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Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards

Going backwards
Report on the status of women in NSW after Two years of the OFarrell Government

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards

Message from Linda Burney, Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Life is getting harder for women under the OFarrell Government. If youre a mother with a sick child, youre waiting longer to see a surgeon or a doctor thanks to Mr OFarrells $3 billion cut from our hospitals. Your childs school is affected by $1.7 billion in statewide cuts. In 2013, Catholic and independent schools have been forced to raise fees by up to six per cent. Preschool places are also getting harder to find. After two years in office, Mr OFarrell is increasingly remote from the needs of women. Its obvious from his harsh budget cuts, his indifference to rising gun crime and domestic violence even his sexist language in the Parliament. The women of NSW deserve better. I encourage you to read this document and find out more.

Message from Sophie Cotsis, Shadow Minister for the Status of Women
Last year I released the first Going Backwards Report, which documented the OFarrell Governments failure to implement policies to improve the status of women. Another year on, we continue to see policies that make life harder. Cutting funding to education means women have fewer opportunities to upskill at TAFE. Cutting funding to hospitals means compromising womens care. Eroding public sector working conditions is tailored to hurt women given they comprise 60 per cent of this workforce. Incredibly, in 2011-12, funding was frozen to a major NSW program tackling domestic violence. When it comes to womens policy, the OFarrell Government has a lot to answer for.

Linda Burney Deputy Leader of the Opposition

Sophie Cotsis Shadow Minister for the Status of Women

March 2013 Authorised by Sophie Cotsis MLC, NSW Parliament. No taxpayer funds used for the design of this document. For more information visit

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


$3 billion cut from NSW hospitals
For women, a well-resourced hospital system is vital. Perhaps youre a mother accompanying a sick child or elderly relative. Perhaps you require a mammogram or are about to give birth. Mr OFarrell has ordered an unprecedented $3 billion funding cut to NSW hospitals and its sending the system to breaking point. There are not enough specialists to see patients and not enough beds. Waiting times for emergency and elective surgery have blown out and many women are being sent home without receiving treatment.

Ambulances taking longer to arrive

If you dial-OOO, you expect an ambulance to arrive promptly. But thanks to the OFarrell Governments $3 billion health cuts which include ambulance services women in the community are being placed at risk.

Four die while waiting for ambulance

Four people have died in less than a month while waiting for Hunter ambulances to come from distant stations because their local cars were busy or queued at John Hunter Hospital. Suspected cardiac arrest cases include: An 80-year-old Cooranbong woman who died the next day after neighbours made a frantic call to triple-0 and waited 28 minutes for paramedics to arrive from Cardiff. An elderly Coalfields woman whose family waited 39 minutes earlier this month and was told an ambulance had to come from out of the area because all the local cars were busy., 26 July 2012

Woman forced to give birth in car park

A Sydney hospital has apologised to a mother who was forced to give birth in the car park.
Yahoo News, 26 February 2013

Nurses forced to pay a $10,000 re-entry course fee

The OFarrell Government is forcing nurses who leave employment to pay $10,000 for a course to re-enter the NSW health system. In South Australia, re-entry courses are provided at no charge. NSW has a shortage of registered nurses and the OFarrell Governments cash-grab is no solution. Far from it its a deterrent to nurses to recommence work.

The Health Minister has shown how out of touch she is with the problem of forcing nurses to pay $10,000 to re-enter the health system:I cant see how there is a problem.

Jillian Skinner, 22 January 2012

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


$1.7 billion cut from NSW schools
Whether your child attends a public, Catholic or independent school they will be affected by Mr OFarrells $1.7 billion cut to the NSW education budget. Already in 2013 thanks to Mr OFarrells cuts Catholic and independent schools have been forced to raise fees by up to six per cent. Parents are being asked to contribute more towards essential items like school stationary. Poor quality demountable classrooms are no longer being replaced.

TAFE fees up 9.5 per cent

In 2013, the OFarrell Government has increased TAFE fees by 9.5 per cent making it harder for women to upgrade their skills. For example, the cost of an Advanced Diploma has risen from $1570 to $1720 and the cost of a Certificate IV qualification has risen from $984 to $1078.


Mums speak out against the education cuts

I have two kids with Aspergers syndrome who will need mainstream high school in the next few years. This will affect the assistance they need. Nicole Baker The families who are working at giving their kids the best education possible are being penalised. Kylie Brooks
Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard, 19 September 2012

Minister for Women Pru Goward described learning a trade as a great career option for women then voted for TAFE fee increases.
Supporting girls and women into these trades makes good financial sense for them and for the NSW economy which is experiencing a trade skills shortage. Women NSW, 2012

Preschool hours cut

As every mother knows, its getting harder in NSW to access quality, affordable preschool and childcare. One of the OFarrell Governments first acts was to introduce public preschool fees of up to $40 a day. In 2013, the maximum hours NSW children can be placed in a public preschool have been cut from 30 to 15 a week. This has forced mothers to make other arrangements and in many cases, abandon plans to work or study.

Only $200,000 for women in trades what a joke

Minister for Women Pru Goward has assigned $200,000 to the Women in Trades initiative. Grants of $25,000 can be accessed. By that count, there will be only eight grants. A token gesture that does little to increase opportunities for women in trades. At the same time, Pru Goward has wasted $450,000 to research why women are failing to enter non-traditional trades, and how to make these areas more attractive. All the Minister needed to do is read the AMWUs comprehensive Breaking the Perspex Ceiling Report. That $450,000 could have been used to restore TAFE funding or assign another 18 Women in Trades grants.

Mums left in the lurch

The government wants mothers to get back into the workforce but this doesnt really give them a choice. Sharna Rennie, mother-of-two
Southern Courier, 31 October 2012

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


Gun crime out of control
Mr OFarrell has completely failed to crackdown on gun crime leaving our streets, communities and children less safe. There have been more than 200 shootings since the Government came to office, including seven deaths since last October. Hells Angels gang members are even alleged to be recruiting teenagers in suburban shopping centres. Mothers in suburban Sydney deserve to go to bed at night without worrying about gunfire interrupting their familys safety. Whats the point of having a Premier if he wont do something?

Domestic violence grants program frozen in 2012 what a disgrace

It has taken the OFarrell Government a whole year to review its domestic violence grants during which time funding to a major program worth $2.9 million was frozen. Many providers such as womens centres that run anti-domestic violence programs were left without funding. Worst of all, domestic violence victims were left in the lurch.

The OFarrell Government should feel ashamed that it froze funding to a major domestic violence program instead of helping our communitys most vulnerable.

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


Fewer women in parliament and women ministers
Female representation in the NSW Parliament has fallen under Mr OFarrell. Currently, women make up 20 per cent of the Legislative Assembly eight per cent lower than before this Government took office.

Premiers domestic violence council has barely met

As domestic violence rates increase in NSW, the Premiers Council for Preventing Violence Against Women last met in August 2012 and has barely convened in two years.

Current Parliament Party Representation


Scrapped the requirement for more women on boards

Mr OFarrell has removed the requirement that 50 per cent of all new appointments to Government Boards and Committees be women.

A Premier who uses sexist language

Only 16 per cent of the Coalitions members in the Legislative Assembly are women

MALE 60%

Mr OFarrell routinely uses demeaning, sexist language in the NSW Parliament against any female who dares to challenge him. In each case, he is failing to behave as an appropriate role model.


OFarrell told to man up and quit the sexist slurs

By contrast, 40 per cent of Labor members are women.

In just two years, Mr OFarrell has Called Deputy Labor Leader Linda Burney a hooker and a witch; Likened Kristina Keneally, the first female Premier of NSW, to US celebrity Kim Kardashian; Likened Shadow Education Minister Carmel Tebbutt to a whining dog; Been caught winking at women across the parliamentary chamber.
Daily Telegraph, 6 January 2013

Mr OFarrell has only appointed five female Cabinet Ministers down from seven under Labor.

Abolished the Premiers Expert Advisory Council for Women

Mr OFarrell has abolished the Premiers Expert Advisory Council for Women. As a result, there is no longer high-level external advice direct to the Premier on womens health issues such as breast, cervical and ovarian cancer, access to TAFE, pay equity, housing for the elderly, homelessness, community safety, flexible work hours and services for regional, migrant and indigenous women.

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


Women in the public sector
Women comprise 60 per cent of the overall NSW public sector workforce and 87 per cent of the part-time workforce. The OFarrell Governments attacks on public sector working conditions disproportionately penalise women. This includes capping wage rises at 2.5 per cent effectively a real wages cut. And any increases above 2.5 percent can only occur by trading off essential conditions like family leave.

MP refused time to drop children

Workplace flexibility is yet to make it to the NSW Parliament. Labors Tania Mihailuk - a mother of three children aged six and under - found that out the hard way. [Liberal MP for Parramatta Geoff Lee] says I dont understand what its like to be in business but I worked for large companies like Leighton Contractors and they were far more understanding and flexible, Ms Mihailuk said. Its beyond belief they cant move the meetings back by 15 minutes. Theyre living in the dark ages.

Breastfeeding breaks at risk

Women may be forced to trade off lactation breaks for pay rises under the OFarrell Governments draconian industrial relations changes for public sector workers. This sets a terrible example for private sector employers in NSW. Before the election: Breastfeeding is, of course, important for childrens health and for maternal health. It is an explicit right of women.
Pru Goward, Hansard, 16 October 2007

Sun-Herald, 26 February 2012

A wasted opportunity for women

Last week, this newspaper reported the dilemma facing Labor MP Tania Mihailuk, who requested a regular meeting of the legislation review committee be pushed back 15 minutes to 8.45am to allow her to get her three kids to school and day care on time and make it to Parliament House from Bankstown. Gowards Liberal colleague Geoff Lee, the stand-in chairman, refused. I asked Gowards office whether the minister would support Mihailuk. After an attempt to duck the request altogether, I received this one-line statement: The time of the meetings is a matter for the committee and the Parliament to resolve. Actually, minister, it was a perfect opportunity to back a woman fighting a crystal-clear case of workplace inflexibility - even if it meant confronting a male colleague. Gowards refusal to act shows a lack of leadership and makes a mockery of the dozens of speeches she delivered as sex discrimination commissioner.

After the election: As the Premier has said, these trade-offs are a perfectly acceptable part of industrial relations.
Pru Goward, Hansard Thursday 26 May 2011

State political editor Heath Aston, Sun-Herald, 4 March 2012

Maternity at work
The 2012 Maternity at Work report was publicised not by the Minister for Women but the NSW Labor Shadow Minister. This report provides families with the latest information on parental leave, flexible working arrangements and occupational health and safety issues. The OFarrell Governments failure to bring this document to the publics attention demonstrates a complete lack of concern for new parents.

Inflexible work hours

Minister Goward has rightly been criticised for failing to ensure workplace flexibility for women in the workplace where she works the NSW Parliament.

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards

Minister for women in name only

No answers
Pru Goward, supposedly the Minister for Women, has repeatedly failed to answer basic questions relating to womens policy.

No answer on tackling breast cancer Q: Does the Government have a plan, if any, in
working towards increasing the rate of women screened for breast cancer aged 50-69 years from 53 per cent?

No strategy to encourage girls to study science and maths Q: 33 per cent of girls HSC course completions
are in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, compared to 44 per cent of course completions by boys. Does the Government have a strategy in place to target girls from an early age to pursue studies, and ultimately careers, in non-traditional fields?

A: This question should be referred to my

colleague the Hon. Jillian Skinner, Minister for Health.

A: This question should be referred to my No answer on workplace sexual harassment Q: Does the Government have a policy on sexual harassment in the workplace? If so, under that policy how can a victim of sexual harassment make a complaint, and what support is provided to them? A: This question should be referred to the
Department of Premier and Cabinet colleague the Hon. Adrian Piccoli, Minister for Education.

NO PLAN FOR REGIONAL WOMENS JOBS Q: What is the Government doing to address the
average 1.8 per cent decline of employment rates in NSW regions for women since the peak of the Global Financial Crisis?

A: This question should be referred to my

colleague the Hon. Mike Baird, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations.

Report on the status of women in NSW after two years of the OFarrell Government

Going backwards


Councils denied money to host events
In 2013, the OFarrell Government has sneakily abolished funding for NSW councils to coordinate International Womens Day events. Under Labor, all councils could apply for grants of $1000 to host International Womens Day events in their community. Last year, the OFarrell Government promoted the benefits of the program: The 2012 International Womens Day small grants encourage local groups and organisations to organise events that provide opportunities for all women to participate in, and celebrate the day. The grants are to be used for community events and programs such as conferences, festivals, forums, and functions to promote the achievements of the womens movement, and to acknowledge and celebrate women. IWD Grants Application Guidelines, 2012} In 2013 on what should be a day of pride across the globe local womens groups in NSW have been left without a single cent from the OFarrell Government.

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