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Best-In-Class Security Infrastructure

INSZoom ensures the highest level of security for all our clients data. We utilize the latest in technology and security to protect your data and make sure it is never compromised. We continue to invest in technology and stay ahead of the curve in the provision of industry-leading security measures to protect against viruses, worms and hackers. We partner with leading technology vendors, like Cisco Systems, Symantec Endpoint and Verio, to give you access to the best of the industry in security and data management. With INSZoom, your data are always secure all the time.

All INSZoom data and servers are located in the United States. Data communications are transmitted through Verisign's 256-bit encryption technology. The network and servers are protected by Cisco Networks Firewall and antivirus software from Symantec. Information is only made available to authorized users. Servers and data storage are hosted with Verio in an environment with 24x7 security and video surveillance monitored by security guards and protected by biometric hand scan entry systems and a mantrap controlled entrance/exit.

Our data centers are compliant with SSAE 16 and ISAE 3402 audit standards (formerly SAS 70 Report). These certifications are governed by industry and government regulations, and speak to critical aspects of our data centers physical access, network and IP backbone access, system availability, customer provisioning and problem management. SSAE 16 certification status is regularly audited and validated by Ernst & Young, giving you additional and independently verified assurance that your IT operations are secure with us. Our data center services are proud to display the SOC 3 SysTrust for Service Organizations Seal of assurance symbolizing that our site has been examined by an independent accountant and is in compliance with applicable criteria of this category of assurance.
Redundant uninterruptible power supplies Multiple redundant back-up generators Fire suppression Raised floors HVAC Separate cooling zones Humidity control Multiple levels of security Data backup and availability Our military-level secure data centers include:

Physical Security

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Data Encryption
INSZoom uses the strongest encryption products to protect customer data and communications, including 256-bit VeriSign SSL Certification and 1024-bit RSA public keys. Users can validate via their browser options that data transmitted are secure from access while in transit

User Authentication
Users access INSZoom only with valid credentials provided to them during sign-up, which is encrypted via SSL. Users are prevented from choosing weak or obvious passwords. An encrypted session ID cookie is used to uniquely identify each user, which is valid for the time the session is active.

Application Security
Our robust application security model prevents one INSZoom customer from accessing another's data. This security model is reapplied with every request and enforced globally.

Operating System Security

INSZoom enforces tight operating system-level security. All

Database Security
Access to production databases is restricted only via the application server.

operating system accounts are protected with very strong passwords; we do not follow policies of shared master passwords. All operating systems are maintained at very secure levels, including patches being implemented only as necessary and further enforced via disabling and/or removing any unnecessary users, protocols and processes.

Reliability and Data Backup

All your data are backed up every hour in separate geographical locations in the U.S., ensuring your data can be quickly and efficiently recovered immediately in the event of a disaster at one of the locations. We operate all data management within a Server Farm environment with standby servers; this guarantees 24 x 7, round-the-clock uptime and availability of service.

INSZoom Privacy Policy

INSZoom respects your privacy. INSZoom is strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information and the security of our computer systems. Our Privacy Policy ensures all cookie laws (e.g., EU Cookie law) are adhered to strictly. The policy and infrastructure are reviewed and audited on a regular basis, including external third party audits. You can review our Privacy policy here.

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ISO Certification
INSZoom received ISO 27001 certification from BSI (British Standards Institution), one of the world's leading independent testing and assessment services firms. ISO 27001:2005 certification is the leading international standard for measuring information security management systems. BSIs audit of INSZoom's security measures included analyses of the company's operating, personnel, physical security, communications, operations,

systems maintenance, software development and maintenance, emergency continuity strategies and legal resources and regulations. This detailed process has strengthened set of standards for internal information security management and company-wide processes for protecting information assets. Employees throughout the company's worldwide offices have enhanced their security awareness with client data integrity placed at the highest premium company-wide. INSZoom also received ISO9001:2008 with design certification from BSI. The audit includes a comprehensive review of the development management, quality assurance, services delivery management, internal provisioning for process support and transparent control measures in place at INSZoom. The ISO9001:2008 certification for INSZoom's India development center provides comprehensive audit parameters for the entire software development, QA, and services support.

Global Data Server Locations

To ensure effective data storage & backup of all your data, INSZoom manages servers in two locations in the U.S. and one server in the United Kingdom. Client data remain in their country and secure in an industry leading database system that is backed up regularly.

About INSZoom
INSZoom is the world's largest immigration software company, with solutions for immigration lawyers, corporations, universities, healthcare organizations and non-profit groups. We provide a comprehensive platform that allow clients to share and process valuable information online, process immigration applications very quickly and stay compliant while doing so. For discussions or questions on data security in immigration and legal sector, contact us online at or


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