Rewriting The Frankenstein Scene

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Date: How can your environments impact who you are and the choices you make?

Rewriting Frankenstein

Pick one of the following scenes from the play. Think about how the situation affected the Monster. Think about how if the scene unfolded differently, the Monster may have changed. Rewrite one of the following to show how they would have impacted the Monster and his choices in life if the situation had been different. 1. 2. 3. 4. When Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to run away When the monster is in a town, where dogs and towns people are after him When Felix shoots the monster When the monster kills William

Your scene should have between 2-4 characters. 1 or 2 of these characters may be your own characters (not from the play). Your scene will have two parts: 1. What happens to the monster (the situation) 2. His choices as a result (the impact) Which scene will you rewrite? What is the situation in the scene? What do others do to the Monster? I am going to rewrite the scene where Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to run away

How does this affect the Monster? What impact does it have on his life? What choices does he make as a result? It affect the monster because the monster is kind of the mood where everything is new and a person just run away because he woke up

How will you change the situation? How might things happen differently during the scene? Frankenstein will come back before the monster go out to the village and put him in a cage and try to teach him how to learn to talk. Also Frankenstein is going to make a ugly person contest and make the monster go out and show his face.

How will this affect the Monster? What impact will it have on his life? What choices will he make as a result? I think that it will affect the monsters behavior because since everyone know him as the ugliest person in the village the monster will feel the same pain and do the same thing but before that Frankenstein will put him in a cage.

Rewrite the scene using your ideas from the purple boxes above. Your scene should: Include A Note On Staging refer to page 6 in the Frankenstein play o Explain the set design o Explain the costumes and props o Explain lighting, sound, and special effects Include a paragraph to explain your choices for your Note On Staging Include descriptions of the characters refer to page 8 in the Frankenstein play


Date: List each character and give a short (2-3 sentences) description of his/her appearance and personality Include stage directions (in italics) to indicate how the characters move and how they speak In your scene, include dialogue that will move the plot along and show how the new situation unfolds and how it impacts the Monsters life o

Criterion A: You compose a script that shows how a situation impacts the Monsters life using a lot of details (dialogue and stage directions).

Criterion B: You write in the form of a script, using the appropriate structures expected in a play script. Your scene builds appropriately.

Criterion C: Your write your characters to reflect their personalities and tone. Your script is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.






You do not reach the standard described below. Your script reflects very limited imagination Your script does not use the Your script does not reflect the voice of and creativity. It does not show the organizational structures of a script. the characters. situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally disorganized. Your script has very frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your script has no details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects limited imagination and Your script sometimes uses the Your script sometimes reflects the creativity. It attempts to show the situation organizational structures of a script. voice of the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is beginning to be organized Your script has frequent errors in Your script has insufficient details but lacks coherence. grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects some imagination and Your script usually uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It somewhat shows the situation organizational structures of a script. the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally well-organized. Your script uses generally accurate Your script has adequate details (dialogue, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects imagination and Your script consistently uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It shows the situation and how it organizational structures of a script. the characters. impacted the Monsters life. Your script is usually well-organized. Your script consistently uses a formal Your script has substantial details The ideas build on each other. tone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the punctuation, and spelling are accurate. Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects a lot of imagination and Your script uses the organizational Your script masterfully reflects the creativity. It clearly shows the situation and structures of a script in a sophisticated voice of the characters. how it impacted the Monsters life. manner. Your script shows a mastery of formal Your script has illustrative details Your script is consistently welltone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the organized. The ideas build on each other punctuation, and spelling are Monster develops through the scene. in a sophisticated manner. completely accurate.

Include a title Describe each character Include a note on staging to explain how your staging choices (set design, costumes/props, effects) show the situation and its impact on the Monster Employ dialogue to show how the scene develops Include stage directions to show the action Use details to show the actions and emotions of the characters involved

Use the format of a script o Skip a line each time a new character speaks o Italicize the stage directions o Write dialogue by bolding character names Build the dialogue and action to first show what the situation is, then how the Monster is affected Edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Use first person when writing the dialogue Use the type of language that the character would use when writing the dialogue

In order to succeed you need to:

Note on Staging
Set design
A science lab full of wires and a bed Inside: a metal bed A cage Collar A white sheet for covering the monster A idea planner book for Frankenstein A basket full of fish A basket of bread and cheese Monster: a pair of torn shorts and a torn T-shirt Frankenstein: a white science coat with blood Villager 1: ripped pants with some stiches on the pants. A normal t shirt and holding a basket full of fish Servant: A pretty girl dressed in a olden day dress holding a basket of bread and cheese Christopher: A normal pants but ripped and a normal t-shirt Warm daylight during most of the scene Neon dark blue light in the lab Red spotlight when the monster is in the cage



Lighting/sound/Special Effects

I have chosen this scene because I wanted to show how the Monster feels when he get trapped in the cage. Also it would show the angry face of the Monster and that Frankenstein is there to help the monster and to make the monster very friendly.

Monster: Everything is very new and a fast learner Frankenstein: Like to create a lot of impossible things Villager 1: A selfish man who thinks about himself Servant: a pretty girl who is working in Frankensteins lab Christopher: a boy that is the ugliest person in the village



Ugliest is the Prettiest

Inside a very old lab there is Frankenstein inventing a monster. The bed is full of wire and electricity. There is the servant standing with tools for surgery. Frankenstein: It will some be alive!!! It will be alive!! Servant: yes!!!! It will soon be alive Slowly the servant starts to push the button and suddenly the Monster starts to wake up. Monster: Where . Am I ?? help help need help Frankenstein: (In a scared voice) What help do you need? Monster: I dont know what I am. Servant: Mr. Frank what are we going to do. I have a feeling that a person will come and see the monster and we might get kicked out of the country Monster: I no harm, I want friends. You be my friend? The Lab remains silent as the monster was looking for something to eat. Suddenly Frankenstein thought of a brilliant idea. Frankenstein: (nervously) would you mind going in the cage and get the wire for me please Monster: (Exciting voice) Sure I like helping The monster when in the cage and when he picked up the wire the servant shut the door and locked tightly and went behind Mr. Frank Monster: why.. why you do this to me, me no harm you I help you why you do this to me ? Frankenstein: if I dont do this to you It wouldnt feel right Servant: Here you go your food if you finish you are able to learn speaking and learning new word The monster was terrified that the people that he trusted was being mean to him. Frankenstein and the servant went to the living room and disgust what we they do next. Suddenly the servant thought of excellent idea



Servant: We can make a contest called the ugliest is the prettiest Frankenstein: yes nice idea you are the best servant ever The servant and Frankenstein making the contest banner and in the afternoon teach the monster how to speak Frankenstein: Servant let go announce the contest Frankenstein and the servant went to announce the ugliest contest will be starting in 20 minute.

Villager 1: Wow There is going to be a contest!! I bet Christopher will win this time too Frankenstein and the servant went home and made the monster review the script. 1 hour past, Frankenstein and the servant went to the contest and the servant was the mc for the contest Servant: Hello everyone. It is a very hot day today. Are you ready to congratulate people how have participate. okay?!! The first person is Christopher. Come up Christopher Say a speech and stand over there Christopher: Hi everyone I am Christopher and I would like to win the contest again Servant: Thank you Coming up next. Monster

Monster: Hi everyone my name is Monster

Servant: Thank you Frankenstein: Hi everyone My name is Frankenstein as you all know me I am the judge today and the winner is. The monster Servant: Thank you so the winner is the monster See you all next time The next day, Frankenstein, Servant and the monster came to the village to buy food.



Villager 1: Hey everyone there the monster The sound of laughing Monster: stop I dont like it I hate it stop They went home and the monster was crying A week past Frankenstein and the Servant went to the village to get some food. While they went to the village the monster was packing hes bag Monster: Revenge Revenge Revenge!!!!!!!!!

The monster never came back and the village lived the same like nothing happened

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