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Final Draft 8 Demo


Written by Name of First Writer

Final Draft 8 Demo

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Final Draft 8 Demo

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FADE IN: EXT. BACK OF A DRIVEWAY - EARLY MORNING The DRIVER shuts the trunk of an SUV. He gets into the car, drives down the driveway turning left and out of sight.

Final Draft 8 Demo



Shots of the car on its journey through cities and onto the highway

A Driver and PASSENGER sit in silence from the back of the vehicle we can see the sides of the two mens faces who sit in stoney silence CUT TO: CONTINUOUS

From the front we see both men clearly the Driver a long haired unshaven man of about 25 and the Passenger clean cut and a bit older sit in silence... PASSENGER (With destain in his voice) Why dont you cut your damn hair, or shave that awful beard. DRIVER (laughing as he speaks) You sit there ad dont say a word the whole drive and then you insult the way I look?

Final Draft 8 Demo

He laughs and a beat passes as he waits for a response, seeing he isnt going to get one he continues on.. DRIVER (CONTD) Well, although this may seem (gesturing to his face) As if I could care less about how Im perceived, in reality this is a well thought out appearance. See, I dont want a woman to fall for me because of the way I look.

Final Draft 8 Demo


PASSENGER (looking straight forward, said almost to himself) Oh I dont think you have to worry about that. DRIVER But thats not because Im some kind of purist who thinks you only fall in love with someones soul, or anything like that, I personally would in no way even consider the possibility of pursuing a member of the opposite sex who would parade around with the female equivalent to the way I present myself...

Final Draft 8 Demo

DRIVER (CONTD) See although I wouldnt want someone to love me in any way based on physical appearance, Im fully aware of the fact that Im not gonna be attracted to some girl whose face and body isnt awe inspiring! Its hypocritical I know, but I dont see any way around it. PASSENGER (almost imperceptibly shakes his head back and forth) CUT TO: EXT COUNRTY ROADS - DAY The conversation segues into another with shots of the car traversing winding roads

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

INT. SUV - DAY DRIVER Think about this for a second. meet a girl PASSENGER (he nods) You



DRIVER Shes perfect PASSENGER Ok DRIVER No no no you dont get it. Shes the one, shee everything you never thought youd find, it only took you one look and you were smitten and things just got better from there (moves hands, as if hes conjuring up the right image, and with a playful grin) She completes you. PASSENGER (almost annoyed, but gestures for him to continue)

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Final Draft 8 Demo

PASSENGER Wait, what do you mean whatever that means DRIVER Yeah I mean what are the right reasons? You always hear the cliche becauae theyre so smart funny and beautiful and thats fine if they are, but that just tells me that if for some reason they became dumb , boring and ugly youd have just lost all your reasoning for why you love them so PASSENGER (makes a face that expresses that the Driver is making some sens e)

DRIVER Alright, well the feelings mutual and the relationship flourishes and becomes something and she loves you for all the right reasons, or whatever that means

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Final Draft 8 Demo

PASSENGER Where are you going with this? DRIVER Well I'll tell you You're on your way home from work one day and you get a call. (pauses for effect) She's been in an accident, it's serious, but she survives, you go to her and find out that low and behold she's paralyzed from the waist down; never to walk again. Now your not heartless and your initial reaction is a valiant one, you'll stay with her and make it work, and act as if nothings changed. But then life goes on, and it's just not the same. You can't do the things with her that made you fall in love to begin with, and it tears you up inside, but the truth of the matter is it just isn't what it was before the accident. So the question is, do you stay loyal to her? Do you stick by her side for the next 35 years?, until death do you part... (pauses)

DRIVER Alright, so life goes on and you marry this wonderwomen of your dreams and youre inseperable and even after the whole honeymoon stage of the relationship is over and married life reallu begins with all the good and bad that comes with it youre miraculously still madly in love with each other

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Final Draft 8 Demo

5. DRIVER (CONT'D) and it doesn't even have to be that serious maybe it's just been a few years and she's let herself go and put on 50 pounds, or maybe simply enough whatever it was in her personality or her eyes that made you love her from the very start, is just gone So the question is, even though in many ways she will quite literally not be the same women who you fell in love with at the very start, do you still love her and do you stay with her, forever.

Final Draft 8 Demo

Silence, the scene ends with shots of the car driving over a bridge and onto a country road INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS The Driver leans over and turns on the radio Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel starts to play, he starts doing the dance Michael Madsen did in the iconic scene from Reservoir Dogs

Final Draft 8 Demo

PASSENGER (looks over inquisitively and with more than a hint of destain) What the hell are you doing?" DRIVER (still dancing) Oh cmon youve never seen Reservoir Dogs? Quentin Tarrentino. ITs a classic. PASSENGER (gives a look)

Final Draft 8 Demo

DRIVER (stops dancing, says this quickly and enthusiastically) So, theres this scene, where the villain played flawlessly by Michael Mad Dog Madsen is about to torture this cop and Madsens is this crazy bad guy but you dont know how messed up he is until this happens


PASSENGER What, the dancing? DRIVER No, shut up, so he's getting ready to work over this cop and he turns the radio on and he's digging this song and just dancing away like it's a party or something, and he goes over to the cop that's tied to a chair all beaten and bloody and he proceeds to tell him "I dont care if you know anything or not, But I'm going to torture you anyway... Not to get information. but because It's amusing to me to torture a cop. You can say anything you want 'cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death... which... you ain't gonna to get.

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The Passenger nods inconspicuously almost knowingly

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DRIVER (CONTD) Well he cuts the cops ear off and douses him in gasoline its pretty intense (trailing off) And now every time I hear stuck in the middle with you that scene pops into my head, funny how a song can get connected to scene like that, and you never hear it the same way again

The Passenger leans over and turns off the radio DRIVER (CONTD) Oh cmon thats good stuff The Passenger leans his head back on the head rest and closes his eyes a few moments pass and then he opens his eyes back up and looks forward

Final Draft 8 Demo

PASSENGER Wanna hear a joke? DRIVER Yeah, sure, go ahead


Final Draft 8 Demo

DRIVER (a beat passes) Is that it?, I dont get it The Passenger just stares straight ahead out the window and the hint of a smirk creeps up his cheek CUT TO: EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DUSK

PASSENGER (methodically) Charles Manson and Bill Clinton are having dinner together in hell. They've both been dead for sometime now, Clinton not knowing much about Manson asks him how he succumbed to eternal damnation? Manson says "I praised the devil in life so in death here I shall remain" Clinton nods his head and says "well I married the devil in life in hopes that I'd be sent somewhere else for eternity.

Time passes as the car traverses the winding country roads. It finally pulls into a gravel driveway and slowly creeping up the length of it until we reach the top of the hill and the driveway ends. The camera pans to the right where we see an old woman leaning against a shovel standing next to a barn with solemn look on her face (maybe slow motion for a second) and the car slowly carries on into the grass and into what becomes a cornfield WIDE SHOT The SUV enters the left side of the screen and drives across the length of it until it disappears on the ride side

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo


They continue on until you see that there is forest at the end of the cornfield. The car drives right up to the trees stops (viewed from outside the car). The car turns around and backs up so the trunk is facing the woods. The engine stops, and the two men simultaneously exit As they do the camera which was in between them slowly moves back through the vehicle still facing forward as they get out of the car and walk around the two sides of the car toward the trunk


As the trunk door opens the camera continues back and reveals the two men taking a dead body from the trunk wrapped in a clear plastic bag which they carry into the woods They emerge from the woods PASSENGER I can still see his foot, cover it with some leaves

The Driver just stares for a second and then proceeds back into the brush. Coolly, calm, and collected, without expression or conscience, the Passenger pulls out a pistol and fires 6 shots into the brush killing the driver (one stationary shot) as the Passenger then goes into the brush and out of the cameras view, emerges a few moments later holding the keys, checks the bottoms of his shoes, gets into the drivers side door, and drives away... Credits role as the car drives back through the empty cornfield from wince it came kicking up dust and eventually disappearing over the horizon A great song bubbles up

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

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