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12 theSun | TUESDAY MARCH 17 2009



TO achieve greater unity TO maintain a TO create a just society in TO ensure a liberal approach TO build a progressive society
among Malaysians democratic way of life which the wealth of the nation to her rich and diverse which shall be oriented to modern
shall be equitably shared cultural traditions science and technology


Sticking by
last year. But less than two months
later the leaders were back doing
what they were doing as if March 8
didn’t happen.
Now why I say Umno can lose its
preeminence in the BN. Take 2004
for instance. A total 110 of the 117
Does the end justify
the means?
Umno candidates won. In 2008 only
78 of its 117 candidates won. PAS
and PKR have proven that Umno
has no monopoly on Malay-majority TAN Foong Luen, in the capacity of the illegality of the DVD.
constituencies. If it fails in rebuilding MCA NS Legal Bureau chief, writes Accepting the illegal material as
itself and fails to win back those who on “MCA must close ranks” (March evidence is tantamount to abetting
had rejected it in 2008, it is not im- 10). Presumably, Tan speaks on those who have stealthily produced
SCENE: Dome, KLCC constituencies. possible for it to lose half the number behalf of MCA Negri Sembilan. it, lauding the criminals for expos-
Chong: Considering of seats it won last year. He questions the reasons given ing one’s private matter through
Mohan: So at the end what happened in 1999 Chong: In rebuilding itself Umno by party members, present and outraging one’s privacy.
of Thursday next week and 2008, I don’t think it must really take into consideration former leaders, who lend support Pointing fingers at Chua for
Datuk Seri Najib Razak is far-fetched for Umno to the feelings of the non-Malays. It to party deputy president Datuk immorality and criminal offence
will be hailed as the win fewer seats than the can no longer ride rough-shod on Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. but ignoring the immorality and
new Umno president, other parties in the BN in others. I am a Malaysian too, Cikgu, Central to Tan’s questions is illegality of the DVD on the other
the party’s seventh. By the next general election. Malaysian citizen first class. the DVD which resurfaced recently is telling the public that MCA is
convention he will also Sorry Cikgu to say this. Zain: Umno was given preemi- since it first appeared last year advocating the practice of the end
become prime minister As an Umno member I nence and allowed to lead the that led to Chua’s resignation from justifying the means. It condones
when Datuk Seri Abdul- am sure you don’t like to coalition because the other parties government and party posts. the unlawful production of the DVD.
lah Ahmad Badawi steps hear this. trusted it to do the right things. But Tan says that those who support It only helps to propagate the action
down at the end of the
WhatTheySay Zain: On the con- many things done and said by many Chua have missed an important is- of such unlawful perpetrators.
month. by Zainon Ahmad trary Chong, some of my Umno leaders in recent years make sue of law that Chua, according to In the first place, since the sur-
Azman: Thus fulfill- friends and I in the party the party to lose some of that trust. him, is now being investigated under facing of the DVD, showing part of
ing the long-held belief have been talking about Umno must earn that trust again. Section 377A of the Penal Code for the video clip by the mass media
that the first six prime ministers of this eventuality if Umno continues Chong: So many things for Najib carnal intercourse against the order including TV is by itself deplorable.
the country would come from the to be riven by infighting and led by to do when he takes over at the end of nature. He further elaborates on The media has absolutely no right
letters that spell RAHMAN, one of greedy leaders. And if Najib cannot of the month. how if the ingredients of such ac- to do so. The action of such media
the attributes or names of God – the fix the many problems of the party. Mohan: Yes, so many things to tion are established then there is is immoral and illegal. They have no
Most Gracious. The first prime min- Azman: You agree with Chong, do and so little time left in which to a prima facie case that warrants a right to possess and disseminate
ister was Rahman, the second was Cikgu? do them. The next general election conviction. He, however, does not an illegal material. Unfortunately,
Abdul Razak, followed by Hussein, Zain: Absolutely. Let’s say the is less than four years away. Chong, quote his source of information, nobody has taken the media to
Mahathir, Abdullah and now Najib. BN wins again in the next general you said Najib takes over at the end as the police have so far not made task.
Zain: At one National Press election, maybe just 119 seats in the of the month. You mean March 31 any public announcement on the Tan is right in saying that nobody
Club function close to ten years ago 222-seat Dewan Rakyat. Of course of course. investigation. is above the law. More so, the
where Najib was the guest speaker, it can still rule. Let’s say of the 119 Chong: Of course. Can’t be the Whether the DVD is politically scrutiny of a public figure by the
the president of the club introduced seats, Umno’s share is fewer than 35 next day, April Fool’s day. motivated, or Chua lobbies for high public is expected to be particularly
him as the final letter making up and the MCA wins all the 40 seats it Mohan: But I have heard all party post and government office, stringent. But it must be done in a
RAHMAN. He wondered loudly contests. Surely you can’t expect the kinds of dates. So many rumours or the party members have forgiven lawful way, in line with the principle
what would happen after Najib. convention to be still observed. In about them abound. One says that Chua, is entirely a party matter. of respecting the rule by law and
Would he be the last of the Umno that situation, Umno has no choice it’s April 3. Another says that April Whether as Tan says, Chua’s case following the rule of law.
prime ministers? But God has other but to move a step back probably 8 was proposed but it was rejected. does find its day in the disciplinary Let those people who believe that
attributes and names. grateful that it is still part of the The prime minister is still busy. hearing for causing injury to the a public figure who has committed
Mohan: Sorry Cikgu, but let’s government. Azman: All this is causing a lot of image of the party is again entirely an offence, or whose behaviour is
go back to the convention where As part of the government it uncertainty. And instead of clearing up to the party to decide. The party detrimental to the public’s interest,
the Umno president becomes prime still has the opportunity for it to the air by announcing a date quickly, has all the right to pass judgment to come forward and report to the
minister, a convention which has strengthen itself and to once again Abdullah chose to cause more un- on Chua using its own moral and police with the necessary evidence
been observed for more than fifty dedicate itself to the well-being of certainty when he said last week legal yardstick. or take him/her to court in an ap-
years. the rakyat instead of allowing itself that he would be announcing the However, of interest to the propriate and lawful way. Leave it
Chong: I suppose for so long as to be used by its greedy leaders to date soon. Many people are begin- public is, as far as the sex video to the police to carry out the neces-
BN rules and for so long as Umno enrich themselves. Why I say an ning to be nervous already. case is concerned, whether MCA, sary investigation which can lead
commands the most number of seats opportunity? Because I think Umno Zain: Tell them not to worry. The being a political party in which to prosecution and conviction and
than the other parties in the coali- outside the government will just frit- Quran says that God gives power to many among its party leaders are let the person concerned face the
tion the convention stays. But what ter away. Disappear. Gone. whom He pleases and strips power lawmakers, live up to the expecta- legal consequences and take full
if the MCA holds the most number Azman: You seriously think this from whom He pleases. It also says tion that as Tan says, MCA, being a responsibility for the offence and
of seats, will the convention still be can happen? Surely you know that that when God decides to grant pow- party to the government of the day, mistake if found guilty.
observed? Umno is rebuilding itself. er to someone, nothing can prevent must uphold the law. While Tan reminds Chua’s sup-
Mohan: How can it happen? Zain: If it is, I see no sign of it. that someone from attaining power. To the knowledge of the public, porters of the supposed criminal
Every general election Umno con- There was some sadness, disappoint- And should He decide against grant- the DVD was produced illegally by investigation and the severity of
tests the lion’s share of the seats, usu- ment and even regret immediately ing power to someone, nothing can outraging the privacy of a public the supposed crime, he elects to
ally in most of the Malay-majority after the March 8 general election give him power. figure. The DVD is still in the custody ignore the illegality of the DVD and
of the police and therefore nobody the criminality of outraging one’s
has the right to possess, examine, privacy. The MCA Negri Sembilan
view or disseminate it. Legal Bureau and state MCA should

Consistent and sensitive translations Labelling Chua as immoral or al-

leging he had committed a criminal
offence based on an illegal material
take note that by doing so they are
telling the public that after all MCA
will not uphold the law when it suits
is by itself immoral and unlawful as them.
THE article, “Inconsistent, insensi- to call their God “Allah”. After all, Christians should translate their no one is supposed to have posses-
tive translations of ‘Allah’” (March the pre-Islamic Arabs and speakers scriptures even though he displays sion of it. The moral issue of Chua in Loh SH
11), by Tan Sri Professor Dzulkifli of Arabic cognate languages (like no knowledge of the original He- this case cannot be separated from Johor Baru
Abdul Razak is most welcome. How- Syriac and Nabatean) had already brew and Greek languages. Biblical
ever, I beg to differ with his views for been calling their God “Allah” (with translators chose the word “Allah”
the following reasons: equivalent cognates), and the Mus- to translate the word “God” since the kum
First, Dzulkifli violates Aristotle’s lims who came later used the term word was originally used in Arabic m a y Musa or Abraham/Ibrahim
dictum that one should critique a text “Allah” in a sense that deviates from as a generic designation for God. But apply to the Creator God and to Jesus (which is a matter of transliteration
on its own terms and that benefit its historical usage. for Christians this God has specifi- Christ on account of the Christian be- and there are no absolute rules
of doubt should be extended to the Third, Dzulkifli’s stricture is cally revealed himself as “Yahweh”, lief that Jesus is God’s manifestation governing how languages are
text. He does so when he rejects the irrelevant. Christians have never a term that emphasises his eternal for salvation of mankind (Titus 2:13). transliterated). It is not surprising
Christian use of the word “Allah” pretended that the Bible is an Islamic existence and unlimited power when It is only natural that Christians, who that Dzulkifli’s criticism of Christian
to refer to God simply because he book. Although Christians and Mus- used in the original context. from the very beginning understood translation of the Bible strayed into
considers Christian usage insensi- lims both believe in the same Creator The semantic range of the word Jesus as God, also apply the term these secondary issues since he
tive and shows no regard for Muslim God, nevertheless they have different “Lord” allowed Jews and Christians Kurios (Lord) to Jesus. Thus Jesus violates the basic dictum of literary
teaching about the Quranic Tauhidic understandings of his attributes and to apply the word Kurios (Lord) to is referred to as “My Lord and My and linguistic criticism right from
concept. His judgment begs the ques- his gift of salvation. Yahweh in the 3rd century BC Greek God!” (John 20:28) – rendered in Ba- the start.
tion. But why should people of other Dzulkifli’s criticisms fail to carry translation of the Bible, called the hasa Malaysia as Tomas menjawab It becomes evident that so long
faiths be dictated by an alien text (in weight because he has not undertak- Septuagint. A careful reading of the Dia: “Ya Tuhanku dan Allahku!” as Muslims like Dzulkifli insist that
this case, the Quran) in their use of en both a diachronic and synchronic Malay Bible will show that the trans- Dzulkifli’s confusion in his read- the meaning of words be strictly
their holy scriptures? It is surely an analysis of lexical terms used in the lator consistently translated “God” ing of the Bahasa Bible could easily restricted to a historically contingent
inept academic exercise to impose original texts. Without this exercise as “Allah” and “Lord” as Tuhan. It be avoided if he just follows Aristotle’s usage found in one particular text,
Islamic teachings onto the Bible or he has no grounds to justify why he is interesting to note that the Quran dictum and attempts an internally they will fail to understand, much
to impose Christian teachings onto cannot accept certain translations of also uses two words “Allah” and coherent reading of the text on its less empathise or accept that people
the Quran. Biblical terms, which are based on “Rabb” to describe God as “Allah” own terms. In the light of this funda- of other faiths have as much right to
Second, Dzulkifli’s stricture is objective principles of linguistics. and “Lord”. mental error, Dzulkifli’s gripe about address their God as they see fit.
indefensible in the light of history. Dzulkifli’s criticism of how Chris- There is then a semantic overlap how other names should be used are
Indeed, if legitimacy is to be accorded tians use the word “Tuhan” and “Al- and yet difference between “God” minor issues – like Jerusalem/Yeru-
to the first user of the word “Allah”, lah” in describing “Lord” and “God” and “Lord” in the Hebrew and Greek salem (which is a small matter of Dr Ng Kam Weng
then Muslims should not be allowed shows that he has prejudged how languages. For Christians both terms phonetics), Torah/Taurat Musa/Hu- Kairos Research Centre

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