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Dear TEFL Colleagues These are the instructions regarding Research Question No.1.

(You can read the previous instructions as well). These are detailed in nature. Many instructions are relevant to other Questions too. All TEFL students are requested to read them. At diploma stage we dont demand many things related to research. We just want to give you an idea regarding empirical research. Please avoid copying and pasting things from these instructions. Go to the field (classrooms) and do the actual research. You will also be queried (through Viva Voce) regarding each item on your research report to ascertain whether you went into the field or sat in a cozy room and wrote your research report using computer skills without troubling your person out of that comfort zone(your home). The spirit behind all this work is to equip teachers so that they can teach English Language on right tracks. Hope you all will cooperate and forgive the tough time you are undergoing doing DipTEFL at Abbottabad. Rustam Q.1 1. Select a group of students of secondary level or above Select 6th to 10th or First Year,2nd Year,3rd Year,4th Year students. Or BS 4-Year students. You population will be: School students studying in grade 6/7/8/9/10 etc., College students studying in 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year. Select a sample size: 20 students,10 students,15 students. 2. Give them a task based on Descriptive Writing (Pre Test) (a) Writing Task: describe a picture, a building, object b. Cut a colored picture from a newspaper and make 15-20 photocopies for your students depending upon your sample size.Or download a picture (building,personality,object) from the internet and make photocopies. c. Write instructions at the top of a blank page, paste the picture below and ask students to write a paragraph or two on it. d. Give them time to write 2o minutes,30 minutes,40 minutes etc All this is to guide you. Please dont use any stuff from this to design your activities. Use your own pictures,objects,personalities. Read the Question again

Example Activity: Describe a Picture Time: 30 Minutes Instructions Please have a close look at the picture below. Describe it. Write whatever comes to your mind. There are things in the picture. What ideas are stirred in your mind? Write a paragraph or two.

Name: Class: Marks: 20 Marks Obtained:______ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. Judge their writing skills Please read Raimes Model which I gave you on 31st March. One copy is with Muhammad Younas and one copy is with Sabeen Khalil.Get it photocopied for yourself. Raimes has described how to judge a write-up ( a piece of composition).However I have given a rough sketch below. a. Collect sheets and mark them. Grade them. Out of 10 points or 20 points. Example of a Grading Rubric Total Marks 20 Grading Rubric (Marks Division) Mechanics: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, correct structures, suitable word choice, kind of sentences used etc = 5 marks Rhetoric: Does the student know about purpose, audience, style, text organization, coherence etc. 5 marks Content: Does the student know how to describe: things in the pictures (objectivity) personal touch (subjectivity): 10 marks (Objective/Subject Description) All rudimentary sketch b. Draw a table and enter students grades. Name School Class Age A B C D E F G H J K L M 8th 10th 8th

Total Marks 20

Marks Percentage Obtained 8 40%

Discuss the result of the Pretest. Qualitative Analysis Majority of the students do not know. Some are poor in mechanics. Some do not know how to describe a picture. One student has described picture objectively. Others do not know how to describe subjectively etc etc. Quantitative Analysis Out of the 20 students, only three students have described the picture objectively.

4 students didnt write. 9 students(A and B) are poor in rhetorical skills. Result of the Pretest shows ( Example only.) Students are poor in language and rhetorical skills. They also do not know how to describe things/persons objectively and subjectively They need instructions in how to describe pictures/objects/persons/events The researcher decided to plan a lesson to teach descriptive writing skills to these students.

4. Design a lesson plan to teach this writing sub-skill

a. Design a lesson plan.(I have already given you two templates. One I demonstrated before you in the class on 31st March). Prepare a lesson plan mentioning Student Profile,Class,Time for each activitry,Total Days, Activities.etc.Attach everything with your report.

5. Implement the Lesson Plan

If you have mentioned Realia in your plan,then,take two real objects with you to the class. You may place a realia at the table and teach them how to describe it. Rather describe it yourself before the class. Take two realia: One for subjective and another for objective description You can take pictures to the class instead of realia. Paste the picture on chart and display before the class and describe yourself. There should be two pictures. One for subjective and one for objective description. You can make handouts for each student the way I did while demonstrating a Lesson Plan on Scanning. This can be accomplished in a class period of 40 minutes.(One Day).Say to the class: Tomorrow you will practice with descriptive writing. Next Day (You can accomplish all the stages in 40 minutes too on one day. But to teach a concept you need few days). Better execute the plan in 4 days for teaching purposes) Now start practice session. Form groups of three or four..Give each Group a picture to describe objectively. Let them talk. Give them 5 to 10 minutes. Ask one member to write the description. Move around to help them. Then give them a picture to describe subjectively. You can even hang two pictures on the wall and ask the groups to describe them subjectively and objectively instead of making copies.

For guided Practice, you can introduce Pair Work. Make two students sit together (next day). Ask them to describe a picture subjectively and objectively. Production Stage (Post Test) On third day you can start Production stage. This is a Post Test. Now you have to observe/record if they can describe independently. Ask students to sit in their separate seats.(Maybe third day of lesson plan).Now make as many photo copies of the pictures as are the students. Or hang two charts in front of the class with two objects/pictures/persons and ask them to describe both subjectively and objectively. This is Independent Production Stage. So do not help students. Do not let them discuss with each other. It is a sort of exam.(Post Test). Give them sufficient time to describe. Tell them their writing skills will be evaluated for mechanics,rethorical skills and content. More weitage is for description skills. Once the test is over, collect the sheets and grade them(You may take them home. Take your time. Use the same Grading Rubric that you used for Pre Test. Out of 20 marks, give each student a mark. Enter the marks in a table.Find the individual percentage as well as collective percentage.

6. Record any Improvement which you observe in their writing skills

Now you have to analyse the data. Find the average score of the pretest. Here is an example. Student Marks out of 20 A 5 B 7 C 9 D 3 E 11 Total 35 Total Obtained Score= 35 Total Students= 5 Average score of the Pretest=35 5 = 7 Percentage= 7 20 100 = 35% ( You should also find the %age of individual students) Find the average score of the Post Test. Here is an example. Student Marks out of 20 A 12 B 12 C 14

D E Total

5 17 80

Total Marks Obtained = 80 Total Students= 5 Average score of the Pretest=80 5 = 16 Percentage= 16 20 100 = 80%

Analysis Pre Test Average Score of students Percentage

Pre Test 7 35%

Post Test 16 80%

Improvement= 45% Results= There is 45% improvement. Students can describe using correct language structures. Discussions However some students did now show much signs of improvement. Student Ds score was 3 in the pre test and he got only 5 in the Post Test

This was all about data collection and analysis.

Now you have to write a report. In your report you need to mention each and every thing regarding your research project. In Chapter 5 of the Report you need to give some recommendations as to how we can develop writing skills of our students. Especially descriptive writing skills. In chapter 3 you need to mention Research Design Population Sample Size

Sampling Techniques (How did you select 10 or 20 boys/girls to take part in the research) Any criteriaall bright..all slow learners.mixed.random selection etc..) Research Tools ( Pre Test & Post Test) Procedure In procedure you describe After reading Research Question, the researcher chalked out a plan. Selected population, schools and college.Dceided upon the sample size. Designed a pretest and delivered it to the students. Graded the Pre Test. In the light of the Pretest, designed a Lesson Plan( Please see Appendix B) and executed it in the class from 25 March to 29 March(actual dates) or executed it in one day etcIn Production stage of the lesson I gave a Descriptive writing task to the studens.This was Post Test. Graded the Post Test. Compared the scored of the Pre Test and the Post test and found the results. ..________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _
Chapter 3






3.4 3.5



INSTRUMENTS (Research Tools)



Written Report Format Title Page Abstract Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


( You have to defend every item on your written report in the Presentation. I need your first drafts on 14th April. Since I have given you detailed instructions and your work has been made quite easy, now I need you to go to the field for actual research)

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