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April 2013

Ministry truck climbing Rom rock

Nwa is a town in the North-West region of Cameroon a few miles away from the border with federal republic of Nigeria. The town is about 600 miles away from Yaound, the capital city of Cameroon. Reaching this town is so difficult due to the poor state of the road especially with the famous Rom-rock hill which vehicles climb round and round a huge rock for more than 30 minutes.

Farmers in Nwa grow and depend on food crops such as cocoyam, potatoes, beans, corn, huckleberry and groundnuts for subsistence but have been experiencing very low yields every year due to continuous soil degradation. The soil in this area is sandy such that the constant tilling, ploughing and burning of this sandy soil are causing: destruction of soil structure, soil capping, soil pan, compaction and destruction of soil micro-organisms hence resulting in poor fertility, soil erosion and environmental destruction. This situation is causing many of the villagers to migrate to other places in search of fertile land to grow food to feed their families and be able to sell the plus to meet up with other family needs. This difficult situation moved Life Ministries and its team made up of Rev. Paul Njerou, Nem Thomas and Elias Ngome to brave the difficult terrain to help. 106 farmers (85 of them women) attended to learn of a new technology in conservation farming to enable them overcome the above difficulties such that their farming can become sustainable and profitable enterprise. Pastor Paul Njerou welcomed all participants upon arrival after introducing the team. Drawing inspiration from Genesis 2:8-9, he reminded participants that God was the author of Agriculture when He planted the first garden called Eden. Due to sin man lost the favour of staying in the fertile garden, as he was cast out and asked to labour hard for the ground to yield its fruits for him. But due to his unconditional love for man, God has continued to show man other sustainable ways of farming that will reduce labour and increase yield and soil fertility. Relating to the text from Prov. 12:1, Njerou congratulated the participants for their desire to gain knowl- Paul Njerou passes on his message edge, and urged them to participate actively and put to practice all that they would be learning at the training. He also encouraged them above all to put God first even as they indulge in farming. Elias Ngome enriched the farmers on the technology of growing crops with little soil disturbance. He gave in-depth training on how to grow grains such as maize, groundnuts and beans using this technique. He also used the technology to demonstrate how to set up a vegetable garden such as tomatoes. The trainees also learned how to manufacture good compost that could be ready within 8 weeks.
Elias facilitating

Helping Struggling Farmers in Cameroon and Africa

Nem Thomas explained to farmers the importance of raising animals for protein and the use of animal waste in manufacturing compost. He reiterated the fact that plants and animals were interdependent and so farmers should equally embark on the raising of livestock alongside farming.

Thomas facilitates

Elias and team does practical demonstration on how to grow grains

The last day of the training was dedicated to practical exercises. On this day, a wellwatered garden was planted for maize and beans as well as compost. The farmers saw all the theory being transformed into concrete and practical reality as demonstrated in the maize and beans garden. The manufacture of compost was also a useful example.

The farmers were given an assignment to follow up the demonstrations and equally transfer the technology to their farms.

Practical demonstrations for compost building

Elias Ngome encouraged them to begin applying the technology in small scale, but to increase production gradually as they master it in order to improve on their livelihoods. This was going to improve soil quality and crop yields. They were also exalted to trust God who alone can bring an increase in their production. They all called on the Lord to bless their yields abundantly as they embark on farming in 2013.
PRAYER POINTS: 1. For our team to do a good follow up of the trainings so they can bring transformation in the lives of the farmers. 2. For farmers to experience high yields as a result of the trainings this year. 3. For success and planning in our next training for May. 4. For more sponsors.

Women at work during practical session for Compost

Group photo with certificates

Tax deductible gifts may be sent for this Ministry to: New Life Fellowship Global Ministries 3543 Quiet Creek Ct., Marietta, Georgia 30060

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