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April 2013 Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 7

Cupertino Union School District, Elementary PE Program

The P.E. Pep-Talk

Aprils Monthly Theme: Encouragement

parents/guardians. Aside from being encouraged by adults, students are also learning how to encourage each other. At a young age it can be difficult for students to encourage peers. Of course, students feel comfortable encouraging their friends, however it can be difficult to encourage students they normally do not work with. This is where we come in: we want all students to feel safe, comfortable and welcome. With a little encouragement from adults and their peers, students will more likely be motivated to try their best. This month we are continuing to teach students how to turn negatives into positives. For example, instead of getting upset when things do not go right, students are expected to encourage Sodium is an often-overlooked component of nutrition; however, according to the American Heart Association, 97% of children and adolescents eat too much sodium. This is significant because too much sodium in the diet increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases. To help lower our sodium intake, the American Heart Association has created a list of foods to limit in our diet. As we transition from March to April, our monthly theme will be transitioning from effort to encouragement. We, as a 4/5 PE staff, always encourage students to do their best when learning skills and/or knowledge in regards to a specific topic. April is a tough month for most 4th and 5th grade students. Early in April, students are finishing up their CA State Fitness Testing, and Star Testing starts the last week of the month. In between, students will be starting new units in PE, and most likely be preparing for Star Testing. To help students do well, it is imperative they are encouraged by their teachers and at home from their


Family Fitness and Fun

Could the weather be any better than this time of the year? 65 & sunny, nothing beats that! Lets take advantage of the beautiful weather and do events outside. Some great ideas are to take your family to the park, go to a baseball game, go for a hike, and have your children join a sports league. The month of April has Spring Break and STAR testing which will limit your childs opportunity for PE. Please take time to have your child or children do something physical during those times. Thank you for your time and enjoy yourselves.

Fitness Factoids
This months focus is on the fitness facts surrounding exercise excuses. Here are some of the excuses heard in class, and some simple solutions for parents and students to increase physical activity. -Im not an athlete. Running or contact sports are not for me! *Walking the dog, playing with your friends and siblings, or playing tennis counts. Any activity is better than none! -Why should I exercise? Whats in it for me? *Exercising can lead to a healthier body. You will look and feel better, keep weight under control, and strengthen and tone your muscles. Exercise also helps prevent premature death from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. -Im too tired! *By working your heart and lungs, youre giving yourself an oxygen boost that will keep you energetic throughout the day. Try it! See how you feel afterwards. -I dont need to exercise if Im eating healthy. *Exercise helps your body burn calories faster than dieting alone. Walking 15 to 20 minutes most days of the week will help control your weight.

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right! -- Henry Ford

The Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week. What exactly is a moderate amount of physical activity? Playing volleyball ............... 45 minutes Dancing fast (social) ........... 30 minutes Water Aerobics .................... 20 minutes Jumping rope ...................... 15 minutes Gardening ........................... 30-45 minutes Raking leaves ...................... 30 minutes Swimming laps .................... 20 minutes Playing basketball ............... 15 - 20 minutes Running at a 10 min per mile pace ... 15 minutes

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