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Seeing Isnt Always Believing

9:30 A.M.
* denotes standing



5:30 P.M.
* denotes standing

Congregational Greeting ................................... The Passing of the Peace

Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook

The Living God Calls Us to Worship* .................. Call to Worship We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* .................................... Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, Hymn 57 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach God Speaks to Us In Scripture ................................................................. Psalm 16, p. 788

The Living God Summons Us .........Call to Worship, Psalm 115:1 We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ................................................. O Worship the King, Hymn 2 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

God Welcomes Us
In Scripture ...................................................................... Luke 1:46-55

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assurance of Pardon In Song* ................... Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord, Hymn 465 In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon In Song* ............ We Praise You, O God, Redeemer, Creator, Hymn 97

God Feeds Us
In Scripture .....................................................................John 20:19-31 In Sermon .............................. SEEING ISNT ALWAYS BELIEVING

God Feeds Us
In Scripture .......................................................................... Psalm 145 In Sermon ...................................... EXCITED TO EXTOL OUR GOD

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application

In Song* .......................... Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, Hymn 529 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings

We Respond in Commitment ................... Prayer of Application

In Song* ....................... God, My King, Thy Might Confessing, Hymn 5 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* ...................... All Creatures of Our God and King, Hymn 115

God Blesses Us* ......................................................... Benediction

Doxology, Hymn 731 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

God Blesses Us ............................................................Benediction

Gloria Patri, Hymn 734 Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen, amen.

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

TODAY Welcome! Welcome to Cedar Church! Today we welcome Pastor Chris Post to the pulpit while our pastor is away on vacation. TODAY 11:00 AM Sunday School & Small Groups for All Ages 4:00 PM - Choir rehearsal 5:30 PM Evening Service 7:00 PM Youth Group THIS WEEK Wednesday Midweek Ministries @ 7 PM HCS Thursday - Love Inc Bible Study @ 7PM Hillcrest CRC Friday-Sunday Cedar Girls Club Retreat @ 4:30 PM meet at HCS ANNOUNCEMENTS Lords Supper Next Sunday Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Lords Supper in the evening. Our benevolent offering will be for the Lakeshore Pregnancy Center in both the morning & evening service. For more information on the Pregnancy Center see the insert in todays bulletin. Reception of New Member - Cedar session is pleased to announce we will receive Micah Shin as a member of Cedar Church by letter of transfer from Heritage NRC on Sunday morning, April 14th. Shepherding Districts - The elders and deacons have restructured their shepherding districts. The districts are organized by last name as listed below. Your elder and deacon are specifically praying for you and will be visiting you. Please contact them with any needs or concerns. Pastor Mick Knierim/Deacon Tom Dykema A-E Elder Craig Baker/Deacon Jim Knott F-H Elder Bill Grysen/Deacon Paul Sprik I-P Elder Ted Himebook/Deacon Duane Saxton Q-Z
The Lords Day April 7, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENTS Cedar Girls Club Retreat The annual retreat starts this Friday at Sandy Beach Cottage on Lake Macatawa. Meet at the school parking lot at 4:30 pm. The girls 3rd through 7th grade will be returning to the school at 2:00 pm Saturday. The high school girls will be returning Sunday morning for worship. Road Rally & Scavenger Hunt Please reserve Saturday, April 20 at 6:30 PM for an all church (school age and up) road rally & scavenger hunt. A nursery will be provided for younger children. More details coming soon. Family of the Week Committee Our first Family of the Week biography is in your mailbox today. Please help the committee by providing the information requested by the member who contacts you. Take a moment to share a little about your family and we can all get to know one another even better. Homosexuality: Born or Chosen? Is a person born gay or is it something they choose? Or is it a mixture of environment, upbringing and personality? Is it right to try to change a person, or is it a cruel and dangerous thing to do? Come hear what Gods word has to say about these challenging questions on Sunday evening, April 14 from 7 to 8:30 PM at the home of Bill & Deb Grysen. Our guest speaker is Mr. Kendall Borthwick, the brotherin-law of Pastor Steve, who serves as a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ (now called "Cru") near Philadelphia, PA. His talk will be a conversation supporting the church's traditional understanding of marriage and sexuality and will interact with the current literature & theory of genetics & sexual orientation. A counseling graduate of the Philadelphia Biblical University with clinical experience at Harvest International Counseling Ministries, Kendall has been well received around the nation. Please reserve your spot today by contacting Pam Himebook ( or 669-9151).

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENTS Interested in Church Membership at Cedar? On Wednesday evening, May 8th, Pastor Steve will hold a membership seminar from 7:00 8:30 PM at HCS for anyone interested in church membership. Please register at or through a Connection Card. Youth Group Mission Trip - Mark your calendars now! You dont want to miss this opportunity to serve and encourage a fellow OPC congregation. June 23-29 the youth group will be traveling to Manistee to help out the OP church plant there by reaching out to the community in various ways, including leading a VBS program. More details will be coming soon. OPC Family Camp Save the date! OPC Family Camp will be August 5-9. Carl Trueman, professor at Westminster Theological Seminary and author of several books will be the speaker. The theme for camp this year is Martin Luther: A Man for All Seasons. More details will be coming soon. Missionary Associates Needed The OPC Committee on Foreign Missions is looking for missionary associates: teachers are needed at the university in Northeast Asia for the 20132014 school year; English teachers are needed in Japan; someone interested in university campus ministry or English as a second language outreach is needed in Quebec; and teachers are needed to help with homeschooling in both Karamoja and Mbale, Uganda, for the 20132014 school year. Please contact or the office at (215)830-0900 for information. Special Concert - You are invited to a special concert on Friday April 12, 2013 at 7:30 pm, featuring the Musica Sacra Chorus. This choir hails from Ontario, and is under the direction of Johann VanIttersum, accompanied by pianist Stephanie MacDonald. The concert will be held at East Congregational United Church, 1005 Giddings Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. There will be a free will offering in support of the Girls Home in Tenjo, Colombia, a Word & Deed supported project.

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you for your support of our many ministries -Love INC is in need of the following items to complete more Foster Care Kits: regular fabric, fleece fabric, yarn, baby lotion, baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, bar soap (travel size), shampoo (travel size), conditioner (travel size), deodorant, night lights, coloring books, toothbrushes (individually packaged), toothpaste (travel size), combs and hairbrushes. Please bring your donations to Love INC, 3300 Van Buren, Hudsonville. If you are interested in helping with a special project please contact Karla at 616-662-3300 ext 130. Sewing and Quilting Group - Are you interested in joining a thriving sewing and quilting group who makes many items for those in need? Please contact Carol Yeakey at 669-1643 for more information. This group meets Tuesday mornings at Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville and always welcomes more members. Zion Christian School's annual Spring Dinner -will take place on Thursday, April 25. Join us as we celebrate Zion and the faithfulness of our Lord! We are excited to welcome Joel Belz., the founder of World Magazine, as the primary speaker. Come and enjoy an evening of great food and Christian fellowship. Additionally, this is a fund-raising event, so you will have an opportunity to make a gift supporting the work of ZCS. The dinner will be held in Zions gymnasium, with punchbowl beginning at 6:00 and dinner served at 6:30. Reserve your seat by calling the school office at 616-878-9472 ext. 110 by Monday, April 15. Support Jehovah Jireh - While you're at Meijer, could you help Jehovah Jireh Ministries help those in need in your community? Just go to the Jenison Meijer Store between March 10 & May 18 and purchase $10 Simply Give donation cards. These will then be passed on to us in the form of gift cards, which we can use to purchase food for those we serve.

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

The Lords Day April 7, 2013


Greeters Accompanist A.M. Accompanist P.M. Nursery A.M.

Nursery P.M. Nursery Sun. Sch. Wed. Nursery Fellowship Snack

Childrens Snack Church Set-Up Sun. Foreman AM Sun. Foreman PM Wed. Foreman Ushers Youth Group Meal

TODAY Saxton/Holstege Bonnie Boeve Megan Himebook Lynn Igo Heidi Kooienga Celeste Haywood Dawn DeWent Cayte Baker Tammy Holstege Angie Dykema Ingrid Entingh Jen Coleman Bonnie Boeve Stephanie Haywood Saxton/Holstege Terry Holstege Jon Mulder Craig Coleman Tim DeWent Paul Sprik DeWent

NEXT WEEK Grysen/T Entingh Christina Hartwell Christina Hartwell Mindy Weiss Natassja DeWent Cora Haywood Deb Grysen Ellie Schrier Angie Dykema Carla Baker Lynn Igo Deb Grysen Angie Dykema Carin Hartwell Grysen/T Entingh Terry Holstege Jon Mulder Craig Coleman David Stanley Todd Entingh

*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *

Weekly Budget $3,251.54 YTD Budget $42,270.02

Last Weeks Offerings $5,272.00 YTD Offerings $46,329.30

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

The Lords Day April 7, 2013

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