Kaneekaneet & Associates Appeal 2009

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APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester

Girard Without Prejudice

March 10th, 2009

Original Indictment Application By Crown Canada To Wrong Court

To The Attention Of
The Claimed Corporate Canada & Elizabeth II- Queen

In The Matter Of
The Military Invasion Of Sovereign Indigenous Lands
A Hostile Claimed State-Nation Canada & Elizabeth II- Queen
In Consequence
The Arrest, Trial, Conviction, Beating & Imprisonment Of
The Accused; namely,
Peoples Of The Sovereign Anishinanbe Nation Of Turtle Island North
Grand Chief Kaneekaneet ; a.k.a. Lawrence Agecoutay
Robert Agecoutay
Chester Girard

Declaration To The Attention Of

The Court Of Appeal Saskatchewan Canada
Assignee on behalf of Canada / Elizabeth II-Queen
To The Attention Of
The United Nations International Court Of Justice
The Organization Of American States
Human Rights Commission & Court

A Matter Of A War Crime In Association With A Practice Of Genocide

Elizabeth II- Queen and her agent Canada – without good and just cause - have
executed a military invasion upon indigenous peoples of the paramount sovereign
state-nation Anishinabe of Turtle Island North; and, further have claimed a false
jurisdiction to try, convict, torture and imprison three parties who are citizen members
of this said sovereign nation Anishinabe Turtle Island North ; otherwise known as North
America. This matter is, herein, appealed to the international community for release,
relief and compensation.
Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 1
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice

Specificity Of Crown Error In Law Through Misdirection By State-Nation

Canada :
The historical nature of misdirection by Elizabeth II- Queen and predecessors
and Assignees to the public and other state-nations is that the claim of statehood is in
error of law; wherein, there was no originating legal capacity of the Monarchs of
Europe to execute a justifiable declaration of right to occupy the lands of Turtle Island
North [including a region in contemporary terms known as Canada]. In fact they failed
to achieve any legal capacity either through matters of warfare, occupation through
abandonment; acquiescence; or, Treaty as defined by international law.

In consequence, this misdirection and presumption of empowerment to establish

government and create statutory laws through a parliamentary system is contrary to
the facts as understood by the Accused and Imprisoned Parties, supra. These issues
are of general public ignorance through the subterfuge executed over the centuries by
the private corporate bodies who eventually formed the confederation of provinces
into the claimed state-nation Canada.

The reality in law is that these claims of violation of statutory law by “Canada” upon
these Accused / Imprisoned Parties, supra [which may be referred to in a friendly
manner as the Kaneekaneet Group] is severely flawed through the original
presumption to form a confederated nation of Canada by disenfranchising the majority
of the prevailing population without good or just cause.

The significance of these issues is that no existing judiciary within this claimed state-
nation Canada is competent to establish a “Court” and to hold “Trials” as based upon
claims of violation of statutes such as the Criminal Code Of Canada.

Further, Elizabeth II-Queen and her Assignee Canada have established a record of
inhumane abuse of citizens, both indigenous and non-indigenous [kidnapped chattel,
incompetent persons from asylums and prisons; and, indentured persons]. The
protocol of the English state was to embrace the 15th Century Holy See Catholic Church
Papal Bulls of Terra Nullius : Romanus Pontifex and Inter Caetera by further
proclamation of English the English doctrines of the Supremacy Acts.

Elizabeth II-Queen’s legacy is one of inheriting the past practices of her monarchy and
its dominions, where indigenous people were subjected to abuse without the
justification of a declaration of war. Rather, the English monarchies couched the
development of “trade relations through the Admiralty Warrants issued to incorporated
bodies since the 1600s; wherein, these said exploration-for-goods companies were
protected upon the high seas by the English naval fleets; while these same commercial
parties proceeded to annihilate the indigenous peoples of the Turtle Island North
territories with polluted blankets and shirts; and, by devastating essential resources
like fish stocks and buffalo herds – herein, causing starvation and death throughout the
indigenous territories.

Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 2
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice
The legacies of these pioneer regimes is that today there is no right of state-
nationhood claim by Canada.

The only court of applicable jurisdiction – if any - in these matters of the original
charges against the Respondents Grand Chief Kaneekaneet / Robert Agecoutay and
Chester Girard is before the United Nations International Court Of Justice in the Hague;
where Grand Chief Kaneekaneet and his Associates Robert Agecoutay and Chester
Girard will stand as paramount claimants against the corporate Crown Canada. And,
therein, Canada will be required to justify its claim of state-nationhood against the
traditional nationhood of Soto Nation of Turtle Island North.

Grand Chief Kaneekaneet and his Associates currently possess the inherent right of
laying information before the UN Court Of War Crimes and Genocide; wherein
indictments for crimes against humanity will be alleged; as supported by current public
and private documents of fact and testimony have established over the last 150 years.

Genocide, in particular, is cited through the evidentiary records in the public venue,
which attest to the deaths of circa 50,000 children in the Residential Schools operated
on behalf of the assimilation policies of the state-nation Canada, assignee on behalf of
Elizabeth II-Queen and her predecessors.

These repugnant legacies are further besmirched by the Residential Schools Victims
Settlements – which are constructed though a prevailing policy of negative evaluation;
wherein, indigenous peoples are recognized by judicious levels including he Supreme
Court of Canada as being worthy only of 10% of compensable values as compared to
those that would be provided for to non-indigenous persons in the like circumstances.

Therefore, the state-nation Canada, through the instructions of the monarch, continues
a practice of assimilation {to be completed}

Statement Regarding Language Of Choice In The Appeal

High Soto Nation dialect in the High Ceremonial Soto is the preferred language of
declaration in the Appeal; as it would have been in the original trial before Justice

Objectives Of This Submission

1. Expose the absence of jurisdiction of the Crown Elizabeth II- Queen and her
Assignee Canada to establish a governing regime; and, including, the provision for a
2. To expose the original trial and conviction of these accused parties as being without
merit or jurisdiction; and,
3. To appeal to international law jurisdictions; and, the internal Canadian judiciary
regime for relief from arrest, trial, conviction and imprisonment; and, therein, to
secure an immediate release from internment; a security against further invasion
and arrest; compensation for false imprisonment; return of business assets or a
reasonable compensation for loss of revenue resulting from the illegal business
interruption; and, a public apology from Elizabeth II-Queen and her Assignee
Canada for these violations of fundamental human rights.
Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 3
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice

In these matters, it is submitted that there is no prevailing right of claim by any

jurisdiction of judiciary in “Canada” due to the inadequate constitutional formation by
fraudulent conspiracies of private enterprises to occupy and govern lands without
benefit of war, nor the abandonment of paramount allodial rights by indigenous
peoples. In these matters, submissions have been placed before Elizabeth II-Queen,
Canada the Supreme Court of Canada; the European Court Of Human Rights; and, the
Secretary General o the United Nations that state-nation credentials are inadequate as
presented by Canada to the League of Nations and the subsequent United Nations;
wherein, it is claimed a right of Canada to be recognized as state-nation; and,
thereafter, to enjoy the benefits of membership therein. Hence, the Supreme Court of
Canada has been petitioned to cease any further hearings; as these judgments may
inevitably be ruled ultra vires by the UN ICJ at the Hague. In consequence, this
proclamation injunction against the Supreme Court embraces any claimed jurisdiction
by its inferior bodies; including these judiciaries instituted within the boundaries of the
claimed province Saskatchewan.

Overriding and Prevailing Matter Of Intent Of Elizabeth II – Crown

The Accused / Convicted / Imprisoned sovereign Parties, herein, supra, proclaim
irrevocably and in truth before the world community that the intent of the business
activities, as charged; namely, the cultivation of hemp medicine and ancillary products
is an acceptable purpose for the benefit of the good of the whole.

Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada have executed an injustice through the
production of false documents of state-nation incorporation. And, within this corrupt
conspiracy, this Monarch regime has claimed a right to produce and enforce certain
documents from its houses of parliament and legislature which purport to regulate the
activities of citizens and others within claimed territories. These claims to state-
nationhood are founded upon the proclamations from the Holy See Catholic Church
through its dictums of Terra Nullius [Romanus Pontifex and Inter Caetera] and the
Anglican Church / Government of England’s Supremacy Acts. These church laws, as
enforced through military authority, specifically continue since the 14th century to
direct the Monarchs of Europe to enforce a policy of hatred to indigenous peoples of
other nations who are not Christian by faith; and, further, enforce a corporate dictum
which enshrines the inhumane policy that a non-Christian is a non-human; and,
therein, not competent to possess assets of real estate or resources; and, further, is
not competent to govern.

In Canada the testimonies before “Royal Commissions” on aboriginal issues which

speak to the inhumane and criminal travesties by Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee
Canada against the traditions and customs of indigenous peoples of Turtle Island
North; and, the discriminatory compensatory Residential Schools Victims settlements
are witness -, in conjunction to prevailing legislation creating the refugee camps called
Indian Reserves – to the prevailing, hostile assimilation policies and practices of this
rogue regime Canada.

Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 4
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice
The consequent arrest and conviction / imprisonment of the three parties Grand Chief
Kaneekaneet and his associates Robert Agecoutay and Chester Girard represents the
continued execution of policies contrary to the human rights as provided for through
the United Nations against the traditions of these said indigenous peoples of the
Anishinabe Nation of North Turtle Island.

There is no factum or allegation presented by the Crown in the Appeal application; nor,
within the original trial and conviction before the Saskatchewan Queen’s Bench of an
organized criminal network association connection or intent to conspire with these
elements that are contrary to good public policy either within indigenous peoples
jurisdiction; nor, within the context of the claimed state-nation Canada.

The Crown Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada have purported to establish
certain Treaties with indigenous peoples of Turtle Island North; wherein, it is
entrenched that custom and tradition may be retained and practised by these
indigenous peoples, including those peoples of the territory named as Treaty 4 – which
has claimed to include the peoples of Grand Chief Kaneekaneet and his associates
accused, convicted and imprisoned. This said “Treaty 4” – although, without merit -
included a recognition doctrine providing for the protection and preservation of the
rights of indigenous peoples of the region identified as “Treaty 4” to enjoy its
maintenance and practises of their medicine chests.

Points At Issue
Section One : Jurisdiction
1. Nation-to-Nation Jurisdictions of Law : Issue Of Treaties
(A) Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada enforce a nation-to-nation
relationship with the customary indigenous governing bodies within her claimed
(B) Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada have claimed through subterfuge
and criminal conspiracies of known acts contrary to human rights [including the
specific disenfranchisement of indigenous peoples of the instituting provincial
regimes by private enterprises beyond their Admiralty Orders] to the
establishment of provincial regimes
(C) Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada have disregarded their United
Nations Charter obligations by failing to register any “Treaty” with indigenous
peoples. In consequence it is reasonable to conclude that no “Treaties” exist;
and, therefore, no jurisdiction of state-nationhood has been negotiated from
indigenous peoples.

2. Admiralty Law v. Common Law

(A) Elizabeth II- Queen and her Assignee Canada, in arresting, trying, convicting,
and imprisoning the Accused parties, supra, have not identified on the face of
the record whether they are proclaiming a trial by Admiralty Law or by Common

Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 5
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice
(B) In failing to proclaim the chosen jurisdiction of law, the Crown Canada has
prevented the Accused and their Counsel from determining the best course of
response to these charges of contrariness to the Criminal Code of Canada
3. International Law v. Common Law
(A) International Law provides for the jurisdiction of the Geneva Convention; which
establishes rules for the respectful treatment of prisoners
(B) Lawrence Agecoutay / Grand Chief Kaneekaneet has suffered broken bones;
biological invasion of scabies; and, forced medications contrary to his health
interests while within remand and prison. This is contrary to the Geneva
Convention provisions; and, constitutes a war crime
(C) The Accused / Convicted / Imprisoned persons claim entitlements under
international law; i.e., being residents of legitimate state-nations which have
been invaded upon and occupied by hostile foreign corporate forces
(D)Canadian common law jurisdiction is rejected; being the product of a nefarious
rogue regime, which has acquired recognition through the efforts of deceit and
4. Indigenous Law v. Canada Statutory Law
(A) Indigenous law is paramount to the claimed Canadian statutory laws. Each
province, including Saskatchewan are constructs through a regime of fraud and
corruption originating through the Hudson’s Bay Company
(B) Elizabeth II – Queen and her Assignee Canada have executed these claims of
provincial incorporation and subsequent national confederation by
disenfranchisement of indigenous peoples by chemical warfare [passing out to
indigenous peoples of plague infested and contaminated blankets and shirts] in
an effort to reduce prevailing indigenous populations
(C) Indigenous peoples have never abandoned their traditional territories in favour
of these criminal regimes; nor, have they acquiesced to releasing their allodial
land title rights in favour of the claim of the Monarch and the Assignee Canada
(D)Indigenous state-nation governance within Turtle Island North is accredited since
more than 8000 years BCE; and, these governing bodies have historically
provided a respect for the healing capabilities of the Creator through herbs and
other natural products. Grand Chief Kaneekaneet is a direct ancestor of chiefs
who attended and considered the applications of the Hudson’s Bay Company
representatives – and, he is a survivor of the infamous Residential Schools. He is
a sacred pipe carrier; who regularly consults with his indigenous Elders for
guidance in applying the wisdom offered to him through the Creator
(E) The claimed laws of Canada are, in many ways, contrary to the laws of Grand
Chief Kaneekaneet’s. And, Grand Chief Kaneekaneet and his associate accused
and convicted parties Mister Robert Agecoutay and Chester Girard do not accept
the proffered Indian Act of Canada as possessing jurisdiction to establish
“reserves” for “Indians”; and, therein to occupy through governance.

Section Two : Intent of Accused / Convicted and Imprisoned

1. Grand Chief Kaneekaneet and the co-accused and convicted, supra, have not
offered forward apologies to the Courts or Parole Boards due to their continued
allegiance to the fundamental principles of medicinal healing that they advocate
through the hemp products

Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 6
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice
2. The traditional healing nature of hemp is recognized within the medical
communities for the successful alleviation of levels of progressive Alzheimer’s.
Additionally, Kaneekaneet argues that the healing capabilities for heart, cancer and
diabetes are within the medicinal realms of hemp products. There is not submission
into factum of any allegations that there has been any attempt by these accused
men to cause harm to any person, indigenous or non-indigenous; nor any youth
through their chosen business of producing commerce and trade through hemp
3. There was no submission by the Crown in the Trial before Queen’s Bench that the
claimed THC quotient exceeding three kilograms existed at the time of seizure at
the production site greenhouses. Further, there was no submission on the record
from Health Canada that the seized plants do not continue to mature after the
initial harvesting by police

Section Three : Trial At Queens Bench :

Section Four : Appeal Applications To Appeal Court Saskatchewan

1. Accused / Conviction Petition For Release
2. Crown / Public Prosecution Service Of Canada




Application For Relief

Failure To Comply

Appendix “B”

Court Of Appeal Saskatchewan


Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance 7
APPEAL DOCUMENT Chief Kaneekaneet & Associates Lawrence / Robert Agecoutay & Chester
Girard Without Prejudice
Please note that court staff can only provide general information. For legal advice, please contact a lawyer.

For further information regarding the Courts Education Program, media relations, general communications matters
and website concerns, please contact:

Kristen Crowell
Communications Officer for The Saskatchewan Courts

For further information regarding the Court of Queen's Bench, please contact:
Melanie Baldwin
Registrar/Executive Legal Officer - Court of Queen's Bench

For further information regarding Provincial Court, please contact:

Jan Whitridge
Executive Legal Officer - Provincial Court

For further information regarding the Judicial Council of Saskatchewan and Court of Appeal, please contact:
Marlene Rodie
Secretary, Judicial Council of Saskatchewan

Submitted Without Benefit Of Counsel Truth Shall Always Prevail Above Ignorance

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