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Laveesh Bhandari and Payal Malik

Version: November 2, 2008

Prepared for Manpower Inc.

Research Team:
Monica Jaitly
Ramrao Mundhe

Indicus Analytics

Table of Contents
Scale and Scope of Migration..............................................................................................6
International Skilled Migration .......................................................................................7
International Low-skilled Migration .............................................................................13
India’s internal migration ..................................................................................................16
The Three Dangers.............................................................................................................19
Demographic Dividend and Talent Shortage.................................................................19
Rapid growth and Social Unrest....................................................................................23
International Slowdown.................................................................................................24
Gains from Migration.........................................................................................................25
Brain Gain and Brain Circulation..................................................................................26
Enabling Networks.........................................................................................................27
Knowledge Diffusion.....................................................................................................27
Costs of Migration ............................................................................................................28
Brain Drain.....................................................................................................................28
Loss of Investment in Human Capital............................................................................28
Exploitation by Middlemen and Agents.........................................................................29
Access to Basic Services................................................................................................29
Migration of laborers from Orissa to Surat....................................................................29
Government Action............................................................................................................30
Employer Action................................................................................................................33
Academia-Industry partnerships ...................................................................................33
In House training by Companies to build talent pipeline...............................................33
Selected References..........................................................................................................35

List of Figures
Figure1: Inflow of Indian Workers into Principal Destination
Figure 2: Occupational Profile of Indian Legal Permanent
Residents in US
Figure 3: Country wise Percent Share in Skill Visa Outcomes,
Figure 4: Share of India in Total H-1B Visa Approvals
Figure 5: Country wise Percent Share in H-1B Visa Approvals
Figure 6: Percent Share of Top Two Countries in UK Work
Permit Issues
Figure 7: Percent Share of Top Countries in UK Work Permit
Figure 8: Country wise percent Share in Temporary Skilled
Visa Grants, Australia
Figure 9: Annual Labour Outflows from India
Figure 10: Annual Labour Outflows to Gulf Countries
Figure 11: Occupational Profile of Indians in UAE, 2001
Figure 12: Growth of net migration of workers in selective
states during 1991 to 2001
Figure 13: Distribution of interstate migrant workers (in
Figure 14: Population Pyramid 2026
Figure 15: Estimated number of individuals in 15-60 age
group across general education level for 2025.


The recent white paper by Manpower Borderless Workforce 2008 brings out
the great churn that is happening in international labour markets. Workers are
migrating permanently or on a short term basis, within a company or
changing companies, sometimes changing occupations in search of a more
fruitful work profile and lifestyles. Companies in turn are hiring internationally
– sometimes for employment in a single location and sometimes moving their
employees across national borders. The world may not have become flat yet,
but it is rapidly becoming borderless.

India is a significant contributor to this phenomenon; it is exporting talent

internationally in a big way and is considered to be a significant ‘threat’
internationally. India, of course, is not alone. But given its vast and rapidly
increasing English speaking workforce India is emerging as a major supplier
of international talent.

This is all happening at a far more massive scale than ever in the past. When
aggregate national economic growth is on an average 8 percent per annum,
but is characterized by large regional variation, it is evident that relatively
greater opportunities will act as a magnet for all those willing and able. And
what is happening across national borders is also occurring across sub-
national borders. IT professionals of Tamil descent form a large part of the
Bangalore story, labour from Bihar is benefiting agriculture in Punjab, large
numbers are moving from rural to urban areas in search of a better livelihood
and lifestyles.

The debate on international and domestic migration has attained

significant importance on the national as well as international platform.
Growing mobility of labour in a global economy, consequent population
and demographic impacts , coupled with enhanced security concerns,
have together underlined the importance of good migration management
policies to transform it into an efficient, orderly and humane process. The
question is no longer restricted to whether migration should or should not be
allowed, but has shifted to , how to manage migration effectively to
enhance its positive effects on development and mitigate the negative
(MOIA, Annual Report, 2007-08).

Migration has enormous potential to contribute to development and alleviate

poverty for a country like India, but the process needs to be understood
better if we are to put in place policies that maximize gains from migration.

What will be the consequences of large scale international migration from
India? What will be the developmental consequences of migration of highly
skilled workers from India? Being one of the main exporters of technical talent
to the world economy, these concerns are important.

To address these issues it is important to have a better understanding of

talent migration in India; both internal as well as international. This
background paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the process of
migration in India. This analysis is undertaken under three broad themes with
Section 2 covering issues such as: What is the scale and scope of talent
migration both (i) within India and (ii) between India and the world? Section 3,
primarily covering the supply side issues, will describe the demographic
dividend of India and provides a perspective to the same by discussing the
employability constraints of the working population of India. In this context
the following questions become important: (a) how to convert this
demographic dividend into an employable dividend; (b) Whether and how
short term training by hirers (with an international/domestic orientation) can
improve the employment potential of the Indian workforce?; (c) Whether and
how domestic skills shortages result in leading Indian companies seeking
talent overseas? Finally, Section 4 of the paper briefly discusses the gains and
costs of migration and follows that with a discussion of related policy issues.
The background paper concludes by providing a policy recommendations
focused on fully harnessing the gains and mitigating the costs in Section 5.

Scale and Scope of Migration

The willingness of all people to move from place of residence to another

location is driven by economic and lifestyle aspirations. This is true
internationally, as well as in India. But the core engine that powers migration
is that for employment, and there are many different characteristics
contained in this broad term. Manpower recognizes this (Manpower
Borderless Workforce, 2008). There are different categories of workers, blue
collar and white collar, with quite different aspirations and patterns of
movement. There is another divide between skilled employees and the
unskilled: skilled employees benefit from steady market demand for their
services; unskilled workers continue to struggle to get a foothold on the
economic ladder. There are two kinds of borders – national borders, of course,
but also explicit and hidden within countries that affect the movement of

International Skilled Migration

It is estimated that less than a million people migrate out of the country in
any given year. As per various government documents there are about five
million Indian migrants working internationally, our own estimates are a bit
higher at about six million. But Indian talent migration is creating a significant
impact on both the host country as well as in India. Traditionally the major
destinations for highly skilled Indian migrants have been the US, UK and
Canada and that for unskilled, semi skilled and recently professionals have
been the high-income countries in the Gulf mainly to the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) countries.

But this is changing rapidly. Destinations such as Australia, New Zealand,

and Singapore are also attracting Indian professionals. In the past, it was the
construction worker that characterized Indian talent movement to non-
English speaking countries. Now countries in Europe and Japan are now also
steadily becoming larger recipients of Indian skilled talent. In the Gulf as
well, skilled talent in-migration is steadily becoming more important vis-à-vis
the unskilled.

In a very short span of time India has become the top two or three most
important sources of talent in-migration in a range of developed countries
including the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and of course the Gulf region.
Figures 1-8 indicate an increasing long term trend in these countries.

Figure1: Inflow of Indian Workers into Principal Destination



Australia Canada United Kingdom United States






1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Source: OECD

Figure 2: Occupational Profile of Indian Legal Permanent Residents
in US




9.26 9.72
10.00 7.57

2001 2003 2004 2005

Professional, Speciality and Technical Executive, Administrative and Managerial

Farmer, Forestery and Fishing Service

Source Profile on Legal Permanent Residents,

Figure 3: Country wise Percent Share in Skill Visa Outcomes,







1999-00 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

India UK South Africa China

Source: Population Flows: Immigration Aspects, Department of

immigration and citizenship, Australia.
Figure 4: Share of India in Total H-1B Visa Approvals

350000 Total India







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Source: Sasikumar and Zakir Hussain (2006)

Figure 5: Country wise Percent Share in H-1B Visa Approvals










2004 2005
India China Canada Philippines Korea

Source: Sasikumar and Zakir Hussain, 2006

Figure 6: Percent Share of Top Two Countries in UK Work Permit







1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Source: Sasikumar and Zakir Hussain, 2006

Figure 7: Percent Share of Top Countries in UK Work Permit Issues


2002 2003 2004 2005






India United States Australia Phillipines South Africa

Source: Sasikumar and Zakir Hussain, 2006

Figure 8: Country wise percent Share in Temporary Skilled Visa







1999-00 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

Source: Population Flows: Immigration Aspects, Department of

and citizenship, Australia.

None of this would have been possible without the active recognition of
governments internationally of the important role that talent in-migration
plays in their countries. Given the stagnating and ageing workforce in
developed countries the need for sourcing talent from oversees is natural.
Moreover, employers in developed countries need easy access to the “best
and brightest” from around the world to attain a competitive advantage in
the international markets. For example, in the nineties the expansion of US H-
1B program, that targets specialty occupations, was justified on these
grounds. (Martin 2003). As per US immigration data nearly three-fourths of all
of the systems analysts and programmers are from India. Across all recipients
of new H-1B visas India was the leading country of origin comprising almost
half of all of the new arrivals in FY 2005. Consequently, many governments
have taken significant steps to increase the inflow of Indian skilled talent into
their countries.

There are similar programs in UK and Australia is the Highly Skilled Migrant
Program (HSMP) and Skilled temporary resident program respectively. India
leads in work permits issued to foreign nationals in UK, surpassing the USA
from 2001 onwards. The majority of the work permits issued in the UK are
acquired by IT and health professionals. Temporary business visas that are
nominated by employers in Australia display a similar pattern. In the year
2005-06 India accounted for 10 percent of these visas. Here as well the top
occupational groups included IT and IT related fields.

But the IT sector is not the sole beneficiary of Indian skilled talent migration.
In 2004, over 38,000 physicians of Indian origin accounted for one in every 20
doctors practicing medicine in the US. Another 12,000 Indians and Indian-
Americans are medical students and residents - doctors in specialty training -
in teaching hospitals across the country. And Indians made up roughly 20
percent of the "International Medical Graduates" - or foreign-trained doctors -
operating in the U.S.1 India is also the country of origin of 27,809 of the
68,836 registered doctors in UK who earned their medical qualification
outside the European Union (GMC, UK 2008). Not just doctors, India is the
second biggest exporter of nurses to the UK, after the Philippines.2

The impact of Indian talent in-migration is not limited to English speaking

developed countries. Significant numbers of Indian professionals are now
heading towards new and emerging destinations in Continental Europe and
Mixed feelings among Indian doctors as NHS turns 60, Deccan herald, July 6, 2008

East Asia. Germany for instance introduced the Green Card Scheme in 2000
to attract IT specialists. It is estimated that more than 60 per cent of those
who have been admitted under Green Card Scheme are Indians. Also nearly
10 per cent of the total IT engineers admitted to Japan during 2003 were
Indians (Sasikumar & Zakir Hussain, 2006).

This is only the beginning of a long term trend. The demographics indicate
an ever ageing and stagnating workforce in developed countries, the need to
supplement domestic talent with that from other countries will only grow.
The developed countries are feeling this talent shortage for the past few
years. But this will impact all the rapidly growing countries of the world in
coming years. South-east and east Asian countries’ fertility rates have been
falling consistently for many years and their age structure is no longer
pyramidical. Indian talent has so far not made a great dent in non-English
speaking countries, but in those countries as well there is a growing need
that can be serviced. Of course, this would require Indian talent to be well
prepared for the emerging requirements; we discuss that in later sections.
Overall, it can safely be said that India has already made a head start in
international market for talent. And with the demographics on its side, it is
well placed to service the world’s requirements for many decades ahead.

International Low-skilled Migration

The bulk of migration taking place from India is unskilled in nature. There are
about five million overseas Indian workers in this category all over the world.
The Gulf has traditionally been the recipient of a large number of semi and
unskilled labour, and the numbers continue to grow. More than 90 percent
of these workers are in the Gulf countries and Southeast Asia. Figure 9
depicts the annual outflow of labour from India. The outflow is consistently
rising from 2000 onwards.

Figure 9: Annual Labour Outflows from India

Labour Outflow






































Source: Annual Reports, Ministry of Labour, GOI, Various Editions

[Note: This data pertains to workers requiring emigration clearance. The

emigration permit is mandatory for unskilled and semi skilled labour before
leaving the country.]

According to the MOIA, Annual Report 2007-08, during 2006 about 670,000
workers emigrated from India with emigration clearance. Out of this about
255,000 workers went to UAE and about 134,000 to Saudi Arabia. Outside
the Gulf region, Malaysia is also emerging as an important destination for
intake of Indian labour - about 36,000 workers migrated to Malaysia in that
year. This is yet another example of new locations opening up for Indian

Figure 10: Annual Labour Outflows to Gulf Countries

Bahrain Kuwait Oman Saudi UAE






1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Source: Annual Reports, Ministry of Labour, GOI, Various Editions

A large majority of about 70 per cent of the Indian migrants in the Gulf has
comprised the semi–skilled and unskilled workers, the rest being white–collar
workers (20%) and professionals (10%). Though the latter are becoming more
and more significant in recent years (Khadria, 2006).

This follows the economic structure of the host countries. After the initial
years of the oil boom, large infrastructure investments and those in basic
industry led to the creation of great opportunities for low skilled labour.
However, with the advancing of the Gulf economies the requirements are
more and more towards services and high value added activities.

Indian Government statistics reveal that the socio economic profile of Indian
migrants to the Gulf has been shifting since the late eighties. There has been
an increased flow of professionals and white collar workers. There is a
significant change in demand for skills away from construction towards
operations and maintenance, services, and transport and communications. In
general there is a tendency to hire more professionals and skilled manpower
as opposed to unskilled and semi-skilled workers.

Consequently, countries such as the U.A.E are shifting focus away from
unskilled to the skilled and professionals category. Apart from highly qualified
professionals such as doctors, engineers and architects, bankers and CA’s,
many white collar workers are now working in Government offices and Public
sector enterprises. Others are engaged in gold, electronics, motor spare parts

or textile trades, construction industry, managing hotels and restaurants
(Indian Council of World Affairs, 2001).

But despite this trend in the Gulf, the overall low skilled workers are
increasing. These semi- skilled and unskilled workers are mostly temporary
migrants who return to India after expiry of their contractual employment.
Figure 10 shows the annual outflow of labour to GCC countries.

Figure 11: Occupational Profile of Indians in UAE, 2001

Equipment Operators and Related Workers 35.84

Production and Related Workers, Transport

Farmers, Fishermen and Related Workers 0.6

Service 9.04

Sales 13.25

Clerical and Related Workers 14.76

Administrative, Executive and Managerial 5.72

Professional/Technical and Related Workers 20.78

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Source: Zachariah 2002.

In sum, whether it is skilled or low skilled, in totality there is a great demand

internationally for international talent. And this demand is only going to
grow. Among all the major countries of the world, India is the best placed to
service this international requirements for many years to come.

India’s internal migration

There are many factors that drive migration - lifestyles, incomes,

employment, education, marriage, family movement, etc. But the bulk of
domestic migration is directly for employment. Among the rest, though more
than half of the women migrate due to marriage and many children migrate
as their parents migrate, ultimately almost all of the long-term location
choice is for employment opportunities of household members (Bhandari,

2007). Out of total population that migrated to other state 48 percent were
workers as per the last census.

Talent migrates locally, across regions within countries and internationally.

Unlike in the case of international migration, government intervention plays
little role in controlling domestic movement of workers in India, as in most
countries. Consequently locations that have greater incomes and greater
creation of opportunities tend to be the largest receivers of migrants.
Conversely, states that have low incomes and low economic growth tend to
be the net suppliers of talent.

Consequently, states such as Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, and Maharashtra are

among the largest net receivers of in-migrants. And low per capita income
and low growth states such as UP and Bihar are the topmost sources of out-
migrants. Maharashtra tops the list with 3.76 million net inflows of migrants.
Followed by Haryana (1.46 million) and Gujarat (0.81 million). On the supply
side, Bihar (-2.89 million) and Uttar Pradesh (-1.44 million) topped as major
states with net out flows of migrants.

Growth of net migration in some states has been phenomenal. Net migration
in Haryana increased about 3.5 times during 1991 to 2001, to a large extent
this was due to the rapid growth of areas in Haryana surrounding Delhi –
Gurgaon being a well known example. It almost doubled in Maharashtra
during the same period. Gujarat (68%) and Delhi (35%) were other territories
which experienced large increases.

Among the major cities, as many as 16.4 percent of the total population of
Delhi consisted of in-migrants in 2001 (arrived in the period 1991-2001).
Greater Mumbai and Bangalore followed at 15 and 13.4 percent respectively.
These are among the most rapidly growing Urban Agglomerations in the post
reform India.

Figure 12: Growth of net migration of workers in selective states
during 1991 to 2001

350 343




in percent

50 35.1


Source: Census of India 2001. Data highlights, migration tables.

Figure 13: Distribution of interstate migrant workers (in millions)


8.00 7.71(34)


5.98 (26)

4.90 (22)
4.15 (18)





Source: Census of India 2001. Note: R-U: Rural to Urban; R-R: Rural to
Rural; and likewise. Note: figures in parenthesis are percent of total
Of course rural to rural inter-state migration is also not insignificant (about
26%). However this class of migration benefits from the migrant having
relatively greater familiarity with his new environment and is more like local
migration. Moreover, such migration is characterized by extremely low or no
education, low skills, and agriculture related occupations.

Urban in-migration on the other hand is more likely to occur among those
who are relatively better skilled and educated. Consequently manufacturing,
trade, and services such as finance tend to be the more likely occupations.
These differences are also reflected in data from a large survey on
employment and migration conducted by India’s National Sample Survey
Organization. About 90 percent of the rural migrants had secondary/matric
level education or below, while the figure was 79 percent for the urban
migrants. Only 10 percent of the rural migrants were either graduates or post
graduates or technical diploma holders. For the urban area literate interstate
migrants with graduate or post graduate degree were 38 percent.

The Three Dangers

Demographic Dividend and Talent Shortage

India is perhaps the only nation which will have the youngest workforce
amidst the aging economies of world in the coming decades. It is estimated
that globally there will be a skilled manpower shortage of 56.5 million by
2020 and if India gears itself properly it could have skilled manpower surplus
of approximately 47 million by 2020.3 This presents India with a unique
opportunity to harness this dividend through skill development of the youth.

Eleventh Plan Document, Volume I, Planning Commission, Government of India.
Figure 14: Population Pyramid 2026

Source: Registrar General of India

The numbers are large and potential scale massive. The population for the
age group 15-60 group is expected to increase by 114 percent by 2025 (from
589 millions in 2004-05 to 1261 millions in 2025). As per Indicus estimates,
growth in the population having education of diploma/certificate course or
graduation or above, would be as much as 237 percent. Growth in the
population having education level secondary or below level would be 170

In spite of all these demographic advantages India currently does not have
training and education policies that can meaningfully convert this
demographic dividend into employable dividend. On the one hand skill
shortages is due to the general academic orientation of the education system
leading to low levels of employability of the educated. Moreover 90 percent of
the school students drop out at different stages thus very few reaching the
higher education levels. Even for less educated vocational / skill training
structure leave much to be desired. In this regard the Eleventh Plan
document reports that among persons of age 15-29 years, only about 2% are
reported to have received formal vocational training and another 8% reported
to have received non-formal vocational training.

Figure 15: Estimated number of individuals in 15-60 age group

across general education level for 2025.

250 2004-05 2025

in millions



Lit W/O Formalsch.

Lit- Below Primary

Higher Secondary

dip./certf course


Not Literate

Source: Estimates by Indicus Analytics

India’s transformation to a knowledge economy and the associated change in

profile of employment opportunities has created a demand supply gap in
skills in new economy sectors. In addition old economy sector also face
deficiencies on the skill front. Recent industry wise survey by FICCI throws
light on the emerging skill shortages scenario in the country. The survey
highlights the large requirement of skilled workers on one hand and world
class professionals on the other. For instance the IT sector may face a
shortage of 500,000 technology professionals by 2010. Also in the education
sector 25% to 40% shortage of faculty members in disciplines like
engineering, management, economics, computer science in Central
Universities is anticipated.

The survey also highlights talent shortages in sectors like Health,

Engineering/ Heavy equipment industry, Insurance, Automotive industry,
mining, textiles, civil aviation, environment and oil and gas. Thus talent
shortages exist across wide range of sectors in the economy.

• 80% of new entrants to workforce have no opportunity for skill training.
Against 12.8 million per annum new entrants to the workforce the
existing training capacity is 3.1 million per annum.

• About 2% of existing workforce has skill training against 96% in Korea,

75% in Germany, 80% in Japan, and 68% in the United Kingdom.

• 38.8% of the Indian labour force is illiterate, 24.9% of the labour force
has had schooling up to the primary level and the balance 36.3% has
had schooling up to the middle and higher level.

• About 80% of the workforce in rural and urban areas does not possess
any identifiable marketable skills. Structure and absence of quality
consciousness are said to be major reasons for the current state of

Eleventh Plan Document, Vol I, Planning Commission, Government of India

• Only 5% of the Indian labour force in the age group of 20-24 has
received vocational training whereas the percentage in industrialized
countries is much higher, varying between 60% and 80%.

• The illiterate and literate up to primary level of education constitute a

very high proportion of the existing work force, the two together
account for nearly 67% of the work force.

• The educated without professional skills constitute 69% of the total


• 90 % of the school students drop out at different stages.

• Only 2.5 to 3 million vocational education and training places are

available in the country.

Report of The Working Group on Skill Development and Vocational

Training, Eleventh Plan, Planning Commission, GOI

Rapid growth and Social Unrest

Rapid growth in an area can be well sustained if it can draw on the skill
capital of other states. This enables such areas to maintain high growth
levels and also build a competitive economy.

But there is a negative outcome as well. Rapid in-migration may change the
social and cultural characteristics of a particular location. This can create dis-
satisfaction on the part of local communities.

Moreover, as migrants are often willing to undertake the same task at a lower
remuneration than demanded by the locals, it also creates competition
between the two groups. This can result in an ironical duality in high growth
regions. While recent migrants are able to find a job that allows a better life,
local residents find it difficult to find a job of their liking and remain
unemployed. The taxi drivers in Mumbai are a very good case in point. Locals
are much more familiar with the city, and therefore should generally be
better at this job than migrants. Driving a taxi however requires irregular
working hours, is physically and mentally taxing, and is not the most
desirable of jobs for local youth. Consequently most taxi drivers in Mumbai
are migrants.

The combination of these two forces has been known to bring about extra-
legal and harmful acts by local interest groups against migrants. The recent
experiences in Maharashtra are a well known example. But that is just one
example among many in India and abroad. But if no dealt with properly, such
situations can harm both the potential migrant as well as the host economy
and community.

Take the example of India’s three most important cities. Cities such as Delhi
for instance have an insignificant proportion of its population that is its
original inhabitant. In the process its socio-cultural character has been ever-
changing since the nineteen fifties. But unlike in Mumbai in recent times, and
Kolkata in the seventies, Delhi has largely welcomed in-migrants. That has
enabled Delhi and surrounding areas to grow and prosper in a sustainable
manner and en-richening its socio-cultural heritage simultaneously. Cities
such as Kolkata on the other hand created barriers for particular groups, they
were no doubt able to retain their socio-cultural character, but lost out on the
richness and depth that comes with a more cosmopolitan society, and also
lost out on economic growth.

All large cities of the world and all successful economic centers have a history
of inclusiveness within their respective domains. When they have controlled
the entry of people from other cultures they have limited their own economic
potential and have also arrested their growth as socio-cultural centers.

This is an aspect of domestic migration that India will have to come to terms
with. Currently less than a third of India resides in its cities; this will very
soon be greater than half. Large numbers will move from low growth to high
growth and from rural to urban centres. The more the differences between
two areas the more rapid would be the migration, and if not handled properly,
the more harmful would be the responses.

International Slowdown

The past few months have revealed that the international economy has very
rapidly turned from a high growth phase to one of low or even negative
growth in all countries. As the first few quarters of the recession pan out,
firms in across the world would be expected to reduce new hiring, and even
lay off talent. According to the UN Secretary General workers in construction
and tourism are losing jobs in affected countries and remittances have
slowed. In his speech at the Second Global Forum on Migration and
Development in Manila, he has urged the governments to cooperate across
borders to exploit the benefits of the migration process even under such

According to the Director General ILO, the current crisis would hit hardest
such sectors as construction, automotive, tourism, finance, services and real
estate. He also noted that the new projections “could prove to be
underestimates if the effects of the current economic contraction and
looming recession are not quickly confronted”.

In other words, the jobs will once again come at a premium. Governments
across the world will be pressurized to build barriers against international
talent. In times like these inward looking pessimistic immigration policies may
be populist responses but the dynamics of migration are so strong that the
governments may not take such knee jerk reactions. Indians have started to
feel the heat of the slowdown with many top end entry level international job
offers being revoked.

The global slowdown may possibly hit the Indian outsourcing industry the
most. Already there is some news of projects being cancelled and/or
postponed. India's IT firms derive 40 percent of their global revenues from

financial services clients, with 61 percent of total sales from the U.S. and 30
percent from Europe. Some of India's IT majors have already revised their
sales growth forecasts for the year downwards by 5 to 6 percentage points.
However, Infosys, like other IT firms, is hoping that short-term pain will give
way to long term gains, as U.S. companies are forced to make deeper cost
cuts and, potentially, outsource more work to India (Associated Press)

Gains from Migration


Migration, whether domestic or international, results in a better matching of a

person’s inherent ability with employment and income options. This results
in greater productivity, output and remuneration. The net result is a win-win
situation where all three – the employer, the employee, and his family
benefit. The success of the Green Revolution in the states of Punjab and
Haryana is dependent upon the cheap agriculture labor from states such as
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

Hard data on domestic repatriation is unavailable, but there are many

examples in low growth low income states where families have been able to
beat the poverty trap on back of migration. However, some indirect evidence
adduced from the NSS surveys on migration and consumption and
employment/ unemployment by a research study4 showed, in 1992–93, 89
percent of permanent outmigrants sent remittances. The percentage of all
rural households receiving remittance income is also fairly high – in some
regions of the country, one-quarter to one-third of the households receive
remittances. The other source of resource flow that can alleviate poverty is
the savings brought home by migrants in cash or kind.

Remittances are also the most immediate and tangible benefits of

international migration. India was the largest recipient of workers’
remittances, which amounted to US$ 27 billion in 2007. Incidentally
remittances have outstripped net foreign direct investment and official
financial flows in India.

With the profile of the migrants changing to the highly skilled, remittances
are only expected to increase further. This is already evident as from the
1980s the share of the Middle East region in the total remittances decline

Ravi Srivastava and S.K. Sasikumar “An overview of migration in India, its impacts
and key issues”, Migration development pro-poor policy choices in Asia, 2003.

from 77 percent (1980-81) to around 61 percent in 1990-91 to and further to
22 percent in 2003. This was accompanied by a consistent increase of
remittances from the industrialized countries’ especially from the United
States, in the same time period of reference. This trend becomes pronounced
from the mid 1990s. The share of America in the total remittances increased
from 37 percent to 51 percent between 1997 and 2003.

Non- Resident Indian (NRI) Deposits have been the other main source of
attracting savings of Indian migrants. Various NRI deposit schemes with
varying incentives have been in place since 1970. Though it is debatable in
this era of free and fair markets whether the NRI should benefit from special
privileges, nevertheless, the fact remains that the NRI deposits have
contributed significantly to the large foreign exchange surpluses that India
enjoys (S.K. Sasikumar and Zakir Hussain, 2007).

Brain Gain and Brain Circulation

The rapid expansion of IT and IT enabled industry in India during the last
decade is also encouraging a large number of Indians to return and set up
business ventures, especially in key IT centers in India like Bangalore. Such a
trend of to and fro movement of professionals and ideas require that the
discussion of the impact of migration of high skilled labour on India should be
within the framework of ‘brain gain’.

It is estimated that at least 35000 IT professionals have returned to either

work in IT companies or set up business enterprises in Bangalore alone (S.K..
Sasikumar and Hussain, 2005). A recent comprehensive survey of India’s
software industry showed strong evidence of brain circulation, with 30-40
percent of the higher-level employees in India having relevant work
experience in a developed country (Commander et al., 2004). About a third
of GE India’s R&D staff has returned from the U.S., while IBM India identifies
half of the company’s PhD researchers as returnees.

In Pharma R&D as well, the evidence is very much in line with that in the IT
sector. A survey conducted by Duke and Harvard university researchers in
India found that a majority of the PhDs in drug discovery by sector leaders
such as Ranbaxy, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, and Aurigene, received their
degrees in the USA (Harvard Law School, 2007).

Moreover NRIs temporarily returning to India as intra-company transferees

of multinational corporations facilitate the smooth setting up of FDI entities,
acting as facilitators that smoothen the wrinkles faced in matching different

work cultures Though, specific experiences apart, return skilled migration
remains relatively limited and is often more a consequence than a trigger of
growth in the home country. Companies like Yahoo, Hewlett Packard, and
General Electric opened operations in India largely because of the confidence
infused by the presence of many Indians working in their U.S. operations.

Enabling Networks

Kapur and McHale, 2005, argue that the more recent Indian migration
streams draw significantly from the middle class and skilled labour force,
which can contribute in many ways over and above the stereotypical
remittance contribution. The story is now of Indian nationals after receiving
their higher education in the US becoming successful host country
entrepreneurs (e.g. in Silicon Valley) and on account of their knowledge of the
work cultures and bureaucratic systems in India they serve as bridges
between Asian and American markets. Their contacts and access to
technology and capital in both markets and societies is also an asset for

A survey of Silicon Valley’s Asian population in 2002 by AnnaLee Saxenian,

has some interesting results about the potential role of the elite Indian
professionals belonging to this group in building networks. From those
surveyed 77 percent had one or more friends who returned to India to start a
company, 52 percent travel to India on business at least once a year, 27
percent regularly exchange information on jobs or business opportunities with
those in India, and 33 percent regularly exchange technological information.
As for their potential role as “reputational intermediaries”, 46 percent have
been a contact for domestic Indian businesses. On the investment side, 23
percent have invested their own money into Indian start-ups—10 percent
more than once.

Knowledge Diffusion

There is a substantial skill upgradation when Indian technology professionals

work in an international environment. The Indian diaspora is thus expected to
play an important role in technology diffusion in the country. According to
Pandey, 2004, this happens through the following linkages:

• Facilitating the evolution of IT and ITES sector towards higher value-add,

knowledge intensive outsourcing through mentoring and coaching the
incumbent offshore vendors.

• Leveraging the Indian network to create mutually beneficial situations with
other Diaspora and other IT communities, e.g., the Chinese Diaspora and
the Chinese software and hardware manufacturing communities (in China,
Taiwan, and Hong Kong).

Even in the low skills sector such as construction, the large returnee
temporary migrant labour that was familiar with international methods and
technologies could rapidly be deployed in the construction sector boom in
recent years.

Costs of Migration

Brain Drain

Unless there is a clear surplus of skills and human capital, large scale
migration indeed has a possibility of creating an enormous shortage of
resources that are drivers for development, institutional creation as well as
building and economic well-being. This can range from the loss of a dynamic
segment and the youth on local/domestic entrepreneurship, to very
deleterious consequences for future generations of scarce talent in

It should be recognized that a large majority of the migrants do not return.

This is true for both domestic as well as international migration, and aptly
reflected in the high rates of urbanization growth within the country, as well
as permanent work Visas and citizenships granted to international migrants
from India.

Loss of Investment in Human Capital

The government, at the central, state, and local levels invests substantial
amounts in education and health. In the case of professional and high human
capital the investment is significantly higher than for a low skilled worker.
Migration imposes a double hit on the government.

On the one hand, the investment in the development of the migrant is lost to
some other state or country. And on the other, the potential economic and
tax base is also lower as productive and energetic individuals are lost. In
both cases there is a negative long term fiscal impact.

The new paradigm of “brain gain” and “talent circulation” of viewing talent
migration may be relevant in some fields in others like higher education,

medicine and health care this may not be the case. As teachers, doctors,
nurses and medical professionals leave an area they create a major service
gap adversely affecting those who remain.

Exploitation by Middlemen and Agents

In the case of both domestic and international migrants there are many cases
of exploitation and fraud by agents/contractors/employers. Since the migrant
is in a new environment, it is difficult for him to access institutions of law and
justice. In some cases language barriers also adversely affect access to such
institutions. This phenomenon affects both domestic as well as international

Access to Basic Services

Migrants find it hard to access public facilities such as healthcare, access to

ration shops, education, clean water and sanitation at the new place. This is
mainly because migrants lack basic identification and proof for place of
residence in the new place, which is important for accessing the basic public
amenities in India and also in most other countries (Laveesh Bhandari, 2007).
If there are language differences, the problem is worsened. And children of
migrants need special care and coaching in being able to fit into the new
educational environment.

A study on the vulnerability of the workers in an industrial area in New Delhi

show that in the absence of proper observance of existing labour rights, the
migrant labourers work in a hazardous working atmosphere. Working
condition in industries like cotton mills, small tile making factories, salt
making fields expose migrant workers to occupational hazards like lung
ailments, body ache and skin diseases.

Many times, the lack of knowledge of rights combines with lack of access to
facilitating institutions. This causes undue hardship and exploitation to the

Migration of laborers from Orissa to Surat

An estimated lakh laborers from Ganjam district of Orissa make Surat their
city of livelihood. They prefer to migrate to Surat as there is little scope for
livelihood near their homes. Rohita Pagada of Lundajuadi village (Orissa) said

that he knew he was returning to `hell-like living conditions.' But it is a
compulsion. Most Oriya migrants in Surat live in slums. At times around 20
people share a single room house with no water or sanitation facilities. The
migrants work in shifts allowing half of the group to sleep at night. When it is
a holiday some may sleep in the streets and on the footpath, said Mohan
Nayak, a migrant laborer of the Khalikote area.

These migrants also say locals treat them as second class citizens. They
alleged that as there are no government records, both Orissa and Gujarat
governments never address their problems.

- The Hindu, Monday, January 22,


Government Action

It has now been demonstrated that talent migration can contribute in ways
unforeseen and governments at the state and central level need to facilitate
the smooth and safe flow of talent as well as a good work and living

Turning ‘Demographic Dividend’ into ‘Employable Dividend’

For India to benefit from the opportunities that are emerging in the world,
Indian talent would need to be appropriately educated and skilled. The
government recognizes this and apart from rapidly increasing expenditures
on education, is also instituting many of vocational and skill development
programs. However, given the scale of the problem, these efforts are
inadequate. For this purpose ensuring greater private sector entry into the
educational and vocational training sector will be critical. The entry of
international educational and skill development organizations needs to be
encouraged and facilitated.

Safe Immigration

Complaints are often received about cheating of intending emigrants by

touts and recruiting agents and exploitation and ill-treatment of emigrants by
their foreign employers. Malpractices like substitution of contract,

underpayment and delayed payment of wages, denial of contractual
facilities etc are frequent.

The Emigration Act of 1983 needs to re-looked at and changes that clearly
delineate the roles and responsibilities of critical stakeholders including
central government, Indian Missions, Protector General of Emigrants and
Recruiting Agencies and Employers need to be laid down. Perhaps even
more important, the implementation of the Act needs to be tightened.

Identity, Database and Information

Domestic migrants require proper identity of temporary residence that can

then help them avail of government services in their new location. This is
currently missing in India and local government services such as basic health
and education are inaccessible for the large numbers of domestic migrants.
A proper registration system that identifies the migrant and his/her family as
such and allows them access to these services requires to be put in place.
Proper documentation would also facilitate access the judicial and policing

International migration has a different set of issues; the out-migrant requires

support from the embassies; an understanding of activities and occupations
Indian migrants are involved in would also enable better promotional action
on the part of the government and its agencies internationally.

Special criteria for migrants in government services

Temporary migrants, seasonal migrants, and recent migrants all suffer from
poor access to public services as it is difficult to identify there residency.
Moreover emerging safety procedures such as KYC (know your consumer)
norms also limit their access to banking, telecommunication as well as
utilities. Regulations and procedural guidelines need to be changed at the
central, state and local government level to ensure that the migrant is not
kept out of such essentials.

Greater Portfolio Diversification

India’s migration and manpower policies need greater portfolio diversification

both with respect to the countries as well as occupations. It will be difficult
for the government to accurately and finely predict such opportunities.
However certain actions such as opportunities for learning international
languages, better access to information on emerging sectors in different

countries, involvement of Indian embassies in facilitating talent migration, all
would help.

Bilateral agreements and liberalization of policies

In the absence of the liberalization of Mode Four (Movement of Natural

Persons), in the WTO negotiations this is a option available for India for
increasing the scale as well as the scope of migration. Opening up India’s
borders to skilled international professionals would facilitate this, improve the
spread of technologies in India, deepen economic networks and overall
facilitate greater talent out-migration from India.

Implementation and tightening of laws dealing with domestic migrants

There are a range of laws governing migrants within the country. Building
and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1976; the Building and Other Construction Workers (Cess) Act,
1976; the Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation and Conditions of Service)
Act 1979; the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and the Minimum Wages
Act, 1948, and perhaps the most important of all - the Inter State Migrant
Workmen (Regulation and Conditions of Service) Act 1979, are some
examples. These laws currently are only on paper and imposed infrequently
and record of prosecutions and dispute settlement has been very weak
(Srivastava, 2003). The laws need to be made in line with the three
imperatives of a globalizing economy – minimizing controls on free movement
of people and goods within and outside the country, better implementation of
the core property and fundamental rights of the migrants and their
employers, and ensure that universal and even implementation of the laws

Overall the role of the government needs to be to create an ecosystem that

enables the smooth matching of the skill sets that workers have to offer with
those that employers require, irrespective of the locational differences. This
would require smooth and safe movement of individuals and employers
across national and international borders, existence of enabling organizations
such as educational and vocational training institutions, as well as a legal and
regulatory regime that protects property, life and liberty of all while ensuring
minimal regulation and procedural bottlenecks.

Employer Action

Employers, whether large or small, hiring internationally or domestically, and

seeking high or low skilled talent, will face a significant bottleneck in terms of
availability of specific skill sets.

Though such proactive action is currently limited to only a few of the largest
firms, they are experimenting with various scalable options that are a win-win
for all. Whether sourcing talent for India operations, or for international ones,
such last-mile training would help employers reduce their costs and increase
productivity in the long run.

The few employers, both Indian and international, that have already
recognized this, are taking a range of actions that would (a) reduce the
difficulties in accessing appropriate talent, and (b) ensure that the
demographic dividend plays out as an employment dividend as well.

The efforts can be divided into three sub-domains, namely (1) Academia-
industry partnerships, (2) In-house training and (3) Enabling institutions of
learning and skill development.

Academia-Industry partnerships

Recognizing the need to access appropriately trained manpower, one of

India’s fastest growing banks, ICICI, has tied up with 27 professional institutes
for hiring 100,000 trained people in next 5-7 yrs. In the IT sector, Infosys has
similarly tied up with Vishveshwarya Tech which operates 135 engineering
colleges in the country. The company also via its “Campus Connect
Programme”, provides software-training modules to students of engineering
colleges in its campus. IBM is also building such partnerships and attempting
to spread the use of open source software in academic institutions. This will
help it source the OSS skill sets in India that are hard to find internationally on
a large enough scale.

Such academia industry partnerships help build an ecosystem where the

supply is targeted to the demand for specific skill sets. It enables firms to
source talent internationally, and is a strategy best suited for their India

In House training by Companies to build talent pipeline

Across almost all sectors, in services, infrastructure, and manufacturing,

companies are training new hirees in-house before putting them onto
productive tasks. For instance Management trainees in Hindustan Unilever
undergo an intensive 12-month cross-functional training programme before
they start work. India’s largest automobile maker, Maruti Udyog spent close
to Rs 80 million in 2006 on training its employees across levels. One of
India’s largest IT companies, Wipro has a project management academy
where managers undergo a six months intensive programme made of 20
behavioural models ranging from interpersonal relations to leading

L&T has set up construction skills training institutes where 10 th and 12th
pass students are given training in masonry, carpentry, electrician. Unlike
the above examples, these students may not be hired by L&T and may be
used by it as subcontractors in its projecs.

Yet others are using their international affiliates and branches; Accenture for
instance follows a job rotation system and sends its highest performing senior
managers to different offices around the world where senior Accenture
leaders coach them.

This ‘brain-circulation’ helps in the spread of knowledge and methods across

the orgaization and at the same time ensures that a strong and deep base of
skills is created within an organization.

The critical employer action therefore needs to be in the domain of skill

improvement and vocational training. It is not, of course, the task of
employers to venture into the education space as a core activity. However, a
large part of the manpower requires two-three month training and skill
improvement. Employers are best suited for such tasks, as they more than
anyone else are aware of the specific requirements of specific jobs.


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