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theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 2009 œ 5

news without borders

Maria J. Dass and Karen Arukesamy at the

Selangor State Assembly
Drop in criminal activity in schools
11 summoned to THE number of cases of gangsterism,
extortion and criminal intimidation involv-
outside school, it is not within the jurisdic-
tion of the ministry,” he said.
a total membership of 88,690.
Fuziah Salleh (PKR-Kuantan) then
ing students in schools was down to He said the ministry had taken steps asked why police were involved in efforts
testify in Balkis probe 46 last year compared with 76 in 2007,
Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr
to curb criminal activity in schools such
as the introduction of crime prevention
to reduce criminal activity among students.
“Aren’t there rehabilitative methods such
Wee Ka Siong (BN-Ayer Hitam) said. campaigns by way of a Crime Prevention as counselling?” she asked.
FORMER Selangor Mentri Besar Selcat was formed last May,”
Replying to a question from Datuk Club. A total of 6,447 schools have such Wee replied that counselling was
Datuk Seri Dr Mohammad Khir Teng said.
Lee Chee Leong (BN-Kampar), Wee said the club, with 380,369 student members available to students but could not by
Toyo and his wife Datin Seri Others members of the com-
another 1,862 students were involved in last year. itself change their behaviour. “Students
Zaharah Kechik are among 11 mittee are Haniza Talha (PKR-
other criminal activities last year. Wee said talks with the police were will listen for an hour or two, but what
people summoned by the Select Taman Medan), Saari Sungib
“Research shows that the number of also ongoing with a view to setting up happens when they leave school? Thus,
Committee on Competence, (PAS-Hulu Kelang), Azmin Ali
students involved in undesirable activities more Police Cadet Corps in schools. As parties such as schools and parents play
Accountability and Transparency (PKR-Bukit Antarabangsa),
in school has reduced. However, when at 2008, there were 2,534 police cadet a vital role in monitoring their children’s
(Selcat) to testify on discrepan- Edward Lee (DAP-Bukit Gas-
students are involved in criminal activities platoons in 1,784 schools nationwide with behaviour.”
cies in the Wives of Selangor ing), Sulaiman Abdul Razak
Assemblymen and Members of (BN-Permatang) and Ismail
Parliament Welfare and Charity Sani (BN-Dusun Tua). Giam Say Khoon and Hemananthani Sivanandam at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday
Organisation (Balkis). On April 24 last year, theSun
“All except one have (earlier) broke the story that Balkis
appeared before the committee members had decided to
to give their statements. The
one witness has not returned
from abroad,” Selangor State
Assembly Speaker Teng Chang
Khim told a press conference.
“Selcat will conduct its first
dissolve the welfare organisa-
tion and had transferred almost
RM10 million from its bank
accounts to its affiliate Bakti,
the Federal Organisation of
Ministers’ Wives.
Opposition MPs boycott
probe committee
public hearing next Monday and According to documents
hear until March 31 all issues sighted by the paper, Balkis Razak in relation to the Altantuya
Shaarribuu murder trial.
relating to Balkis and the policies chairman Zaharah had on March
Karpal Singh reiterated that the
and guidelines used by state- 11, 2008, three days after the
House should be transformed into a
owned companies to sponsor 12th general election, convened
court of law to punish individuals who
and fund the organisation,” he an extraordinary general meet-
he said had attacked him.
said. ing of the executive committee “Gobind was punished in the
THE special committee set up to inves- He said the meeting had the
The hearing clashes with to dissolve Balkis and close its House when he ought to have been
tigate the Feb 26 fracas involving Selan- required quorum. Although com-
Umno elections scheduled for bank accounts. referred to the privileges committee.
gor Umno Youth members and Karpal mittee members such as Lim Kit
next Thursday. The accounts were closed In light of that development and also
Singh sat for 90 minutes and heard from Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur), R. Siva-rasa
Asked if the hearing was also the following day, and the money three witnesses despite a boycott by (PKR-Subang) and Datuk Kamarudin what I have been saying all along,
about the “Balkis money trans- transferred to another account Opposition MPs. Jaffar (PAS-Tumpat) had withdrawn we would not be taking part in the
fer issue”, Teng (DAP-Sungai first, and then to Bakti. Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kian- as members, the committee still had inquiry,” he said.
Pinang), who is also Selcat chair- On March 13, the former dee, a member of the committee, said him, Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Lim said he had submitted a letter
man, said: “The ‘money transfer’ exco members of Balkis issued eight people had been summoned as Mulia as chairman, Nancy Shukri (BN- of resignation to the Speaker yester-
is not the issue now. The case a notice of dissolution to the Rahmah witnesses but only two turned up. Batang Sadong), Datuk Seri Dr Fong day, withdrawing from the committee
is more on Balkis’ activities and Registrar of Societies, which (left) and Those summoned were Karpal Chan Onn (BN-Alor Gajah) and Back- to protest its formation under Stand-
how the state’s subsidiaries and included amending the Balkis’ Nurul Shida Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor), Fong Kui benchers Club chairman Datuk Seri ing Order 80 (a).
other private companies spon- constitution and establishing at the Lun (DAP-Bukit Bintang), Fong Poh Tiong King Sing (BN-Bintulu) present, Opposition Leader Datuk Seri
sored these activities. a new organisation to prevent committee Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah), Lim Lip Eng Kiandee said. Anwar Ibrahim said Pakatan Rakyat
“The hearing is open to the the current state government hearing (DAP-Segambut), N. Gobala-krishnan “The investigation is still in progress, would support Karpal Singh’s decision
media and public and will be from taking over the organisa- yesterday. (PKR-Padang Serai), Michael Cornelius therefore there is no conclusion yet,” he and that its MPs appointed to sit in the
live on webcast. Selcat has tion and its premises, Kompleks (personal assist- said, adding that more witnesses would committee would also withdraw.
also invited non-governmental Wawasan Balkis. ant to Karpal be summoned after today’s session. He said the House had punished
organisations to act as observ- Last week, Azmin disclosed to Singh), and Par- “When we have a decision, we will refer Gobind harshly without affording him
ers.” the assembly information which liament security our findings to the House for debate.” the opportunity to defend himself, but
He urged members of the indicated Balkis had made three personnel Nurul On Feb 26, a group of Selangor Umno Youth members who allegedly
public with information to sub- “technical” visits to Disneyland, Shida Kamarudin Umno Youth members obstructed threatened Karpal Singh were only
mit details to the committee and Tokyo, Hongkong and South Ko- and Rahmah Karpal Singh from entering Parliament summoned as witnesses.
be present at the hearing. rea, and that throughout 2007, Idrus. House, demanding that he apologise “The (committee’s) probe looks
“The investigation into Balkis it had spent RM1.2 million on “Although we for his statement in the House that arranged and gives the Umno Youth
issues started immediately after overseas trips. had only Michael the youth wing was responsible for members sufficient time to ‘escape’.
and the two se- two rounds of live ammunition that We cannot tolerate such behaviour
curity officers to he had received. will not be involved in such a lopsided
testify, we have Earlier, opposition MPs had investigation,” Anwar said.
Speedier public sector asked what we
wanted ... we feel we have enough
announced a boycott of the inquiry,
accusing the committee of double
On the charge brought against
Karpal Singh under the Sedition Act
recruitment information. There is enough (evi-
dence) for the committee to work on
standards in the handling of the
inquiry as well as in the decision to
yesterday, he said it was malicious
prosecution aimed at pleasing Umno
and we will ask the (Selangor) Umno suspend his son, Gobind Singh Deo delegates at the party assembly and
DEPUTY Minister in the and Indian retrenched work- Youth members to give their state- (DAP-Puchong), for one year for raising election next week.
Prime Minister Department ers, were welcome to apply. ment tomorrow (today),” Kiandee told questions on Monday about Deputy Lim also described the prosecution
Senator T. Murugiah said the “We do not want to be reporters at the Parliament lobby. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul as “politically motivated”.
job application process in the seen as a government that
public sector will be shortened gives priority to only one race
from four to two months to
enable retrenched workers
as it is our wish to see the
participation of Chinese and
Kit Siang wants MACC to probe Ali Rustam
to secure employment more Indian communities in the by Giam Say Khoon money politics is a form of corruption and Umno party election?” he asked.
quickly. public sector. A quota of 7.4% that it cannot be settled at party level. At this juncture, Datuk Wira Ahmad
Speaking to reporters in the vacancies has been allocated “It is an offence against the state and Hamzah (BN-Jasin) stood up to defend
Parliament lobby, he said the to Indians.” THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission nothing should stop MACC from coming Umno and challenged Lim.
government had taken four Murugiah said basic (MACC) was yesterday urged to act against in because all complaints were made by “You (Lim) have accused the Malacca
months to interview and train salary for the management Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Umno members, he said. chief minister of corruption. If you do not
new staff, but because of the and professional category Ali Rustam who has been found guilty of “If one is not allowed to stand in the understand a thing, you do not talk about it
economic crisis, “this process ranged from RM2,538.89 to election offences by the Umno disciplinary party election, how can he still be the chief as this has nothing to do with DAP.
is to be speeded up”. RM3,550.84, and support board and barred from contesting in the minister of a state?” he asked. “I can also talk about DAP Malacca if
Murugiah said the Public category from RM1,419.91 to party election next week. “MACC has said that it wants to be I want to … Don’t talk about Umno,” said
Services Commission had RM2,396.61. While debating the Supplementary Sup- like the Independent Commission against Ahmad, who raised a point of order under
identified 46,000 vacancies in Check for vacancies and ply (2008) Bill 2009 in the Dewan Rakyat Corruption of Hongkong but would it be Standing Order 36(12) citing Lim as having
the public sector and qualified apply at or yesterday, Lim Kit Siang Lim Kit Siang authoritative and effective enough to arrest misled the House by accusing someone who
applicants, especially Chinese call 03-8885 6297/6258/6242. (DAP-Ipoh Timur) said the involvement in someone who is involved in corruption in was not in the House and to defend himself.

officers an additional RM200 enforce- pulsory for pharmacists to serve the reduce the number further to meet failed or suspended, Deputy Higher
ment incentive. government for three years,” he said. the ministry’s target of 1.8 million Education Mnister Dr Hou Kok Chung
Abdul Latiff was replying to Datuk foreign workers in the country. (BN-Kluang) said.
briefs Chua Soon Bui (Tawau-Independ-
ent) who asked if the ministry would
60,000 fewer Replying to questions from Datuk
Mohd Nasir Ibrahim Fikri (BN-Kuala
“Students fail to graduate or are sus-
pended because of their unsatisfactory
review the OT benefits of pharmacists, foreign workers Nerus), Syed Hamid said the increase academic results, failure to register for
No extra OT allowance as enjoyed by doctors in government THE number of foreign workers in the levy on foreign workers was courses, furthering their studies in other
service. reduced from 1.12 million to 2.06 aimed at reducing dependence on tertiary institutions, lying about their
for pharmacists To Chua’s question on whether the million from March to December them and to encourage employers qualifications or causing disciplinary
THE Health Ministry does not plan to in- withdrawal of the petrol and diesel sub- last year, Home Minister Datuk Seri to employ locals. problems,” he said.
troduce extra overtime (OT) allowances sidy for additional workdays six months Syed Hamid Albar (BN Kota Tinggi) Hou was replying to a supplementary
to pharmacists working in government ago was the reason for many pharma- said. UUCA not reason why question from Mohd Firdaus Jaafar
hospitals, Deputy Health Minister Datuk cists leaving government service, Abdul He said that with the current (PAS-Jerai). To another question, he
Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad said. Latiff gave no direct response. freeze on foreigners in certain students fail said 1.5% or 4,800 students from the
He said pharmacists in government “We are aware of the shortage of sub-sectors like manufacturing and RESTRICTIONS under the Universities total annual student enrolment failed to
hospitals received a monthly RM750 pharmacists ... we have only 632. We services, and the current economic and University Colleges Act (UUCA) graduate or were suspended between
critical service incentive payment, and also have an act that makes it com- situation, the ministry hoped to are not the reason why students are 2005 and last year.

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