A Newspaper Reporter Reports About Himself

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Abdullah Ben el- mesaud SECONDRY SCHOOL First year scientific classes

2005 /2006 DURATION : 2 Hours.


A newspaper reporter reports about himself

I am a newspaper reporter .I am not rich .I like my job and I am Good at it .I have a method of getting news from the ordinary man in the street ,for example, yesterday I needed information about entrainments for old people in the city .I went to a park , sat on a bench in the sun , and waited soon an old woman come and sat next me .I sat quietly for a moment , Then I unwrapped a chocolate bar noisily next , I offered her a piece of chocolate .After that she told me about herself .She doesn't have a real home. She and her two friends sleep in the bus -station. Later I offered her a cup of coffee and sandwich . I asked her a few questions . She needed money and a place to live . I gave her some money .Finally , I left the park , went to the office and typed up some notes for my column.

Section one: reading comprehension : A) Read the text carefully then say if the following statements are true or false :
1234the newspaper report is rich man . He like his job and he is Good at it. The reporter needed information about entrainments for young people . He gave an old woman some money.

B) Read the text carefully then answers the following questions :

1.Where did the reporter go ? 2.What did the old lady tell him ? 3 Where did she sleep ? 4. What kind information did the reporter need ?


1. Find in text words closest in meaning to the following : Next = gave = reporter = . 2. Find in text words opposite in meaning to the following : Went .. man . 3. pick out from the text four irregular verbs and give their infinitive . 4. pick out from the text two reporting verbs. 5. complete the sentences with :to , so as to , in order to - The hunter wanted to catch the tigers sell their beautiful fur . - He went to France ..learn French . - He is studying mathematics qualify for higher salary . - He sent tom to the post office ..buy stamps .

6. abcd-

complete the sentences with : must , needn't People respect their country's lows. You wait him , he wont come tonight . I ..wash my hand , they are very dirty . If you can lend me the money, I go to the bank .


Choose one of the following topics: 1 or 2 Topic One : complete the following dialogue : A: hello, is this benrabeh's house , please ? B: .. A: this is Rachid , a friend of Ahmed. B: .. A: yes , please , I would like to tell him , when he arrives from setif to meet me in essalam coffe. B: .. A: thank you , good bye . Topic One : write invitation to your friend , invite him or her to your party.

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