Sample Payroll System Codes Via Visual Fox Pro

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Mariano Marcos State University College of Business, Economics and Accountancy Batac, Ilocos Norte

Final Requirement in Buscs 101

(Payroll System)

Submitted by: Diana Jane M. Hermida

CODES FOR PAYROLL SYSTEM ***creating database ***project.prg clear @3,2 to 35,50 double set color to g+ @5,10 say PAYROLL DATABASE @6,20 say SYSTEM @9,23 say BY @12,14 say Diana Jane M. Hermida ? ? ? ? ? ? Wait Press any key to continue..

***password.prg Clear @2,2 to 25,50 double Set color to gr+ @10,10 say PASSWORD CONFIRMATION @14,10 ACCEPT Enter Password to PW ? If PW= Payroll System Do payroll.prg Else ? INVALID PASSWORD ? Wait Retry? Press any key. Do password.prg Endif Return

**payroll.prg Clear Set color at gr+ @3,2 to 35,60 double @9,7 say ****************************** @11,20 say PAYROLL DATABASE

@13,7 say ****************************** @15,7 say CHOICES @17,9 say *A+ Workers Information @19,9 say *B+ Regular Time @21,9 say *C+ Over Time @23,9 say *D+ Deductions @25,9 say *E+ Update Payroll @27,9 say *F+ Generate Report @29,9 say *Q+ Quit ? Wait Enter Your Choice. to Choice Do Case Case Upper (Choice)=A Do wi.prg Case Upper (Choice)=B Do rti.prg Case Upper (Choice)=C Do ot.prg Case Upper (Choice)=D Do deductions.prg Case Upper (Choice)=E Do update.prg Case Upper (Choice)=F Do report.prg Case Upper (Choice)=Q Do quit.prg Endcase Return

***wi.prg Clear @2,2 to 35,50 double @4,6 say Enter Employees Information Use payroll_system.dbf Append blank @8,5 say Employees Name: Get emp_name @10,5 say Employees Number: Get emp_no Read ? @30,8 Wait Enter Another *Y/N+? to Choice If Upper(Choice)=Y Do wi.prg Else Do payroll.prg EndIf


***rt.prg clear @2,2 to 35,50 double @4,6 say Enter Regular Time of Employees Use payroll_system.dbf ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Accept Employees Name: to name Accept Employees Number: to number Locate for emp_name=name .and. emp_no=number

***deduction.prg Clear @2,2 to 35,50 double @4,6 say Enter Deduction of Employees Use payroll_system.dbf ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Accept Employees Name: to name Input Employees Number: to number Locate for emp_name= name .and. emp_no= number If emp_name= name .and. emp_no= number Input Income Taxes: to IT Input SSS Contribution: to S Input Phil-Health: to PH Input Pag-ibig: to P Input Others: to O Replace with_tax with IT

Replace sss with S Replace philhealth with PH Replace others with O ***Computations TD= with_tax+ sss+ philhealth+ pagibig+ others Replace total_ded with TD ? ***Computations TD=with_tax + sss + philhealth + pagibig + others Replace total_ded with TD ? @25,5 Wait Enter Another *Y/N+? to Choice If Upper(Choice)=Y Do deductions.prg Else Do payroll.prg EndIf Else @25,5 say Record not found! @27,5 Accept Retry*Y/N+? to Choice If Upper(Choice)=Y Do deductions.prg Else Do payroll.prg EndIf EndIf Return

***update.prg Clear @2,2 to 35,50 double @4,6 say Update Employees Gross Income Use payroll_system.dbf ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? Accept Employees Name: to name Input Employees Number: to number Locate for emp_name = name .and. emp_no = number If emp_name = name .and. emp_no = emp_number Input Regular Rate/Hour: to reg Input Overtime Rate/Hour: to ot Locate for emp_name = name .and. emp_no = number Replace reg_rate with reg Replace ot_rate with ot Locate for emp_name = name .and. emp_no = number ***Computations RE=(reg_time+overtime)*reg_rate OE=overtime*ot_rate GE=RE=OE NE=GE-total_ded Locate for emp_name = name .and. emp_no = number Replace g_earnings with GE Replace n_earnings with NE

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