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The Young Adult genre is popular and varied. Checking out a possible purchase is Katherine Schlegel, 14, of New Canaan.

Good Night Moon Hello Twilight

Books for tweens and teens
By Melissa Thorkilsen
Read me a story! Again! Again! As a parent of teenagers, its been a long, long time since those words were spoken. And oh, how I miss them! Practically from birth on, a day did not go by when a book (or several) was not part of our day. From Where the Wild Things Are to the Magic Treehouse series, to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we were able to explore so many places together. But time intervened and elementary school started flying by. Reading during the day wore down to solely a chapter at bedtime. Between the homework at the start of middle school, various evening sports practices, all of a sudden a hug and a kiss and a sweet dreams were all that was left of the nighttime ritual. Being hopeful during a middle school vacation, I happily brought what I thought would be a wonderful book to share, but at 11 and 13, both boys suggested that really, they would rather read it to themselves. Sigh. In retrospect, I have come to the realization that the books they were going to be reading next were an echo of their own growing period, books that were often meant for a solitary internal journey. Realistic fiction begins to present situations where friends are not able to resolve problems with a smile and a hug. Imaginary lands are fraught with visions of a future gone awry, not the Yellow Brick Road. And while I would have loved to share in that journey through reading aloud, I embraced in theory the importance of working through those conflicts in their own heads. The tween and teen (Young Adult or See Books on page 6
Chris Thorkilsen, 17, immerses himself in the latest science fiction book at Elm Street Books in New Canaan.

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Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

April 4, 2013

Giving kids Wings Over Water

By Melissa Ezarik
With pools in many schools and a community center off nearly every exit of I-95 and the Parkway, theres no shortage of places for kids in Southwestern Connecticut to learn to swim. And the facility for Wings Over Water School of Swimming in Fairifeld might, at first glance, look like others. But, being made for swim lessons, the pool is a maximum of 4.5 feet deep, the water is 90 degrees, and the instructors are adults. The people who work here, this is what they do, said Melissa Flannery, co-owner of the school, which also has a facility in Brewster, N.Y. No offense to part-time swim instructors, but we dont hire high school students to teach or lifeguards to teach. Instructors complete 40 hours of training in the curriculum, plus monthly in-house trainings, and are certified in CPR and first aid. The staff also teaches from inside the pool. Its a totally different philosophy. If you want a child to be underwater, the teacher needs to be in the water. We dont teach from the deck, said Flannery, adding that instructors also dont push students who arent comfortable in the water. Sometimes you just need to backtrack. We had this little guy who did his first lessons dry. He never got in the water. He needed to establish that trust [with the teacher]. In other words, the approach isnt cookie cutter. Each one of those children is different. You have to be open to seeing each individual child, she pointed out. At top: Young children discover the joy of swimming, safely, at Wings Over Water School of Swimming in Fairfield. Bottom: Melissa Flannery, owner The schools philosophy emphasizes students of all of Wings Over Water, helps a young student get in the swim of things. ages experiencing the aquatic environment safely and with joy, and instruction incorporates the Swimplicity method for learning stroke development, tri-athlete training or adaptive aquatics. The parent and tot programs are particularly popular, as nis shoes so they can feel where their legs and feet Its not uncommon for children to exhibit some are in space. To start, have them sit at the steps fear or hesitation when first being introduced is the beginners program for ages and move their feet up and down. Then have them to swim classes. Melissa Flannery of Wings Over 6 and up, Flannery said. make a choo-choo train on the side of the pool Water School of Swimming will say this to parents This is where you will see the and explain that the water makes their feet float, of struggling kids: If the goal is for your child to greatest improvement in chilbut their bodies are safe. learn to swim, you need to persevere. Its a life dren. I always joke that the par For those with swimming abilities but a fear skill, and it gets harder as the child gets older. ent will give us a call when their of going under water: have the child lay on his Cindy Freedman, co-owner of Angelfish Therapy child does their first cannonball. side, cheek in the water, and then turn and blow (, which provides aquatic The spring session will end bubbles. Wipe his face firmly with your hand, and therapy and swim lessons to children with sensory then his own hand, chin tucked. Explain that the issues and other special needs at five Connecticut in June, and Wings Over Water uncomfortable feeling of the water will be washed locations, offers these possible strategies for overoffers programs, as well as away. coming common roadblocks: birthday parties, year-round. For children who cant take their feet off the In any difficult situation, tangible reinforcements Its Fairfield location, at 2221 such as reward pegs, coins, or toys can be pool bottom, which is due to struggles with the Black Rock Turnpike, can be buoyancy of the water taking away their gravity: great motivation for testing the water, Freedman reached at 203-212-3950 or via try small half-pound ankle weights or canvas tensays.

Overcoming Water Fears




April 4, 2013

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

Which cars are cruising in Connecticut?

A glimpse at the favorite family cars
By Julie Butler
The big snowstorms of the past few years have meant big sales in four-wheel drive vehicles for families in our state. Ford Explorers, Toyota Land Cruisers, Cadillac Escalades, Chevrolet Tahoes and, of course, Jeep Cherokees, abound on the highways and byways of Connecticut. Wagons and minivans may also be seen in abundance, cruising carefully and surely across snow-covered roads. And lately, mid-size and larger SUVs have been making a big impression (pun intended) with families both large and small. Sport utility and crossover vehicles, as well as luxury wagons, all seem to be the wheels of choice this year. Not only do they perform well under snowy and muddy conditions, they also provide large cargo areas and interior space for all the paraphernalia that comes with the territory of multi-kid families. And, their good-looking colors and styles make them easy on the eye as well. According to Joe Christiano of Georgetown Jeep in Norwalk, the Grand Cherokee is one of the hottest and most awarded sport utility vehicles around for families. The root of its popularity? The vehicles ability to laugh at inclement weather, its spaciousness and its safety features. Safety features are a big priority, Christiano said. We get a lot of questions about dual airbags, side and front impact and anti-lock brakes. The perennial bestseller in the large, full-size SUV category is the Chevrolet Suburban, followed closely by the Chevy Tahoe. The Suburban is still a favorite for families who either lead an active outdoor lifestyle or have multiple kids involved in multiple sports, Leo Karl, president of Karl Chevrolet in New Canaan said. It has the largest cargo space of any SUV on the market; its cavernous. Both the Suburban and the Tahoe can seat up to eight passengers, as can the Chevy Traverse, which is a crossover vehicle. A crossover vehicle means its built on more of a car chassis, Karl said. Its lower to the ground. The Traverse is allwheel drive and has great safety ratings. Karl also said that more and more families today are also looking at fuel efficient vehicles, too. Those families who dont necessarily need the eight-seaters anymore and want more fuel efficiency as well, have made the Chevy Volt very popular. Whether your idea of a family car is an all-wheel drive, four-wheel drive or front-wheel drive sporty wagon or sport utility vehicle, you can be assured that your choice has your familys safety in mind. And, although a vehicle is a major purchase, its hard to put a price on safety.

Infant/Toddler Kindergarten
Program Wrap-Around Program Childrens Vacation Club

CCVC - Country

Program Back-up Childcare Program Scholarships

Summer Day Camp Pre-School/Pre-K

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

April 4, 2013

A 21st Century treasure hunt

by Polly Tafrate
Kayla was standing on the viewing deck of the marsh at Sherwood Island when a father and his two sons came flying up on bicycles. They hopped off and started rummaging about in the sea oats. After a few minutes of intense searching, curiosity got the better of her. What are you looking for? she asked. The cache, the boy grunted. His dad answered, Were geocaching. This sounds vaguely familiar, Kayla thought, but was interrupted by a yell from one of the boys. Found it! The it being an old fashioned 35 mm film container. The three of them crowded around as one boy took off the lid, pulled out a piece of paper, a tiny pencil and what looked to Kayla like two dice. He signed the paper and took something out of his pocket, before stuffing everything back into the container replacing it in the sea oats. He put the dice in his pocket. The boys and their dad got back on their bikes, but not before giving one another high-fives. At home, Kayla looked up geocaching, (pronounced, geo-cashing) on the Internet and learned that its an abbreviation of the word geography and cache, as in storing information on your computer or a hiding place for provisions when hiking.

Helpful Hints for First Timers:

Along with your handheld GPS, its wise to take along a topographical map of the general location. The GPS will give you the coordinates, but wont tell you if there is a river or chasm youll need to cross. Bring a couple of trinkets in case the cache is a large one. Be prepared not to find the cache. High winds, rain or even unknowing people may have removed it from its site.

key chain and put in a Justin Bieber button, before re-hiding it in the same place. Aiden bought two books about geocaching, Lets Go Geocaching, published by DK and another one called Geocaching for Dummies, by Joel McNamara. One of the books revealed that there are more than a dozen types of cache sites with different variations of the original idea.

Getting into it After a few more successful geocache adventures, Kayla, Aiden and Mia were ready for something more wide with more than six million geocachers. enter its coordinates on our GPS, which looks challenging. They decided to try to find a Some think it resembles the 150-year-old-game simple enough, but if we need help its also on multi-cache, which involves two or more called Letterboxing, which uses clues and this website. locations. Each one gives a clue as to where reference to landmarks that have been embedThe treasures, caches, need not be big. ded in stories. It is a sport of sorts for families, Rather, they can be smaller than the tip of your the next one is located. The final one has the treasure. They also discussed joining one of the nature lovers and treasure seekers. finger theyre called nanos and as large many groups and decided that the cache-in, Kayla was excited about what she had disas five gallon buckets. trash-out option sounded like the most fun. covered and called two of her hiking buddies Typical containers are plastic boxes with lids, Some geocaches are increasingly difficult to tell them about it. They were full of quesammunition boxes and empty pill containto find. They can be found underwater or tions; she was full of answers. ers. Caches may be unusual coins or currency, significantly off-road, or 50 feet up a tree, or One of their first questions was what kind small toys, ornamental buttons, CDs, etc.; involve extensive travel. One cache was found of equipment theyd need. The answer? A something that tells the cache finder about at the Arctic Circle and one is buried at the handheld GPS device, such as a Magellan or an who left it there. International Space Station. Android phone, iPhone, webOS, or Windows Each cache must contain the logbook and a Once while picnicking with her family on phone, on which a person can download pencil or pen. vacation in Florida, Kayla saw a mother and applications. Another option is using a GPS When we find one we sign the log book her daughter come roaring up on their bicywrist device which is available at sporting and exchange the treasure inside for one of our cles. They started giving the area an intense goods stores like REI, but theyre kind of own, Kayla said. And we must re-hide the search. expensive, Kayla said. cache in the same location for the next geoThere are eight simple steps to begin, said cacher. Geocaching? Kayla asked. Kayla. We need to register online for a free What IS geocaching? Yup, they said in the same breath. After The three of them registered on the website basic membership, (, visit the and entered the coordinates of the cache on Geocaching is a new craze thats sweeping poking under and around bushes and nearby hide and seek cache page, enter our zip code, the country, as well as the world. It started trees for about 10 minutes, the young girl a Magellan GPS. They learned that the cache click on search, and choose a geocache from in the year 2000, and at last count, there are found the cache cleverly hidden between the they were to look for was of small size and a the list. After we select one well be able to close to two million active geocaches worldtree branches. Kayla walked over to see their medium difficult to find. The next morning they set off on their bikes. find. This was a large cache with a treasure trove The coordinates took them to the local park of items: stickers, a heart-shaped ruby-colored and got them in the vicinity of the cache, but stone, a toy car, a Sharpie marker, and a plastic not to the exact location. They started searchEaster egg. On the outside of the egg a code ing the area carefully. was written. Mia was near a stone wall. She thought it This is a travel bug, the mom said. Theyre possible that the cache was hidden among the sometimes called hitchhikers or trackables. It rocks surrounding the wall. Shed lift one, put means its been other places. If we take it, were it to the side, lift another. One rock surprised to put it in another cache, then when we get her because it was so light. She examined it closely. I found it! she yelled to the others. It home we can track its coordinates to see where was a large plastic rock like the kind you hide its been. Weve found others. One came from Hawaii and the other from Wyoming. house keys in. Before long, the mother and daughter were The three of them read the log book to back on their bikes again and could be heard discover who else had found this cache, what discussing where they might hide this travel theyd found and what theyd left before sign bug. ing it. They removed its trinket which was a

April 4, 2013

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

Sustainable summer
Environmentally-focused summer abroad program for high school students launches
Sustainable Summer, a new summer abroad program for high school students, will launch its first programs this June in the South American country Ecuador. The programs will provide teens from across the U.S. with an immersion experience that combines outdoor adventure, leadership development and environmental education. It is run by the not-for-profit Sustainable Learning, which specializes in experience-based environmental education programs for teenagers. Sustainable Learning was founded in June 2012 by Jeff Sharpe, New Canaan High School Class of 97, and Anne Fenton, Darien High School 00. Both have extensive experience in the pre-college enrichment field. Sustainable Summer is initially offering two programs for this summer, each framed around a specific sustainability theme: a three-week program from June 28 to July 19, focused on food and agriculture in Ecuadors coast and highlands regions, and a two-week program from July 19 to August 2, focused on natural resource management in the Amazon rainforest. The programs are designed for students between the ages of 15 and 18 with a strong interest in learning about environmental sustainability. Programs feature three adult trip leaders, approximately 10 to 20 students, and blend field activities with expert-led workshops and discussions. For example, the food and agriculture program combines academic instruction on topics like the global food production system with practical instruction in organic farming techniques. Sustainable Summer, which also counts the summer programs in some truly exciting destinations. Most Americans dont know from where their energy, water or food comes; yet our global society is on a path to a future where all of these resources will be in short supply, adds Sharpe. We need the next generation to become more eco-literate to solve these critical issues. We want to make summers all about sustainability for high school students. Only 12% of Americans can pass a basic quiz on awareness of energy topics and about 80% are heavily influenced by incorrect or outdated environmental myths, according to the National Environmental Education Foundation. Yet only a small number of states have taken proactive steps to adopt curriculum and teacher standards related to sustainability education, despite the fact that climate change and other environmental issues are among the most critical public policy issues the U.S. will face over the coming decades. Sustainable Summer is accepting applications online and participants should plan on applying before Wednesday, May 1, to ensure availability. Tuition for programs starts at $1,995 and financial aid is available. The organization has plans to expand summer program offerings internationally, and a gap-year program called Sustainable Semester is also planned for fall 2014 for high school graduates that are taking time off before college. More info/register: SustainableSummer. org, or Anne Fenton at 646-504-5046, or

Teens learn to tend an organic garden in Ecuador last summer.

owner of a study abroad company and professors from Dartmouth College and Vanderbilt University on its board, represents an ambitious response to the dearth of sustainabilityfocused options in the summer enrichment learning market. If youre a high school student and you want to travel to the developing world to do community service for a couple of weeks in

the summer, youve got hundreds of options at a range of price points, Sharpe said. But none of these organizations is teaching ecology or the social, political and economic dimensions of sustainability in a structured way. Our goal is to prepare teenagers to be future environmental leaders in their communities and around the world through intensive, but fun, environmental education

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Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

April 4, 2013

Continued from Page 1
YA) genre is much more varied now than it was when I was an adolescent. And in some instances, I am hard pressed to explain how some of them are YA and not adult. It seems that whatever the subject matter or content, if there is a protagonist who falls between the ages of 13 and 19, it may be considered a Young Adult book. I suppose it can be said that while there are often adult conflicts, they are viewed through the eyes and voice of a teenager. Because some of the content of these books can include a fair amount of profanity, violence and sexuality, it can become a challenging situation for a child whose reading level is advanced, but whose maturity level is not. So, if reading aloud is no longer happening at your house and you are wary of this aspect, then start reading the same books alongside your child, if not beforehand. There are some marvelous choices which will make for great discussions and insight into the vision of the world your child has at this rather tumultuous time in their/your life the tween/teen years. Realistic Fiction The Realistic Fiction genre has a number of authors conversant in the often turbulent emotions and situations of growing up. And much of these topics go beyond day-to-day teen angst and cover topics such as divorce, suicide, mental illness and terminal illness. One such author who does so beautifully is John Greene. His novel, The Fault In Our Stars, speaks emotionally and candidly about a girls struggle of being diagnosed with cancer at 13. Another of his novels, Looking for Alaska, is a quirky coming of age saga with a boy protagonist and his understanding of

Game. Boys who want to see a male protagonist in SciFi, plus military action and virtual reality, will not be disappointed. Just out this past fall, Crewel describes a fantastic world where certain people have the gift of weaving time. There are some creative and original concepts in this book and the writing is lush and descriptive. Dan Wells, who wrote Partials, out last February, has followed up with the sequel, Fragments, featuring a society where engineered organics have killed off most of the human race with a virus. For those who are interested in a little more science in their SciFi than fantasy, this could be the ticket. Fantasy Speaking of fantasy, for Fantasy Fiction readers who were mourning the end of Stephanie Meyers Twilight series, the next read for many has been The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, replete with characters who turn into vampires and Shadowhunters who destroy demons. The fourth book in the series is due out in June. For those more interested in werewolves, Maggie Stiefvater has written the The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy, starting with Shiver and ending with Forever. Another amazing book that should be mentioned somewhere in this section is Diviners, by Libba Bray, although only because there are elements of the paranormal. As a result of it being set in the 1920s, there is an historical aspect as well. Rich character development and themes of race and religion make it a compelling, but not a light, read. At this age, despite the ability to read, we know that teenagers lead busy lives with many activities or some are simply reluctant readers. For those, I am including a couple of short books that may inspire a longer read in the future. The Conspiracy 365 series, by Gabrielle Lord, consists of 13 books, one covering each month of the year and the final one called Revenge. The series focuses on 15-year-old Cal Ormond who has to be on the run for 365 days to figure out the conspiracy that threatened his and his familys lives. The individual books are quite short and very action packed. Trapped, by Michael North, is a short survival story with seven high school students trapped in their high school for several days by a snowstorm. An event that almost could have happened in New Canaan this year! Sports Sports fans should also take note of some recent releases in the sports genre. In the midst of March Madness, basketball fans will enjoy PickUp Game street basketball short stories written by nine notable YA authors and edited by Marc Aronson. Baseball player R.A. Dickey has adapted his adult biography for a younger audience now called Throwing Strikes. Another adult read adapted for a younger audience is Outcasts United: The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team that Changed a Town, by Warren St. John. It is an inspirational true story of perseverance, courage and sportsmanship and the dedication of a young woman who takes over the coaching of a young team of refugees outside of Atlanta, Ga. In writing this, I have been made aware even more so of what might be perceived as the gap between books for the tween and the teen. Working in a bookstore, I am not inclined to be the book police and do not want make the decision for anyone as to who is ready at what age to read certain material. Maturity, moral standing, religion, and personal choice for each family must all come into play. But reading provides such a beautiful connection. Reading to our children allowed us teachable moments. Respecting and becoming involved in the reading choices of our older children allows us all to grow and learn. While I miss the little voices pleading for another story, I am equally enthralled when I hear, Hey Mom, I just read the best book, I think you should read it too!
Melissa Thorkilsen, a lifelong reader, has worked as a book buyer/ seller at Booktopia Book Fairs, and is happily recommending and selling and books as a floor manager at Elm Street Books in New Canaan. She hopes that you will come into the store and ask for help in the childrens department from childrens book buyer Connie Melvin, whose help was instrumental in writing this article.

Bryan Haeffele

friendship, grief and loss. His writing has some mature content, but he has an uncanny ability to communicate with the voice and feeling of both male and female teens. Laurie Halse Andersen writes both realistic and historical fiction. Her choice of topics are both frightening and beautifully written. In Wintergirls, the unfortunate outcome of two teens with anorexia and bulimia is detailed in a frank and moving way. Speak, her book dealing with rape, is perhaps not the first choice for a tween, but relevant and moving for an older teen. Author Sarah Dessen is popular among teenage girls and covers a variety of topics in which relationships figure strongly. Some of her titles are Lock and Key, Along for the Ride, and coming out in April, her 10th book, What Happened to Goodbye, about a girls close relationship with her father, but a troubled one with her mother. Getting away from the hardcore reality fiction is Joan Bauers Peeled, about Hildy Biddle and her desire to become a journalist. Two realistic fiction novels that are not

considered YA, but more middle school, yet still have topics that are relevant enough to be compelling, are Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, and Liar and Spy, by Rebecca Stead. In Wonder, 10- year-old August was born with a facial deformity and has been home schooled his whole life, but is about to enter fifth grade and the mainstream school system. It is a story of adversity and triumph. Liar and Spy has both spies and liars, but we learn that both are not what they seem and the ending caught me completely by surprise. Historical Fiction YA Historical Fiction covers a wide variety of offerings. Countdown, by Deborah Wiles, is an unusual book using black and white photos, and sections of songs and speeches to evoke the feeling of growing up in the early 1960s. Between Shades of Gray, by Ruta Sepetys, is set in 1941 at a time when the Soviets were forcibly removing Lithuanians from their homes and sending them to live in work camps. This book discusses how Lina and her mother and brother are separated from her father and sent by train to a work camp where she finds both solace and hope in her drawings documenting her plight. Sepetys most recent book, Out of the Easy, discusses New Orleans in the 1950s. On a lighter note, The Time Traveling Fashionista series by Bianca Turetsky, has a young girl who purchases a vintage dress that transforms her into the time period of the Titanic in the first novel and into the court of Marie Antoinette in the second. Of course, no discussion of YA historical fiction would be complete without mention of The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. This book, set during the Holocaust and written by Death, explores the tragic but brave and amazing life of Liesel who steals books from the Nazis. Science Fiction The Science Fiction genre is currently hugely popular, thanks to movies like the Hunger Games from the book series by Suzanne Collins, although the reverse could be said as well. For teens, the subject matter is not the Star Wars of their youth with light sabers and high speed space ships, but more about dystopic societies set in a future where things are grim or distorted. But for many of these books, the familiar theme of good vs. evil and good winning out, still thrives. And the dilemmas the characters face, not only make for great escapism, but are an exercise in interpreting social and moral issues often surprisingly relevant to our own time. For fans of the Hunger Games, the book Divergent, by Veronica Roth (scheduled for movie release March 2014), and its sequel, Insurgent, is probably one of the most popular of the category. Society is divided into factions based on human traits and at the age of 16, everyone is tested to determine which faction they must adhere to. Tris, the protagonist, goes against the grain by being divergent or suitable for more than one trait. These books are definite page turners and there is still a third scheduled to be released in the fall. Insignia, by S.J. Kincaid, will be popular with fans of Orson Scott Cards Enders

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April 4, 2013

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

Throwing Injuries in children

By Dr. Paul D. Protomastro,
Coastal Orthopaedics

Baseball, softball and the spring sports season are about to head into full swing. From the exhilaration of hitting a game-winning RBI, to the satisfaction of making a double play, to the triumph of striking out the side: baseball and softball are timeless. Shoulder and elbow pain sidelines throwing athletes of all ages and ability levels, but child athletes are vulnerable to a unique type of injury commonly known as Little Leaguers Arm. Under age 13 in girls and 15 in boys, childrens bones are still growing. These skeletally immature bones grow in length and width in a specialized area of cartilage within the bone known as the growth plate. These cartilage growth centers are softer than the surrounding bone and are thus the weak link. Unlike rotator cuff tendon tears and ligament tears in adults that do not heal without surgical repair, growth plate fractures of the shoulder and elbow in children almost always heal. The key element to healing is rest. Developing Little Leaguers Arm is linked to three key factors: 1.) frequency and intensity of throwing; 2.) improper throwing mechanics; and 3.) inadequate warm-up and strengthening prior to throwing. The best way to treat these arm injuries is to prevent them. When your throwing athlete complains of shoulder or elbow pain that is sharp, intense and lasting more than a week or two at most, it is time to take action. The simplest and most prudent step is to take the athlete out of all throwing activities for two weeks and then gradually return them to play. If this proves unsuccessful or as a parent you want assurances the athlete can play through the pain,

Prevent your field of dreams from becoming a field of screams

Warm up is crucial. Have drink breaks to prevent dehydration. Many kids go straight from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. without many sips from the water fountain at school. Inspect elds for rocks, broken glass and cans. Contact your eld manager to repair any holes in the eld. Always remember not to coach alone; two coaches are better than one in an emergency.

evaluation by an orthopaedist is recommended. Pitchers and catchers are most susceptible, but third basemen, short stops and outfielders are also commonly affected by Little Leaguers Arm. Enrolling child athletes in multiple sports throughout the year gives their arms time to heal, but also develops their balance, endurance, coordination and psychomotor skills which may ultimately make them a better baseball or softball player.
Coastal Orthopaedics has doctors especially trained and experienced in treating all injuries in young baseball players. Our surgeons provide complete orthpaedic treatments from head to toe in three offices: Darien, Norwalk and Westport. Statewide doctors voted our surgeons Top Docs Orthopedic Surgery in Connecticut Magazine for the fourth year in a row. More info: 203 845-2200 or

Its NOT TOO LATE for Summer 2013

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

April 4, 2013

Camp Sampler
Toddlertime offers camps with weekly, day choices In addition to its weekly camps themes Out of a Box, Tinker Lab, Glorious Mud, Stained Glass Eggs and Exploding Milk, Retro Week, Discover It, and Outdoor Art Blast Toddlertime Nursery School, located at 23 Park St. in New Canaan, is offering a selection of one-day camps throughout the summer. The weekly summer camp themes are intentionally open-ended to allow the campers to enjoy play without an end goal in mind. New this summer are two field trip camps, Discover New Canaan and the Explorers Club. In Discover New Canaan, campers will take advantage of Toddlertimes in-town location to get a behind-the-scenes look at their town. Campers in the Explorers Club will get their first school bus experience and head out of town to a different location in Fairfield County each day. Social Butterflies is a program for two year olds and young three year olds without any previous drop-off experience. It focuses on social interactions with peers, transitioning and separation from caregiver. For those not ready to be dropped off, there is a Two Together program for a child with a caregiver. The summer camp is for children ages 21 months until they enter kindergarten and runs single and multiple week sessions between June 17 and Aug. 2. Times vary depending on age. More info/register: 203-972-3111, Kids can kick it this summer Everton America CT is a premier soccer club based in Norwalk. As the official partner of the English Premier League team, Everton FC, the club provides a unique opportunity to train using the same methods and curriculum used by the academy which produced the likes of professional soccer players Wayne Rooney and Jack Rodwell. Everton America CT plays in a number of state and regional leagues, with their U9-U18 boys and girls premier teams, in addition to a Youth Academy and a variety of summer programs. More info: Row, row, row your boat Come to the Maritime Rowing Club and enjoy learning to row during the summer and crafts and more. Also in July is Dance Fever 2013 for the older dancer age 7-12. Its a full day with four classes daily, with a presentation for family at the end of camp. Themed weeks include "Glee Week" and "Broadway Week. These camps are for the child just learning to dance or wanting to improve, and are geared towards teaching students technique while having fun. Dancers have the opportunity to review their skills, learn new technique and explore new dance genres. Classes will include, jazz, modern ballet, hip hop and musical theater. Master Class Intensive in July is for the intermediate and advanced dancer, bringing a C summer intensive to Monroe. Students will take four master classes daily for one hour and 15 minutes each, with a lunch break.

Courtesy of Curtain Call

National Computer Camps powers up for another summer The concept of a computer camp was invented by Dr. Michael Zabinski. In 1977, he coined the phrase "computer camps" and founded National Computer Camps, America's original computer camp. NCC's educational philosophy reflects its passion about the vital role of computer technology in the education of today's youth.

camp weeks. The club offers first time rowers, recreational rowers and competitive rowers the chance to work with their experienced coaching staff and increase their skills. During the summer, the club also offers a program for advanced rowers in their junior year. This is designed to help them increase their erg scores and physical fitness toward college coaches expectations. They will compete in two summer regattas, and row on the river to develop their sculling skills in the 1x and the 2x. The program runs from June 17 through August 9. More info:

The camps take place at Fairfield University. New this summer at NCC is a morning program for 7- and 8-year-old campers. Developed at the MIT Media Lab, Scratch Programming introduces youngsters to the world of programming in an intuitive and fun way. Campers may sign up for any one or more weeks from June 24 to August 2. The Scratch curriculum is continuous and campers who attend more than one week do not repeat what they already learned. Each week beginner, intermediate and advanced Scratch is offered. NCC also offers a residential camp and a day camp. More info: 203-710-5771,,

Monroe Dance Academy offers dance camps

Registration has opened at Monroe Dance Academy for its July and August summer programs. In July, the school will offer a Young Dancers Camp for beginners age 4 to 6 years old, with various themed weeks, stories, arts

Feed a Lorikeet in our summer exhibit, Memorial - Labor Day!

Gets Close at The Maritime Aquarium Sessions start June 24. Sound Scientists summer camp ages 6-15. Pick from one-day or one-week sessions. Pre-care & extended care available. 203.852.0700 Sign-up now! Sessions fill quickly! Call 203.852.0700, x 2206.

Summer Camp

April 4, 2013

Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

Classes are taught by artists brought in from NYC daily. During August, a Creative and Modern Dance Camp will include a 3- to 5-yearold session consisting of pre-ballet/pretap class, snack, craft, and story time, and will culminate in a creative dance class. Each 6- to 9-year-old session consists of modern dance class, snack craft, story time and a creative dance class. For all ages, thematic material from craft activities and story time will be incorporated into the creative dance lessons. In July, a pre-dance class is offered Saturdays from 9-9:45 and a pre-ballet/pre-tap class from 9:45-10:45. On Tuesdays, the academy offers creative/ modern combination class from 5-7. More info/register: 203-268-1200, Darien Summer School Darien Summer School offers one of the most comprehensive, diversified, learner-centered summer programs in the area, according to Chris Basta, director. All classes, camps and programs are open to non-residents. Each year, DSS does its best to meet the educational, artistic, social and physical needs of local children, while keeping our programs within the financial reach of all local residents, Basta said. DSS offers a reasonable financial alternative to traditional all-day camps and other local enrichment opportunities. We continue to keep an eye on our tuition prices, so parents can stretch their dollars, while availing their children of some of the best teachers and programs in Fairfield County. In the DSS catalog (online at, you will find classes for students from preschool to high school students applying for college and learning to drive. Offerings range from basic academics to courses in digital art and hip-hop dance. In order to accommodate the hectic summer schedules of many families, there are extended day options your children can learn, explore and exercise at DSS from 7:30 to 2:30. There is a huge variety of sports camps, many of them directed by the very coaches who have led teams to championships this past school year. Registration online at Curtain Call offers summer acting programs For more than 20 years, Curtain Call (Stamfords longest-running and only year round nonprofit producing theater

company) has offered educational workshops in the performing arts. The hallmark of those has been its SummerStock series of programs. These full-day programs are offered throughout the summer and take place at Curtain Calls Sterling Farms campus in Stamford. Taught by teaching artists with years of experience, these two-week, small-class workshops offer themes such as exploring plays and musicals adapted from fables, fiction and literature. SummerStock, for ages 11 through 16, offers creative theater from June 24 through July 3. This program is designed to build performance skills, creative instincts and confidence, featuring the comedy and tragedy of world history. The second session of SummerStock, musical theater, runs July 8 through 19. It is a fun and focused study in voice, movement and acting for musical theater performance, staged against a backdrop of history. Both sessions run Monday through Friday, 9:30 to 4:30. SummerStock Jr., for ages 6 through 11, offers two sessions: July 22 through August 2, and August 5 through August 16, from 10 to 3. Young performers study acting, movement, music and basic stage craft, and put all these skills to use creating a showcase performance. Each session of SummerStock and SummerStock Jr. may be taken independently, but a discount applies when taking more than one. Sibling discounts are also available and some scholarships exist as well. Class sizes are small and these sessions tend to fill up quickly. Call Brian Bianco, education director, at 203-3298207, ext.16. The evening theater program Summer Youth Theatre has two age groups and will present Into the Woods (older group), and Disneys Alice in Wonderland, Jr. ( younger group). There is a small participation fee for these programs. More info/register:

Sleepaway camp trunk tips

Packing beyond the obvious
By Melissa Ezarik
If some of your childs summer slumbers will be at camp this year, you can bet on the camp providing a packing list and it taking significant time to purchase and pack it all. Besides clothing and footwear suggestions, depending on the camp type, expect that list to include everything from bed and bath linens to anticipated toiletry needs, first aid items, and snacks (whats allowed and what isnt). While there will be other no-nos noted even things like cell phones and iPods that are (As an extra precaution, the trunks get basics around the house there may well emptied out in the driveway and what isnt be some additional items or highly specific thrown away gets shaken out and left outitems youd like your child to have on side for a stretch.) hand during the camp experience. Dana, who recognizes shes being a little neurotic, adds, After four years of Musts and maybes doing this, I can tell you it has worked. In the specifics category, Michael La Lice free, bug free, animal free. Just like I Scala of The Dock Shop in Darien suglike it. gests tech-fabric SPF shirts and a wallet With clothing, at least two outfits per thats waterproof and can float. And in the day get packed, despite the camp suggestoptional department, he recommends a ing less. SPOT device, which uses satellite technolHow can you last for 14 days on eight ogy even where cell phone signals arent pairs of shorts? she says. As long as it fits picked up, and can be used to obtain in the trunk, they take it. That includes emergency assistance. An item like that new PJs, because you dont want them to can simply provide peace of mind to the look sloppy, and the brightest Target towparents and kids, La Scala said. els that can be found, for simpler spotting For veteran overnight camp parent in a pile. Dana Kubicko of Trumbull, peace of mind Dana also advises considering overcomes from knowing shes working to pre- the-counter medicine preferences. Even vent unwanted guests from entering her though the camp has the usual Tylenol, house when camp is over. Brittany, 16, has etc., I have one child who will only take a gone away to camp for the past four years, certain brand and flavor, so I get a medical and Meagan, 12, has had one big camp form filled out and I provide that to the adventure to date. camp. Both have been sent with new pillows, For those moments of free time, kids foam bed toppers and hair brushes (along may want a card or board game on hand. with lice shampoo) items that get Something like Loaded Questions Junior, tossed afterward. which contains questions that kids answer I didnt want any unwanted crawly and then guess who answered what, can things entering their beds when they be a good ice breaker. were back home, Dana explains. The Theyll also want to spend time writing lice shampoo isnt in case of a confirmed home, right? Along with paper and pens, outbreak but just to be safe. I hear once Dana sends stamped, addressed envelopes those bugs enter your house, they dont so its easy. Still, it doesnt always happen. want to leave, she notes. The girls were Due to the lack of letting writing, she not happy with this shampoo, but oh, says, I plan on this year pre-printing meswell. As for the hair brush, it gets thrown sages just so they will send me something out because you never know who may and I know they are alive and well. use it.


Kids World Hersam Acorn Newspapers

April 4, 2013

What the teens will be promenading in this spring

by Lois Alcosser
Possibly every home in Fairfield County where a high schooler resides will eventually have a prized photo on display: Me in My Prom Dress. And its that time of year again proms. Junior and/or senior high school proms are as much of a sign of spring as daffodils and forsythia. It seems as though choosing a prom dress has become almost as important as the choice of a wedding gown. Whats in for 2013 For the first time, Caren Forbes (of Caren Forbes in New Canaan), says shes hearing conversations about long or short? although she believes long dresses are still the favorites. Bright colors, some with cut-outs in the back or at the midriff, are popular, Forbes said. We have Bodycon dresses which means body conscious also known as tightly form-fitting Mermaid styles. Our prom dresses are elegant and theyre not just for one-time use, but very appropriate for other dressy occasions. While young women are known for changing their minds (red dress on Monday, pastel pink on Wednesday) young men are choosing the classic tuxedo, according to Tuxedo World in Milford. The classic, two-button black tuxedo, with two back vents, satin lapels and buttons makes every young man look attractive, especially when compared to what they wear everyday. Of course, for the few young men who still go for baby blue or cocoa brown tuxedos, theyre available, but look rather nerdy. The Darien Sport Shop sells single button, classic notched lapel tuxedos. Young men would also be very well served renting a tuxedo from Camillos in Norwalk, which prides itself on being the largest source of rental styles, with fitting and alteration on the premises. But back to the girls, who are much more frenzied. Atianas Boutique in Milford, has 5,000 dresses in their shop, 20 fitting rooms, and owner Sumit Tandon says that he spends about $1 million each season on prom fashions. After all, he says, most of my customers are only going to have three or four days in their lifetime when they

Prom fashions

Dave Stewart photos

really want to get dolled up. Some of his very popular styles are strapless chiffon flares in several different colors, which are very appealing when a girl is on the chubby side. The dresses are fitted around the bust line, and then flare out, Empire style, concealing waist, hips, etc. On the other hand, the Mermaid dress, for the so-called hour-glass, small-waist figure, makes being on the slim side very sexy. We have really glamorous prom dresses, with lots of beadwork, multi-colored stones, quite dazzling, Tandon says. They handle the exclusivity factor at Atianas by recording the girls school and trying hard not to sell the exact same dress to someone wholl be at the same prom. Every young lady is a new challenge, Tandon says. The usual procedure is that a girl will come in with some friends, try on lots of dresses, pick one, put it on hold and then bring mom in to approve.

If you arent interested in or cant afford to buy a fancier, pricier prom dress, you might want to consider renting one. For a fraction of the retail price, there are designer dresses available to rent for up to a week. And nobody will be the wiser! Check out: Rent the Runway at; or Love That Dress at

In Stamford, One Step Ahead is the store that started the exclusivity factor. They wont sell the same dress to any girls from the same school. This would seem to encourage first picks, and shopping early, but Danna, the stores owner says, Not necessarily. We constantly have new styles coming in, so, at any time, therell be fresh new merchandise to try on.

The big color this year is nude and the Mermaid, body-hugging style is really in, usually fully beaded to look glamorous. I think that Downton Abbey has influenced this years styles, Danna says. Customers are looking for a softer, English rose look. Ivory and pastels are popular. As for short or long, that depends on the school. For instance, in Ridgefield, short dresses are for the junior prom, long dresses for the senior prom. One thing we do is: after a girl has bought her dress, if she changes her mind, we will exchange the dress for another, because we want our customers to be happy. What you wear to the prom is important, an 18 year-old says, because when you feel youre looking pretty, no matter whether you have the greatest figure or not, it just gives you a feeling of confidence that youre going to have a good time, and then you usually do.

1 to

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May 5 1 to 5 pm

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