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theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 2009 11

speak up!

thesun says

Confidence building helps

resolve disputes
CLOSE cooperation between Malaysia and residual bad feelings between the leaders of
Brunei has resulted in each becoming more the two countries and their people. It helped
confident with each other over the years. Out that the two countries did not really politicise
of the growing frequency of interaction with the issue throughout the years.
each other came mutual trust and respect and Of the other territorial disputes Malaysia
it is this that has resulted in Brunei giving up its is involved in, the one with the Philippines is
claim to Limbang, a de facto district of Sarawak the next most important one that has been
just across the Limbang River which people waiting for a long time to be resolved. While
from both sides cross daily. The claim dating Brunei claimed only a small part of Sarawak
back from 1890 had not affected relations the Philippines claims almost all of Sabah, a
between the two countries which remained claim Malaysia does not recognise. The dif-
cordial throughout but both sides were aware ficulty with the Philippines’s claim is that it
of the small “fishbone in the throat”. That has been politicised to such an extent that
“fishbone” is now gone forever and the two any talk of the country dropping the claim
countries can now enjoy a new era of even would be drummed up and capitalised upon
closer and brotherly bilateral relations. by interested parties into a nationalistic issue.
The leaders of the two countries signed Following the failure of a frenzy of activities
the necessary documents to formalise the to facilitate the Philippines to drop the claim
dropping of the claim on Monday. It was a in 1987, both countries decided to put the
historic moment for the two countries and issue on the backburner. And there it stays
also for Asean where relations between its with Malaysia standing firm that Sabah is part
ten members are impeded by territorial claims of its national territory. Meanwhile, relations
and counter claims among them. Malaysia and between the two countries have progressed
Brunei are therefore to be congratulated for from cool to warm beginning with the time
having resolved the problem cordially by them- when Fidel Ramos and Tun Dr Mahathir Mo-
selves without even going to the International hamad decided that they should be trading
Court of Justice. The settlement has helped partners despite the one problem between
to reduce by yet another the number of ter- them. Perhaps another round of diplomacy
ritorial claims among the Asean nations. The should be attempted to bring to an end the last
way Malaysia and Brunei resolved the issue of of the problems that came up as a result of the
Limbang would not be expected to leave any formation of Malaysia in 1963.

Job losses raise

a red flag
by Daniel Chandranayagam one wonders who will be
paying for the retraining
AS RECENTLY as March 9, we were reassured of the retrenched work-
that the nation is not in recession. Second ers. After all, everyone is Freespace
Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop feeling the pinch. Where young views rule
was reported to have said, “We are not in re- Millar believes organi-
cession. Recession is defined as two consecu- sations should reassess
tive quarters of negative growth in real gross their business practices so that they don’t need
domestic product (GDP) but we have not even to retrench workers. “We can trace the reasons
(recorded single negative growth yet).” for the economic crisis to mismanagement
This must be reassuring news for the 54,977 and unsustainable business practices. Building
workers who lost their jobs from October last a sustainable organisation, and being able to
year until February this year. This also might be retain your workforce, means growing at a pace
a comfort for the 40,000 to 58,000 odd workers that can be maintained throughout the ongoing
expected to lose their jobs by the year-end, as business and economic cycles,” she says.
forecasted by the Human Resources Ministry. Still, the whole issue of the economic situa-
From my basic understanding, retrenchment tion in the nation and the retrenchment seems
(or any form of getting rid of one’s workforce) to follow the typical Malaysian close-the-door-
should be the last resort. Author of Malaysian after-the-horse-has-escaped tradition, whether
Industrial Relations and Employment Law, looking at the government or at businesses.
Maimunah Aminuddin, observes, “I believe To add insult to injury (at least to the re-
that there are plenty of employers who do not trenched workers), we were told that tens of
understand the importance of keeping their thousands of foreign workers had their visas
workers as long as possible. After all, to invest approved to work here just recently. What gives?
in employees (through recruiting the best and According to labour law, foreigners should be
training these people) and then to retrench them the first to go. Following public outcry, the visas
is obviously short-sighted, and bad for the long- have since been rescinded.
term survival of the organisation.” On this, Maimunah told me, “The government
In the course of a conversation with another is not in a position to curb retrenchment. How-
industry expert, I discovered that many organisa- ever, there doesn’t seem to be much effort to
tions found their layoffs in the previous recession ensure employers follow the law (Employment
did indeed cause them hardship as they did not Act) and retrench foreign workers before they
have sufficient employees to help them build up retrench locals. Worse still, those foreigners who
when the economy began to take off again. have been retrenched are supposed to be repat-
Irene Millar, director of Eco Leadership Pte riated. This is a condition imposed on employers
Ltd, explained to me that organisations should who hire foreigners. Anecdotal evidence from
begin to assess the strength and weaknesses the TV suggests this is not happening.”
of their workers to make a more efficient and I was told by an organiser of a feeding
productive team. Such programmes help programme that the number of people coming
workers, teams and organisations work more for food had increased by a third. Initially, I was
efficiently, so that, rather than having to get rid delighted, thinking that more people had come
of workers, the whole organisation becomes to learn about the help. The organiser shook his
more productive. head, “No, Daniel. It means more people can’t af-
Unfortunately, this won’t work for produc- ford to pay for their own food. Times are bad!”
tion-line workers, with whom most experts
agree that retraining is essential. Indeed, one of
the main focuses of the recent mini-budget was Daniel freelances in writing and publishing, and
on the retraining of retrenched workers. has a deep passion for sleeping, eating and
However, with the 50% cut to the Human labour law. He can be reached at pottedplot.
Resources Development Fund from employers, com.

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