Guide To Continuous Writing

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Stories Stories which begin with a given sentence Stories which end with a given sentence

A narrative is a story. It has to have a beginning, a series of incidents leading to a conflict or climax and a suitable ending.

Tips on Writing Narrative Compositions

1. Write a suitable introduction. Introduce your characters. Provide a setting and

start the story.

2. Make your characters lively and interesting. Limit your characters to about three
or four. Your reader should be able to identify the main character and the minor characters.

3. The incidents you relate must lead to a conflict and later to a climax. 4. Resolve the conflict and end the story. 5. Make your story realistic. You can do this by one of the following methods: a. Give actual names of places, roads, etc b. Use dialogues c. Give your story a time frame. d. Bring in actual events, for example, Merdeka Day, the SEA Games, etc

Some Types of Opening v. Describe the background to your story

This sets things off in a straightforward manner; establishing clearly your characters and situation. Example: There was once a poet who spent all his days shut up in his dark and shabby rented room on top of a coffin shop. vi. Describe the setting Describing the setting will create the mood for your story. Example: Towards two oclock, the huge theatre was thro nged floor gallery, boxes and stage were all crowded. So many people were gathered in front of the box offices that the management had to telephone the police, fearing a riot. vii. Use direct speech This can be a lively way to begin, especially if your character says something that grabs attention. Example : May God wipe out my whole family if I am lying! she whispered, raising hand in oath. viii. Use sounds Using words which convey sounds is an easy way to start on a dramatic note. Example : Plop! The lead at the end of the fishing line dropped into the sea. 2. DESCRIPTIVE COMPOSITIONS Describing people 9. 10. When describing people, select only the significant details. Mention some of the following: - build, facial features, clothing, height, hairstyle, age, size of the person, distinguishing marks or scars. 11. Mention character or personality traits, habits, behaviour and relationship with others. Write about a person you admire Composition outline Introduction - who the person is - how you know the person Body - physical description - character/personality - habits - important incidents - relationship with you and others - why you admire him/her Conclusion - what the person stands for - what the person means to you Describing places or scenes When you describe places, pay attention to the following aspects :

Type of place Location Distance Attractions Facilities/Amenities Accommodation

When you describe scenes, pay attention to sensory description. Sounds Smell Taste Touch Sight

3. FACTUAL COMPOSITIONS The main purpose of factual composition is to inform. So, to write factual compositions, you must have accurate information about the topic being discussed. Information about a topic Causes and effects Analysis of problems, issues and situations and proposals for solutions Some examples of factual topics: Pollution causes and effects Tuition reasons for its popularity Tourism how to promote it Deforestation causes and effects E-learning benefits Dental care importance Smoking health effects Mobile phones health hazards

4. ARGUMENTATIVE COMPOSITIONS An argumentative composition requires you to develop or justify a given argument or to put forward a particular point of view. An argumentative composition requires you to do one of the following : take one side of an argument and present your stand clearly

put forward your argument for and against and then make a stand

5. REFLECTIVE COMPOSITIONS A reflective composition is one in which you express your personal thoughts, opinions feelings. To write reflective compositions, you need to have a good command of the language which will enable you to express yourself clearly. Examples of Reflective essays: My dream house Things I treasure My ideal husband of wife Memories The qualities I would look for in a friend My greatest problem

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