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The Core Compact Team • Organize and facilitate Invention Team

Step 1
The first steps in developing a Compact for
• Present and explain the Compact to the
Reading are to form a Core Compact Team if
wider group of teachers, parents, and
you do not already have one, and identify
community members, once the
people who can serve on a Compact Inven-
Compact is completed;
tion Team—the Team that will actually
develop the Compact for Reading. • Monitor your school’s progress toward
achieving the Compact’s goals; and
The Core Compact Team oversees the
• Update and strengthen your Compact in
development, implementation, and evalua-
accordance with your review of
tion for your school-family-community
partnership. The Core Team includes as
members at least one principal, teacher, Team members should be knowledgeable
parent, and another community member. about reading and family involvement,
know the school and its broader community,
The basic responsibilities of Core Team and be willing to take a leadership role in
members are as follows: overseeing the school Compact process.

• Define and present the purpose of the In forming your Core Compact Team, you
Compact for Reading; may want to use an existing team to take on
• Recruit members for the Compact Inven- these responsibilities. For example, look at
tion Team (if the Core Team is not going the membership of an existing Compact
to write the Compact); Team, a school-based management council,
a family-school advisory group, a working
• Identify the school’s literacy needs and
team of the Parent-Teacher Association or
Organization, or business-school partner-
• Analyze the current reading standard- ship, or a similar group that works closely
ized test scores; with the school, families, and communities
on educational matters.

A Compact for Reading 7

The Compact Invention Team • Parents of students with disabilities,

• School administrators,
One of the responsibilities of the Core
• Reading specialists or literacy coordina-
Compact Team is to identify people in the
school and community who will brainstorm,
strategize, and develop the Compact. • Representatives of the school’s business
community or university partners, and

In some cases, the Core Compact Team may • Members of local community organiza-
want to take on these responsibilities. In tions, librarians, literacy groups, cultural
other cases, the Core Team will need to form or arts associations, or senior citizens
another team—the Compact Invention groups dedicated to improving education.
Team—to develop the Compact.
The members of the Compact Invention
Team are responsible for developing and
Among representatives reflecting the make
writing the Compact; for working to ensure
up of your school community, who could be
that the school staff, parents, and other com-
considered for your Compact Inventory
munity members understand the Compact;
Team, include:
and for obtaining continuing commitment
• Teachers from each grade level, from the school community to fulfill it, once
it is adopted.
• Parents from each grade level,

• Parents of students with limited English

proficiency (LEP),

8 A Compact for Reading

Assisting Participants
Team-Building Checklist
Parents, teachers, and community members
who may be interested in participating in the Directions: Use this checklist to make sure
development and writing process may not you have completed all necessary
be able to attend meetings because they activities to form a strong Compact Team.
cannot afford child care, do not have trans-
portation, or have time constraints that make ✓Does your core team include:
it impossible to attend. ❏ The school principal?
❏ At least one teacher?
There are several ways your team can take
❏ At least one parent?
into account the time pressures and
❏ At least one community member?
responsibilities facing parents, teachers, and
community members when scheduling a
✓ Has the core team written a letter inviting
administrators, teachers, parents, and community
members to participate in writing the Compact?

Teams can assist families by: ❏Yes ❏ No

• Asking interested individuals to respond ✓Does the invitation include:

with a list of times most convenient for ❏ The purpose of the Compact for Reading?
them to meet; ❏ The time and place of the first meeting or a
response card asking individuals the best
time for them to meet?
• Providing early notices of meetings and
activities, allowing time for people to ✓ Has the invitation been translated into the lan-
guages parents and community members speak
adjust their schedules; at home?
❏Yes ❏ No
• Offering transportation and child care
services; and ✓Does your Invention Team include:
❏ Teachers from each grade level?
❏ Parents representing each grade level?

• Holding meetings near families’ homes ❏ Parents of LEP students?

(e.g., at community or public housing ❏ Parents of students with disabilities?

centers); ❏ School administrators?
❏ Your school’s reading specialists or literacy
Teams can assist teachers by: ❏ Representatives from your school’s business
community or university partners?
• Providing stipends for teachers’ ❏ Members of local community organizations
dedicated to improving education?
transportation and child care services, and

Have arrangements been made to accommodate
the time, transportation, and/or child care needs of
• Providing substitute teachers if the the Invention Team members?
meetings are held during the school day.
❏Yes ❏ No

Have arrangements been made to provide a trans-
This attention sends a strong message to
lator for non-English-speaking team members at
teachers and parents that the core team is the meetings?
serious about involving others in the writing ❏Yes ❏No

A Compact for Reading 9

Addressing Language Differences ers, reading specialists, and parents about
whether students are meeting or
To create a Compact Invention Team that exceeding expectations.
truly represents your school community, it
is crucial that the invitations and meeting • Looks at the adequacy of funding allo-
notices be translated into the languages cated to literacy resources over a period
spoken by your parent and community pop- of several years. Literacy resources
ulations. If members of these communities include books and instructional materials,
do not respond to the notices, your Core professional development that provides a
Team should try to personally recruit indi- forum for presenting new research on
viduals to be on the team. The team needs to teaching and assessing reading, as well as
represent all segments of the community. workshops for parents on how they can
help their children become independent
Moreover, it is vital to provide a translator
readers and writers.
for these individuals during the Compact
Invention Team meetings. Ask other par- • Looks at the availability of special pro-
ents, teachers, and community members grams or services at the school, such as
whether they will serve as translators for the use of after-school volunteer tutors
these parents and community members. If from local high schools or universities,
this is not possible, check to see if a transla- books donated from business or commu-
tor can be hired from a private agency. nity groups, and discounted photocopy-
ing services.

Taking an Inventory of Your School’s

Literacy Needs and Resources The information gathered in this literacy
inventory will help your Core Team write
Two important responsibilities of the Core your Compact.
Team are to evaluate student achievement in
reading, writing, listening, and speaking, Before the first formal Compact Invention
and to take an inventory of the school’s Team meeting, Core Team members can use
resources that support reading. Thus, the Activity Sheet 1A to take stock of the school’s
Core Team: literacy efforts, as shared by principals,
teachers, and families.
• Looks at student test scores over a period
of several years for the whole school, as
well as for subgroups (for example, stu-
dents in various grades, racial/ethnic
groups, and special populations like Title
I, special education, and bilingual educa-
tion), and speak with a sample of teach-

10 A Compact for Reading

Activity Sheet A:Taking Stock of Your School’s Reading Standards and
Before your first Compact Invention Team meeting, the Core Team can use the following activity
sheet to begin to assess your school’s reading program, literacy resources, and family-school

Ask the Principal Ask Teachers Ask Families

Shared What are the reading How do teachers What have your child’s
Responsibility for standards in place at address the reading teachers explained
Learning your school? standards in their class- about the role that read-
rooms? ing standards play in
Are special subgroups determining classroom
of children (ethnic/ What kinds of reading work and their expecta-
racial groups; special programs and special tions for your child’s
populations like Title I, assistance exist, such as performance?
special education, and tutoring or after-school
bilingual education programs, to help stu- Have the teachers given
students) performing at dents meet higher read- you examples of out-
expected levels? ing standards? standing student work?

How do your reading Are there activities you

scores compare to those can use at home with
at similar schools in your child to support
your district or state? classroom work?

What trends do you see Do you regularly attend

in your reading scores parent-teacher confer-
over the last 5 years? ences?

Shared Are there clear school Do you talk with fami- Is there an open line of
Responsibility for policies about the avail- lies on a regular basis communication
Communicating ability of the principal about who can help between your family
and teachers to meet their children with and your child’s teach-
with families? school assignments? ers and the principal,
and vice versa?
Are you asking families
to attend parent-teacher Are you responsive to
conferences so that you your child’s teachers’
can show them new concerns and sugges-
ways they can help? tions?

Shared What resources are Do you have the neces- What kind of training/
Responsibility for available to provide sary training (past and support do you need
Building Capacity extra literacy support ongoing) to teach read- and have to help you
for students? ing and work with fami- work with your chil-
lies? dren?

Activity Sheets ✍ 11

12 A Compact for Reading

The goal of the second step of the Compact
process is to write your school’s Compact
for Reading so that it addresses the shared
responsibilities of students, families, school
administrators and teachers, and learning
partners in the community in meeting the
needs of the student in reading.
Directions: Use this checklist to make
sure you have completed all necessary
steps in organizing the initial meeting.
Has the Core Team:
The First Meeting of the Compact

Step 2
Invention Team ✓ Conducted and distributed an
inventory of the literacy needs and
The Core Compact Team facilitates the first resources of the school?
meeting with the Compact Invention Team ❏Yes ❏No
members. The facilitator, who is designated
by the Core Team, leads the meeting. During
the meeting the facilitator: ✓ Prepared a meeting outline or
• Invites members of the Core Team and ❏Yes ❏No
the Compact Team to introduce
✓Prepared a team roster?
❏Yes ❏No
• Hands out a general outline or agenda of
the meeting. This can be distributed prior
to or at the beginning of the first meeting. ✓ Established the ground rules for the
❏Yes ❏No
• Provides a team roster of the Compact
Invention Team. All team members are
encouraged to speak with each other ✓ Determined the process by which
about the Compact during the writing the team will write the Compact for
process. Literacy?
❏Yes ❏No
• States the overall purpose of the Compact
process and discusses the process by ✓ Provided a translator for non-Eng-
which the Invention Team will write the
lish speaking team members?
Compact for Reading.
❏Yes ❏No

• Establishes the ground rules for this and ✓ Provided easel boards, paper, tape,
all other meetings, such as, “respect each
other’s ideas” and “only one team mem- and markers for each break-out
ber may speak at a time,“ as a way to group?
show that everyone’s participation is wel- ❏Yes ❏No
come and desired. These ground rules
will be reviewed at each meeting.

A Compact for Reading 13

Getting Down to Work Ask each group to identify one person to
present the small group’s ideas to the larger
Explaining the Results of the Literacy group. Have each group look over its indi-
Inventory vidually tailored Activity Sheet.

The first item on the work agenda is for the Then ask each group to write its partnering
facilitator to report and explain the findings name (“Teachers,”“Parents,”“Administra-
of the inventory of literacy resources and tors,” “Community Members”) at the top of
current levels of student achievement. The a piece of easel paper, and look through the
facilitator provides a handout that describes list of commitments on the page. These are
in detail the Core Team responses to the Lit- commitments that can help to form a strong
eracy Inventory and that summarizes stu- Compact for Reading.
dent achievement data.
Arrange the commitments in order of prior-
Identifying Partner Commitments ity, keeping in mind the school’s resources
that were identified by the literacy inven-
Once the results of the literacy inventory are
tory. Team members may add new items to
understood, the facilitator asks the larger
the list as desired.
group to form small break-out groups, with
parents in one group, teachers in another, Reconvene the break-out groups and ask
principals and administrators in another, each group to present its list of top priorities
and community members in a fourth group. for commitments that should be added to
the school’s Compact for Reading. Make
Using Activity Sheets 2A through 2D, the
sure to reserve enough time to evaluate and
facilitator hands out each sheet to the appro-
edit each group’s findings in line with the
priate group (2A to parents, 2B to teachers,
school’s needs and resources.
and so forth). Members of each group are
told that they are going to brainstorm ideas Writing the First Draft of the Compact
on how they, as a special constituency in the
school, can make a commitment to achieve Reconvened as one team, the Compact
the goal of the Compact—so that the school, Invention Team should now choose 5 to 10
its families, and community members can key commitments for each partner to to be
all work together to improve students’ read- included in the school’s Compact for
ing achievement. Reading. These may be chosen by:

Remind each group that in brainstorming,

no idea is a “dumb” idea. All ideas should
• Reaching a consensus through discussion
be written down for later consideration,
(those who disagree usually “agree to dis-
without judgment from the group. Provide
agree” if the majority of members take an
easels, large sheets of paper, marker pens,
opposing view).
and tape for each group, so that pages of
ideas can be hung up at the front of the

14 A Compact for Reading

Activity Sheet A: How Parents Can Improve Children’s Reading
Look at the following sample list of commitments that parents can make to form a strong
Compact for Reading. Rank in order of importance each of the following commitments that you
want to add to your Compact for Reading. You may add new commitments to this sample list
as desired.

Student Learning Communication Capacity Building

• Do activities at home that Know what is expected of Ask for workshops on how
continue my child’s class- my child, by grade, in children learn to read and
room learning at home. reading and other language write and how parents can
arts skills. help.

Monitor my child’s progress Know what my child is Attend workshops on how

and sign completed learning about reading and parents can help children
homework. other language arts skills learn to read and write.
each day, and what the
teacher is teaching.

Discuss with my child the Actively participate in Contact my child’s teacher

importance of being a back-to-school events and or reading specialist when
strong, independent reader parent-teacher conferences. my child does not under-
and writer. stand an assignment or
needs special help.

Read at home with my child Set up special meetings Ask local businesses or
at least 30 minutes a day. with my child’s teachers community groups to
when I cannot attend provide the resources
back-to-school events or (books, tutors, etc.) that my
parent-teacher conferences. child’s school needs to meet
its reading standards.

Ask for home learning activ- Contact the teachers when I Work with the school to
ities in my primary lan- am concerned about my ensure that workshops have
guage. child’s progress or have a translators or equipment for
question about the school’s translations for non-
literacy standards. English-speaking parents.

Activity Sheets
✍ 15
Activity Sheet B: How Teachers Can Improve Children’s Reading
Look at the following sample list of commitments that teachers can make to form a strong Com-
pact for Reading. Rank in order of importance each of the following commitments that you want
to add to your Compact for Reading. You may add new commitments to this sample list as

Student Learning Communication Capacity Building

Expect students to learn Provide ongoing communi- Guide parents to help their
basic and advanced literacy cation with families about children with home learn-
skills and do challenging the literacy skills their chil- ing activities.
work. dren are learning.

Teach to challenging school Inform students, families, Ask for and attend work-
standards. and the community about shops to learn about
the school’s high literacy research-based methods for
standards, and ways they teaching literacy skills.
can help children reach
these standards.

Provide meaningful learn- Encourage parents to read Ask for and attend work-
ing activities, with clear with their children at least shops to learn how to work
directions for parents to 30 minutes per day and to effectively in partnership
use at home, that reinforce get a library card for their with families.
school standards and class- child.
room learning.

Offer special assistance and Give families timely reports Meet frequently with other
provide more time to of their children’s progress teachers to discuss effective
accommodate students’ in reading and the school’s teaching strategies in read-
individual learning needs. overall performance. ing, writing, listening, and
speaking; students’ needs;
and school resources.

Meet with the student and Develop a system of contin- Hold frequent parent train-
the family to discuss the uing communication with ing workshops to improve
student’s progress. families such as regular the help parents can give
phone calls or notes on their children at home in
progress. reading.

Link teacher instruction Communicate with tutors Hold workshops for tutors
with after school and sum- about individual students’ on effective methods for
mer reading programs. needs for extended helping students with liter-
learning. acy activities.

16 ✍ Activity Sheets
Activity Sheet C: How Administrators Can Improve Children’s Reading
Look at the following sample list of commitments that administrators can make to form a strong
Compact for Reading. Rank in order of importance each of the following commitments that you
want to add to your Compact for Reading. You may add new commitments to this sample list as

Student Learning Communication Capacity Building

Set high standards in read- Report publicly on the Allocate adequate resources
ing and other language arts. schoolwide reading scores. to ensure that high stan-
Help teachers and parents dards can be met.
understand how adopting
high standards can lead to
the improvement of scores. Hold workshops on the
standards in reading—what
they are, what they mean by
grade, and how to set the
standards into practice at
school and at home.

Provide activities in reading Communicate with teachers Work with teachers to use
that can be done at home or and parents about the role these activities with fami-
after school to support of extended-learning activi- lies, and encourage families
schoolwork in reading. ties in improving children’s to use these activities at
and school achievement home.

Provide special benefits to Communicate the school’s Train tutors and families to
teachers that meet with commitment to extending work with children on
families and tutors in learning time for students home activities, like the
extended-learning pro- needing special help in School-Home Links.
grams for children. reading.

Start or expand after school, Build community partner- Seek out provide staff
weekend, and summer ships with libraries, literacy development opportunities
reading programs for stu- and cultural groups, col- to link reading teachers
dents who need or who leges and universities, with after school staff and
want to expand their skills. senior citizens, and state tutors.
and local government to
help provide quality after
school, weekend and sum-
mer efforts.

Activity Sheets ✍ 17
Activity Sheet D: How Community Members Can Improve Children’s Reading

Look at the following sample list of commitments that community members can make to form a
strong Compact for Reading. Rank in order of importance each of the following commitments
that you want to add to your Compact for Reading. You may add new commitments to this
sample list as desired.

Student Learning Communication Capacity Building

Keep informed about the Call the school and attend Businesses and other com-
literacy standards and the open houses to find out munity organizations may
performance of your local more about the school’s donate age-appropriate
school. reading standards. books, photocopying ser-
vices, or other resources the
school needs in its efforts to
meet high standards.

Volunteer to tutor students Build a community network Organize workshops for

who need help with read- of concerned adults—com- tutors on effective tutoring
ing. Read with each student munity leaders, journalists, methods.
at least 30 minutes once a writers, librarians, cultural
week. professionals, college and
university staff, and oth-
ers—to discuss and publi-
cize local literacy issues.

Open other facilities where Participate in ongoing com- Colleges and universities
students can go after school munication with the school may offer workshops for
to read with someone or to staff about how volunteer teachers on new, research-
do their homework. tutors can meet students’ validated methods for
learning needs. teaching literacy skills.

Discuss often with school

staff how volunteer tutors
can meet students’ learning

Create a community “cul- Encourage community Train whole organizations

ture” and broad-based sup- leaders to serve as spokes- in ways to improve student
port to highlight the need to people for areas where they learning in reading, such as
improve students reading can make a difference in high-quality tutoring or
skills and abilities. helping schools and fami- employee parent training.
lies improve reading out-

18 ✍ Activity Sheets
• Taking a vote. If you call a vote, each team languages. Special outreach meetings
member uses a marker to check his or her should be held to reach busy people who
top three commitments from each group’s might not respond to written requests for
list. The 5 to 10 items with the most feedback.
checks are incorporated into the first draft
of the Compact. 2. Revision

Time is an important consideration during Core Team members compile the feedback
your team meetings. Creating the first draft and incorporate the relevant comments into
of the Compact may take more than two a revised draft. As result of this process,
hours. If you run out of time, schedule the there may be more than the recommended 5
next meeting time and place before the to 10 commitments in each category.
participants leave to ensure that most of the
team members will be available to continue
3. The Final Compact for Reading
writing the Compact.
The Compact Invention Team then recon-
Writing the Final Draft
venes. The Core Team shares the feedback
1. Wide Review and Feedback they and the Invention Team have received.
The Invention Team discusses the revisions
It is vital that members of the school com- (this may be done in break-out groups), goes
munity who did not serve on the Invention through the voting process again to identify
Team have an opportunity to voice their no more than 10 commitments in each cate-
opinions about the content of the draft Com- gory, and approves the school’s Compact for
pact that has been developed and make sug- Reading. Completing the Compact may take
gestions. Once the draft is completed, the more than one meeting.
Core Team should distribute it to the Inven-
tion Team members, all school staff, parents, Finally, the Core Team develops a letter of
and other interested community members introduction and explanation to the Com-
for written feedback by a set date. pact for Reading . This letter can summarize
the current status of literacy in the school
The team member distributing the draft for community, including areas of success and
wide review should remind readers of the areas needing improvement, the roster of
needs the team is addressing, the resources Core and Invention Team members, the
available to meet those needs, and the process used to develop the Compact, and a
process used to create the first draft. As with statement of support by the team members
other school communications, the letter for the widespread implementation of the
should be translated into relevant foreign Compact.

A Compact for Reading 19

Making the Compact a Part of the • To open discussions on how they can be
School Community helpful in implementing the Compact,
community members may be informed
Now that the Compact for Reading has been about the Compact at town hall meetings,
written and printed in final form with a let- special community open houses at the
ter of introduction and explanation, the next school, in local churches and faith com-
step in making the Compact a part of school munities, in library and literacy groups,
life is to talk to the entire school community and in cultural and neighborhood associ-
about the Compact. There are several ways ations, or at the monthly meetings of your
the Core and Invention Teams can accom- local chamber of commerce or business
plish this: association.
• Teachers can learn about the Compact at
regular staff meetings, grade-level meet-
• Students can be introduced to their
ings, or individual meetings with mem-
responsibilities and commitments in the
bers of the Invention Team, and discuss
Compact, as well as those of their teach-
how they can implement the Compact in
ers, principals, and other community
their daily work.
members, through special discussions in
school and at home.
• Parents can be told about the importance
of their role in the Compact at special par-
ent meetings, during open houses, or by
their child’s classroom teacher during
parent conferences. Translators should be
provided for those parents who do not
speak English, so that all clearly under-
stand their responsibilities. Parent leaders
in the school should make special efforts
to spread the word about the Compact in
their communities.

20 A Compact for Reading


The goal of the third step of the Compact

process is to ensure that the Compact, once
written and accepted by the community, is
actually used to improve the reading and
implement the Compact.
• Which resources are needed to fully

As report cards go out to the students each

grading period, the Core Team provides
other language arts skills and achievement
summary reports on important progress
of children.
made by partners to fulfill the Compact
responsibilities, resources that are needed to
The Core and Invention Teams should meet
implement the Compact, and any new Com-
periodically with the partners signing the
pact activities that are scheduled to be
Compact, to review the commitments in the
kicked off during the next term.
Compact. Status reports can be provided on
the extent to which principals, teachers,

Step 3
families, and their children are meeting their The School-Home Links Reading Kit:
commitments in the Compact for Reading. A Launching Activity for Your New
The teams, for example, may want to make Compact
a checklist of all the commitments made on
Launching your new Compact for Reading
the Compact and rewrite each commitment
with an activity that involves all the
as a question— “Have you... (conducted
partners who signed your school Compact
workshops, sent home learning activities
highlights the importance of the Compact
each night, obtained a library card for each
as a tool to drive improvement.
child)?”—to use at these meetings
(see Activity Sheet 3A).

These meetings can be excellent opportu-

nities for identifying and documenting:

• What is going well,

• Which commitments have been hard to

meet and need further attention,

• Which new needs partners want

addressed, and

A Compact for Reading 21

3 Put Your Compact for Reading to Work
Activity Sheet A: Putting Your School’s Compact Into Action (Continued)


✓Do you regularly teach to the standards in reading?

❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you send home three to five times a week learning activities, such as School-Home Links
activity sheets, that parents can use to reinforce classroom learning?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you check to see whether students complete the activities and follow up when students fail
to turn them in?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you use student performance on home activities to help guide classroom reading
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you encourage parents to read 30 minutes a day with their children and get their children a
library card?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you send home monthly calendars informing parents of the reading skills that their chil-
dren will be learning on a weekly or daily basis?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Have you helped to set up extended-learning programs in your school for children who most
need help in reading?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Have you led or participated in training sessions for families as well as volunteer tutors in the
community ?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you expect children to perform at basic, then increasingly advanced, levels of reading in
your classroom?
❏ Yes ❏ No
✓Do you link classroom instructions with after school and summer reading programs?
❏ Yes ❏ No

✓Do you communicate regularly with parents of your students, by telephone or notes?
❏ Yes ❏ No

22 ✍ Activity Sheets
Working with teams of teachers from the
Mason School in Boston, Massachusetts, and
To improve family involvement in educa-
Books and Beyond in Solana Beach, Califor-
tion, the Mason School in Boston, Massa-
nia, as well as researchers from the Univer-
chusetts, launched a School-Home sity of Oregon and multiple consultants from
Activities Program. This program offered the reading and education communities, the
learning activities for families and their Department’s Family Involvement Partner-
ship for Learning has developed a kit of
children at home to reinforce the teachers’
materials called the School-Home Links Read-
work in school. The principal and teachers ing Kit. This kit is available as a companion
at Mason School developed the take-home volume to this Compact Guide, and can be
materials. Families were asked to work used to launch your family-school-commu-
nity Compact for Reading effort.
with their children on these simple reading
skill builders four times a week. When Two teams of teachers developed one-page
families were unable to work with children reading activities for children in kindergarten
at home because of language or reading through third grade, with approximately 100
activities for each grade level. These easy-to-
barriers, volunteers from the community
use activities align with the major “Reading
helped. When all the members of the learn- Accomplishments” for children in kinder-
ing community—students and their fami- garten through third grade published by the
lies, principals and teachers, and community National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in its
report, Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young
volunteers—became involved, a critical
Children (see Appendix A). The NAS report
mass of support was developed for the represents a consensus of national reading
school, and all partners learned there were experts on some of the important
clear and simple ways they could help accomplishments students can achieve
within a particular grade in reading.
improve the achievement of students.
Researchers from the University of Oregon
further examined state and district standards
for reading, as well as research summaries of
reading skills and activities by grade, to
enhance the NAS “Reading Accomplish-
ments” and ensure that the School-Home
Links activities are comprehensive.

A Compact for Reading 23

Sample Reading and Literacy Focus Areas from the
National Academy of Sciences Report

• Knows the parts of a book and their functions.
• Recognizes and can name all uppercase and lowercase letters.
• Correctly answers questions about stories read aloud.

First Grade
• Reads aloud with accuracy and comprehension any text that is appropriately
designed for the first half of grade 1.
• Uses letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words
when reading text.
• Has a reading vocabulary of 300 to 500 words (sight words and easily decoded

Second Grade
• Interprets information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.
• Rereads sentences when meaning is not clear.
• Suggests possible answers to how, why, and what-if questions.

Third Grade
• Reads aloud with fluency and comprehension any text that is appropriately
designed for grade three.
• Asks how, why, and what-if questions when interpreting nonfiction texts.

See Appendix A for a complete list of reading and literacy focus areas developed by the National Academy of Sciences.

A Compact for Reading 24

How the School-Home Links Reading Kit Is Used
The Principal’s Role

1. Hold a Meeting For Reading for Reading as their commitment to work

Coordinators and Teachers with their own child or children at home
to support school work.
The first step in using the School-Home
The principal introduces the School-
Links Reading Kit is for the principal to
Home Links Reading Program as a first
hold a meeting with the school’s reading
step toward implementing the Compact
coordinator and teachers who work with
by increasing family involvement in edu-
children in kindergarten through third
The principal or the reading coordinator
The principal should discuss the school’s
discusses the research about the necessary
reading scores and talk with staff about
and important role that family involve-
how the School-Home Links Reading Kit
ment in reading plays in students’ read-
can be used to implement the Compact
ing skills and achievement. Plain talk
for Reading and to help to raise the read-
should be used when describing results of
ing skills and achievement of children.
studies on parent involvement in reading,
Before convening this meeting, the princi- so that everyone understands what the
pal should have a thorough knowledge of research says. (See Appendix B for Read-
how to implement the School-Home ing Fact Sheets that summarize key facts
Links Reading Program and what roles on reading achievement and success).
the teachers, children’s families, and vol-
The principal or the reading coordinator
unteers from the community can play.
describes how the School-Home Links
2. Convene a Meeting of Families and Reading Program works, and what roles
Community Volunteers the principal, teachers, families, and com-
munity volunteers can play in imple-
With the reading coordinator and teach- menting the program.
ers of children in kindergarten through The principal states that in the next week,
third grade in attendance, the principal the first School-Home Links Calendar
convenes a meeting with the families of (see Appendix C) and School-Home Links
their students to inform them about the will be sent home.
Compact for Reading and their partner-
ing role. At this meeting, all parents or
families can be asked to sign the Compact

A Compact for Reading 25

The Teacher’s Role

1. Review the School-Home events. It will show the days on which

Links Reading Kit home reading activities (School-Home
Links and Book Links) are due. It could
In a meeting with the principal, teachers show the dates of parent workshops, the
should review the School-Home Links Read- days that the school or classroom library is
ing Kit; suggest how best to introduce the open for children to select books to take
kit to children, families, and other commu- home, the visit of a children’s author to the
nity members who may use the kit for school, or the days children visit the public
tutoring; and tailor the kit to meet class- library to take books out. At the bottom of
room needs. Many teachers will want to each calendar is the teacher’s contact infor-
supplement or replace some of the activi- mation and a list of times the teacher is
ties with their own activities, and they available to speak with families. This avail-
should be encouraged to do so. ability reinforces the essential, open line of
communication that your school’s Com-
2. Participate in School Meetings to pact for Reading encourages.
Prepare Families to Use the School-
Home Links 4. Send Home the School-Home Links
Three or Four Times a Week
• Go over a few School-Home Links and
Book Links with families, permitting them In the first week following the school train-
to practice with a partner who plays the ing meeting with the families, send home
child. Show the difference between a the first School-Home Link, with two let-
School-Home Links and a Book Links ters attached to the activity sheet.
The first letter (see the sample on the fol-
• Discuss the importance of daily reading lowing page) is from the student asking
with their children. Explain that one of the the parents or family to help him or her
books a child reads during the week will with the assignment using the method dis-
be reported on the one-day-a-week Book cussed at the family workshop.
Links activity.
The second letter is from the teacher (see
• Discuss book-lending opportunities in the the sample on page 21) to the family dis-
school and at the local library. Talk about cussing possible sources of books for
checking out and returning books as the weekly reading. Some schools have or may
child’s responsibility. Encourage all par- want to set up a lending library of books.
ents to get a library card for their child. Rules for borrowing from this lending
library and returning books to it should be
3. Prepare and Send Home a School- included in this letter. Typically, children
Home Links Calendar may borrow one or more books for a week,
and must return the book or books when
Once a month, teachers will prepare and the Book Link is handed in.
send home a School-Home Links Calendar
(Appendix C ). This calendar will inform
parents of school and classroom literacy

26 A Compact for Reading

3S ample Letter from Child to Parents

Dear Parent:
Today, I am bringing home my first School-Home Links Reading Kit activity. Several times a week, I
will be working on these activities with you. Will you help me with these things?

1. Help me find a quiet place where I can complete my School-Home Links activity sheet.
2. Read the instructions with me. I want to do my best work.
3. Help me if I have difficulty understanding.
4. Help me to remember to bring my work to school every day.

When I bring a book home from school:

1. Let’s look at the book together. Let me tell you about the pictures.
2. Read the book with me.
3. Help me find a place where I can keep my book so it will not get lost or damaged.
4. Remind me to use a plastic bag when I carry my book home and back to
0. school each week.
5. Help me complete my Book Links activity about the book.

Thank you for helping me. It’s a lot of fun to share my work with you.



Parent’s signature: _____________________________________



A Compact for Reading 27

3 Sample Letter from Teacher to Parents
Dear Family:
Attached is your child’s first School-Home Links activity. Please go through this activity with your
child. If you child is young, you may need to read the activity and help your child fill in the necessary
information. If your child is older, encourage your child to read the activity and work on it with your
involvement. When your child finishes the activity, please have your child sign the bottom of the
page. We would like you to sign the paper also to show that you have gone over the activity with
your child.

Later this week, we will begin a new program for our students called Book Links. The program
will work as follows:

• Once a week, your child will choose a book to read from our classroom library, the
school library, or your local library.

• If your child takes a book from school, your child will sign a book check-out card and put
it in our class’s Book Links check-out chart. He or she will put the book in a resealable
plastic bag to take home.

• Your child will read the book at home with you, complete the Book Links activity sheet
that goes with the book, and bring the book back to school the next day in a plastic bag.

The book may be one your child has heard before in class. Whether your child has heard the story
before or not, he or she should read the book to or with you. You will need to read some of the
books to your child, particularly if your child is just learning to read. Many people at home can be
part of this book sharing by listening to or reading the stories with your child.

When reading with your child, please remember to:

• Introduce the book before you read it by letting your child flip through the pages–left to
right–to look at the pictures.
• Ask your child to describe the beginning, middle, and end of the story after you read it
• Ask your child if he or she enjoyed the story and why. Talk about your favorite parts of
the story and interesting characters.

Your child is responsible for the care of the borrowed book. Books should not be written in or torn. If
a book is lost or damaged, the family is responsible for replacing the book. A child will not be
allowed to borrow a new book until the first book is returned or replaced.

As you can see, we need your support and assistance to help your child continue learning to read,
listen, and comprehend, as well as to become a responsible book borrower.

Finally, please remember to visit your public library’s Children’s Book Department to get a library
card (if you child does not already have one), borrow, and read other books with your child.

Have fun reading!


Mr. Bookman, First-Grade Teacher

28 A Compact for Reading

Three to four times a week, select activity certain children are performing below or
sheets from the School-Home Links Reading Kit above grade, the teacher should pull activi-
that directly support instruction in school. ties from lower or higher grade levels as
Teachers have the ultimate flexibility in needed.
selecting School-Home Links Reading Kit
Teachers can use the coding system at the
activities that best meet the needs of indi-
bottom of each page that shows the typical
vidual children. Within any one classroom,
grade for the activity and the skill that activ-
some children already know the particular
ity sheet supports and develops in the child.
skill being taught and do not need further
For example, if a kindergarten teacher is
practice, some have some knowledge but
teaching her students about upper- and
need further practice, and others are unfa-
lowercase letters, she chooses from the
miliar with the skill and could benefit from
School-Home Links Reading Kit an activity
a lot of practice. For every grade, multiple
that is coded “Kindergarten/Recognizes
skill areas are addressed, with multiple
and Can Name All Uppercase and Lower-
activities for most skill areas. Over 100 activ-
case Letters” (see next page).
ity sheets have been developed per grade. If

A Compact for Reading 29

3 A Sample S c h o o l - H o m e L i n k s
R e a d i n g K i t Activity
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________

Dear Family, Your child is learning what a letter is and how to find letters
on a page.

• Circle a letter in the story below.

• Circle a “p.”
• Circle all the “m’s” in the story.

The Farm

I saw a pig on the farm.

I saw some chickens on the farm.
I saw a dog on the farm.
I saw a horse on the farm.
I liked the farm.

Child’s signature __________________________________________________

Parent’s (Learning Partner’s) signature________________________________
K/Recognizes and Can Name All Uppercase and Lowercase Letters/1

30 A Compact for Reading

5. Send Home One Book Links activity, a special type of School-Home
Activity a Week Links that directs the child to think about

In addition to doing the School-Home Links a special aspect of book reading (see next

Reading Kit at home, teachers should page). Every Book Links activity asks the

encourage families to read to or with their child to record the title and author of one

children five days a week, 30 minutes a book the child has read during the week

day. One of those days teachers will send with the family, as well as to complete an

home a School-Home Links Book Links activity relating to literature.

A Compact for Reading 31

3 A Sample B o o k L i n k s Activity

Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________

Dear Family, Your child is learning to listen to a story and answer questions.

• Read a book with your family. Write the title and author of
the book below.



• Where does this story take place?



• Who is the main character in the story?


• How are you like or different from the main character?



Child’s signature:__________________________________________
Parent’s (Learning Partner’s) signature:________________________
K/Correctly Answers Questions About Stories/1

32 A Compact for Reading

6. Arrange for Children to Borrow Book Links reading activities be planned
and Take Home Free Books so that the students will read for at least
30 minutes. At the third-grade level,
Because many children do not have teachers may assign part of a chapter
enough of grade-appropriate books at book, instead of a full book, to encourage
home, teachers need to arrange for children to read longer and more complex
sources of books for children in their books.
classroom. The librarian from the local
public library could come to the school 8. Keep a Record of Home Book
and provide a library card for each child, Reading in the Classroom
with a map showing the libraries in the
town or city. Schools could open their A classroom check-out chart should be
school library to children once a week for displayed in the classroom so that each
book selection. Or teachers may want to child can enter the date a book is checked
set up a Book Links Lending Library Pro- out and returned to the classroom. A child
gram—a collection of grade-and ability- typically does not check out a new book
appropriate books that have been selected until the first one is returned.
for the children in the classroom and are
housed in the classroom—so that all stu- 9. Help Students Track Completion of
dents have the opportunity to borrow School-Home Links and Book Links
and read books each week.
Each morning, when students arrive in
the classroom, they will hand in their
In either case, teachers send books home
School-Home Links or Book Links activ-
with children once during the week and,
ity. You may want to develop a simple
if available and desired, on the weekends.
School-Home Links Chart where children
Teachers can give each child a large
can post a sticker for every day they com-
reusable, plastic, resealable bag to keep
plete an activity. The chart is posted in
the book safe and clean. The bag should
the classroom for the entire school year.
have the child’s name on it and be used
again and again. • Students use the chart as a tool for
self-evaluation and feel a sense of
accomplishment by seeing a row of
7. Encourage Families and Children to
stickers grow next to their name.
Read 30 Minutes a Day
• Parents use the chart to see how their
The child reads the book with a family children are doing on completing and
member, completes a Book Links activity turning in School-Home Links/Book
sheet about the book, and returns the Links activities.
book to class the next day. Because • Teachers use the chart to quickly
research shows that reading at least 30 identify students who are completing
minutes a day helps children become their activity sheets.
strong readers, it is suggested that all

A Compact for Reading 33

10. Help Families Who Do Not Speak to remind parents to ask their children
English or Are Disabled about the assigned home activities.

Such reminders do not eliminate the need

Teachers are encouraged to help provide
to develop ways to work with children
the necessary support to families who do
who do not complete their home assign-
not speak English or are disabled. Stu-
ments. Here is a list of ways to work on
dents whose parents speak other lan-
this issue:
guages should turn in their assignments
just as regularly as those with English- • For students who occasionally miss
speaking parents. If these students do not an assignment
turn in correct, completed assignments, Have the student complete the
teachers may arrange to: assignment with a teaching assistant,
• Translate the directions of the assign- parent volunteer, or the teacher before
ment in the relevant languages, or school or during recess.

• Help students complete the activity • For students who regularly do not
before or after school. complete assignments

11. Help Families of Students Who Do Call home or meet with the parents

Not Complete Their Assignments one-on-one, and work together to

establish a plan to ensure that the
When students do not complete their student’s assignments are completed.
assignments, teachers should continue to The key is to find better ways the
emphasize the family’s role in imple- teacher, parent, and student can work
menting the Compact for Reading. This together to meet the expectations
includes working with the children at outlined in the school’s Compact
home and making sure that students for Reading.
complete the assigned home activities.
Teachers may use the monthly calendars

34 A Compact for Reading

The Parent’s Role

1. Attend a School Training Workshop 3.Work with Your Child, or Ask the
and Sign the Compact for Reading School for a Volunteer to Work with
Your Child, on the School-Home
The principal, reading coordinator, and Links, and Sign Each School-Home
teachers of children in kindergarten Link
through third grade will convene a meet-
ing with families of their students to Three to four times a week, School-Home
inform the families about the Compact for Links will be sent home, and once a week
Reading and their partnering role. Each Book Links will be sent home. Most activ-
parent or a family adult should sign the ities are addressed to the child, but fami-
school’s Compact for Reading as their lies of very young children will need to
commitment to work with their own chil- read the sheets for the child.
dren at home to support school work. The
Families should ask their child to fill out
principal and the reading coordinator will
his or her name at the top of the page,
describe how the School-Home Links Read-
then read the boxed area that includes a
ing Kit program works.
message just for the family. It tells the
family what the child is learning in school
2.Ask Your Child to Show You the
and lets the family know why the activity
Monthly School-Home Links
sheet has been assigned as homework for
Calendar and Display It in a
the child.
Prominent Place in Your Home
Families should ask their child to com-
Once a month, families will review the plete the activity in the middle of the
School-Home Links Calendar to keep sheet that reinforces work done in school
up-to-date on school and classroom liter- that day or week. Finally, the family
acy events. This calendar will show the should ask the child to sign his or her
days on which home reading activities name at the bottom of each page when the
(School-Home Links and Book Links) are activity is done. The responsible family
due. It could show the dates of parent member will also sign each sheet at the
workshops, the days the school or class- bottom of the page.
room library is open for children to select
If families ever need extra help to com-
books to take home, the visit of a chil-
plete an activity, they should call the
dren’s author to the school, or the days
teacher and ask for help, or send a note at
children visit the public library to take
the bottom of the activity sheet asking the
books out. At the bottom of each calendar
teacher to help the child that day.
are the teacher’s contact information and
a list of times the teacher is available to
speak with families. This availability rein-
forces the essential, open line of commu-
nication that your school’s Compact for
Reading encourages.

A Compact for Reading 35

The Role of Community Volunteers

Your school’s business and nonprofit com- books, or funds to start classroom lending
munity partners can play a major role in the libraries.
success of your School-Home Links program
• Photocopying Services
and, subsequently, your school’s Compact
Schools that do not have access to a photo-
for Reading.
copying machine or the extra funds to
support the copying of the School-Home
• Tutors
Links and Book Links activities, parent let-
Personnel in local businesses and
ters, and so on might also ask local busi-
nonprofits can be approached to serve as
nesses to help fund these services that
tutors for children who most need help in
support literacy.
reading. Hundreds of thousands of
volunteers are currently tutoring children
Other Types of Activities to Implement
at lunch time or in after-school tutoring
the Compact for Reading:
programs. If your school needs volunteer
Building a Lasting Capacity
tutors, ask your community organizations
to help you locate them.
The School-Home Links program is only one
• Book donations suggested activity to fulfill your reading
Many schools do not have the resources to Compact. It is an unusually effective part-
set up lending libraries of age-appropriate nership builder, as well as an effective tool to
books in each classroom. In such cases, improve students’ learning and achieve-
administrators, teachers, and parents may ment, because it calls on multiple partners to
call on their local businesses and commu- improve student learning, communication,
nity agencies to help. School staff mem- and capacity building. However, there are
bers might attend local chamber of many other activities that can and should be
commerce meetings to inform the busi- conducted to meet the requirements of your
ness community of the literacy initiatives Compact.
being implemented at your school, and
ask for donations of gently used or new

36 A Compact for Reading

Agreeing On the Results to

The goal of the fourth step of the Compact

process is to evaluate your Compact. Eval-
Continually evaluating your Compact
allows you to check on whether the Com-
pact is working as you intended it to work.
This evaluation process enables you to
catch problems early, so that you can cor-
uation offers your school community an rect your course for stronger and more
opportunity to determine the strength of effective outcomes. Also, as students, par-
your Compact in improving student learn- ents, and teachers see the progress that is
ing, communication, and capacity building. being made, they have a greater incentive
to keep working, with tools that help them
The first step in evaluation is to develop a work better. Moreover, evaluation sends a
list of questions about the impact of your signal that the activity you are examining is
Compact on student learning, communica-
tion, and capacity building. You may want
to know, for example: After basic questions are developed, you
will want to develop performance indica-
• Student Learning
tors that can give you information on
Has there has been any upward move- factors that may be associated with the suc-
ment in students’ skills and scores in cess of your Compact. For example, an
reading or in other student outcomes, indicator of “upward movement in stu-
such as more library usage, more plea- dents’ skills” would be increases in student

Step 4
sure reading done, more time spent test scores in reading (see the section fol-
reading each day, or less TV time at lowing on “Individual Student Perfor-
home? mance”). An indicator of “strengthened
lines of communication” would be
increases in the numbers of families who
• Communication
report that they are informed about the
Have lines of communication among school’s reading standards. An indicator of
school staff, families, and community “a growing capacity of families to help
members been strengthened? their children in reading” would be
increases in the percent of families that
help their children complete the School-
• Capacity Building Home Links activities. See Activity Sheet 4A
Has the capacity of families to help their titled “Evaluating the Quality of the Com-
own children grown, and has this family pact Process” for more performance indica-
involvement helped students learn more tors that can be used to collect such
and better? information.

A Compact for Reading 37

Activity Sheet A: Evaluating the Quality of the Compact Process

Schools Families Students

Shared Responsibility for Supporting Learning

Knowledge of reading
___% of families and ___% of Teachers report that ___% of stu-
___% of families report that they teachers report that families dents are highly motivated, ask
know what the school’s reading have high expectations of their questions to clarify what is
standards are. (survey) children and expect them to be expected of them, and seek help
able to read independently by when there is something they do
___% of families report that the the end of the third grade. not understand. (survey)
school shows them examples of (survey)
actual work at different levels of
reading performance. (survey,

___% of teachers were absent ___% of families and ___% of ___% of students were absent 10
more than ten days. (admin. teachers and school staff report or more days in the past year.
records) that families monitor their chil- (admin. records)
dren’s attendance. (survey)

Quality of reading
instruction and support
___ % of parents indicate posi- ___% of students show a posi-
___% of families and ___% of tive attitudes toward reading tive attitude toward reading.
students indicate that the with their child. (survey) (observation, survey)
instructional program is chal-
lenging and that it is tailored to ___% of parents read a book or ___% of students show that they
students who progress at differ- story with their child at least 30 read a book or story for at least
ent rates. (survey) minutes most days. (survey, minutes most days. (survey,
admin. records of completion of admin. records on Book Links
___% of teachers have creden- Book Links activities) activities)
tials/training to teach their sub-
ject. (admin. records)

Completion of school-
home activities
___% of families and ___% of ___% of teachers report that stu-
___% of families and ___% of teachers report that families dents come to school with home
students report that meaningful supervise completion of home reading activities completed.
activities are assigned and activities and sign completed (survey)
returned promptly with teacher assignments. (survey, admin.
comments. (survey) records)

38 ✍ Activity Sheets
Activity Sheet A: Evaluating the Quality of the Compact Process

Schools Families Students

Shared Responsibility for Communicating
Communicating on
student progress
___% of families regularly ___% of students talk with their
___% of teachers have access to attend parent-teacher confer- families about school. (survey,
phones in their classroom to ences. (admin. records) observation)
communicate with families.
(admin. records)

___% of families report that the

school holds parent-teacher con-
ferences at convenient times and
locations. (survey)

School translates information

and materials into all relevant
languages. (admin. records)

___Yes ___No
School climate

___% of families and ___% of ___% of school staff and teachers ___% of teachers report that stu-
students indicate that they feel indicate that families are respon- dents are respectful of one
welcome at the school and that sive to their concerns. (survey) another and of teachers. (survey,
the school respects their opin- observation)
ions. (survey)

Shared Responsibility for Building Capacity

Training and resources
___% of participating teachers ___% of families participate in ___% of students trained to tutor
and school staff have received workshops to learn how they peers is reading. (admin.
training in the Compact for can help their children learn to records)
Reading. (admin. records) read and do well in school.
(admin. records)
___% of families report that the ___% of families volunteer at the ___% of students volunteer at
school provides high-quality, school, including helping stu- the school or in the community,
well-organized opportunities to dents learn how to read. (admin. including helping each other
volunteer at the school. (survey) records) learn to read. (admin. records)

___% of volunteers report that

they actively recruit new fami-
lies to help out at the school.

Activity Sheets ✍ 39
A word of caution: Gathering and analyz- To measure performance in your school for
ing data can be expensive and time- your students, a range of informal and
consuming. Therefore, your school should formal assessments is most useful. Some
measure only what is important and, make quick-to-administer, informal assessments
certain that what is important is measured. enable teachers to easily gauge student
While some data can be collected and progress in early literacy skills and get
analyzed quite easily by members of the immediate feedback to guide further
Core Team, other information can be more instruction. More formal group assess-
difficult to get and may require the help of ments provide an overall picture of where
your district or state evaluation staff, or groups of children stand in reading ability
university partners who specialize in and achievement.
research and evaluation.
Informal Checklists of Skills

Assessing How Well Your Students Informal checklists of skills that most
children have by grade, developmental, or
Are Reading
proficiency level can indicate very quickly
The ultimate goal of your Compact for which skills the child has or needs further
work on, and can show at what level a
Reading is for more students to be reading
child is reading.
at higher levels of proficiency. Basic readers
should be developing into proficient read- Informal Reading Inventories
ers, and proficient readers should be
acquiring the skills of advanced readers. These quick-to-administer reading tests,
such as the Running Record and the Infor-
You need to look at your students’ reading mal Reading Inventory, permit teachers to
progress on two levels: determine students’ reading strengths,
weaknesses, readability levels, and fluency.
• How are individual students performing The Running Record, for example, requires
in reading? that each child read 100 words of text out
loud to the teacher. The teacher notes the
• How is the school as a whole (all the
time it takes the child to read the passage,
students) performing in reading?
and the accuracy with which the child
reads the passage. Teachers can administer
Running Records multiple times during the
Individual Student Performance
year to note progress in fluency as well as
Many different kinds of information can be accuracy in reading.
obtained on student performance in read-
Student Home Reports
ing, ranging from very informal measures
of progress, like skills checklists, to more Several times a year, teachers develop
formal measures of performance, such as grades or scores that reflect students’ per-
standardized reading tests administered by formance on classroom reading, written
the school, typically for the district or state. work, and classroom tests. Grades are very
Each of these measures has particular broad indicators of performance and are
strengths as well as weaknesses. There is more likely to be subjective than other
not simply one good test of reading ability. assessments.

40 A Compact for Reading

Direct Observation scores at the school level and across a num-
ber of subpopulations in the school (e.g., by
Observations of individual students’ read- grade, ethnicity/race, special populations
ing behaviors and attitudes can be helpful such as Title I, limited-English-proficient,
in determining reading progress. Observa- and disabled students).
tions that obtain information on students’
enthusiasm for reading, confidence in read- When reviewing student scores before and
ing, and recognition that reading requires after the implementation of the Compact
hard work and practice can be strong indi- for Reading, your Core Team should ask
cators of reading success. about:

Formal Standardized Reading Assessments • Continuous improvement

Do your results show that students are
Many states and most large districts
reading better than before? Are they
administer formal assessments in which
doing better than in prior years? Are
performance in reading and other language
they doing better than in the earlier
arts is assessed in one section of the overall
assessment. Some examples are:

• Norm-referenced tests, such as the Stan-

• Comparative performance
ford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition;
California Achievement Test (CAT); and Do your results show that your students
the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS); or are doing as well as students in the best-
standardized state reading tests; performing schools that serve similar
types of children?

• Criterion-referenced tests developed to

measure a state’s core curriculum such • Absolute performance
as Texas’ Test of Academic Achievement
Do your results show that your students
Skills (TAAS) or Georgia’s Curriculum-
are reaching your school’s desired level
Based Assessment Program; and
of performance?

• Performance-based measures such as

• Small-group performance
Vermont’s portfolio assessment system
or the multiple assessment system being Do your results show that different
used in Kentucky. groups of students (racial/ethnic groups
of students; Title I students with disabili-
ties; limited-English-proficient students)
are making substantial progress?
School Performance

Your school’s performance in reading is

determined by adding up the progress
made by individual students in reading. A
good way to understand your school’s
reading progress is to chart your students’

A Compact for Reading 41

Supporting Learning, race, and parents’ educational level.
Communication, and Remember that everyone’s views count. In
Capacity Building general, companies strive to have at least
half of their questionnaires returned. High-
Your Core Team should also look at the quality surveys receive at least 7 out of 10
extent to which the Compact has led to returned.
improved support of learning activities, to
improved communication among the part- Administrative Records
ners who signed the Compact and are
responsible for improvement in reading in You may use the records your school rou-
your school, and improved capacity to tinely collects. Routine records may cover
advance the effective teaching and learning students’ attendance rates and completion
of reading. of home learning activities; amount of
training for teachers, parents, and volun-
At least once a year, the Core Team should teers; and levels of participation in the
conduct an evaluation of how well your Compact. Such data should be reviewed
school-family partnership is working to periodically for accuracy and complete-
fulfill the commitments made in your ness.
Compact for Reading.
Activity Sheet 4A provides indicators your
school may use to summarize the quality of Direct observation provides rich informa-
your Compact’s implementation. Activity tion that cannot be obtained through
Sheet 4B provides a worksheet for detailing surveys or written records. Observations
what the Compact partners are doing well reveal student attitudes and behaviors and
and what areas need further improvement. are often part of the informal reading
assessments previously described.
To determine how well your Compact is
working, (1) ask participants how it is When observing students, observers must
working (i.e., conduct surveys); (2) review have set criteria for what to look for and
routinely collected information (i.e., exam- what criteria indicate success or quality.
ine administrative records); (3) observe stu- Furthermore, it is worthwhile to review
dents, staff, and parents (i.e., keep the materials themselves, to assess their
anecdotal notes); and (4) conduct in-depth quality and value.
discussions (i.e., hold focus-group
sessions). Focus Groups

Surveys Focus groups are small-group discussion

sessions to test and review materials, such
Surveys ask school staff, parents, partici- as the School-Home Links activities. A
pating community members, and students group of parents and teachers sitting
their opinions about and experiences with around a table assume the role of market
reading and learning. Survey responses tell testers who assess the clarity, appropriate-
about partner expectations, provide judg- ness, and usefulness of materials. Focus
ments about the quality of learning experi- groups are also useful for discovering and
ences and materials, and address whether addressing barriers to communication.
the partners are communicating well and Focus groups should be representative of
respectfully with each other. Make sure your school’s population or, upon occasion,
that your surveys are truly representative targeted to groups of families who are
of your school’s population by language, harder to reach.

42 A Compact for Reading

Activity Sheet B: A Final Tally of What We Are Doing Well and What
We Can Improve (Continued)
Directions: For each major focus area, determine what you are doing well. Then describe
what areas can be improved.

Area What We Are Doing Well What We Can Improve

Shared Responsibility for Supporting Learning

Knowledge of reading


Quality of reading
instruction and support

Completion of school-
home activities

Activity Sheets
✍ 43
Activity Sheet B: A Final Tally of What We Are Doing Well and What
We Can Improve
Directions: For each major focus area, determine what you are doing well. Then describe
what areas can be improved.

Area What We Are Doing Well What We Can Improve

Shared Responsibility for Communicating

Communicating on
student progress

School climate

Shared Responsibility for Building Capacity

Training and resources


44 ✍ Activity Sheets
The goal of the last step in the Compact
process is for your Core and Invention
Teams to strengthen your Compact by
building on successes documented during
Step 4 (Evaluation) and improving in areas
• Brainstorm at your school Compact
meetings. The collective wisdom of a
team is far greater than that of each
member. Use your team to look around
your school for opportunities to operate
better and more efficiently. You might
documented as needing improvement. start by asking a series of questions: Do
some strategies seem to be working for
During this step, you will develop solutions certain students, families, and teachers
to challenges, determine action steps, and that could be applied throughout the
revise your Compact as needed. You can use school? Are there better ways to allocate
Activity Sheet 5A to develop an improve- resources? Are staff schedules arranged to
support learning and home-school com-
ment plan.
munications? What types of training are
helpful to staff and families in teaching or
This last step is extremely important
reinforcing reading? Are some school staff
because it allows partners to step back and and parents particularly effective at
praise themselves for what is going well in overcoming difficulties? Answers to these
your school community to help children questions can help guide school
improve their reading skills and achieve- improvement throughout the school.
ment. It is also a time to look at what has not
been going well and to seek new solutions.
• Review the reading research. The
These new solutions will provide informa- recently, published National Academy of
tion for revising your Compact for Reading, Sciences’ report, Preventing Reading
if necessary. Ask yourself: Are the right part- Difficulties in Young Children, is an out-
ners making the right commitments? Do standing summary of an enormous body
new commitments need to be made? Are of reading research on “what works” in
reading. The U.S. Department of
there enough people with the right training
Education is supporting nontechnical
and expertise to make this work? Are there summaries of this report that can guide
sufficient funds to support the commit- you through the findings.
ments in the Compact? Fine-tuning your
Step 5
Compact is essential if everyone is to know
what needs to be done and do the best job. • Look for solid reading models. Some of
the best ideas in teaching reading have
been packaged into model programs.
Generating Solutions for Thorny Some models with a clear emphasis on
Challenges reading include the New American
Schools Corporation models, Success for
Every school community faces challenges.
All, Early Literacy Learning Initiative,
Compact Teams can use the following
Family Literacy, and Books and Beyond.
approaches to generate solutions for these
There are others that have similar
A Compact for Reading 45
Activity Sheet A: Your Improvement Plan

Directions: Make a list of your successes (strengths) and a list of areas needing improvement
below. Use the following worksheet to design an improvement plan for each area indentified.

Area identified for improvement: ______________________________________________________

Why improvement is needed (based on progress toward standards and local, state, and national


Improvement Strategies. How will you strengthen your actions in this area? What specific
actions will you take with reference to learning, to communication, and to volunteering and
training? How will each partner contribute to the effort?
1. __________________________________________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________________________________________



Do you need to make any specific changes to the Compact document itself?


46 ✍ Activity Sheets
Before deciding on one model, ask its cre- • Put the Compact on the agenda of every
ators for their research evidence of effec- major school meeting relating to
tiveness. Consider models that have a improvement.
strong parent involvement component.
• Consider including School-Home Links
as one part of student report cards.
• Visit successful schools. Find the time • Provide resources that are targeted specif-
and resources for school staff and parents ically to implementing Compact responsi-
to visit neighboring schools. Seeing how bilities.
other schools successfully tackle the same
• Hold staff accountable for implementing
problems you have provides solid train-
their Compact responsibilities as part of
ing and reinforces continuous improve-
their annual performance assessment.
• Publicize the Compact through signs,
posters, and newsletters, and at parent
• Obtain outside advice. Experts in the meetings—it is said that it takes many
field can cut through the jargon and help reminders before people remember some-
you understand the different reading thing new.
approaches and strategies for assisting
• Recognize Compact successes through
families and involving communities. Your
newsletters, end-of-year parent achieve-
school district, state education agency,
ment awards, and thank-you notes.
and local colleges and universities are
good places to start for advice on effective • Use the school calendar as a reminder
practices. At the national level, the U.S. about Compact events and obligations.
Department of Education supports Com-
prehensive Assistance Centers and ERIC Challenge #2: School staff
clearinghouses that can be of help (see want to do more to fulfill the
Appendix D, Key Resources). Compact, but they simply do
not have the time.
• Look on the Web. The World Wide Web
is a new resource that is available on any
day and at any time (see Appendix D,
• Assign to each school staff member—
Key Resources for sites that can be
including the principal, other school
administrators, and teacher specialists—
a group of families with whom they are to
Sample Challenges and Solutions keep in regular contact. Sharing commu-
nication responsibilities among all the
school staff, not just the homeroom
Challenge #1: My school has a teachers, reduces the requirements on
sound Compact but it is not any one teacher.
• Give staff access to the telephone, prefer-
ably a telephone in the classroom, to facil-
itate family communication. In this age of
• Give your Compact Core Team clear modern electronic communications,
responsibility for setting guidelines and schools remain one of the last places
monitoring use. where a professional does not typically
have easy access to the telephone.

A Compact for Reading 47

• Use Title I resources to help pay for a • Hold Compact meetings in nonschool
parent coordinator to contact families. In settings, such as local community centers
districts receiving $500,000 or more, or churches, where parents may feel more
Title I reserves at least one percent for comfortable.
parental involvement activities.
• Conduct home visits to demonstrate the
• Ask parent volunteers to help get parents willingness of school staff to go more
involved. than halfway to involve all parents in
their children’s education.
• Use paraprofessionals or student teachers
to relieve teachers of noninstructional • Provide a welcoming and friendly atmos-
duties, such as lunch room, study hall, phere by offering food at school meetings,
and recess, allowing them to spend sending home letters, and making a call
greater time on supporting core activities to each parent introducing yourself at the
in your Compact. start of the year.

• Provide a recorded message informing • Reinforce the importance of family

parents of classroom and school activities. involvement by posting meeting dates for
Allow parents to leave messages detailing special family events in local restaurants,
their reactions and concerns. churches, and other meeting places.

Challenge #3: Although a few Challenge #4: Our children are

parents have been very support- making reading progress during
ive of the Compact, many others the school year, but many lose
are uninvolved. those gains during the summer.

Solutions: Solutions:

• Conduct a survey or focus group to find • Participate in America Reads Challenge:

out why certain parents are having diffi- READ*WRITE*NOW! school and com-
culty in fulfilling their Compact responsi- munity reading programs that team stu-
bilities and how the school can help. dents with reading partners and require
students to read at least 30 minutes a day.
• Send home information translated in the
family’s home language and adapted to • Offer extended summer school programs,
the needs of parents with disabilities. like those in Chicago and Washington,
Non-English- speaking families may D.C., to rigorously reinforce reading.
want to use School-Home Links as a way
• Work with voluntary organizations, such
to improve their own English, once they
as AmeriCorps or college and high school
understand its purpose.
students, to obtain summer
• Have frequent teacher-family calls to volunteer tutors.
improve home-school relationships.

• Provide transportation for evening meet-


48 A Compact for Reading

Challenge #5:The School-Home Challenge #6: My school needs
Links examples are very helpful, more reading resources to pro-
but my school would like to add vide the effective instructional
some activities to the Kit. program envisioned in our
Compact for Reading.
• The School-Home Links provided in the
• Ask for Federal Work-Study Program
Compact for Reading are only examples
volunteers from your local college or
of activities that can be developed to rein-
university to help with tutoring, because
force classroom learning. Your reading
they can obtain federal student aid
coordinator or teachers can supplement
assistance to help in your school.
these examples with others.
• Contact your local Corporation for
• Match the School-Home Links against
National Service representative who can
your state or local reading standards and
tell you more about coordination and
identify topics that need additional activi-
tutoring help from AmeriCorps, Learn
and Serve, VISTA, Foster Grandparents,
• Survey parents to determine if the and other corporation-funded programs.
School-Home Links are working particu-
• Ask employers to support your school’s
larly well or are too difficult or not worth
reading program by providing books and
doing. other reading resources to support the
• Ask the publisher of your school’s read- Compact. Encourage employers to pro-
ing materials whether they have already vide flexitime or leavetime so employees
developed parent activities to supple- can volunteer in the school, or distribute
ment your School-Home Links. information throughout the community
on the need for resources. Integrate their
• Go to the U.S. Department of Education
assistance into your school’s systemic
Web site for more School-Home Links
( improvement.
• Review all state and federal programs—
such as Title I, Even Start, Reading Is Fun-
damental, special education, or bilingual
education—for possible reading support.
• Extend reading time and assistance
through your school’s after-school
program, including those receiving 21st
Century school grants.
• Use your school’s computers to reinforce

A Compact for Reading 49


50 A Compact for Reading

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