ASP 1 and 2 Unit

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UNIT 1 1.

Define Advertisement It is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor. 2. What is Publicity? It refers to non-personal communications regarding an organization, product, service or idea not directly paid or run under identified sponsorship. 3. Explain the benefits of advertising. i) Information ii) Brand image building iii) Innovation iv) New product launch v) Growth of media vi) Long term indirect benefit 4. What are the functions/values of advertising objectives? Setting advertising objectives helps in i)Communication ii) Planning and decision making iii) Measurement and evaluation of results 5. What is DAGMAR ? It is an acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. Objectives should have the following features Concrete, Measurable Tasks Target Audience Benchmark Specified Time Period 6. What are the economic implications of advertising? Effect on the value of products and services Effect on Consumer demand and choice Effect on competition 7. Legal Government must ensure that advertisement should not Show anti national feelings Contain misleading information about the product Violate government rules 8. Ethical Ethics are moral standards against which behavior is judged. Advertisement is considered unethical in the following situations; When it gives false or misleading information on the value of the product.

When it fails to give useful information on the possible reaction or side effects of the product. And When it has degraded or underestimated the substitute or rival's product When it is immoral.

9. Give some ways of unethical of advertisement Surrogate advertisement Puffery Exaggeration Unverified claims Women stereotyping Women used as sex symbols for promoting products Comparative advertisements Use of children in advertising 10. Name the institution involved in controlling the advertisement. i) Council of better business bureau ii) Self regulation by media iii) Individual advertiser v) Industry regulation vj National Advertising review board a, NAD - National Advertising Division b. NARB - National Advertising Review Board c. FTC - Federal Trade Commission D. ASCI- Advertisement Standard Council of India. 11. Push Strategy A push promotional strategy involves taking the product directly to the customer "Taking the product to the customer" 12. Pull Strategy A pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek the product. Getting the customer to come to you" 13. Social advertising : Media messages designed to educate or motivate members of a public to engage in voluntary social activity such as community service, recycling etc 14. What is an Advertising Agency? It is an independent organization that provides one or more specialized advertising and promotion related services to assist companies in developing, preparing and executing their advertisement and other promotion program. 15. List the types of Advertising agency. In-house Full Service Creative Boutique Media Buying Agencies

16. Full Service It offers complete range of services such as creating, producing and placing the advertising message. It offers Account Services, Marketing Services, creative Boutique and media buying 17. Creative Boutique Responsible for creation and execution of advertisement 18. Media buying Agency - Independent companies which specialize in buying a media particularly radio and TV time 19. Mention various persons working in Ad agency. 1. Artist 2. Writers 3. Copy writers 4, Photographers 5. Media analysts 6. Researchers 7. Web developers 8. Accounts Executers 20. Who is a copywriter? Individual who conceives the ideas for ads and commercials and writes the words or copy for them. 21. Explain AIDA Model. ATTENTION INTEREST DESIRE ACTION 22. List the different agency compensation Commission Negotiated Fee Percentage Charges 23. Define Advertising Campaign It includes a series of ads, placed in various media that are designed to meet objectives and are based on an analysis of marketing and communication situation 24. What is USP? Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is an offer an advertiser makes to his target customers which is unique in relation to competing offers and promises to deliver a certain distinctive benefit or satisfaction 25. Who is a celebrity? A celebrity is a person who has a prominent profile and commands a great degree of public fascination and influence in day-to-day media. UNIT 2 26. What is Media Plan? It is a document that gives the objectives, strategies and tactics of reaching a target audience through different media vehicles.

27. Who is media Planner? Media Planner is an individual who formulates the program stating where and when to place advertisements. 28. What are the steps involved in media selection? i) Deciding on reach, frequency and impact ii) Choosing among major media types iii) Selecting specific media vehicle iv) Deciding on media timing 29. What are various media of advertising? a) Print media i) News papers ii) Magazines b) Broad cast media i) Radio ii) Television iii) Narrow cast media c) Outdoor media d) Transit ad media e) Other media i) Nature of products ii) Direct Advertising media 30. What do you mean by pop up advertisement? It is the advertisement window on the internet. They are a form of online advertising on the World Wide Web intended to attract web traffic 31. Define Reach and Effective Reach Reach It is a measure of number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period of time Effective Reach It is percentage of an audience that must be exposed to a particular message to achieve a particular objective 32. Define Frequency and Effective Frequency Frequency It refers to the number of times the audience is exposed to a media vehicle in a given period of time. Effective Frequency It is the no of times a target audience must be exposed to a message to achieve a particular objective 33. Types of Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, Transit Advertising, Street Furniture, Skywriting etc 34. What is a media Vehicle? It is the specific publication or programme to carry an advertising message. 35. What is meant by spot advertising? Spot advertising; refers to commercials shown on local TV stations, with time negotiated and purchased directly from the individual stations 36. Explain the term Target Rating Point (TRP)

It refers to the number of times (frequency) & the number of individuals in the primary target audience that the media will reach. 37. Define GRP in media Planning It is a numerical figure indicating how many potential audience members are likely to be exposed to a series of commercials GRP = Reach X Frequency 38. Define Media Strategy It is the process of analyzing and choosing media for an advertising and promotions campaign 39. Write a note on media scheduling. It is the calendar of advertising plan. It is concerned with timing the insertion of advertisements in the selected media. 40. Three types of Scheduling

Continuity refers to a continuous pattern of advertising Flighting ads run at irregular intervals (Seasonal Products) Pulsing - It combines flighting and continuous scheduling by using a low advertising level all year round and heavy advertising during peak selling periods 41. What is CPM(Cost Per Thousand)? It is the cost of exposing 1000 audience members of a target market to an ad message. 42. Define CPRP.(Cost Per Rating Point) It is a measure of the efficiency of media vehicle relative to a firms target market CPRP = Cost of Commercial Time / Programmer Rating

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