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Valmiki (Sanskrit: ; In Diacritical Marks:Vlmki; during Lord r Rma's time)[1] is celebrated as

the harbinger-poet in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Rmyaa, based on the
attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the di Kavi, which translates to First Poet,
for he discovered the first loka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit
1 Writer of the Rmyaa
2 The first loka
3 References
4 External links

Writer of the Rmyaa

The youthful sage Nrada at the white-bearded Vlmki's hermitage

St in Vlmki's hermitage
The Rmyaa, originally written by Vlmki, consists of 24,000 lokas[3] in seven cantos (some say six
i.e. excluding the Uttara Rmyaa) (kas). The Rmyaa tells the story of a prince, Rma of
Ayodhy, whose wife St is abducted by the Demon-King (Rkasa) of Lak, Rvaa. The Vlmki's
Rmyaa is dated variously from 500 BC to 100 BC, or about co-eval with early versions of the
Mahbhrata.[4] As with many traditional epics, it has gone through a long process of interpolations and
redactions, making it impossible to date accurately.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, it is pertinent to note that Vlmki is also quoted to be the contemporary
of r Rma. r Rma met Vlmki during his period of exile and had interacted with him. Vlmki had
St in his hermitage where Kua and Lava were born to St. Vlmki taught Rmyaa to Kua and Lava,
who later sang the divine story in Ayodhy during the Avamedha yaja congregation, to the pleasure of
the audience, whereupon, King r Rma summoned them to his royal palace. Kua and Lava sang the
story of r Rma there, and r Rma confirmed that whatever had been sung by these two children was
entirely true.
The first loka

The Killing of Krouncha Heron
Vlmki was going to the river Ganges for his daily ablutions. A disciple by the name Bharadvja was
carrying his clothes. On the way, they came across the Tamasa Stream. Looking at the stream, Vlmki
said to his disciple, "Look, how clear is this water, like the mind of a good man! I will bathe here today."
When he was looking for a suitable place to step into the stream, he saw a Crane (bird) couple mating.
Vlmki felt very pleased on seeing the happy birds. Suddenly, hit by an arrow; the male bird died on the
spot. Filled by sorrow its mate screamed in agony and died of shock. Vlmki 's heart melted at this
pitiful sight. He looked around to find out who had shot the bird. He saw a hunter with a bow and
arrows, nearby. Vlmki became very angry. His lips opened and he uttered the following words:
9* c cHl '
m nida pratih tvamagama vat sam
yat kraucamithundekam avadh kmamohitam[5]
You will find no rest for the long years of Eternity
For you killed a bird in love and unsuspecting[6]
Emerging spontaneously from his rage and grief, this was the first loka in Sanskrit literature. Later
Vlmki Muni composed the entire Rmyaa with the blessings of Lord Brahm in the same meter that
issued forth from him as the loka. Thus this loka is revered as the "first loka" in Hindu literature.
Vlmki Muni is revered as the first poet, or di Kavi, and the Rmyaa, the first Kvya.
His first disciples to whom he taught the Rmyaa were Kua and Lava, the sons of r Rma.

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