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the voice of

Where do we go from here?

Big changes are afoot among Seattles Jewish communal leadership. What does that mean for our future?
Part one in a series begins on page 8 connecting our local Jewish community

5, 2013

in bubbys kitchen page 20

nisan 5773





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JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

For one Holocaust survivor, Siemens was a roadblock to his story

Toby Axelrod JTA World News Service
BERLIN (JTA) I was 23 when I first met my cousin Gilbert Michlin. He was sitting at a brasserie near his office in Paris wearing a dark suit with a folded handkerchief poking out of the breast pocket. His short, dark hair was perfectly combed. He said, in charmingly accented English, There is one thing I must tell you: I was in Auschwitz. Of course, I already knew. But I had never met a survivor before, let alone our French cousin, who had been a slave laborer for Siemens at the death camp. After the war, Gilbert went to study in the United States and eventually returned to Paris to become the European director of telecom products for IBM. That day in the late 1970s, Gilbert, then 53, had no more to say about the Holocaust. Instead, he told me how miraculous it was that hed met his French wife, Mireille, in America. A girl from Marseilles and a boy from Paris would never meet in France, he laughed. Someone should write a novel. We met again over the years. But it was not until 2006, when he and Mireille visited my adopted home city of Berlin, that I really got to know Gilbert. Berlin had been one of Gilberts last stations on his way to liberation. Now he and three other men had been invited back to share their recollections with the public and meet representatives of the German company that had recruited them at Auschwitz in February 1944. By then, Gilbert was 80 and had published his memoir, Of No Interest to the Nation, in French and English. He wanted not only to tell what he remembered, but also to provide evidence. He had spent many hours in archives and consulted historians. Sitting at his laptop, he had typed out the facts of his parents fate in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. The fight against Holocaust denial was most important to him. His new hero was U.S. historian Deborah Lipstadt, who dared to call David Irving a Holocaust denier and triumphed in Irvings lawsuit against her. In his memoir, Gilbert recalled French complicity in the deportation of Jews. He lovingly portrayed his fathers yearning to immigrate to America and his rejection at Ellis Island in 1923; Gilberts own childhood dream to be an actor; and the shock of Nazi occupation and his arrest with his mother by French police at 2 a.m. on Feb. 3, 1944, two days before his 18th birthday. A week later, Gilbert saw his mother for the last time as she was driven away from the Auschwitz platform in a truck. It was at the death camp that a Siemens representative recruited Gilbert and about 100 others to a work unit. His fathers insistence that Gilbert learn a mechanical trade saved his life. Gilbert was selected for armaments production. Siemens kept its Bobrek factory prisoners together, even after the SS evacuated them in the death march from Auschwitz in January 1945. They were transferred together from Buchenwald to Berlin. A few months later, the war was over. Sixty-one years later, Gilbert was back in Berlin. Visiting the unfinished Holocaust memorial, he said the insurmountable chain-link fence was more evocative than the Peter Eisenman construction itself. I went with the Bobrek survivors to the Siemens offices. Each told his story. Then my cousin stood and insisted that the company finally open its archives to historians so they could get some answers: Why were these slave laborers kept together? Why were they saved? The Siemens representatives froze; they had no response. The archive remained closed. In the years since, I did some research for Gilbert, finding original documents about his family in other postwar archives. But it was always the Siemens archive that haunted him. For years he carried on conversations and correspondence with sympathetic company representatives, yet never got into their archive. Meanwhile, each year on his birthday, Gilbert and Mireille invited several friends survivors and their spouses, and me to lunch in a Paris hotel. With champagne
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This event is partially underwritten by members of the JFS Board of Directors.

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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews


the rabbis turn

Getting serious about parenting

Rabbi Bernie Fox Northwest Yeshiva High School
One of the most beloved elements of the Passover Haggadah is the discussion of the four sons. The Haggadah identifies four children, each with a unique personality. Four short vignettes advise the parent how to best teach each child the story of our redemption from Egypt. Many lessons are embedded in this cherished selection of Jewish literature. Lets consider a few. We must teach the child who is actually before us. Every child has unique talents and faces personal challenges. The talents are not always the ones we wish for our children and the challenges are sometimes different from the ones we are prepared to confront. To successfully educate and nurture our children we have to separate our own egos as parents and try to understand the real needs of our children. This imperative to honestly assess and respond to the needs of our children is based upon our commitment to the education of every child. This commitment must apply to our childrens general education and to their Jewish education. Even children who are not talented or precocious students must be taught the meaning of living Jewishly. Jewish learning is not like AP biology. Some students take the course. Others do not see themselves focusing on science in college. They decide the course does not serve their needs or interest them. If their Judaism is to be meaningful, our children must be Jewishly educated every one of them. Parents need to provide guidance and set boundaries. The rebellious son in the Haggadah is not ignored. Neither is he indulged. His parent responds to him with a pointed and meaningful retort. The parent in the Haggadah sets a boundary and communicates an expectation. I am head of a high school. Often parents tell me about important decisions that they are leaving in the hands of their children 13- or 14-year-olds. This includes which school they will attend and other decisions that will shape their futures. Often, these parents are struggling to define their roles in their childrens lives. It is important to foster independence and responsibility in our children. Involving our children in a decision-making process is a great learning experience. However, as parents we have accumulated a lifetime of experience and a wealth of knowledge. But when we ignore our own experience and knowledge and act impulsively, we usually achieve less-than-ideal outcomes. We should be careful about completely delegating important decisions to our children who lack life experience and our accumulated knowledge. Parents In 2010, the semi-official Siemens historian who had held the proverbial key to the company archive was killed in a freak accident when the brakes failed in a reproduction of a historic Siemens auto. After that, Siemens took some real steps to improve access to the archives. In a visit to the company archives in Munich in 2011, I glimpsed underground rooms housing miles of files stacked on metal shelves. And I received an open invitation to spend a couple of days perusing the newly catalogued Bobrek files to my hearts content. Gilbert, however, would never get a chance to see them. Last July, Gilbert called to tell me that the melanoma he had fought for years was back. I am being attacked, he said. This is must provide guidance to their children. As parents, we must also create boundaries. We must establish areas in which we assign responsibility and authority to our children. But we must also place limits upon our childrens authority. Also, our involvement in a key decision communicates to our children the issue is important enough to demand our attention. Parents who place life-altering decisions completely in their childrens hands for example, which school to attend communicate to their children that the decision is not important enough to demand their parents personal involvement. Once the child perceives this attitude, how likely is it that he or she will carefully and thoughtfully consider the decision? Parents are role models whether for better or for worse. In the Haggadahs account, the parent is the teacher. This communicates two important lessons: First, as parents we are responsible to personally participate in the education of our children. We cannot discharge our duty to educate our children by delegating their education to professional educators and then absenting ourselves from the education process. Second, when we personally engage in dialogue with our children, we communicate that the ideas, concepts, and values we are discussing are important to us. Children are influenced by their parents example. When parents delegate really the last stretch. Just as this news arrived, we also learned that a German translation of Gilberts memoir would be published. He had wanted to reach out to young Germans, whom he had never blamed for the past. The layout was ready. The cover was finished. How fast do you think you can get the book out? I asked the publisher. Were rushing, I was told. That August, I arrived at the American hospital in Paris with a photo of the book cover on my computer. Gilbert lay in bed with an IV attached to his arm. Gilbert once told me he was not afraid of death, since he had seen so much of it. He died two days after I returned home from my visit to Paris. His memoir in all aspects of their childrens education to the professionals, their children ask why the material learned in school does not deserve any of their parents attention. Of course, this is especially relevant to our childrens Jewish learning. When this learning is not a topic of conversation between parents and child, the child is left wondering how important Jewish tradition and learning is to his or her parents. A parent of one of my high school students shared with me his thoughts on this aspect of parenting. He acknowledged that when he sent his daughter to Northwest Yeshiva High School he assumed the professionals would take responsibility for her education and assure that she would turn out more or less as he and his wife envisioned. Then he realized his daughter was watching them. Actually, she was scrutinizing them to determine the degree to which they actually subscribed to the values she was learning in school. He realized that teenagers are remarkably skilled at uncovering every one of their parents inconsistencies, which they often characterize as hypocrisies. His conclusion was that school can educate but parents must model. Neither alone is effective. Combined they communicate a strong message. If these few paragraphs from the Haggadah can teach us so much, imagine the wisdom and insight we can provide our children through a serious and high quality Jewish education. German was published a few weeks later, last fall. Not long ago, I received a call from the Holocaust memorial in Berlin. I just read your cousins book, Constanze Jaiser, a research associate there, told me. Wed like to use an excerpt on our educational website for German students. I still havent managed to visit the Siemens archive; its been too hard to contemplate with Gilbert gone. But his passing does not mean his quest has died. Maybe the archive contains only lists with names. Or maybe it contains some answers. Gilbert will never know perhaps I will.

WWsiemens Page 2

we would toast to life. More than once, Gilbert drove me through the streets of Paris, pointing out the apartments where he and his parents had lived, the parks where he had played as a child, the hotel where he had been put up after his return to Paris in 1945, emaciated and alone. I never fully understood how Gilbert could resettle in Paris after all that had happened. But somehow he achieved a balance: Holding on to his postwar American citizenship, bonding with fellow survivors, digging to find out what happened to his parents, writing his book and speaking to French youth about his life. Always, however, he wondered what was in those Siemens archives.

WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! You may submit your letters to Please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. The deadline for the next issue is April 9. Future deadlines may be found online. The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of JTNews or the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

The investigation is still going on, and this is why the preference obviously is to have some more definitive conclusions. Bulgarian Ambassador Elena Poptodorova on her countrys hesitation to take the lead on labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization after an attack on Israelis there last summer. See the story on page 7.

community news

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

U.S. Holocaust Museum must expand its scope

Edith Shaked Special to JTNews
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), should amend the Proclamation of the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, as annually posted at its website, to truthfully commemorate all the different victims. A reading of the first paragraph seems exclusive. Here it is: Whereas, the Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945 six million were murdered; Roma (Gypsies), people with disabilities, and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons; and millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war, and political dissidents, also suffered grievous oppression and death under Nazi tyranny. It seems that the USHMM does not consider the Roma, people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses, Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, political dissidents, and the Jews persecuted and killed outside continental Europe as Holocaust victims; and that for the museum, the Holocaust was the attempt to annihilate only European Jewry. Indeed, the USHMM glossary defines the Holocaust as persecution and annihilation of European Jewry. But SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler categorically proclaimed, Every Jew that we can lay our hands on is to be destroyedwithout exception.
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Courtesy Edith Shaked

Edith Shaked set up a display commemorating everyone killed in the Holocaust outside of the Hillel at the University of Arizona.

t he j ewi sh f ederation of g r eater seat tle

maimonides society reception

with consul general of israel dr. andy david

is pleased to host a



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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews


Ladino Lesson
By Isaac Azose

inside this issue

With Holocaust Remembrance Day coming up on April 7 and Israels Independence Day on April 15, weve got a number of stories throughout the paper related to both. Enjoy! From resistance to retirement
Daniel Offer was born in Berlin, fought in Israels war of independence, and has since settled on Mercer Island. Now retired, Offer tells us his history.

Riendo i yorando, la mujer alkansa lo ke kere.

Laughting and crying, the woman gets what she wants.

Remember when

The big turnover

Theres a big changeover happening among Seattles Jewish leaders. In part one of a series, several big synagogues are on the lookout for new senior rabbis.

Bulgaria and its Jewish community

Bulgarias ambassador to the United States visited Seattle late last month. She sat down with JTNews to talk about her countrys Jewish community and its unfortunate recent experience with terrorism.

From the Jewish Transcript, April 9, 1975. Hey, look, were on TV! This group of Jewish community members watched excerpts about themselves and people they know prior to the launch of the the six-part Jewish Community Video Project, which aired on a local cable channel. Episodes included puppets telling of the story of Purim, conversations with recent immigrants to Seattle from the Soviet Union, and an examination of the anti-Semitic aspects of the film version of The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.

Israel at 65 Center section

Celebrate Israels 65th birthday with a special travel programs section, including a new one coming to Seattle that places professionals in volunteer positions where they can utilize their expertise.

Turkey and Israel

Netanyahu apologized. Erdogan accepted. Seattles Jewish community, with its large Turkish Sephardic population and many experts on the Middle East, has its say.


A seat in Bubbys kitchen

Shira Ginsburgs day job is as a cantor in New York. But onstage, she takes on the persona of her grandmother, a partisan fighter in the Holocaust and then the matriarch of a large extended family. Her one-woman show comes to Kirkland this month for a single performance.


MORE Crossword 6 M.O.T.: A new board member and a fish lover 10 Community Calendar 11 The Arts 16 Lifecycles 19 The Shouk Classifieds 16 Correction
With more than three decades of vegetarianism between our editorial staff, we should have known better than to label as vegan a macaroon recipe that contains honey (Simply amazing (raw vegan) coconut macaroons, March 22). If you make it with agave nectar instead, then its vegan. JTNews regrets the error.

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JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission.
2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 206-441-4553 JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.


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Coming up April 19

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Peter Horvitz, Chair*; Jerry Anches; Sarah Boden; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Ron Leibsohn; Stan Mark; Leland Rockoff; Cantor David Serkin-Poole* Nancy Greer, Interim CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Shelley Bensussen, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board Ex-Officio Member
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community news

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

Make Time for Everything

by Mike Selinker

Coming up
Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights?Jews, Greeks, and Romans in the Ancient World
Why is the seder like an ancient Greek symposium?Why do we use the Greek word afikomen, rather than a Hebrew or Aramaic word, as the name of the seder matzoh dessert? How did ancient Greece and Rome influence Judaism? These are the questions University of Washington classics professor Sarah Stroup will be asking to provide a more complex and nuanced view of the ancient worlds relationship to and influence on Judaism. Stroup is also the director of the UW Tel Dor Archeological Excavations and Field School in Israel. This is the first in a series of three talks: On April 17, she will ask, Why Were Caesar and the Rabbi Friends?Jews in the Roman World:Life, Death, Trust, and Betrayal, and on April 24, How Did They Greet Alexander?Tel Dor:A Case Study for Ancient Multiculturalism. At Temple Beth Am, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle. Register online at universitylectureseries2013, or contact Alysa Rosen at, or 206525-0915. $35 for the series or $15 per lecture.Free for students with valid ID.

Wednesday, April 10 at 7 p.m.

news briefs
Camps selected for youth philanthropy program
In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon ascribes a time to every pair of purposes under heaven. You may not get around to all of them on every day, but youll hit most of them in a lifetime. Here is the full list from the New International Version, with one of each pair that youll need to fill in. a time to 14-Across and a time to die, a time to 30-Down and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to 9-Down, a time to 18-Across and a time to build, a time to 73-Across and a time to laugh, a time to 4-Down and a time to dance, a time to 41-Across and a time to gather them,
ACROSS 1 Los ___ (Manhattan Project site) 7 Highest degree 15 Motherlode contents 16 Brain-gatherer in Young Frankenstein 17 Chant heard repeatedly at the Salt Lake 20 22 23 24 27 29 31 32 33 34 36 38 44 45 46

a time to 28-Down and a time to refrain, a time to 66-Across and a time to give up, a time to 56-Across and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to 60-Down, a time to 63-Across and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to 10-Across, a time for war and a time for 57-Down.
DOWN 1 Aladdins monkey 2 ___ Misrables 3 Attorney org. 5 Approximately 6 Awake in a hurry 7 Waynes World word used alone or 8 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 32 33 35 37 39 40 42 43 47 49 51 53 54 55 56 62 64 65 67 68 69

Two Jewish camps in the Pacific Northwest, URJ Camp Kalsman in Arlington and Bnai Brith Camp on the Oregon coast, have been selected to create youth philanthropy projects this summer. As part of the 2013 camping philanthropy program of the Jewish Teen Funders Network, both camps will create teen foundation boards, where campers will work together to find appropriate non-profit organizations to which they can donate $1,000. The Jewish Funding Network will also work with campers to learn about program development and nonprofit staff training. BB Camp will offer the program to its 10th-grade leadership-in-training campers, according to director Michelle Koplan, while the Camp Kalsman program will create its board from its 11th-grade counselor-in-training program. At Kalsman, our purpose is to create committed lifelong Jews, said Camp Kalsmans director David Berkman in a statement. Campers are concerned about and invested in the world around them. Our responsibility, therefore, is to help them learn to be leaders in the community, which means the giving of time, of energy, and of money. The board of directors of Northwest Yeshiva High School has launched an initiative to attract exemplary Jewish teens to become students at the school. Up to five 8th or 9th graders from either public or secular private schools will be awarded a $5,000 Honor Society scholarship. Qualified students must not have attended a Jewish day school in the past three years and each must demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas: Academic excellence, community service, commitment to Judaism, leadership, or character development. Selected students will be granted $5,000 per year as long as they maintain a 3.0 GPA and uphold character integrity. Students must apply online at (click on the Honor Society badge at the upper left) no later than April 30. Students and families seeking more information should visit or contact Rabbi Margolese at 206-232-5272, ext. 547 or It wont actually be planted until sometime next year, but the sapling taken from the now-removed tree that stood in front of the Anne Frank house has arrived in Seattle. The cutting, which came from a diseased horse-chestnut tree that was more than 200 years old, was referenced in Anne Franks diary. The sapling that came to Seattle is one of 11 awarded around the world another will take root at Liberty Park, the site of the former World Trade Center in New York and comes here due to the efforts of a joint venture between the Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center and the Seattle Parks Department. We are extremely excited for this opportunity, as it highlights the ongoing work we do at the Holocaust Education Center: Teaching about respect and tolerance in our schools and community, said Ilana Kennedy, the Holocaust Centers education director. The sapling, which first arrived in the U.S. in 2009, has been under quarantine by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is now under the care of the parks department since its arrival last month. Its planting location, originally thought to be in Volunteer Park, will be determined prior to a community planting event in spring 2014.
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NYHS launches Honor Society

48 50 52 53 57 58 59 61 70 71 72 74 75

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Answers on page 17

between Were and worthy Tanks traction Secreted Greek market Item strongly recommended by The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Berts flatmate Not imaginary More spooky Word after handy or web Some leading the simple life Swiftly Cleverness Cousin on The Addams Family San Rafaels county Biblical queen Actress Ta Dam in Egypt RB scores Alley ___ The Heat play in it Brides clothing choice Creative works U-shaped waterway Irritant Magazine offering West of Atlanta Quickly cancelled 2012 NBC series about a kitchen remodeler Rapscallion Grooms clothing choice 56-Downs field Procedural set in Vegas Barnyard layer

Anne Frank sapling arrives in Seattle

2013 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle. All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker.

friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news

Still proud after all these years

Emily K. Alhadeff Associate Editor, JTNews
Daniel Offer remembers the day in December 1947 when he and his schoolmates were excused from class and summoned to the auditorium. Germany, where he married the daughter of a preeminent anti-Hitler military figure, was instrumental in obtaining reparations from Germany for Israel. By the time Offer received his orders to join the Palmach, he was a proud member of the burgeoning state. I believed it was my duty to fight, he said. I had zero problems about joining the army. I was very proud of what we did accomplish in 48. As expected, on May 15, 1948, six Arab armies attacked Israel from nearly every direction. Initially equipped with a 20-pound Canadian rifle, Offer, who says, I was not a big guy, Im still not a big guy, served as a scout and a member of the submachine gun unit. Oh, I was very scared, he says. At that time I was sure that I wouldnt survive the war. My best friend was killed in the war in 48. I saw people get killed. Not many, but enough to scare me. I was amazed and surprised that I wasnt killed. Though roughly 600,000 Jews in Palestine were surrounded by 30 million Arabs, Offer remembers Winston Churchill saying that one Jewish soldier could take care of 50 Arab soldiers, and therefore the Jews would win the war. And thats what happened, he says. In the Negev, Offer did not see the more traumatic battles, such as those around Jerusalem. He remembers his unit releasing imprisoned Egyptian soldiers from an old British police station after a ceasefire. They all waved to us, he recalls with a laugh. It was funny. We waved to them, too. They had no interest in continuing to fight. The Palmachs biggest battle in the south was for Beer Sheva, an Arab-dominated area originally slated in the partition plan for Arab control. Beer Sheva was only a small town, and the Arabs all ran away, says Offer. At that time, there was nothing there. We didnt have to fight very hard. From there, they headed down to Eilat for the final battle of the war, only to find that region largely abandoned as well. Offer remembers one of his friends stripping down and diving into the Red Sea. After being sent to Haifa to recover from Hepatitis C, Offer trained in first aid and served in the Israel Defense Forces from 1948 to 1950. Following his medical ambition (there were no medical schools in Israel at the time), he moved to the United States to pursue a degree at the University of Rochester and medical school at the University of Chicago. He spent his career at Northwestern University specializing in adolescent psychiatry. As for his decision to stay in America,
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Courtesy Daniel Offer

Daniel Offer as a young Palmach soldier in 1948, and as a retired psychiatrist today.

The principal called all us seniors in the auditorium and said theyre discontinuing the senior class, remembers Offer. But summer vacation was not about to begin early. With the Palestine partition plan just announced and Israels independence about to become a reality, the certainty of war loomed large. Offer got in line and waited for his assignment. Offer, a Jerusalemite, learned he would be heading south to the Negev to fight the expected Egyptian forces with the Palmach, the strike forces, one of pre-state Israels military units. He was the only one from his class assigned to the desert region. The Negev was like a foreign land to me, he recalls. Born in Berlin in 1931, Offer and his family emigrated to Palestine in 1936. While they were assimilated Germans who didnt identify as Zionists, Offers parents realized soon after Hitlers rise to power that their future would be elsewhere. His father, a professor of pediatrics, was ousted from his post along with other Jewish professors. According to Offer, his parents said, If he can do that, he can do anything. We better get the hell out of here. Offer has fond memories of life in Israel, even though it got off to a rough start. I remember the first day I went to kindergarten, my mother dressed me in lederhosen, he says. Everybody laughed and laughed at me. That was not a very good beginning. Despite the embarrassing moments associated with integration into a new society, it was a very happy life, he says. His mother loved their new country. His father, although he later returned to




community news

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

Seeking opportunities while searching for leadership

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
Editors note: This is the first in a two-part series about the large turnover in leadership within metropolitan Seattles Jewish community. This issue, JTNews will focus on the synagogues. The next will focus on our local agencies.

When the announcement came two weeks ago that Temple Beth Ams senior rabbinical team of Jonathan and Beth Singer would be leaving Seattle at the end of June to lead a synagogue in San Francisco, it sent a shockwave through both the Reform congregation and the Seattle areas organized Jewish community. In part it was because the rabbis have been so involved in the areas Jewish life, but also because its yet one more organization of the many in Seattle that needs to find new leadership. Beth Am is at the start of its search process, as are Bellevues Temple Bnai Torah and the Seward Park neighborhoods Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, to find permanent replacements on their pulpits. In the meantime, Sephardic Bikur Holim, also in Seward Park, hopes it has

completed its search for a new rabbi. Two other Seattle congregations, Temple De Hirsch Sinai and Congregation Beth Shalom, are conducting searches to replace their departing executive directors, who run the day-to-day tasks of operating a synagogue. At the same time, three of the areas major community agencies, the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, Jewish Family Service of Greater Seattle, and the Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle hope to have new leadership in place by summer. The word bittersweet is one were using frequently, said Elizabeth Asher, president of Temple Beth Ams board. Theres a lot of emotion, because these rabbis have given us a gift of feeling very personally connected to them. But the three weeks since the board was notified of the Singers impending departure have also been a whirlwind of activity: The Reform-based Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), which is helping to facilitate the search, had a deadline of this week to receive the application

forms for an interim rabbi while the search for a permanent replacement gets underway. That was in addition to the temples board needing to architect a plan to develop criteria for choosing a rabbi before it actually engages its search committee, as well as personally responding to the many members in the 900-family congregation who had questions and concerns about the transition. Its an intense time, but were not scrambling, were not disorganized, we just have a lot to do in a short period of time, Asher said. We have to ensure there are seamless transitions. The biggest concern has been for the families of Bar and Bat Mitzvah kids whose ceremonies are scheduled during the summer and fall. A letter to congregants stated that we will make sure that we maintain rabbinic coverage during this time for all scheduled life cycle events, especially bnai mitzvah. Though both of the temples senior rabbis are leaving, Asher said the search getting underway will likely be to hire one rabbi.

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It seems to make sense that we first get our senior rabbinic position in place, she said. That person, I suspect, will want to have some input into an associate rabbi. Temple Bnai Torah, a Reform congregation in Bellevue similar in size to Beth Am, has had a few more months to begin preparations for the impending retirement of its longtime senior rabbi, James Mirel, in June 2014. Mirel will stay on as rabbi emeritus. A search committee has been formed, and it has already begun planning congregational meetings to ascertain what its members want and need in a senior rabbi before passing that information on to CCAR, which will conduct this search as well. The meetings will probably be taking place in April, May and June, said Shana Aucsmith, Bnai Torahs board president. Well be collecting the information to be right on schedule [for] what is considered the normal and best process. Bnai Torahs associate rabbi, Yohanna Kinberg, who has been with the temple for nearly 10 years, was invited to apply for the senior rabbi position and has done so. Were glad about that, Aucsmith said. Thats something we were hoping for. Kinberg told JTNews she entered the rabbinate with the idea of being with people in their lives for the long haul. I would love to stay at TBT, she added. I want to see the kids who are being born now do their Bnai Mitzvah, and even perform their weddings. Kinbergs husband, Seth Goldstein, is rabbi at Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia, and she said the family is committed to staying in the area regardless of the outcome. Aucsmith said the temples board and committee felt that engaging in the full hiring process would mean both the congregation and Kinberg can ensure they are a proper fit. The rabbinical searches in Seward Park have come with more intensity. After Sephardic Bikur Holim decided in 2011 not to renew the contract of Rabbi Simon Benzaquen, a search committee embarked upon a year-long search for a rabbi to lead the Turkish Sephardic congregation. The synagogues board president, Menachem Maimon, wrote in SBHs April newsletter that an offer had been extended to a rabbi, though a contract was not yet signed. Maimon told JTNews the search is still underway. Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadaths board also declined to renew the contract of its rabbi, Moshe Kletenik, necessitating the search for a new rabbi of the Pacific Northwests largest Ashkenazic Orthodox synagogue. Kletenik will finish with the congregation this June, and board president Chuck Broches hopes to have a new rabbi in
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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news

Bulgarian ambassador: We embrace our Jewish population

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
For a country that has historically shied from the global spotlight, Bulgaria has been in the news lately. Mainly stemming from an attack last July in the city of Burgas that killed five Israelis and a tour bus driver, the diplomatic community has kept its eye on the country to see if its government would recommend to the European Union that Hezbollah, the organization deemed responsible for the attack, be designated a terrorist entity. Thus far, the nation of about 7.5 million people has refrained from doing so. Its ambassador to the U.S., Elena Poptodorova, explained why. It should be discussed together by the European countries, explained Poptodorova, who visited Seattle on March 1719 as a guest of the local office of the American Jewish Committee. Bulgaria would not initiate a process of nominating. Poptodorova said that her government was still making assessments, and even had plans to create a simulation of the attack. [They] want to answer questions about the type of explosive, how the whole movement of individuals was, the suicide bomber, how he was situated, she said. In other words, the investigation is still going on, and this is why the preference obviously is to have some more definitive conclusions and indices before Bulgaria can initiate [the terrorist nomination]. There is a political angle as well: Economic issues forced the fall of the government in February, and elections will be held in May. Poptodorova said its likely interim prime minister Marin Raikov is waiting for a new elected prime minister to take on the initiative. According to the JTA news service, on March 29 Raikov said he had further evidence to provide to EU countries to persuade those still unsure of the source of the attack. other organization in town, has changed remarkably since then. The process of self-examination is one that all of these synagogues have appeared to embrace. Considering the long tenures of the rabbis being replaced ranging from 16 years for Beth Singer and 18 for Jonathan Singer to 28 and 29 years for Benzaquen and Mirel, respectively acknowledging the way each congregation has grown and changed over the years appears to be a crucial and mandatory step. At Bnai Torah, Aucsmith said the search committee is embracing the opportunity to reach out to members to find out what they want and need in a rabbi. Were really striving for it to be an inclusive process, she said. We want to get input from different segments of the community a very engaging process Its not for Bulgaria to initiate the technical procedure for the listing, he said. I think that our partners will be able to do this once they reach a certain level of consensus on this issue. France announced on April 3 it would designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Bulgaria is still relatively new at representative democracy. Declared a free state upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1989, Bulgaria entered into NATO in 2004 and the E.U. in 2007. With regard to the European membership, the positive reaction and the positive development of the relations with the U.S. was part ofthe proof that Bulgaria had moved forward from the status of a former satellite of the Soviet Union into a new geopolitical role and status, Poptodorova said. Bulgaria has also had a reasonably good relationship with its Jewish popuand transparent process so people feel they are a part of it. Asher of Temple Beth Am noted that while the rabbis do lead the congregation, the Singers tried to allow Beth Am to grow as a community that could transcend the rabbinical presence and make room for someone new should the need arise, as is lation, Poptodorova said both to JTNews and at a seder attended by area diplomats during her visit. Part of that stems from the countrys own history of having been occupied or enslaved for the better part of two millennia. Bulgaria did align itself with the Nazis when they came to power, which Poptodorova called Europes biggest tragedy in history, but part of that was self-serving, she said the government had hoped to retrieve territory it had lost in regional skirmishes. But this is where the country diverged from the rest of the continent: March 19, the day she addressed a group of Jews and Bulgarian expatriates at the Stroum Jewish Community Center on Mercer Island, was the 70th anniversary of the day Bulgarias parliament rescinded its deportation order, thereby saving the countrys 50,000
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WWleadership Page 8

place by July 2014. The rabbi at a shul like BCMH plays a much more central part in the lives of its members, Broches noted. The rabbi plays an important role in providing halachic counsel on all sorts of things, ranging from kashrut to how the mikvah is operated, he said, a whole span of issues. Broches has been in touch with the Orthodox Union, the Rabbinical Council of America (of which Kletenik is a past president), and Yeshiva University, which has a rabbinic placement service. With Passover finished, a committee appointed to create what Broches called a visioning process will be getting to work. We havent taken a real serious look at ourselves in 19 years, since Rabbi Kletenik arrived, he said. Our shul, like every

happening now. We are looking at this as an opportunity to really reach even further and to redefine ourselves in some way to continue to grow, Asher said. Thats pretty exciting, actually. Theres an exciting element to this opportunity for us as well.

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m.o.t.: member of the tribe

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

New Hadassah Foundation board member A chef and a comedian

When I called Spokane resident Julie Morris just before Passover, she was hands deep in matzoh ball batter and revealed she makes two recipes in advance, half fluffy and half bombs, to suit the whole familys tastes. A long-time member of the national board of Hadassah, Julie was recently appointed to the board of the Hadassah Foundation, something shes very excited about. On the national board Julie developed expertise in fundraising and strategic planning that she brings to the foundation. I love the idea [of the foundation] because it allows Hadassah, in a different way, a different system, to provide opportunities to young girls and women, she says. Shell attend her first meeting in New York in June. Hadassah primarily supports Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), the two-campus research and clinical hospital in Jerusa-

Diana Brement JTNews Columnist


Member of the Tribe

Courtesy Julie Morris

Julie Morris, who was recently appointed to the board of the Hadassah Foundation.

lem. Half of all Israeli medical research originates from HMO, Julie points out. The foundation improve[s] the status, health and well-being of women and girls, according to its website ( foundation), mostly in Israel. They might support a foundation that deals with bullying or the status of Orthodox women, explains Julie. Foundation fundraising is separate from Hadassah chapter fundraising and its board is half Hadassah members, half from the wider community. It gives us wider exposure to what is going on in the world, says Julie. Julie grew up on Seattles Beacon Hill, a member of the extended Brenner Brothers Bakery family. A graduate of Cleveland High School, she met her husband Jeff (a Franklin alumnus), when they were active in the AZA and BBG Jewish youth groups. Moving to Spokane

about 40 years ago for Jeffs work, they assumed they would return, but we settled in and we love it. Plus, she adds, we can get to Seattle whenever we want. Spokane has a wonderful[and] very active Jewish community where everyone pulls together, Julie says. The main synagogue is Temple Beth Shalom, with its closeknit intergenerational community, and there is a small but active Hadassah chapter, she says. Julie was active in the synagogue when her three sons were growing up and is more active again as her grandchildren begin to attend Hebrew school.

My conversation with private chef Becky Selengut was so entertaining that I wasnt surprised when, at the end, she revealed she is branching out into stand-up comedy. Becky was raised in New Jersey and says that although she was a picky eater as a child, she was open to new tastes. One of her favorite childhood food memories is the Hillel sandwich matzoh, charoset and horseradish of the seder table. She also recalls fondly the spread of smoked fish, bagels and knishes picked up at Russ and Daughters deli and eaten at her grandmothers lakeside house with her homegrown tomatoes.

Clare Barboza

Chef and new cookbook author Becky Selengut.

This is where I found my love of fish, I think, says the author of Good Fish, her first cookbook about sustainable seafood, which is about to head into its third printing. I wanted to be a surgeon, says Becky, who spent some time in medical school. Always interested in health and nutrition and how food makes people feel, she says,
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The Nature Conservancy Connecting Our Future with Our Past

One of the unfortunate by-products of industrialization and population growth is the degradation or loss of natural ecosystems that have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years. Many of these natural communities provide unmatchable characteristics that support sustenance to unique or vital species of plants and animals. While the march of progress will always continue, most people feel it is important to balance that progress with efforts to preserve the natural heritage of our great land. That is the work to which The Nature Conservancy has dedicated its mission, and it is why QFC is proud to feature The Nature Conservancy as our charity of the month for April. The work of The Nature Conservancy is wide-ranging and extensive as it seeks to preserve pristine natural areas that have not been adversely impacted by civilization, rebuild and restore areas that have suffered negative impacts and develop solid, science-based solutions to address current problems. The Conservancy is working on many fronts to preserve and restore wild animal populations throughout Washington State. As an example, the Conservancy has been working in the Skagit River region since the mid-1970s to enhance both the bird and fish populations in the area while also supporting the farmers who make their livings here. The project has helped preserve more than 9,000 acres of bald eagle habitat as well as 10 miles of river and thousands of acres of forest. The Conservancy has worked for years to protect the Skagit and its ecosystem. This is the only river in Washington which supports all five native species of Pacific salmon. Because salmon are abundant, a renewed population of hundreds of bald eagles gathers along the banks each winter to feed on them. The rivers floodplains, tributaries, side channels and sloughs also support large populations of migratory shorebirds, waterfowl and raptors. Other examples of the Conservancys important work here in Washington abound. In 2012 the Conservancy restored estuary habitat for salmon and other marine life at Port Susan Bay and Livingston Bay. It also improved more than 4,000 acres of Puget Sound tidelands in the Skagit and Stillaguamish River deltas. On the coast, it worked on restoring the Ellsworth Creek Preserve by planting 11,000 trees. The Conservancy

acquired the Ellsworth Creek Preserve to conserve and restore a highly productive and biologically diverse Pacific Northwest coastal temperate forest ecosystem. In the sagelands of central Washington, the Conservancy and partners are working on a biological solution for controlling cheat grass, a pernicious invasive weed. The Conservancy is also working on banding and monitoring migratory songbirds, surveying the regions bat populations and restoring habitat. If you would like to support the important work The Nature Conservancy is doing to restore, preserve and protect our natural heritage you can do so at your local QFC during the month of April by handing a donation card to your checker or donating your spare change.

If you have comments or questions, please contact Amanda Ip at

l e a r Is


5 6

Hope for Heroism Tours

Because of the soldiers, I had the best Bar Mitzvah I could ever imagine. It was one of the best memories of my life. I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt. Josh Greenstein, April 3, 2012 Experience a love of Israel from those who fought to defend her. Bnai Mitzvah family tours IDF hostage rescue simulation See Israel through the eyes of injured soldiers Hope for Heroism Achim LChaim Brothers for Life Hope for Heroism Tours is an unparalleled travel service led by elite combat officers and soldiers. They have fought for our land and people with their body, heart and soul. They share their unconditional love of Israel with every client group, be it Bnai Mitzvah families or visitors wanting to experience Israel like never before. Share the soldiers unbounded love, commitment and understanding of Israel, its people, beauty and history. Adventure through the sun-drenched desert in a Jeep tour, raft the River Jordan or tour through one of Israels latest technology start-up sensations. Enjoy Israels finest art museums, cuisine, and sites through the eyes of Israelis. Experience HFH Tours for an afternoon or 10 days.



Contact us:

Mail | 270 S Hanford St. | Suite 207 | Seattle, WA 98134 Online | Phone | 206.691.5096

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Federation Scholarships Bring Israel Alive for High Schoolers
Visiting Israel can be a life-changing experience. To enable high schoolers with financial need to participate in an Israel experience, the Jewish Federation offers the Israel Scholarship Program. Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for an Israel scholarship, a high schooler must: Be a permanent resident of Washington State. Participate in an Israel program that starts anytime from the summer after 9th grade through high school graduation. Select an Israel program that is an educational youth/peer program (adventure travel, community service, volunteer work, study). Seek additional sources of scholarship funding from a synagogue (if the student is affiliated) and the Israel program/sponsoring organization. Deadlines Israel scholarship applications must be received at least three months before departure date. Next application deadline: July 12, 2013. More information is at To find out more, contact Cindy Bockelman, or 206.774.2251. Email | Online | Phone | 206.774.2251

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Professionals take their skills to volunteer in Israel

Gwen Davis JTNews Correspondent
When some discover their life goals cannot be achieved, they shrug their shoulders and move on. Others, however, decide to empower themselves. When they see their dream cannot be actualized they throw in a not yet. This is the story of Marla Gamoran. Shes a not-yet type of person. Gamoran wanted to volunteer in Israel, but couldnt find meaningful volunteer opportunities, so she created her own program that has benefited not only her, but dozens of other professional adults. After my husband and I purchased a small apartment in Jerusalem, I was looking for a way to spend my time in Israel, she told JTNews. I was interested in finding a Jerusalem-


within the yeshivas summer program. We had heard from organizations that they do periodically receive requests from individuals from abroad interested in volunteering, but dont have the capacity to screen volunteers from abroad, Gamoran said. That tied in well to what SVFI could offer. Past SVFI volunteer opportunities have included mentoring start-up businesses, providing strategic planning to an organization that serves children with disabilities, providing training for HIV prevention, and remediating English skills for disadvantaged students. In terms of most needed professions, our Courtesy Marla Gamoran conversations with Israeli organizations indiAbove, from left, volunteer Roseli Ejzenberg, volunteer coordinator Judy Gray, and volunteer cate that there is high need for individuals who have writing, marketing, social media, teachGina Milano. At left, Lisa Pengitore teaches English in Neve ing and tutoring skills, Gamoran said. Organizers are currently working to Yaakov through BaKehilas summer program. establish a relationship with a clinic in south Tel Aviv, which is seeking medical expertise to serve refugees and asylum seekers. [Placement] takes creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to determine how to best put to use the volunteers skills and the organizations needs,Gamoran said. In most cases, SVFI is matching the professional with the opportunity, but not much more. [The volunteers] are contributing not only their time and expertise, but the full cost of their stay in Israel, including housing, living expenses and travel, she said. We have a very limited number of placements that do include housing and board in youth villages in Israel where the volunteer participates in a program that requires a specific skill set.
To learn more about the program, visit


based volunteer opportunity. But such volunteer opportunities were sparse. I started my search on the web and was quite surprised to learnthat the programs all seemed to age out at 30 years old, Gamoran, a former education administrator, said. Moreover, none of the programs I found for older adults, with the exception of dentists, were structured to utilize the professional skills and expertise of the volunteer in the volunteer position. So Gamoran began her own volunteer program, Skilled Volunteers for Israel (SVFI), which matches experienced professionals with skilled volunteer opportunities in Israel. I decided to launch SVFI as a means of connecting professional North American Jews with Israel by facilitating the match between the skill and expertise of the volunteer with a real need within an Israeli non-profit or educational organization, said the former Chicagoan. Given that there are over a million Jewish baby boomers in the U.S.A. alone, and that the boomers represent an educated, healthy segment of the Jewish population, and that for many of the Jewish boomers, we were raised with a strong and positive connection to Israel, she said, I felt that if I was looking for a means to volunteer using my professional background, so would others. In 2011, its first year of operation, SVFI placed four volunteers. At the same time, SVFI focused on building relationships with Israeli non-profits and establishing the processes needed for placement, screening and support of future volunteers and receiving organizations. In 2012, SVFI placed 21 volunteers. In 2013, SVFI hopes to increase that number to 35. The organization serves a variety of professionals, including scientists, organizational consultants, university professors, attorneys, rabbis, teachers, accountants and business people. In addition, plans include starting a branch in Seattle, spearheaded by Saul Gamoran, Marla Gamorans brother-in-law and one of SVFIs board members. I look forward to hosting an event this fall in Seattle to increase local awareness and draw skilled volunteers from the Northwest, Saul Gamoran said. Marlas brainchild unearthed a tremendous reservoir of untapped desire among adults to volunteer in Israel using their professional skills. This year will also see a pilot group-volunteer program in collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Greater Miami. Skilled volunteering placement requires personalized methodology, according to Marla Gamoran, similar to that of hiring someone for a job. The skilled volunteer position is designed to utilize the skills, experience and expertise of the volunteer to contribute to the needs of a project or program in an Israeli organization. SVFI places volunteers though its own customized placements, as well as via collaboration with the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem, which includes a Volunteer and Study track

Yom HaAtzmaut
Monday, April 15, 7:00 p.m.
at Temple Bnai Torah 15727 NE 4th St. Bellevue (425) 603-9677

No RSVP necessary
Join emcee Rabbi Jim Mirel for an evening of celebration, song and learning, with music from the TBT choir, Seattle Jewish Chorale, reflections from David Chivo and Peg Elefant, and a sing-along with Inbar Gazit. Reception to follow featuring Israeli desserts.

Alexander Muss High School in Israel

High school study abroad program in Israel
Have the time of your life and get high school credit! An experience in Israel that prepares you for college and beyond. The country becomes your classroom as you travel and live 4,000 years of Jewish history. Now accepting applications. 6-week summer programs 8-week programs during the school year Full-semester programs Summer sessions: 6/18/13 to 7/30/13 and 6/26/13 to 8/7/13 Fall session: 8/25/13 to 12/27/13 December session: 12/3/13 to 1/28/14 Earn college credit. Scholarships available.

Hear your childs voice join in thousands of years of prayer and history.
Celebrating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Israel is a heartening and unforgettable experience for the entire family. Events4Life offers a distinctive ceremony at the Western Wall, or any desired place, followed by a party or lunch. Tours, entertainment, accommodations and other arrangements are also part of the services. Ruti Cohenca, a Certified Event Planner, will develop the event and coordinate every detail, according to your style, budget and family tradition. Contact them today for a complimentary consultation!



Contact us:

Email | Online | Phone | 206.829.9853

Contact us:

Email | Online | Phone | 425.737.9015

Yom HaAtzmaut

Robbins Travel
They have been offering specialized and personalized trips to Israel and the world for over 34 years. Vicki Robbins can honestly say they are the most knowledgeable Israel travel consultants in the Seattle area. They are here to help you plan your trip from arranging airfare, hotel and tours to offering insight into where you might want to go and when you might want to go to Israel and abroad. They have traveled and lived in Israel and Vicki can arrange any trip your heart desires. Honestly, she can!!! They also offer all types of travel packages, from here to Bali and back again, and all points in between.... Plus they are UW certified for contract fares.

Robbins Travel

Happy Independence Day to Israel

Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, TBT, JTNews and Hadassah

at Lake City

MoNday, april 15TH aT 7pM aT TeMple BNai ToraH

15727 Ne 4th Street in Bellevue

Give Vicki a call and she will offer personalized friendly service (in English or Hebrew). You are sure to be pleased. Let her take the hassle out of planning and worrying.
Photos by Rocky Silverman

Well See you THere!

Contact us:

Email | Phone | 206.364.0100

friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community calendar


the calendar
to Jewish Washington
For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication. Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.


Howard Wasserteil at hwasserteil@ or 425-603-9677 or Celebrate the 65th anniversary of the State of Israel at this community-wide event. Free and open to all. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. activity. Prospective students welcome. Counts for Jewish High hours. $50 before April 12/$75 after. In the Seward Park area, register for details.


Candlelighting times April 5...............................7:26 p.m. April 12............................ 7:36 p.m. April 19............................ 7:46 p.m. April 26............................ 7:56 p.m. Saturday

10 a.m.2 p.m. Jewish Renewal Service and Art Presentation

Terry Walsh at Congregation Eitz Or welcomes UW students, family, and friends to a Shabbat service led by Reb Arik Labowitz followed by a vegetarian/dairy potluck and presentation by Akiva Kenny Segan on Under Wings of G-d and Sight-Seeing with Dignity. At Hillel at the University of Washington, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.

6 April


10:30 a.m. Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day Program

Ilana Cone Kennedy at or 206-774-2201 or A memorial service for the victims of the Holocaust and their families, led by Rabbi James Mirel, Rivy Kletenik, and Julie Mirel. Free. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center Holocaust Memorial, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 2:304:30 p.m. Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day Program

Ilana Cone Kennedy at or 206-774-2201 or Leo Hymas, a U.S. Army soldier who helped to liberate the Buchenwald, and Robbie Waisman, a survivor of Buchenwald, share their powerful stories of compassion, survival, and hope. Refreshments to follow. Free and open to all. At Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle.

7 April

79 p.m. Why is the Seder Like a Greek Symposium? Jews, Greeks, and Romans in the Ancient World

Alysa Rosen at or 206-525-0915 or learning/university-lectures Lecture series by University of Washington professor of classics and director of the UW Tel Dor Archeological Excavations and Field School in Israel Sarah Stroup. $15 per lecture, $35 for series. At Temple Beth Am, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle. 89 p.m. Parsha Through the Lens of the Baaeli Mussar

Rabbi Avrohom David at info@seattlekollel. org or 206-722-8289 or Rabbi Ron Ami Meyers will extract the fundamental ethical messages embedded in the Torah with the writings of Rav Avigdor Nebenzhal of Jerusalem. Free. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

10 April



78 p.m. Inroads: A Spiritual Path to Inner Freedom, Wisdom, and Creativity

Rabbi Avrohom David at or 206-722-8289 or Judaism is a powerful spiritual discipline capable of unlocking inner potential. One must look beyond the metaphor to discover true power. Led by Rabbi Marc Spiro of Living Judaism. Free. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

16 April



10:30 a.m. PJ Library Storytime at SJCS

Amy Paquette at The PJ Library welcomes Shoshana Stombaugh as guest musician and storyteller. Songs and a story, activities and playgroup fun. At the Seattle Jewish Community School, 12351 Eighth Ave. NE, Seattle.

12 April



79 p.m. Jewish History of Washington State

Mary Kozy at or Come hear Howard Droker, author and historian, discuss the three waves of Jewish immigration into Washington State, and view historic photographs of early Jews and Jewish life. Free to members of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Washington State, $5 for non-members. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

8 April


10:3011:30 a.m. Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs

David T. Kamont at Holocaust remembrance with guest speaker. Sponsored by 3rd Brigade 2nd Infantry Division. At Soldiers Chapel, Joint Base Lewis-McChord. 8:159:15 p.m. Approaching the Divine Other with Beth Huppin

Marjie Cogan at or 206-524-0075 or Fifth and final session of Beth Huppins class on Opportunities, Dangers, and Responsibilities of Approaching the Divine Other. 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. classes also available. At Congregation Beth

9 April

9 a.m. Holocaust Memorial Breakfast

Bob Kaufman at BCMH Mens Club breakfast featuring Lawrence Black on Bringing Closure to the Shoah. Black will share his impressions of returning to Poland to visit the Belzek concentration camp and the mass grave where his family is buried. Following Shacharit services. Free. At BCMH, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle. 1011:30 a.m. MiSHpAcha & Me

Sari Weiss at or 206-323-5750, ext. 239 or Parents and children under 5 enjoy story time, crafts, and play at SHAs PJ Library event. Free. At Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Dr. E, Seattle. 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Parenting Mindfully: The Middah of Calmness

Marjorie Schnyder at or 206-861-3146 or Explore how parents can express emotions and beliefs in balanced ways and look at both traditional Jewish writings and contemporary research and literature. Third of four sessions; come to one or all. Free; limited babysitting with advance request. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. When the Water Runs Out: Allocating Scarce Resources in a Desperate World with Rabbi Jill Jacobs

Carol Benedick at or 206-524-0075 or Rabbi Jill Jacobs is the executive director of Truah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. RSVP appreciated. Free. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

14 April

11 a.m.12 p.m. 2013 Holocaust Observance

Jon Soyke at With guest speaker Rabbi Jaron Matlow. Sponsored by Alpha Company, Warrior Transition Battalion. At Medical Mall (Madigan), Joint Base Lewis-McChord. 79 p.m. Why Were Caesar and the Rabbi Friends? Jews in the Roman World: Life, Death, Trust, and Betrayal

Alysa Rosen at or 206-525-0915 or learning/university-lectures Lecture series by University of Washington professor of classics and director of the UW Tel Dor Archeological Excavations and Field School in Israel Sarah Stroup. $15 per lecture, $35 for series. At Temple Beth Am, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle.

17 April

9:30 a.m.5 p.m. HNT Scholar in Residence Weekend: Nigel Savage

Rebecca Levy at or 206-232-8555, ext. 207 or Savage will lead several study sessions throughout the day. Check the website for details. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 7:309 p.m. Havdalah with Visiting Rabbi Binyamin Biber or 206-528-1944 or Havdalah with Secular Jewish Circle of Puget Sound and a talk by visiting Rabbi Binyamin Biber on Pursuing Justice: Secular Humanist Approaches to Tikkun Olam. Free. In the Wallingford area, call or email for location.

20 April



11:30 a.m.1 p.m. SJCC Circle of Friends Luncheon

Marcie Wirth at or 206-388-1998 or Presenting the Stroum Spirit of Inspiration award to David Rind, former SJCC board of directors president and current co-chair of the SJCCs capital campaign. Minimum donation of $180. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

18 April



710 p.m. Israels 65th Anniversary Celebration

15 April

6 p.m. HNT Scholar in Residence Weekend: Nigel Savage

Rebecca Levy at or 206-232-8555, ext. 207 or Nigel Savage is the founder of Hazon, Americas largest Jewish environmental group. Services, dvar Torah, and dinner. 8 p.m.: The Jewish Omnivores Dilemma. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 6:309 p.m. Shabbat with Visiting Rabbi Binyamin Biber or 206-528-1944 or Non-theistic Shabbat and potluck dinner. Rabbi Biber will speak on Spirituality: Deepening the Experience of our Jewishness. $10 suggested donation. In the Wallingford area, call or email for location. 7 p.m. Jewish High Shabbaton 2013

Ari Hoffman at or Jewish High Shabbaton in Seward Park with food and activities; davening and singing with a rap star; oneg; sushi-making; and a surprise Saturday night

19 April

9:30 a.m.2 p.m. HNT Scholar in Residence Weekend: Nigel Savage

Rebecca Levy at or 206-232-8555, ext. 207 or Savage will talk on Eco Judaism and the Art of Bicycle Riding over breakfast. 10:45 a.m.: Earth Day bike ride. 1 p.m.: Livnot Project think tank on Creating Healthier and More Sustainable Communities in the Jewish World and Beyond. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 10 a.m.12 p.m. Parent Program with Secular Jewish Circle and Visiting Rabbi Binyamin Biber or 206-5281944 or Humanistic Jewish Parenting: Identity and Development in a Multicultural Society. Learn about the SJCs K-7 Sunday school that includes preparation (grades 6-7) for a secular Bar or Bat Mitzvah. On Mercer Island, call or email for exact location. 12 p.m. Dodge Ball

Ari Hoffman at or Citywide dodge ball tournament for teens in preparation for JServe, a greater Seattle volunteering event for teens. At Jump Sky High, 1445 120th Ave. NE, Bellevue. 1 p.m. Bubbys Kitchen

Karen Ovetz at or 425-893-9900 (box office) or Seattle Chapter Hadassah presents Shira Ginsburg in Bubbys Kitchen, a one-woman show about growing up in a family of Holocaust survivors and resistance fighters. Honoring lifetime members Jen Alterman and Talby Gelb. Reception following. $54. At Kirkland Performance Center, 350 Kirkland Ave., Kirkland. 25 p.m. Chess Club Gathering Event

Sasha Mail at or 206-722-1200 or Play chess with community members, students and a special guest chess grand master. Take your chances with chess puzzles to enhance your knowledge of the game while enjoying friendly chess matches. At Torah Day School of Seattle, 3528 S Ferdinand St., Seattle.

21 April


camps and education

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

camps and education

Destination Science
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The Union Hill Ranch is offering an Introduction to Horsemanship for riders 610 years of age. July 9, 10, 11 (session 1) or July 16, 17, 18 (session 2) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $300 per session. They also have ongoing private lessons starting at $60 for one hour of instruction. 425-868-8097




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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news


One apology, four questions

Charlene Kahn JTNews Correspondent
The front page headline in the March 27 issue of Salom Gazetesi, the weekly newspaper of the Istanbul Jewish community, reads, Apology brings friendship and stability. By all accounts, President Barack Obama is credited with brokering the reconciliation between Israel and Turkey on March 22. At the end of the presidents trip to Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan to formally apologize for Israels raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla Mavi Marmara in 2010, which left nine dead in an unsuccessful attempt by the Turkish ship to breach Israels blockade of Gaza. Turkey and Israel, former allies with strong military, trade, and tourism ties, broke off diplomatic relations. In spite of back-channel efforts, both countries were at a stalemate until late last month. According to a statement put out by Israels Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netanyahu expressed Israels apology to the Turkish people for any mistakes that might have led to the loss of life or injury and agreed to conclude an agreement on compensation/nonliability. In addition, the prime minister noted that Israel had significantly lifted restrictions on goods into the Palestinian territories, and he expressed his commitment to partnering with Erdogan to advance peace and stability in the region. Erdogan, who has demanded an apology since the incident, has frequently criticized Israeli policies. He recently incited ire at a United Nations conference in Vienna by comparing Zionism to fascism, later saying his remarks were misunderstood. Erdogan accepted Netanyahus apology and agreed to restore the Turkish ambassadors post to Tel Aviv and cancel legal proceedings against IDF soldiers. At press time, an immediate increase in Israel-Turkey travel was reported in Israeli media. What sort of response does the local community have to the reconciliation? Opinions were sought from scholars, business people, political scientists, and Jews of Sephardic heritage, Israelis, Americans, and Turkish Jews living in Turkey. JTNews spoke with Resat Kasaba, director of the University of Washingtons Jackson School of International Studies; Joel Migdal, UW professor of international studies; Yoav Duman, UW Schusterman Israel Studies Fellow; Michael Koplow, program director at the Israel Institute and blogger at; Isaac Azose, hazzan emeritus at Congregation Ezra Bessaroth; a local Israeli-American who wished to remain anonymous; and publisher Rifat Bali, from the OttomanTurkish Sephardic Culture Research Center in Istanbul. The four questions: Was the apology and resuming of diplomatic relations in the works? Why? Resat Kasaba: Both Turkey and Israel are concerned about Syria...the new coalition [in Israel] excluded the party opposed to an apology. With that out of the way, [it was] easier to do. Joel Migdal: The rapprochement was definitely in the works. Several other factors pushed events forward. Avigdor Lieberman, Israels former foreign minister, had been the biggest opponent to an apology and compensation. His absence was important. So too was President Obamas visit. Isaac Azose: [President Obama] somehow convinced Bibi that it was in Israels interest to make the apology. Rifat Bali: The Israeli government was divided in whether or not to apologize. In addition to U.S. pressure, other factors included Turkeys quest for regional dominance, internal politics and domestic energy demands. Michael Koplow: The timing here [for reconciliation] is also related to [Turkeys] successful talks with PKK [the Kurdistan Workers Party] leader Abdullah calan. Yoav Duman: Turkey is trying to gain dominance in the Middle East. Resat Kasaba: The Turkish government was keen on playing a big role addressing regional issues. Michael Koplow: In my view, Turkey changed its mind on reconciling. Making up with Turkey means that at least Israel is not entirely alone in the region. Nobody should expect Israel and Turkey to go
XXPage 14

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community news

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

WWturkey Page 13

back to where they once were. Do you think Israelis will vacation in Turkey again? Anonymous Israeli-American: Turkey is beautiful...and [there are] great

deals from Israel. Israelis love to travel: When there is a good deal, they go. Joel Migdal predicts an upswing in tourism. Yoav Duman: There is a financial/ economic incentive, and Turkey [offers] cheap vacations.

Resat Kasaba: People [in Turkey] are expecting a busy season. Isaac Azose: We may see an uptick in tourism from Israel, but not to the extent it had been for years. Will there be a lessening of anti-Semitism in Turkey, in light of the comments

by Erdogan? Rifat Bali: Anti-Semitism in Turkey is not a result of the Mavi Marmara crisis but has much deeper cultural roots. Joel Migdal: Turkey is going through a nationalist phase now, and anti-Semitism is part of that. fortable Americans have it, and how they complain and are critical. Im always amazed, and I think to myself, What if the Japanese had conquered part of the U.S., the West Coast what would have happened? Offer and his wife, Marjorie, relocated to Mercer Island to be near their daughter and her family. They have another daughter in Palo Alto, Calif., and a son in London. With the 65th anniversary of Israels independence coming up on April 16, Offer says, I think a lot about the state, what it was then when I was a soldier, and what it has become. Im very proud of it. I think it has done a lot of good for the Jewish people, he adds. You can be very proud that theres an Israel.

WWnews briefs Page 6

WWdaniel offer Page 7

Teen elected to national youth board

Morgan Weidner of Bellevue was recently elected to the North American board of the Reform movements National Federation of Temple Youth at its recent convention in Los Angeles. She is serving as vice president of programming. Weidner is a senior at Newport High School and is currently NFTYs regional programming vice president. She is also a past president of the Temple De Hirsch Sinai youth group and works as a madricha at the temple. Morgan, the daughter of Ellen and Steve Weidner, plans to attend Scripps College in Claremont, Calif. in the fall.

Offer reflects on his success: Eighteen books, 200 articles. I dont think I could have done that in Israel, he says. We stand in a crossroads. Some people go right, some people go left. For me, I think it was the right thing to do. At 81, Offer still returns to Israel every other year to visit his brother. He continues to admire the country and the people. Whatever happens, [Israelis] dont feel sorry for themselves. Theyre terrific hopers. They hope very well, he says. I really appreciate that. I look at how com-

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Funeral/Burial Services
Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery 206-524-0075 This beautiful new cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

Hospice Services
Kline Galland Hospice 206-805-1930  Kline Galland Hospice provides individualized care to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and practical needs of those in the last phases of life. Founded in Jewish values and traditions, hospice reflects a spirit and philosophy of caring that emphasizes comfort and dignity for the dying.

Dentists (continued)
Michael Spektor, D.D.S. 425-643-3746  Specializing in periodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic gum therapy. Bellevue

Care Givers
HomeCare Associates A program of Jewish Family Service 206-861-3193  Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.

Toni Calvo Waldbaum, DDS Richard Calvo, DDS 206-246-1424 Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry Designing beautiful smiles by Calvo 207 SW 156th St., #4, Seattle

Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S. 425-454-1322  Emphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry Convenient location in Bellevue

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Eastside Insurance Services Chuck Rubin and Matt Rubin 425-271-3101 F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, Suite #B, Renton Tom Brody, agent 425-646-3932 F 425-646-8750  2227 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive

Financial Services
Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy A. Hamrick, CFA 206-441-9911  Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.

Certified Public Accountants

Dennis B. Goldstein & Assoc., CPAs, PS Tax Preparation & Consulting 425-455-0430 F 425-455-0459

Seattle Jewish Chapel 206-725-3067 Traditional burial services provided at all area cemeteries. Burial plots available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries.

Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC Nolan A. Newman, CPA 206-284-1383  Tax Accounting Healthcare Consulting

B. Robert Cohanim, DDS, MS Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223  Invisalign Premier Provider. On First Hill across from Swedish Hospital.

College Placement
College Placement Consultants 425-453-1730  Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with undergraduate and graduate college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews

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community news

JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

WWushmm Page 4

Obliterate the biological basis of Jewry. The historical record clearly shows that the Nazi regime indeed attempted to annihilate all the Jews in the world, and de facto persecuted and murdered Jews in proNazi Vichy-North Africa, Italian Libya and Iraq. The historical evidence is also unambiguous. As per the racist and totalitarian ideology driving the Holocaust, only the tall, blond, blue-eyed, healthy, heterosexual Aryan, and Nazi supporter had the right to live. Thus, the Holocaust was Hitlers war against all the Jews and against many other groups of people. The victims were all persecuted by the same perpetrators, and shared the same fate for the same ideological reason. At Auschwitz, the ashes of the Gypsies and others mingled with the ashes of the white Jews from continental Europe, and with the ashes of the brown Jews from North Africa and from Libya, who were also part of the Jewish people that the Nazi regime sought to annihilate. But the USHMM proclamation will not commemorate Gilbert Mazouz, for example, shot in North Africa on his way to a Nazi slave labor camp while follow-

ing orders from SS Walter Rauff, who is responsible for gassing Jews in Eastern Europe. The Nazi regime didnt discriminate. Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel appropriately stated that not all the victims of the Holocaust were Jews, but all Jews were victims, when he asked President Jimmy Carters support for a national Holocaust museum. Truth and accuracy are vital when informing about this tragedy. Thousands of people and officials will be commemorating the Days of Remembrance this month. Consequently, the USHMM should rewrite the first paragraph of its proclamation, as per the true logic of Nazism, the Nazi, totalitarian, racist, and anti-Semitic ideology. In the Holocaust, the Nazi regime attempted to eliminate the Jewish people, ultimately killing 6 million Jews, and persecuted and murdered millions more by the end of 1945.
Edith Shaked is the daughter and granddaughter of Tunisian Holocaust survivors and is a board member of H-Holocaust, the international organization of Holocaust scholars. She is a Holocaust educator and researcher in Tucson, Ariz.

WWambassador Page 9

Jews from the Nazis. Jews from neighboring Greece, however, have noted the effort came at the expense of 4,000 of its own Jews who died in the Holocaust. We had a very sizeable compared to Bulgarias size of course a very sizeable Jewish population, but most of them left for Israel when the State of Israel was founded, Poptodorova said. Today, the country has an active Jewish population of between 6,000 and 7,000 Jews, most of whom live in the capital, Sofia.

While most Bulgarians are supportive of its Jewish population, there has been some increase in nationalist parties and groups, mostly due to the dire economic situation, Poptodorova said. Aside from an incident in the fall where swastikas were painted on buildings in Sofia, most nationalistic behavior has been rhetoric to this point. We dont like it, were not happy with it, there have been reactions against them, she said. This is not to be underestimated, and I know that this is serious, but they dont have any big effect on the general climate of the country. and just signed a contract for her second cookbook on mushrooms. Fish and mushrooms are my two areas of expertise in cooking, she says. By the way, dont eat raw mushrooms, Chef Becky advises. They all have a small level of toxins when theyre raw. And about that comedy: She and food writer Matthew Amster-Burton have started a comedy podcast rated R called Closed for Logging, which you can find on the website of that name. It has a talk-show format and theyve had a lot of Jewish guests. There seems to be something with Jews and comedy, Becky observes. No kidding. You can find more about Becky and her book at

WWm.o.t. Page 10


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she made a hobby of cooking lavish dinner parties. Much to her familys chagrin, she dropped out of med school and went to culinary school. She finds some skills are transferable, especially when she does food styling. I have my forceps and my tweezers, to precisely arrange food for photography. Its kind of like surgery, she observes wryly, for one-64th of the money. Plus, as a chef, she adds, no one is unhappy to see me. The recession convinced Becky to branch out and now shes added restaurant consulting, recipe development, and writing for Edible Seattle magazine to her repertoire. She teaches cooking at Bastyr University, PCC and other local schools


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friday, april 5, 2013 . . JTNews



WWginsburg Page 20

Bar Mitzvah

Jake Gabriel Klein

Jake will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on April 6, 2013 at Congregation Beth Shalom in Seattle. Jake is the son of Julie and Mitch Klein of Seattle and the brother of Sophie. His grandparents are Gerry and Linda Rhea of Gold Canyon, Ariz., Lorelei Brodsky of Seattle, and Edwin and Judy Klein of Fanwood, N.J. Jake is a 7th-grader at Eckstein Middle School. He enjoys playing baseball, basketball, and soccer, hanging out with friends, and collecting sports memorabilia. For his mitzvah project, Jake will be collecting used and new sports equipment for local non-profits.

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Send lifecycle notices to: JTNews/Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 E-mail to: Phone 206-441-4553 for assistance. Submissions for the April 19, 2013 issue are due by April 9. Download forms or submit online at Please submit images in jpg format, 400 KB or larger. Thank you!

she serves as cantor at East End Temple Congregation El Emet, but she spoke with JTNews from Florida, where she observed Passover with her Bubby, now in her 80s, and the extended Ginsburg clan. My energy is awesome around the show. I am the most proud of [it] in my life, she said. [Its] a legacy to my grandparents...Every time I perform [I feel] a powerful impact on myself and others. An updated version of Bubbys Kitchen will have new music from collaborator Jonathan Comisar. It is waiting in the wings, with the hope of a re-premiere in New York and a more commercial run, Ginsburg said, to increase the visibility of her grandparents story. I so wanted to have original music, and Im just completing the last song now, she said.

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JTNews . . friday, april 5, 2013

Kitchen table wisdom

Charlene Freadman Kahn JTNews Correspondent
Bubbys Kitchen is opening in Kirkland, but its not a restaurant. Its a onewoman musical presentation created and performed by Shira Ginsburg, a cantor, mezzo-soprano, and proud granddaughter of Bubby Judith Ginsburg. The one-run show plays at the Kirkland Performance Center on April 21 to benefit the Hadassah womens Zionist organization. Shira Ginsburg grew up in a family of Holocaust survivors and resistance fighters. She has fond family memories, such as those of her Bubby Judith serving up generous amounts of food, conversation, and advice around the kitchen table. She later transformed these memories into Bubbys Kitchen. Ginsburg identifies herself as a second-and-a-half generation Holocaust survivor in an extraordinarily tight-knit family. My father was the only son. There were three daughters, she said. I grew up part of a large family and one of 10 grandchildren. [My grandparents] story was a very big part of my life. As a teenager in war-torn Europe, Judith (then Yudis) Ginsburg survived the Nazi occupation of her hometown of Lida, Poland. Her family did not. She lived in the forest, became a member of the Bielski partisans the group characterized in the presented the 75-minute film Defiance and Bubbys Kitchen as fought with the Jewish her cantorial thesis. The resistance. After the show premiered in New war, Ginsburg married York City and has been another partisan fighter travelling ever since. and lived in a displacedPerformances have been persons camp. staged in Jewish ComIn 1949, they immimunity Centers and grated to the U.S. with synagogues around the two children who had East Coast and Florida. been born in the camp. While the story is The older child was Shivery Jewish, the perforras father. The family mance has a universal lived in Troy, N.Y. and Courtesy Shira Ginsburg owned a dairy farm, Shira Ginsburg, creator and star of the message of being raised in a family, lessons in where they raised what one-woman show Bubbys Kitchen. life learned around the were eventually four kitchen table, Ginsburg said. It resonates children. with people from any culture. Shira Ginsburgs pride in her grandThe Seattle chapter of Hadassah booked mothers survival and love for the famGinsburg for the benefit performance, ilys kitchen-table conversations were with proceeds supporting Hadassah Hosenhanced by a talent for being comfortpitals pediatric oncology department in able in front of an audience. Jerusalem. The Washington State HoloI performed at [age] 4 with my aunt in caust Education Resource Center is a her high school production of The Wizard sponsor as well. of Oz she said. Seattle Chapter of Hadassah is thrilled Ginsburg graduated from Syracuse to bring Shiras Bubbys Kitchen to SeatUniversitys Drama and Musical Theatre tle for her West Coast debut, said event program. After stints as an actress, singer chair Karen Ovetz. We have heard great and songwriter, she entered Hebrew Union things about the performance from our Colleges cantorial program. In 2009, she

if you go
Bubbys Kitchen will have one performance on Sun., April 21 at 1 p.m. at Kirkland Performance Center, 350 Kirkland Ave., Kirkland. Tickets cost $54. A reception and silent auction to benefit Hadassah Hospitals pediatric oncology dept. follows the performance. Find tickets and information at performances/bubbys-kitchen.

friends on the East Coast and want to share this fabulous piece of history and song with our community in Seattle. On stage, Ginsburg demonstrates her vocal range, her emotional connection, and solid Yiddish chops; a video clip on her website,, shows her performance of Shtil Di Nacht. She sings Yiddish opera, musical theatre, chazzanut [cantorial singing], more contemporary, she said. Its fun a big range and challenging. Ginsburgs enthusiasm exists even over the telephone. She lives in New York, where
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