very common in the current
electronic market.

Security of setting GPS receivers during the survey is a major concern. The GPS receiver
must be safe from vandalism and other environmental hazards. Reference stations should be
located near or within the compound of a BPN office. Nevertheless, hourly security checks
were carried out in order to ensure the security of the receiver, a continuous power supply and
that the receiver was consistently receiving GPS signals. Operators were supplied a check
book to fill out every hour. The local environment must also be considered. Equatorial regions
experience high temperatures and high rainfall. During the survey, all equipment had to be
waterproofed or covered and not allowed to get too hot. (Leica states that the receiver should
work properly in the range of temperature – 45 to + 65 degree Celsius (Leica, 2007)).

The final problem refers to the availability of power supply. This is a crucial problem during
field work. A stable and continuous power supply is the main requirement for setting up 24
hours of GPS data observation. An uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), accumulator and
GPS battery must be established during the survey. The unstable power supply was the reason
for one reference station to be abandoned in favour of another location. One reference station
failed to operate because the power supply was shut down for more than 24 hours which was
more than any of the backup systems could handle. Consequently there were only three
reference stations instead of four.


Computation of reference station coordinates was performed using the AUSPOS online
processing free service. Coordinate results are in ITRF 2000 datum.

Station Latitude RMS Longitude RMS Height RMS

0 0
Khaju 5 36’ 11.0474” 0.006 95 22’ 35.5528” 0.001 -33.198 0.006
GH 50 33’ 58.0874” 0.008 950 20’ 58.0793” 0.029 -30.734 0.004
Lhoknga 50 29’ 7.9268” 0.004 950 15’ 23.0194” 0.016 -23.636 0.013

Table 1. Coordinate result from AUSPOS

The RMS results of reference points vary from under 10mm for latitude, 1 – 30 mm for
longitude and under 15mm for height. This process used a 30 second sampling rate although
the sampling rate from the receiver was at 1 second.


Although Indonesia does not have clear regulation in using GPS for legal cadastral surveys,
Aceh has presented a special case because single base RTK is currently being used for land
boundary surveying. Land parcels could simply be re–established using coordinates. But due
to the geographic conditions (hills and valleys), anticipated higher ionospheric activity and
the large areal extents over which 10,000 land parcels must be re-established, single base
RTK does have limitations. Network RTK can overcome some of these problems but has its
own limitations as well, none-the-least of which is the initial expense of the reference station
equipment and the need for a reliable communications infrastructure.

Temporary CORS networks could be a feasible alternative. If used in a “leapfrog” fashion the
same essential equipment could be re-used in several inter-connected sub-networks to cover
the approximately 100 km x 6 km tsunami affected area. It could be easily set up on higher
order monuments as a base station in small regions. After completion, it could be re–packed
and moved to another region. Therefore the outlay for the receiver hardware and software
would be a “one-off” cost and the monuments could be re-observed at a later date as required.
Over-the-air communications, whilst technically possible, were not considered feasible during
this project in Aceh. Raw data was logged in a static mode and will be re-processed in a
number of different simulation scenarios using the Leica SpiderNet software. Future
campaigns should investigate the usability of “over-the-air” communications between
reference stations to provide real time positioning for a temporary CORS network. Future
research will compare single base versus network RTK and the effects of baseline length,
ionospheric and tropospheric biases at the equator, observing at different times and with
different numbers of satellites in terms of accuracy and usability.


The authors would like to thank the following people for kind support, advice and assistance
for testing a Temporary CORS Network in Aceh.
• Joel Van Cranenbroeck, Leica Geosystems, Switzerland.
• PT. Almega Geosystem, Leica branch office in Indonesia.
• Directorate of Surveying and Mapping, National Land Agency Indonesia.
• RALAS Project team in Banda Aceh.
• BPN – BRR team in Banda Aceh.
• AusAid Canberra and AusAid Jakarta.
• School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems, University of New South Wales.


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