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If no one really cared for you on earth, who


Considering the vast number of people on earth, it will be impossible to establish a scenario
where one is not cared for by anyone. Nonetheless, In this essay would be some “food for
thought” that will show that there will always be one that cares.
First of all, what do we all define as caring?. Well, Caring as defined in the dictionary is
to be concerned about somebody or something. Keeping that in mind, lets take a look at some
amazing facts that would hopefully prove that indeed there would always be one who care for a
person even assuming that no one in this world cared -which is impossible-, but before I do
that...let's take a look into math and try to see what the statistics would be for people that cared,
and for people that didn't care for one in this whole world. The probability of people caring for
you can be said to be 0.5 "Zero point 5"; It is either a person care about you or doest -they are
two extremes that lack an intermediate. If that is so, then to find the expected number of people
that care for you in this world. We should multiply the probability of people caring and the
population of the whole world. The latest estimates where for February 2008 which is about
6.70 billion people. The expected number of people that care for you will be 3.35 billion people.
I don't know if this number counts big to you but that's a lot of people. Furthermore, because no
one has met everyone in this world and accounted for those who cared about him; this
statistical can not be denied. Also it is absolutely possible.


Please read all these facts, you might think they are not relevant to this topic but they

FACT#01 : Our eyes can distinguish up to one million color

surfaces and take in more information than the largest
telescope known to man.
FACT#02: Our hearing is so sensitive it can distinguish
between hundreds of thousands of different sounds.
FACT#03: Our brain is more complex than the most powerful
computer and has over 100 billion nerve cells.
FACT#04: Our nose is our personal air-conditioning system:
it warms cold air, cools hot air and filters impurities.
FACT#05: Earth is the only planet in the Solar System known
to be geologically active, with Earthquakes and volcanoes
forming the landscape, replenishing carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere and erasing impact craters from meteors. .
FACT#06: Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to
have water in its three states of matter: as a solid (ice),
a liquid (sea, rain, etc.) and as a gas (clouds). These are
all shown below. Water is, of course, the most important
liquid for life.
FACT#07: The earth is shielded by the ozone layer in the
Stratosphere. The ozone layer absorbs Ultra-violets rays
which are harmful to us, leaving the rays that we need to

Having read all these facts, Who would care about us so much to do this wonderful
things? I am going to delay my answer to this rather obvious answer. However, read
this quote from an ancient scripture.

“And We have made the heavens as a canopy well guarded: yet do they
turn away from the Signs which these things (point to)!”
(Quran Chapter 21 verse 32)

Before I go further, It should also be known that "The Quran (in Anglicized form:
Koran ) is certainly the greatest literary work in classical Arabic and for all Muslims
stands as the definitive word of God (in Arabic: Allah ) spoken to the prophet
Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.". This book has been here even before we entered
double digit centuries.(Since 610 A.D). In other words since before we started to make
of discovering most of the facts about our universe.

#NOTE: The Quote was from the Jewish Virtual Library, however if you want
to see more about the Quran. Please visit this link: http://www.islam- You could also look up some translations from the Quran at
.php. #.

Now back to quote from Quran. I would like you to take a deep breath and clear your
head then ask yourself "What is a canopy?". Well, as defined by the dictionary a canopy
is sky or a roof-like projection or covering. The Verse from the scripture said that the
heavens - intended to mean the skies- were made as a canopy wel l guar de d .
.One question you might want to ask is, "Guarded from what?". The answer to the
question becomes obvious when you take a look at fa ct#07 . We can infer that
definitely the word canopy was intended mean the st ratosph er e , which guards us
from Ultra-violet light and that Allah(God) is the one who has set that up to protect you
and I.

What about the rain that falls from the sky so that you may grow our food, wash
yourselves and drink from it? do you not see that they are acts by someone out of care to
cause the rain to fall? Just imagine what it would be like if there was never rainfall.
Oceans will dry up, Plants would not grow, and worst of all we will all die of thirst.
Take a look at this verse from the Quran, it describes the stages of rain fall.

“It is Allah Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He
spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest
rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of
his servants as He wills behold, they do rejoice!- “
(Quran Chapter 30 verse48)

According to, Rainfall (orographic/relief rainfall) is “caused when

masses of air pushed by wind encounter sizable objects or land formations they cannot
pass, such as large mountains (hence its name of orographic rainfall). This forces the air
above the object/land form in question and, if the ai r is push ed high enough, it is
cond ense d and become s cloud matte r , which will then cause rain to fall”. Not
only is it evident that Allah(God) is the one responsible for this so that you may be
sustained, it also describes the stages, which we consider a “quite recent” discovery.

Again ask yourself, “Who would be so caring to guard us from these harmful rays by
setting up this system, and to give us perfect sense of sight(Fact#01), hearing(Fact#02),
and smell(Fact#04)?” so that it would be easier for you. Also, designing the perfect
systems that we see on earth so that you may be sustained. Who would be so caring to
raise the clouds sky high so that it may rain? This is the answer that you have been
waiting for...It's ou r Creat or. God , the all know ing , all w ise . He alone would be
the one who will care about you if people don't and care about you know even as people
still do.

In conclusion, we can say that not only that the scenario of people not caring about a
person not possible due to the figures from the probability, but even if that is the case
the creator of this universe -God- will be always that one who cared.
########################### E XTRA ################################

I know this Is not part of the article, but I wanted to share two verses from this scripture
that has truly exceptional poetry. One thing you should consider while reading this is that
the original scripture was in Arabic, translating it into English means that is has lost it's
true quality.
“(Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers
of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine,
a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all
kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. (Can those in such Bliss) be compared to
such as shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it
cuts up their bowels (to pieces)?”
(Quran Chapter 47 verse 15)
“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as
if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it
were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the
west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light!
Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men:
and Allah doth know all things.”
(Quran Chapter 24 verse 35)
1. Quran
2. Alien, B. (2002) 'Ten Fact About Earth' retrieved March 8, 2008 from the World Wide
Web :
3.Kowoma (2006) 'Earth's Atmosphere'' retrieved March 8, 2008 from the World Wide
4. Hooker, R. (2008) 'About the Quran' retrieved March 8, 2008 from the World Wide
5.Wikipedia. (2008) ' Types of rainfall'. Retrieved March 8, 2008 from the World Wide
Web :

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