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Time to Reset Defense Guidance for a More Effective and Affordable US Defense Posture

For Your Reference

Gordon Adam s , Stim son Center and Am erican University # # # Budget Agreem ent Reached! 5 think tanks warn of things to com e for the Pentagon. Foreign Policy, 27 Novem ber 2012. (requires free registration) Strategic and Fiscal Discipline: The Defense Budget and Am ericas Fiscal Crisis. Testim ony before the US House Com m ittee on the Budget, 7 July 2011. A Leaner and Meaner Defense. Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2011.

Amy Belasco, Congressional Research Service # Potential Effects on Defense Spending of a Year-long Continuing Resolution and the March 2013 Sequesters. CRS Memorandum . W ashington DC: Congressional Research Service, 7 February 2013. The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global W ar on Terror Operations Since 9/11. CRS Report to Congress . W ashington DC: Congressional Research Service, 29 March 2011.

Carl Conetta , Project on Defense Alternatives, Center for International Policy # Reasonable Defense: A Sustainable Approach to Securing the Nation (sum m ary) (full text) (appendix of tables and charts). PDA Briefing Report #21. Cam bridge MA: Com m onwealth Institute, 14 Novem ber 2012. Going for Broke: The Budgetary Consequences of Current US Defense Strategy, PDA Briefing Memo #52. Cam bridge MA: Com m onwealth Institute, 25 October 2011. The Pentagon's New Mission Set: A Sustainable Choice? Expanded excerpt from the Report of the Task Force on a Unified Security Budget for the United States, FY 2012. W ashington DC: IPS Foreign Policy in Focus, July 2011.

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Sandra Erw in, National Defense m agazine # # # Pentagon Needs a New, More Credible Defense Strategy, Panel Recom m ends. National Defense, 22 February 2013. Budget Uncertainty Trum ps Quadrennial Defense Review. National Defense, 1 January 2013. More Than One W ay to Skin the Defense Budget. National Defense, 18 Nov 2012.


Benjamin Friedm an , Cato Institute # # # A sequestration solution for the Pentagon. Reuters, 28 Feb 2013. W hy the US Military Budget is `Foolish and Sustainable. Orbis , Spring 2012. Budgetary Savings from Military Restraint. Policy Analysis #667. W ashington DC: Cato Institute, Septem ber 2010.

Gregory Foster , National Defense University # # # Trum peting the Superpower Status Quo In These Times, 13 March 2012. Transform ing US National Security: A Call for Strategic Idealism . Defense & Security Analysis, June 2010. The Obam a National Security Team : Old W ine in Old Bottles. Humanist, March/April 2009.

M elvin Goodman, National Security Project, Center for International Policy # # # 9 W ays To Reduce Defense Spending. Huffington Post, 5 March 2013. Ike's W arning Resonates. Baltimore Sun, 17 January 2011. The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence in Four US W ars. Truth Out, 15 October 2010.

Col. Douglas A. M acgregor (USA, retired), Burke-Macgregor Group # # # Building a Sm arter, Sm aller Military. Time, 6 Decem ber 2012. Lean, Mean Fighting Machine. Foreign Policy, 26 April 2011. Thoughts on Force Design in an Era of Shrinking Defense Budgets. Joint Forces Quarterly, 63:4, 2011.

Carl Conetta, Project on Defense Alternatives - cconetta@ com Ethan Rosenkranz, Project on Defense Alternatives - erosenkranz@ com

The Project on Defense Alternatives is a program of the Center for International Policy


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