Selected Properties of Native or Modi Ed

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

J Sci Food Agric 85:11611165 (2005) DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.2086

Selected properties of native or modied maize starch/soy protein mixtures extruded at varying screw speed
Mahmut Seker
Section of Food Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey

Abstract: Mixtures of soy protein isolate and native or modied (crosslinked) maize starch were extruded in a twin-screw extruder at screw speeds of 80, 120 and 160 rpm and a moisture content of 250 g kg1 (dry basis). Increasing screw speed did not affect the specic mechanical energy and water solubility and absorption indices but did affect the sectional expansion index and bulk density, as the ow rate of the feed was not held constant during extrusion. The sectional expansion indices of modied starch/soy protein mixtures were higher than those of native starch/soy protein mixtures, suggesting an effect of feed material in addition to phase transition on the expansion of extrudates containing soybean. Since the bulk densities of modied starch/soy protein mixtures were lower than those of native starch/soy protein mixtures, it appears that bulk densities of extrudates containing high percentages of soy protein can be reduced by the presence of crosslinked starch in the feed. 2005 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: extrusion; starch; soy protein; water solubility and absorption indices; sectional expansion; bulk density

INTRODUCTION Extrusion processing is used for the production of ready-to-eat, snack, animal and sh foods. Cereals are the base materials for these products, but the fortication of cereals provides some desirable benets. The presence of soy protein in extrudates enhances the nutritional value of human and animal foods. The incorporation of soy protein at low percentages improves the properties of extrudates, but the incorporation of soy protein at high percentages negatively affects physical properties such as expansion.1 The expansion of extrudates is an important property which is affected by the screw of the extruder and the composition of the feed. Bubbles grow and expand when products emerge from the die of an extruder, because of the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the extruder. During extrusion, water is superheated, starch is gelatinised and protein is denatured by friction or by heat from the barrel in which the feed material is conveyed by the screw. The effect of the screw on the properties of extrudates depends on both its conguration and speed. Akdogan2 and Jin et al 3 found that increasing screw speed increased specic mechanical energy dissipation, and Cai and Diosady4 and Tang and Ding5 found that increasing screw speed enhanced expansion. The increase in shear rate with increasing screw speed was regarded as the reason

for the effect of screw speed on the expansion of extrudates. In addition to screw speed, the presence of protein in the feed affects the properties of extrudates. Camire and King6 found that the incorporation of 15% soy protein isolate in corn meal increased the diametric expansion of extrudates, and Faubion and Hoseney7 reported that the addition of 8% soy protein isolate to wheat starch increased the expansion of extrudates. However, the expansion decreased when the soy protein content was increased from 8 to 10%. They did not explain how soybean incorporation in the feed affected the expansion of extrudates. Zasypkin and Lee1 found that the expansion of a soybean our/wheat our mixture was lowered when 40% soybean our was included in the feed. They explained this result by the absence of a continuous phase and the presence of a phase transition. They stated that a continuous phase did not exist and that the transition from continuous protein phase to continuous starch phase occurred at 60% starch in the feed. It was unclear from the study of Zasypkin and Lee1 whether there were other factors affecting the expansion of the soybean/cereal mixture with 60% starch. There are different types of starch such as native and modied starches. Starch is modied in various ways, but the most common modications are substitution and stabilisation.8 Stabilised starch is produced by

Correspondence to: Mahmut Seker, Section of Food Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey E-mail: (Received 21 March 2003; revised version received 11 August 2004; accepted 12 November 2004) Published online 1 February 2005 1161

2005 Society of Chemical Industry. J Sci Food Agric 00225142/2005/$30.00

M Seker

crosslinking starch with sodium trimetaphosphate or sodium tripolyphosphate at high pH.9 The objective of this study was to compare selected properties and the sectional expansion of native maize starch/soy protein isolate and modied (crosslinked) maize starch/soy protein isolate mixtures at three screw speeds and to determine whether there was an additional factor other than phase transition affecting the expansion of soybean our/cereal starch mixtures.

level. After steady ow was achieved, samples were collected and dried. The mass of extrudate collected in 60 s was determined and the ow rate m(kg h1 ) was calculated as m = Ma [(1 Me )/(1 Mf )] 60 (1 )

where Ma is the mass of extrudate collected in 60 s, Me is the moisture content of the extrudate and Mf is the moisture content of the feed. Specic mechanical energy Temperature, screw speed and torque were controlled and recorded by a computer interface and controller unit (PL 2000 Controller, CW Brabender, New Hackensack, NJ, USA) using Loader version 1.95 software (CW Brabender). After no-load correction the specic mechanical energy (SME, Wh kg1 ), ie the mechanical energy input per unit mass of extrudate, was calculated from the extrudate ow rate and the net energy input to the screw as SME = M /m (2 )

MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample preparation Native maize starch (250 g kg1 amylose) and modied maize starch (Purity 660, crosslinked starch with an amylose content of 250 g kg1 , purchased from National Starch and Chemical Co, Bridgewater, NJ, USA) were granulated separately by spraying water on them while tumbling in a rotating drum. The granulated starch was dried at 40 C in a drying room to a moisture content of 100 g kg1 (determined by an oven drying method). Two mixtures were prepared. The rst mixture was prepared by mixing native maize starch with water and soy protein isolate (Pro Fam, ADM, Decatur, IL, USA), which contained protein (900 g kg1 ), fat (40 g kg1 ) and ash (50 g kg1 ), in a Hobart mixer (Hobart Corp, Troy, OH, USA) for 300 s. The second mixture was prepared by mixing modied (crosslinked) maize starch with soy protein isolate and water. The soy protein content was adjusted to 400 g kg1 (dry basis), because a reduction in extrudate expansion was reported when the soybean content was adjusted to 400 g kg1 .1 After the moisture content of samples had been adjusted to 250 g kg1 (dry basis), they were stored overnight at room temperature in sealed containers for equilibration and then extruded. Extrusion processing A laboratory-type twin-screw extruder (model PL 2000 Plasticorder, CW Brabender Instruments Inc, South Hackensack, NJ, USA) with a 0.37 m barrel length and a screw diameter decreasing from 0.043 to 0.028 m was used for the extrusion of samples. The barrel and die temperatures were held constant at 130 C as was done in previously cited studies. Two die nozzles with different length/diameter ratios were used. One of them was 2.77 103 m in diameter and 15.7 103 m in length and the other was 2.0 103 m in diameter and 14.7 103 m in length. Extrudates obtained with the rst die nozzle were poorly expanded and there was no difference between the expansion of native starch extrudates and that of modied starch extrudates. On the other hand, extrudates obtained with the second die nozzle expanded signicantly and were examined for selected properties. The screw speed was adjusted from 80 to 160 rpm. The extruder was fed full while keeping the screw speed at the selected

where M (N m) is the torque, m (kg h1 ) is the ow rate and is the angular velocity given by = 2 N /60 with N the number of screw rotations per minute. Water absorption and solubility indices The water absorption index (WAI) was determined from the weight of gel obtained per gram of dry sample according to the method of Anderson et al .10 A 2.5 103 kg ground sample (<60 mesh) was suspended in 30 106 m3 of water at 30 C in a tared centrifuge tube (50 106 m3 ), stirred intermittently over an 18 102 s period and then centrifuged at 3000 g for 600 s. The supernatant liquid was poured into a tared evaporating dish. The remaining gel was weighed and WAI was calculated as WAI = wg /wds (4 ) (3 )

where wg is the weight of gel and wds is the weight of dry sample. The water solubility index (WSI) was determined from the amount of dry solids recovered by evaporating the supernatant obtained from the WAI analysis as WSI = wss /wds (5 )

where wss is the weight of dry solids from the supernatant and wds is the weight of dry sample. Sectional expansion index Diameters of extrudates were measured with callipers. Six samples were measured and averaged. The sectional expansion index (SEI) was calculated as SEI = (De /Dd )2 (6 )

J Sci Food Agric 85:11611165 (2005)

Properties of maize starch/soy protein mixtures

where De is the diameter of the extrudate and Dd is the diameter of the die nozzle. Bulk density Bulk densities of extrudates were determined by a displacement method.11,12 A steel cylinder with a volume of 5 104 m3 was weighed, lled with glass beads of (1.001.05) 103 m diameter, tapped several times and then reweighed. The mass of glass beads that lled the cylinder was determined and the bulk density of the glass beads, gb (kg m3 ), was calculated as gb = Wgb /Vc (7 ) where Wgb (kg) is the weight of glass beads and Vc (m3 ) is the volume of the steel cylinder. Extrudates were cut into pieces about 0.025 m long and weighed. After the extrudate had been placed in the steel cylinder and glass beads had been added to the steel cylinder to ll it, the steel cylinder containing the extrudate and glass beads was weighed and the weight of glass beads displaced by the extrudate was determined. The bulk density of the extrudate, ex (kg m3 ), was then determined as ex = (Wex gb )/Wgbr (8 )

Table 1. Specic mechanical energy dissipation (kW h1 ) into extrudates of starch/soy protein mixtures at varying screw speed

Screw speed Composition of feed Native starch and soy protein Modied starch and soy protein 80 rpm 305 253 120 rpm 293 256 160 rpm 271 246

Statistical analysis for composition of feed and screw speed: p < 0.002; p > 0.05.

where Wex (kg) is the weight of extrudate and Wgbr (kg) is the weight of glass beads displaced by the extrudate. Experimental design Experiments were arranged as a randomised complete block design. Extrusion was repeated on different days as the blocking factor, while treatments were designed as the factorial. Two types of samples containing native or modied starch with soy protein were extruded at three screw speeds to obtain six treatments, which were applied randomly to six samples. Each measurement was an average of three replicates, except for the sectional expansion index which was an average of six measurements. Treatments were accepted as statistically different if p was less than 0.05. SAS software (version 6.0 statistical package, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used to analyse the results.

starch, while crosslinking to a high degree reduces the swelling and paste viscosity of starch.13,14 Screw speed did not affect SME dissipation into the starch/protein mixtures (p > 0.05). Bruin et al 15 and Bhattacharya and Hanna16 also found that screw speed did not affect SME, but Akdogan2 and Jin et al 3 found that increasing screw speed increased SME dissipation, which is proportional to torque and screw speed but inversely proportional to ow rate. Akdogan2 and Jin et al 3 reported that the negative effect of torque on SME was less than the positive effect of screw speed on SME at constant output rate, but the results of Bhattacharya and Hanna16 and our ndings were not obtained at constant output rate. Increases in output rate with increasing screw speed also had a negative effect on SME, so there was no overall effect of screw speed on SME. How the throughput rate varied with changing screw speed was not reported in the work of Bruin et al .15 Water solubility index (WSI) WSI of starch/soy protein isolate (SPI) mixtures was not affected by screw speed (p > 0.05). SME is related to WSI.17 Since screw speed did not affect SME, it was not expected to affect WSI. Owusu-Ansah et al 18 also reported that screw speed did not affect WSI at low moisture content, but Cai and Diosady4 and Tang and Ding5 found that increasing screw speed enhanced WSI. SME dissipation into the feed was not determined and throughput was constant during the studies of Cai and Diosady4 and Tang and Ding.5 Because SME increased with increasing screw speed at constant throughput2,3 and SME was related to WSI,17 an increase in WSI with increasing screw speed was expected by Cai and Diosady4 and Tang and Ding5 . Starch type affected WSI (p < 0.0001). Mixtures of modied starch and SPI resulted in lower WSI than mixtures of native starch and SPI (Fig 1). The higher resistance of modied starch than native starch to degradation may have resulted in a reduction in WSI in addition to lower SME dissipation. Water absorption index (WAI) The effect of screw speed on WAI of extrudates was not signicant in our study (p > 0.05), because WSI, which is correlated with molecular degradation,5 did not change as screw speed changed and WAI is also related to the length of starch chains.19 On the other

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Specic mechanical energy (SME) Starch type affected SME (p < 0.002). Less SME was dissipated into the mixtures containing crosslinked starch than those containing native starch (Table 1). Dough viscosity affects SME dissipation, which decreases with decreasing dough viscosity.3 Since there was no facility to determine the dough viscosity of samples inside the extruder, it could not be measured. However, it has been reported that crosslinking of starch to a small degree increases the paste viscosity of
J Sci Food Agric 85:11611165 (2005)

M Seker
0.5 0.45 Water solubility index 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 40 80 120 Screw speed (rpm) 160 50 45 Sectional expansion index 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 40 80 120 Screw speed (rpm) 160

Extrudate of native starch and soy-protein Extrudate of modified starch and soy-protein

Extrudate of native starch and soy-protein Extrudate of modified starch and soy-protein

Figure 1. Effect of starch type and screw speed on water solubility index of starch/soy protein extrudates (statistical analysis for starch type and screw speed: p < 0.0001; p > 0.05).

Figure 2. Effect of starch type and screw speed on sectional expansion index of starch/soy protein extrudates (statistical analysis for starch type and screw speed: p < 0.001).

hand, the effect of screw speed on WAI was signicant when throughput was constant and WSI was affected by screw speed.5 Varying screw speed did not affect WAI, but the presence of modied starch and soy protein resulted in different WAI than the presence of native starch and soy protein, as shown in Table 2 (p < 0.0001). WSI of modied starch/soy protein mixtures was lower than that of native starch/soy protein mixtures. Since WSI is positively correlated with molecular degradation,5 the degradation of modied starch/soy protein mixtures was expected to be lower than that of native starch/soy protein mixtures. Modied starch/soy protein mixtures had higher WAI than native starch/soy protein mixtures (Table 2), because WAI increased as the length of polymeric chains increased.19 Sectional expansion index (SEI) Both screw speed and starch type signicantly affected SEI of extrudates (p < 0.001). Increasing screw speed improved SEI (Fig 2). Ryu and Walker20 reported increases in the expansion ratio of wheat our extrudates as the screw speed increased from 100 to 160 rpm. Chinnaswamy and Hanna21 also found that increasing the screw speed from 80 to 150 rpm enhanced SEI of extrudates, but further increase in screw speed reduced SEI of maize starch, and stated that the lower expansion on either side of the optimum was a result of degradation of starch or a lower level of gelatinisation.
Table 2. Water absorption index of extrudates of starch/soy protein mixtures at varying screw speed

Mixtures of modied starch and SPI had higher SEI than those of native starch and SPI (Fig 2). Zasypkin and Lee1 related the reduction in expansion due to inclusion of soybean in the feed to a phase transition. The results of this study show that the type of starch mixed with soybean also affected the expansion of extrudates, and another factor in addition to phase transition can be related to the effect of soybean on the expansion of extrudates. Harper22 stated that elastic and expansion properties of starch and proteins decreased when they were damaged. WSI, which is function of molecular degradation,5 of crosslinked starch/SPI mixtures was lower than that of native starch/SPI mixtures (Fig 1). SEI of crosslinked starch/SPI mixtures was higher than that of native starch/SPI mixtures, because molecular degradation reduced the melt elasticity and sectional expansion index of extrudates.23 Bulk density Increasing screw speed reduced the bulk density of extrudates, as shown in Table 3 (p < 0.05). Since a reduction in bulk density is an indicator of increase in volume, a decrease in bulk density with increasing screw speed was expected, because SEI of extrudates increased with increasing screw speed. Jin et al 3 also reported a decrease in bulk density of maize meal extrudates, soy bre, salt and sugar with increasing screw speed, and Cai and Diosady4 reported an increase in specic volume of extrudates with increasing screw speed. In addition to screw
Table 3. Bulk density (kg m3 ) of extrudates of starch/soy protein mixtures at varying screw speed

Screw speed Composition of feed Native starch and soy protein Modied starch and soy protein 80 rpm 4.17 5.48 120 rpm 4.20 5.53 160 rpm 4.30 5.55 Composition of feed Native starch and soy protein Modied starch and soy protein 80 rpm 130 105

Screw speed 120 rpm 123 100 160 rpm 105 80

Statistical analysis for composition of feed and screw speed: p < 0.0001; p > 0.05.

Statistical analysis for composition of feed and screw speed: p < 0.025; p < 0.05.


J Sci Food Agric 85:11611165 (2005)

Properties of maize starch/soy protein mixtures

speed, the type of starch in the feed also affected bulk densities of extrudates (p < 0.025). The bulk densities of extrudates of native starch/soy protein mixtures were higher than those of extrudates of modied starch/soy protein mixtures (Table 3).

CONCLUSIONS Since the bulk densities of modied (crosslinked) starch/soy protein isolate extrudates were lower than those of native starch/soy protein isolate extrudates, it appears that bulk densities of extrudates containing high percentages of soy protein can be reduced by the presence of crosslinked starch in the feed. The specic mechanical energy dissipation and water solubility index of modied starch/soy protein isolate mixtures were lower than those of native starch/soy protein isolate mixtures. The sectional expansion indices of modied starch/soy protein isolate mixtures were higher than those of native starch/soy protein isolate mixtures. The type of starch mixed with soybean also affected the expansion of extrudates, and another factor in addition to phase transition can be related to the effect of soybean on the expansion of extrudates. The effect of the presence of modied starch on the expansion of extrudates can result from the reduction in specic mechanical energy dissipation or the higher resistance of modied starch to degradation. No effect of increasing screw speed on specic mechanical energy dissipation into the feed during extrusion was observed in this study, as the ow rate of the feed was not held constant.

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J Sci Food Agric 85:11611165 (2005)


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