PEB Clutch Magazine 2013: Trending

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volume 5 | April 2013


Unbreakable TIES PAGE 7

The Endless Race to

Tribute to


Thirteen Trending

How to spend Summer Productively but Fun


Topics for Bag Raid: 2013 Teachers edition






JASPER CRUZ Editor in chief RICHARD FRONDA Associate Editor BRIANE DELA PEA News Editor COLEEN LUCILLE RECIO Features-Filipino Editor ROI ANTON BORIBOR Features-English Editor JUSTIN KAZUYA TAJON Sports, Photography and Cartooning Editor ALEXANDER HANS COLLADO JR. Layout Editor BARON KENNETH CARREON Literary Editor LOUIS RODOLFO ARCEO Circulation Manager News Raphael Dominic Dizon Jennus Alonte John Gabriel Angelo Buena Layout Jared Mamenta Margaux Andrea Louise Morales Jan Gabriel Pundavela Antonio Miguel Magtalas Features-English Ervan Joseph Fernando Nina Francheska Caballero Thad Nuel Natividad Timothy Ilog Marco Adolfo Genuino Rain Martin Valencia Jacob Noel Fuentebella Josemaria Alipio Features-Filipino Edzel Gail Macasu Nicole Angeli Sanggalang Cartooning Matthew Paao Jerome Paulo Co Steven Patrick Carrasco Maria Gemina Louzelle Bella Sports Steven Rey Cruz Christian Paul Tappa Mikhail Iosef Insame Photography Alyssa Mae Medina Mark Allen Barrera Carmela Marie Ramirez Joshua Luis Torreda MR. MARVIN DE PANO Publications Adviser MRS. ARLYNE HOPE BLANCO Principal
Office: Room 103, G/F St. Francis Building, HS Department, Lourdes School Quezon City

2 3 4 5

Column: News and Literary Editor

Column: Features English and Filipino

6 Senior 7-11 12-14

Column: Layout Editor and Circulation Manager Staffers Unbreakable Ties


Thirteen Trending Topics for Batch 2013 Inside a Million Dollar Looking Bag Tribute to Seniors Seniors Top 5

19-20 21-22 How

to Spend the Summer Vacation Productively but Fun

23-26 27-29 Meet 30

31 St.

Francis and Alfonso Yunchengco Award Nominees


UP , Ateneo, and DLSU Passers

It is inevitable that in a fastpaced world, people always go with the flow. We tend do what the majority does, talk what most people talk about, wear what the prominent wear not wanting to be left behind. Nowadays, we often see what and where the people are inclined at in social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Through this, we are able to update ourselves on the latest, the hottest, and the clamor for current trends.Trends though not only reflect the mainstream. Moreover, they represent advancement and progress, modernization of minds and the evolving interests and tastes of the people. In this latest edition of the Clutch magazine, we have featured trends that had defined LSQC this year and trends that are universal, worth keeping and a reminder to each and every Lourdesian that trends exist to create a positive following and to create positive change.

Column: EIC and Assoc The Endless Race to Mastery Column: SAB President


All the worlds a stage

by Jasper Cruz
Credits The Main Act
For the 11 years that I have been confined in the white and blue halls of Lourdes, I can say that SY 2012-2013 was the most unforgettable yet most tedious school year for me. I can still remember that moment when I was as signed to hold the most coveted position in this school organization and doubted my capabilities to hold such convoluted post, the different class competitions which we have rigorously prepared and geared up for such as the Araw ng Wika, SMILE yesterday.

This Side UP


Ranking 4th overall in the District Secondary Schools Press Conference, 9th overall in the Division Secondary Schools Press Conference and 2nd overall in the Liyab, an NCRwide press conference, the Pax Et Bonum has once again clawed itself back to the pedestal with the numerous awards bagged by its editors and staffers. Further, the PEB has

As I give my final bow to this column, to this organization and to the school, I would like to thank the people who had immensely contributed to my formation and the reason where I am right now. I would like to thank Wisdom 13, my friends especially Alyssa, Eloiza, Ervan, Francis, Jared, Louis, Nina, Quennie, Richard and Thad, my PEB family especially the editors, my teachers especially my advisers, Mr. Crispino, Mrs. Requidan, Mrs. Alnajes and Mr. Dela Cruz and last but definitely

As I give my final bow to this column, to this organization and to the school, I would like to thank the people who had immensely contributed to my formation and the reason where I am right now.
Heroes, Slam n Jam, Museo Interaktibo and Entre Fair, the activities such as the Bivouac where my ideals of self-discipline widened and the retreat where I was able to realize so many things about myself, club activities such as the Fellowship Night and the different press conferences we joined and of course the myriad sleepless nights and burning of midnight oil just to finish the different TraTas and PeTas and prepare for the next day every moment is still very vivid and fresh as if it had just all commenced reached yet a couple of milestones. First is the PEB Online where we continue to update and inform the Lourdesian body of the happenings in and out of the school. The PEB Online marks its birth in the cyberspace extending the school publication to the netizens worldwide proving only the Lourdesian bloodline of excellence. Second is the first-ever Balik PEB which would be the start of a tradition of holding a reunion for the alumni and current staffers of the PEB. not the least, the one who stood as my father, always beside me through thick and thin and brought out the best in me, none other than, Mr. Marvin de Pano. The spotlight fades away, the applause ebbs and the curtains close after taking my final bow.


And we have come to an end

by Richard Fronda
Truly, the past academic year have brought numerous achievements, frustrations, realizations and, most importantly, memories to each and every one of us. And as weve come to the end, lets look back at the things that made 2012 worth remembering. Golden year of the PEB Being part of the editorial board of the PEB, I must say that I am one of the proudest to whatever PEB has achieved for the past year. From the fellowship nights weve had, to the news breaking achievements weve gotten from different contests that weve been in, to the newspapers we have published this year that have been the talk of the town for quite some time and, of course, to where out there did his/her best, so theres no way that I should be too confident of myself and claim things beforehand. Furthermore Ive learned that awards alone can never and will never prove ones worth. The Ultimatum Much as I wanted not to brood over things about leaving Lourdes in this last column of mine, it always leads me to thinking of what the future holds for me beyond the walls and facade of the school that had served as my home for four long and wonderful years. But just like what Ive stated in my first column, I need to raise myself a level higher and put all these uncertainties behind and start anew. To all my classmates and friends, especially PERVS, thank you for being with me every step of the way. Thank you for all the moments that weve shared, I will surely miss each one of you. To Ms. Genny, who had been my first adviser in High School, thank you for all the words of encouragement and praises you give me every now and then. You dont know how much it motivates me to do better. We will never forget you especially your I-Love babies. To Mrs. Requidan , my second year adviser, thank you for teaching us to be independent and to believe in ourselves always veering away from mediocrity and striving instead for excellence. To Mrs. A (formerly Ms. G), my most favorite adviser, thank you for being my mother in


I have really never imagined how fast High School would be. Truly, time flies fast when you enjoy it.
the historical Balik PEB (Alumni homecoming) and the grandiose launch of PEBs own website, the PEB Online, beyond doubt, Its really the year of the PEB. So to all PEBsians, Congratulations! Without you, none of these achievements would be possible. The world is not a wish-granting factory. Indeed, Life will really never give you everything you want. Ive come to realize that there are things that will never be in your favor; there are things that are really not meant for you. And as I try to accept this, I lived by the words that Ms. Regner told me, Kung uukol, bubukol. Moreover, the past year has taught me to accept each of my failures wholeheartedly. I have realized that even how hard I try to be the best that I can be, some I have really never imagined how fast High School would be. Truly, time flies fast when you enjoy it. And I know how it will really be difficult for me to face college especially that Ill surely be away with people that Ive been most comfortable to be with for years. But just like what Ive been constantly saying, theres more to life than being a high schooler. And in what seemingly the best way to use up this ultimatum held to me, I would like to use it as an opportunity instead to thank different persons who have been part of my life through the years. To all PEBsians, Congratulations once again for all our achievements and for the upcoming staff of the PEB, may you continue the legacy of the most elite organization of LSQC HS Dept. Lourdes. I will never forget all the lifes lessons you have shared me and all the help you have given me. They will forever be cherished. And lastly to Sir Carlo who has been the source of all squaterrism in the whole universe. HAHA. Kidding aside, thank you for being such a fun adviser to Wisdom and a loving father to us at the same time. We will never forget the experiences we had that made my senior year one of a kind. We will miss your David Reyes kwentos that will complete anyones high school experience. And of course, to my father, Mr. Marvin G. de Pano, thank you for everything, as in for everything. You just never know how much youve molded me to be who I am today. I will forever be grateful for all the assistance youve given me since the day youve accepted me to be part of the PEB. I will forever miss all the moments we had and I promise you that I will forever be you loyalist.


Heads and Tails

Hash Tag

by Briane Dela Pea

Major events, big personalities and numerous achievements were the ones that made a lasting mark in the Lourdesian community over the past ten months. One time after another, something came out to become the talk of the town. All these formed a long string of trends that defined Lourdes during the entire S.Y. It was last June when Grade Seven was first introduced in LSQC. Then, another revelation came about in July when the leadership of an advocacy for English was turned over to a Mathematics teacher. This years SMILE Week was also a great shock for everyone as a non-teaching staff emerged to play the part of the villain, which turned out to be head-turning and attention-catching. Zooming in the big picture, I would like to focus, this time, on the official school organ Pax Et Bonum. I did not expect that the PEB would achieve more than a handful. Not only has it marked its victory repeatedly during its contest season, but it also has taken its goal of informing, persuading and effecting change to greater heights. With the launch of Pax Et Bonum Online, the PEB has expanded its reach from the community to the entire cyberspace. Truly, the PEB has reached the peak, the golden age, because of everything that its adviser, editors and staffers have achieved this year. It is undeniable that S.Y. 2012-2013 has been a wild ride of tremendous un-

It is undeniable that S.Y. 2012-2013 has been a wild ride of tremendous undertakings for LSQC. It has been a school year that brought great change to all of us. It has been a school year worth the hash tag.
A series of firsts also became the content of Lourdesian conversations. The schools Transitus upgraded from a stage play into a film and live musical combined into one mega-production. Also, the Titan Radio project of the Student Advisory Board (SAB) made a difference in a way that students enjoy their break time even more. The Bivouac was an avenue for the seniors to release themselves from their inhibitions and take on their most courageous selves. LSQC made noise once again with the return of the Slam N Jam since its two-year hiatus, but this time, it was bigger, bolder and louder. It did not end there as Lourdesians went awestruck by the arrival of Lourdesian alumni-turned-celebrities Martin del Rosario and JM de Guzman. Both students and employees gathered around for pictures, autographs and interviews with two persons, whom from being average students, became famous stars. dertakings for LSQC. It has been a school year that brought great change to all of us. It has been a school year worth the hash tag. I would like to thank the following: the Pax Et Bonum for the opportunity of sharing my insights and opinions, my teachers and classmates for making my junior experience memorable, my friends for always inspiring me to write. To my friends from Batch 2013, thank you very much for being part of my journey here in LSQC. Ill surely miss your presence. Congratulations to the Lourdesian graduates of 2013! May you continue to reach for your goals, while not forgetting to look back at where you came from. Thank you for making a trending school year. See you around! :)

Shaft of Grain

Gather No Moss
by Baron Kenneth Carreon
A rolling stone gathers no moss, says Publilius Syrus, a writer of gold age. As such, this old proverb is often interpreted to figurative nomads who run away from knowledge or culture advancements. On the other side of the coin, the proverb can also speak of those who keep ners but rather includes the huge world outside. Though modern times bring many trends, innovations and developments to our lifestyle, still this is not an excuse to throw behind the universal values that teach us to be good persons. For me, these are the greatest trends our school has to experience CMLI. Victory defined PEB. And even with the gliding tides of change brought by technology, it was a great leap of faith that PEB took off when it finally decided to land the cyberspace. Balik PEB was another success. This paved

A teenagers life is not only confined in the school corners but rather includes the huge world outside. Though modern times bring many trends, innovations and developments to our lifestyle, still this is not an excuse to throw behind the universal values that teach us to be good persons.
heading forward and never lacking creativity. Aside from people, theres actually an entity that goes and goes stealing any chance to be tied down- TIME. Lourdes School Quezon City continues its long time service to the community of forming Christian Leaders and Gospel Brothers who can help in building a better society. Co-curricular activities are in line- various activities that can fit to at least one of a students interest or talent. Some may really be about the experience as some are fierce competitors who love a healthy rivalry and cheers of trophies. There are contests in team sports, choral societies, press conference, quiz bees, mathematics and other more. A teenagers life is not only confined in the school corproduced. I think, the school never fails to keep up with these trends and exerts effort to still them to batches of generations. oOo I began with some article assignments in the Filipino section of the school paper. The following year, I am tapped to compete outside the school. It was my first time; it was exciting yet breathtaking. And what a surprise, I still managed to bag an award. Being a literary editor also entails hard work, creativity and some guts. To negate Christmas is a tough thing to do especially if you dont want to be in the hated list of people. After all, creativity does break boundaries. Also in this year, I got to bag more awards and was even given the opportunity way for the reunion of the former PEB editors and staffers with the current ones. It was fun and memorable to engage in games, food trips and dance craze with the people who acted as pioneers of what you were experiencing at the moment. The prom night of my junior year brought me great memories of the school year. Having photographs, dancing, telling stories filled that night with magic. After few months, Ill be entering my senior year. Actually, review for the entrance tests tells me louder of my approaching future. There are still many things in store; Im hopeful that someday Ill arrive to where Im meant to be and to where I truly belong.


Hellos and Goodbyes

Time ticks by, little by little, its grains of sand slowly forming the ending of our year here in Lourdes. As always, there are ups and downs, and one amazing thing about this yearly rollercoaster ride, is that it is utterly foreign, different and crazy in its own way. This year was no exception. For some, it was the dawn of their lives here in school, others, the dusk. But, as I look back on the paved paths we slowly made, I can see that all of us walked hand-in-hand with diamond memories, golden noisy as ever, I would miss the sight of panicking students rushing their homework, the impatience on the canteen line, the groaning inside the classroom whenever a surprise quiz is announced, the cramming of whatever possible information at the library even the wildness in between periods whenever the teachers are out. I will miss the small bits when this year is gone for good. oOo PEB has taken its huge leap towards the digital

The Gray Area

by Roi Boribor
those who need to leave, in order for them to be free to live their lives. Whenever I enter the PEB room, I would miss on how noisy it was, how edgy and panicky everyone was, the late night meetings, the cries of victory and success, even the drama that unfolded. When these seniors take one last bow, leave the school and live their real lives, we would say goodbye, wish them luck and miss them. Day by day, these feelings will lessen, but they would remain.

Goodbyes leave a pang that echoes on the heart waiting for the unreachable time it will be filled. It is much like a vacuum sucking their presence, demanding to be replaced.
achievements, silver linings and treasures that define our lives. This year is the beginning of change here in school. I would agree that there has been sad silence that still echoes today: the death of a precious member of the school and the resignation of a wise mentor and guide for a DepEd post. Many have left and will leave us; on the bright side though, many improvements, decisions and discards have made its way. There were the changes in curriculum with the induction of our little brothers and sisters to K-12 as 7th graders. The reputation of the school continues to shimmer in the limelight. As I take a walk down the crowded grounds, age, while bagging the prestige it deserves as an elite organization. This is one of the golden years it has and will have. Alongside with the school, PEB has taken a step forward to progress, good memories and a model organization. oOo I hate to say goodbye. They prove that not all good things last forever. Goodbyes leave a pang that echoes on the heart waiting for the unreachable time it will be filled. It is much like a vacuum sucking their presence, demanding to be replaced. I really hate to say goodbye, for it means that I will miss someone distant. One day, I need to face the fact that I need to say goodbye to They would visit, hopefully, and we would feel nostalgic, and the cycle repeats. But, even though we arent ready to fill in the roles they have fulfilled in the past, we are ready though to cherish every single moment spent with them. Goodbyes really suck, dont they? They are. When goodbyes are said, somehow, someday, hellos will escape our lips once again. At some point in our lives, once we say goodbye, we say hi again. I hope we can say hello once more. Congratulations seniors, Lourdesians and everyone. Good luck to all of us!

Ligaw na Alingawngaw

Ang Tugatog

by Coleen Recio

Takbo! Bilisan mo! Takbo!

Kailan ba kinakailangang tumakbo ng isang tao? Siguro kapag hinahabol niya ang dyip na sasakyan bastat di lang mahuli sa klase. Marahil may tinatakbuhan na utang o di kayay sumasabak sa mahaba-habang paglalakbay. Isang pakikipagsapalaran na susukat sa tibay, lakas ng loob, galing at talino ng isang tao. Sa pagtakbo moy maaaring matalisod o di kayay madapa. Sa pagkakataong iyon mo mapatutunayang may mga taong nakaalalay at kasangga sa oras ng pagsubok. Sa pagkakadapay magkakasugat na makapagpapaiyak na sadyang mahihilom na patuloy na magpapalakas sayo. Minsan pa ngay mahuhuli ka pero hahabol ka. At ikaw lang mismo ang makatitiyak kung nakarating kana sa tugatogang pinakihihintay mo. Walang makalilimot sa T.P. 2012-2013 na nag-iwan ng malalaking marka sa

PEB. Ditoy mas napagtibay ang samahan hindi lang ng organisasyon maging ang pamilya. Lumalim ang samahan, naging bahagi ng nakagawian, naging kaagapay sa sayat paghihirap at magiging mabigat ang pagpapaalam. Nakamit natin ang tugatog subalit alalahanin nating hindi lang iisang milya ang kakailanganin nating bagtasin, sapagkat wala itong katapusan. Sa bawat takboy maaaring may humila sa atin, pigilan tayo sa kung anuman ang nais nating makamit huwag nating kakalimutan na tayo lang mismo ang makahuhusga sa haba ng ating nais takbuhin. Hindi sapat na puro takbo lang sapagkat darating ang pagkakataon, na kinakailangan nating bumalik panandali upang maalala kung saan tayo nagsimula. Salamat sa mga kuyat ate ko sa PEB na naging sandalan ko. Hinding-hindi ko kayo malilimutan. Sa lahat ng mga payo, Kuya Jasper; dahil sayoy mas marami ang

Sa bawat takboy maaaring may humila sa atin, pigilan tayo sa kung anuman ang nais nating makamit huwag nating kakalimutan na tayo lang mismo ang makahuhusga sa haba ng ating nais takbuhin.
bawat isa. Mula sa mga pagbabago ang pagkakaroon ng Pitong Baitang na sasabak sa mas mahaba-habang taon ng pag-aaral, ang ipinamalas na talento ng mga Lourdesian sa lahat ng aktibidad sa loob man o labas ng mataas na paaralan ng LSQC. Ang mga araw na malakas ang palakpakan, hiyawan at suporta ng bawat isa sa isat isa. Isang tapik lang sa balikat ay sapat na. Ang karangalan na inuuwi ng bawat isa na nagsikap ay hindi lang tagumpay ng isa kundi tagumpay ng lahat. Hindi mawawala sa listahan na tunay na nakamit ang tugatog ng tagumpay ay ang organisasyon ng Pax Et Bonum. Mula sa mga pahayagan ay tuluyan nang dumaop sa mas malawak na pagpapahayagang PEB Online. Hindi sapat na patuloy lang ang takbo nararapat rin ang paglingon at napatunayan ito ng PEB sa pamamagitan ng Balik masasayang araw, Kuya Richard; mamimiss ko ang ating kwentuhan, Ate Alyssa, Ate Nina at Kuya Louis; sa pambobola, Kuya Ervan; sa bawat bati tuwing magkakasalubong, Hi Kuya Steven; sa talento, Kuya Matthew; sa pangangalabit, Kuya Thad; sa asaran, Kuya Tim, Kuya Paul at Kuya Alain; sa saya, Kuya JaredMaramig Salamat. Hindi ako magpapaalam dahil hihintayin ko kayo, aabangan ko ang pagbisita ninyo at aasahan ko ito. Bandang huli, tinatanong pa rin natin ang ating sarili: Ano nga ba ang mas mahirap, ang umalis o ang maiwan? At darating rin ang panahon na masasagot natin ito at sanay handa na tayo.


Adobe Sweet

After a lot of gargantuan obstacles to hurdle, it pleasures me to express that finally weve done it. Dont bite what you cant chew, must be the best lesson that I have learned this year. St. Francis himself had to manage and delegate responsibilities, as he was part of rebuilding Gods church. The saint didnt have to hog all of the work himself he had helpers of all kinds; from brothers, lepers, to the very creatures that amass the

by Alexander Hans Collado Jr.

Ms. Soliman and Sir Castillo; especially to Mrs. Lumbre and to Adviser Sir Jonathan Dela Cruz for their unparalleled support upon all endeavors. Likewise, I would also want to impart thanks to my buddies and pals inside the campus who have made every day in school special: school administrators/coordinators, previous instructors, III-Perseverance classmates, best friends, my band Kufuji, fellow batch mates, seniors, and school mates. blowouts (wink, wink). Boundaries would never be crossed and harvest would not be bountiful of course if not for God. Whatever accomplishments, accolades, and feats achieved would always come back to Him and to His mighty kingdom. In reality, adaptation and adjustment periods have gotten us off guard, but its quite safe to say now that we have all grown accustomed to the schools fast-paced

In reality, adaptation and adjustment periods have gotten us off guard, but its quite safe to say now that we have all grown accustomed to the schools fast-paced yet constant change.
Earth; and of course, his main source of providence and inspiration, The King of Kings from above. I am proud to say that what we have reached is also because of the assertive collaboration of different individuals and groups. These people were the animators and story board artists of my life; which for me, led to an excellent kind of pedagogical advancement. You have been an integral part of yet another chapter in my life. For supplying knowledge and providing endless nuggets of wisdom, thank you: Ms. Manarang, Ms. Alviz, Ms. Sulit, Ms. Penuela, Ms. Autillo, Mrs. Urmaza, Ms. Arisgado, Mrs. Dignos, Sir Lorenzo, Sir Carranza, To the Pax et Bonum, where truly, Charity begins at home, thank you for an exhilarating year. Experiencing journalism first-hand was a blast, again, thanks to the PEB Staffers, my treasured Layout Staff, and the PEB Editorial Board. To the senior staffers, please never forget the messages I have shared with you during our last PEB Fellowship night together. I shall deeply miss you and your mere presence in the PEB Room. Break a leg on your journey in college. Finally, to our big daddy, chief honcho, and masterful school paper adviser, Sir Marvin De Pano, a huge thank you for the great lessons you have taught, your unfaltering trust and of course your generous constant change. We all enjoyed the different trends that bombarded the school. The K-12 implementation, PEB Online, Balik-PEB, CAT as an elite organization, celebrity alumni appearances, Invite an Expert Day, Club Culminating Activity/Awarding, SMILE Week: Heroes Edition, SLAM n Jam, Linggo ng Wika, Linggo ng Makabayan-Filipino, Bottle of the Bands, and who would forget the epic return of the school canteen chits? Im sure theres a vast list of these trending topics and you can view and examine them on the proceeding pages. Its a year to be grateful indeed.

Epitome of Happiness
by Louis Rodolfo Arceo
From numerous awards to copious activities, without a doubt, LSQC has made once again to be astonishing and an amazing year full of surprises, countless events and fond memories that surely filled every Lourdesians heart. Behind all of the insanity, illustriousness and wildness that happened inside the campus, what has truly defined LSQC? Things have gone through major-major changes. The ordinary things metamorphosed in their extraordinary ways. For example, a regular day back then was tiresome and dull but with the grace of the Titan DJs, every

In a Nonconformists eye
Unconventional learning experiences defined LSQC this year. It became its one-of-a-kind identity that perhaps separated it from other schools all over the Metro. It is the only school that allows its students experience the unusual and inexplicable activities that still moulded its students wholly. It is the only school perhaps that had allowed its students to enjoy their four years inside the campus. Above all, it is the only school that had allowed its students feel that high school will never end. Alongside with these changes and milestones, the Pax Et Bonum (PEB), the official school organ, has also As they say, goodbyes are not the end but we just need to bid farewell in order to move on. Definitely, Im going to miss the loudness of the flamboyant Richard, the tantalizing yet seducing Ervan, the princess of the island of the misfit toys Jared, the ever-ready and prepared Brianne, the adorable and huggable Roi and of course the craziness of my well-loved and united PEB family. I would like to end this column with a massive thank you to the epitome of greatness and fierceness, the English coordinator and my one and only school paper adviser, Mr. Marvin de Pano. He is the core reason why I

Unconventional learning experiences defined LSQC this year. It became its one-of-a-kind identity that perhaps separated it from other schools all over the Metro.
Lourdesian spent their lunch ecstatic and elated with the diverse playlist of OPM & foreign music. Then, there was the Filipino Day and MAKABAYAN Week, everyone felt the nationalism in their hearts as they took pride in rejoicing the occasion in the unique way. Of course who will never forget the ever-memorable SMILE week, certainly, this was the week everything was jampacked from the SMILE Amazing Race to the SMILE Heroes Edition; nevertheless, everyone had fun and had the experiences that mattered the most. its share of milestone as its staffers & editors added luster to this colourful year with numerous achievements for bringing home the bacon not only for the organization but also for the school. Likewise, PEB has taken an immense stride in the contemporary epoch through the launch of Pax Et Bonum Online. Now, the school paper is just one click away for the netizens all around the globe. Now thats what you called technology! oOo continue to strive becoming a better writer; my co-editors for giving me a daily dose of inspiration and happiness whenever I feel grey and lastly my PEB Family for being the only family that will always be there for me no matter what. I am Louis Rodolfo C. Arceo, a proud graduate of Lourdes School Quezon City and a proud PEB Editor. Signing off!



Photos by Alyssa Medina

1. What was one big lesson youve learned from being a PEB staffer? 2. What will you miss most in the PEB? 3. How will you describe the PEB in one word?

Steven Cruz, sports writer

1. The biggest lesson that I have learned from being a PEB staffer is to never get satisfied of being the best but instead, always strive hard to be greater. 2. I will miss the environment inside the PEB room where Sir de Pano, my batch mates and the undergrads form one big family of champions and talented individuals. 3. SUPREME

mitments. More so, I realized the real essence of writing, which is EXPRESSION. 2. Ill miss those beating the deadlines days, dinner outs with Sir Marvin, endless laughter and chats with the staffers, those seminars and contests where we always dominated and of course, Sir Marvin and the PEB room. 3. UNBREAKABLE.

Thad Natividad, features writer

1. Your environment greatly affects your lifestyle. The best of the best students in school are members of the PEB, and they make an impact to you to also excel in your works/studies; therefore, influencing your way of living. 2. There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will. In this case, my PEB family will always be in my heart, because each of them made an imprint on me that will never cease to exist wherever life takes me to. 3. PARAMOUNT, as its meaning says: (1) superior to all others,(2) dominant, (3) supreme ruler.

Christian Paul Tappa, sports writer

1. With the help of the PEB, I was able to obliterate my bukas na yan syndrome. In short, being a PEB staffer taught me how to juggle my time well. It showed me how to see my priorities and goals as a student and a writer for the PEB. 2. If I were to miss something in the PEB, it would surely be the fun and laughter which we all shared inside the family. Our fellowships, meetings, contests, and even small chats with Sir Marvin are memorable. 3. BEYOND (something different).

Tim Ilog, features writer

1. I learned a lot about time management. Submitting articles was never easy especially that it went with requirements in academics and other com-

Matthew Paao, cartoonist

1. Being the best and not bragging about it has its perks and disadvantages 2. The fact that I feel Im needed; thus, I feel accepted 3. Awesome


True-blooded Lourdesians: The Manalo Family



by Jasper Cruz and Thad Nuel Natividad Photography by Alyssa Medina

Read on to find out the unique love story that had developed between Lourdes School QC and the Manalo Family, their story of success from rags to riches and the significance of strong family ties and values in raising the children.


It was dusk as we were on our way to our first-ever field interview outside the school. Days prior to this, arrangements have been made with the interviewee regarding the schedule. When all had been set and we were given the signal, we felt the excitement and at the same time nervousness knowing that we are going to interview a high-profiled family as based on the stories weve gathered from reliable sources. On our way, we used the time to brainstorm on possible interview questions and listened to reminders from our publications adviser. Excitement and nervousness rose as we find ourselves already inside the strictly manned Tivoli Greens Subdivision in Commonwealth, QC. We knew that the stories were true. Further, our excitement went on to an all-time high when outside the subjects house. It was indeed a huge house. We held on tight to our bags as we waited outside. To our surprise, what welcomed us was the opposite of our initial impressions and expectations. The Manalo family opened the gates for us

and we were welcomed by parents Roni and Remedios together with son Justin. At the onset, we had felt the warmth and kindness of the family. Inside the compound and the house was more awesome. A long line of cars will greet you as you enter the garage. A small garden was on the side that expands to the backyard where the familys veranda and greenery are highlighted. As we stepped inside the house, all the more we were astounded by the sight that has beheld us. The house was genuinely beautiful, grand and spotless. All furnishings were top of the line and no second class rate. It was neat, tidy and orderly. One cannot deny that the house belongs to a wealthy family. Further, we were led by the couple to the veranda or porch where the awestrucking experience did not end. Everything in the porch again including the furniture chairs and the glass tables were impressive. Likewise, the open garden was fresh and neatly trimmed. A small open porch roofed at

the houses extreme right was simply captivating. The air was fresh and cold, a welcome feeling from the usual heat in the Retiro area. The whole neighborhood was silent and peaceful. It was a paradise for someone who wants to retire from a days toil and stress. Indeed, one cannot deny that this house and the village belong to the affluent and well off. Yes! We were impressed by all these, but what we thought was apparent was a fraction of what we have discovered about the Manalos. In the midst of the prosperity and wealth that surround us, there the family was the greatest contrast. The Manalos wore simple and regular clothes. Nowhere were the makeup, brandishing clothes or glittering accessories that were flaunted infront of us. They spoke to us like any average Filipino. There was no air of intimidation. There without any question answered yet, we knew that this family would be different and the perfect choice for our article.

Roni and Remedios began by recollecting their humble beginnings. Their love story started when they were still childhood friends back in Mindoro; thus, they decide to tie the knot at a very young age. Roni was then a young Journalism graduate of the University of Santo Tomas while Remedios was a graduate of Tourism from Centro Escolar University. They were blessed to have four children: Bjorn, Earl, Justin and Hanna who all went to Lourdes School Quezon City (LSQC) for high school.


When considering for a school here in the area, they were persuaded by recommendations made by friends and relatives about LSQC. The proximity or distance was another huge factor for sealing their childrens education in LSQC.
Like any young and newly- wed couple, the first few years were also a struggle for them. Later on, the couple decided to move to Manila during the late 90s as they aim for a better future. As they moved here, they settled first in an apartment along Apo and Malaya Sts. That was when they decided to enroll their children here in Manila for secondary education. All children of them had their primary schooling in Mindoro specifically in the public school. When considering for a school here in the area, they were persuaded by recommendations made by friends and relatives about LSQC. The proximity or distance was another huge factor for sealing their childrens education in LSQC.




The Manalo children had to adjust the harder way more than perhaps other kids who transit from grade school to high school. Their case was more complex. Among all of them, Bjorn (Batch 2002) had the most difficult time being the eldest. Aside from moving to Mindoro to Manila where a major change in the environment was a huge factor, he was also from the public school. Though they were exemplary students earning good grades, there were still major adjustments to be made. he went on to graduate from high school and college and now manages the familys construction business and a restaurant in Mindoro with his own family. Earl was able to expand the family business. They were able to build in two ports: one for Calapan and one for Roxas and is at present into construction of roads under government contracts. Justin (Batch 2004), the third child in four, was the brightest according to the teachers. Unlike Bjorn and Earl, Justin belonged to the cream class. He was actually a layout editor for the Pax Et Bonum during his junior and senior year. Hanna (Batch 2005), the youngest of the siblings, had the easiest adjustment in high school due to all his siblings are already here. She shared that she was an average type of student back then who goes to school and passes her subjects at the end of the year. Another major adjustment they have had


Remedios recalls how his son had a hard time adjusting at first in high school in LSQC. Na-bully siya noon dahil nga galing siya ng probinsiya. Often, he would be teased for his regional accent and his probinsyano ways. But this had stopped as well after quite some time as he was able to slowly adjust to the way of life here in the metro. Further, Bjorn was a good student. He was doing well in his academics. In fact,

She quoted, Hinihingi namin lagi ang tulong ng mga teachers niya na bantayan siya ng mabuti dahil nga lagi kaming wala at pabalik balik kami sa Mindoro dahil din sa negosyo namin. Madalas ang kasama nila ay yung katulong sa bahay. That was when they became close to the teachers here in LSQC which lasted till now.
he graduated from high school with subject excellence awards in all subjects except PE. He was at the top of the semi- cream class. The second son, Earl (Batch 2003), was what the parents believed had them the hardest to cope with. They would fondly recall those days when they would be summoned by the APSA Office for offenses and tardiness incurred by Earl. Like Bjorn, he was also often teased for his background until his first year adviser Mrs. Rowena Requidan then Ms. Soriano admonished the class for being harsh on him. Ang sabi ko nga sa kanila na galing man siya sa probinsiya, he belonged to a wealthy and affluent family there. That was how the teasing stopped. It was with Earl according to the mother that the love story between them and the school had blossomed. She quoted, Hinihingi namin lagi ang tulong ng mga teachers niya na bantayan siya ng mabuti dahil nga lagi kaming wala at pabalik balik kami sa Mindoro dahil din sa negosyo namin. Madalas ang kasama nila ay yung katulong sa bahay. That was when they became close to the teachers here in LSQC which lasted till now. Yet, despite Earl being a tough nut to crack, was moving from their apartment to a condo unit along Quezon Ave. There they have to content themselves sharing in a single bedroom. It was hard but it taught them many things and had helped developed a strong family bond. Asked about their fondest memories in LSQC, both Roni and Remedios recalled the issuance of cards, the family day and the parent- child encounter after the retreat. Roni shared, Yung hindi ko malilimutan yung pinagsalita ako during the parent- child encounter after nung retreat; after a few weeks, balik na naman sila sa dati, he jokingly added. Like any other alumni, they also missed the white and blue facades (then green and white) of Lourdes that had been their home for four years where they have established some of the fondest memories that they will surely keep for life, the activities such as the annual recollection wherein you will really learn something valuable and will really experience goose bumps while sharing different ghost stories, the tough year-level competitions where their classes had rigorously prepared for (they would stay after dismissal time just to practice) such as the SAYAWIT and Slam N Jam and the Dance Night they usually look forward to as students.



Career Endeavors
At present, Bjorn is already working as Assistant Manager at Citibank while Earl manages the family construction business in Mindoro. Justin, on the other hand, has three companies under his name. Interestingly, he managed to put up three companies initially with a college classmate and friend. The first venture with a partner company in China is on rubber fenders for sea vessels in ports. The second is on IT while the third company is the LED light Kindle which is out in the market. All these have been achieved by Justin at the age of 26. Hanna, on the other hand, is a registered nurse at the Metropolitan Medical Center in Binondo. Much as they want their children to concentrate on the family business, Mr. and Mrs. Manalo support their childrens present careers. They allowed them to pursue what they wanted in life and what they finished in college.

College Realizations
After graduating from high school, the Manalo siblings went on to pursue college in good schools. That was when they realized how LSQC had prepared them well for this next chapter. The activities theyve had in high school had helped them develop more confidence and interact with people of different backgrounds. Justin even mentioned how the Entre Fair and the Entrepreneurship subject had helped him develop an interest for business as early as then. They also realized how rules and regulations may be strict in LSQC but were helpful when they went to college. They fondly recall the same rules back then still being implemented today. It had helped them to regulate themselves now in college. For instance, Justin shared, Yung alam mo na kung ano ang consequence ng iyong mga actions lalo na kapag alam mong mali ang nakatulong sa akin. Bjorn went on to finish BS Applied Economics and Management from De La Salle University. Justin, on the other hand, finished BS Civil Engineering also from DLSU. Earl graduated from Angelicum College while Hanna graduated Nursing from San Beda.

What they learned from LSQC

Despite the success they have achieved and enjoying at the moment, the Manalo family never fails to look back at LSQC and acknowledge the learnings gained from this almost 60 year old institution. Bjorn would attribute humility in all situations, discipline, and hard work from what he has learned from Lourdes. Justin, on the other hand, shared that Lourdesians are at par with graduates from other schools in terms of performance in college. He also has learned to be competitive in the healthy manner, simplicity and the value of pakikipagkapwa tao. Natuto akong makisalamuha sa lahat ng klase ng tao. Yung iba kasi hindi sanay doon, he said. Hanna, on the other hand, mentioned faith, discipline, hard work and being a peacemaker as significant learnings gained from the school. Moreover, both Roni and Remedios agree that part of the success in the upbringing of their children is the education received from LSQC. Hindi yung college nila ang talagang humubog sa kanila. Lourdes talaga ang dahilan kung bakit rin silang lumaki ng maayos, the father stressed. Remedios, on the other hand, said, Malaki ang pasasalamat namin sa mga teachers ng Lourdes dahil talagang ginabayan nila mga anak namin. May mga pagkakataon pa nga na sa mga teachers nila sila nagkukuwento at nagsha- share sila sa buhay. So much was their love and gratitude for LSQC that they decided to give back by recommending to and encouraging parents of acquaintances, friends and connections to send their children to LSQC. In fact, they managed to bring in a lot of students to enroll here thereafter. Most of them are from Mindoro. Such is the unbreakable ties forged through time between LSQC and the Manalo family.


Family Values
Interestingly, the Manalos may have grown wealthier and more prosperous in living, but their values remain intact and their feet firmly grounded perhaps because they never failed to look back at their humble beginnings. Some of the valuable lessons learned were gained from those days of struggles and constraints. Mr. Manalo shared that they raised the children living within their means only. He said, Natuto sila na pagkasiyahin yung kung anong meron sila. Kahit sa pera, hindi namin sila binibigyan ng malaki dahil umuuwi naman sila sa bahay for lunch. The family also shares the same spiritual and religious values like going to the church to hear mass and valuing prayer. Likewise, the children have learned the value of hard work and dedication. Hanna, on the other hand, shared the values learned from living in a condo together. Nung nasa condo kami at isang kuwarto lang, natuto kaming mamaluktot habang maikli ang kumot. Lahat kami sabay- sabay na nag-aaral. Di dapat mag-complain. Furthermore, she was quick to add, Yung pagiging mapagbigay; kung ano ang meron ka, i-share sa ibang tao. Justin, meanwhile, had shared, Be simple and makisama sa ibang tao. Bjorn, on the other hand, quoted, Kailangang kumilos at magtrabaho. As a good son, kailangang magaral ng mabuti. Natutunan ko sa mga mga naging karanasan namin sa probinsya na simple lang ang buhay. Sanay kami sa trabaho o bilad sa araw. Likewise, he added, Huwag mong kalilimutan ang mga taong nakasama mo sa ibaba kasi sila rin ang kakailanganin mo sa itaas, sila rin ang tutulong sa iyo. Hanggat maaari, makisama ka. When asked about the formula for attaining this kind of success, Roni Manalo has these to say: hard work, prayer and luck. Admittedly, they did not ask for these; they just worked hard. What touched us most though from what the father said was the value of his family. Mawala man o di ko man makamit ang lahat ng ito, ang mahalaga pa rin ay ang mga anak namin, he stressed when referring to all the wealth and fortune that had his way now.


Message for Lourdesians

All three agreed that it really is difficult in college. The lessons in high school that were covered for a week will just be discussed for a day. If in high school you tend to copy assignments from your classmates, it will be entirely different in college. If you do not prepare, you will really have a hard time. The feeling of too much freedom is also one of would-be struggles in college for that same feeling that one can freely do what he/she wants may lure one to abuse freedom which may lead to your downfall. According to them, perseverance and maturity are some of the keys to survive college. Lourdesians should not worry though for our training here in Lourdes is already a jumpstart. We should just carry on the values that our alma mater had instilled in us. Just like how they did and cost them this blessing and success today.



Mrs. Cielo Pineda

The Endless Race to Mastery

by Timothy K. Ilog and Nina Francheska Caballero of IV-Wisdom | Photos by Alexis Collado

Mrs. Rowena Requidan

oing up the stage then getting your college diploma, after which; you bow down while hands applaud this is not the final stage of learning; this is just the beginning. Learning we know is perpetual. It never ceases nor wanes. Constant learning is important as it promotes further growth and improvement. Whether itd be fashion trends, popular in-demand courses or evolving language, change is highly inevitable. Education is no stranger to this as well as much more is expected from it. In fact, these changes through concrete steps employed by teachers to widen their knowledge is something that our high school faculty and administrators value as this also brings about growth and improvement of the schools educational system. Thus, a lot of our teachers take the next level to learning and that is pursuing graduate studies. In fact, a huge number of teachers and administrators are currently enrolled in the graduate school specializing in particular fields to sustain the upgrades and changes in the field of education and to improve their teaching strategies and techniques. Hence, these so-called unsung heroes still spend time, effort and money just to feed their own passion and feed their students in return. Lets get to know some of them.

One step higher

Despite the huge demand for time, energy and concentration of their position, two of our administrators have defied all these odds to graduate with masters degree. Behind the tons of CS grades and lesson plans to scrutinize, mountain-high papers to check and tight timetables to observe combined with family commitments and other affairs, these two subject area coordinators were able to balance everything off. As such, it was worth another milestone in their lives more than others perhaps would know. Math Coordinator Mrs. Rowena S. Requidan, who graduated with a degree in Masters in Education major in Mathematics from De La Salle University and Science Coordinator Mrs. Cielo Herminia S. Pineda, a cum laude graduate of Masters of Arts in Biology Education from the University of Santo Tomas went through all struggles and rigors brought about by their graduate schooling but came out from it victorious and accomplished. Juggling family, work and studies had been the main struggle for these two. At some point, they were faced with situations where they have to set off their priorities and sacrifice something in order to comply with a requirement. Mrs. Pineda shared, I had to meet deadlines as a student, administrator and classroom teacher and stay up late at times


Sir Carlo Dela Cruz

for requirements and paper work while tutoring my children, doing household chores and accommodating my family. There were also things that they had to turn down such as invitations from friends, leisure activities and even sleep. However, these did not matter in the end for they have done such not only for themselves, but more on for their students. As Mrs. Requidan stated when asked on reasons for taking her masters degree, I would like to improve in terms of my teaching strategies. I dont want to go stagnant. This just proves how our teachers take into significant account the need to improve and hone ones craft. As they see the need to widening out further ones knowledge and expertise as significant factors on strengthening the academic system, both MA degree holders believe that teachers must consider pursuing graduate studies. Such will redound in expertise especially in terms of curricular offerings, and later on, the development and upbringing not only of the system but also of the students themselves. For them, taking up their masters degree is not only a form of self-fulfillment but also a commitment to achieving higher standards in teaching. Mrs. Requidan and Mrs. Pineda epitomize professionals who, in spite of raising children, meeting deadlines and following strictly their career are determined to continue acquiring knowledge and skills.

Trudging along the road to success

Meet this time the high school teachers following in the footsteps of those before them: Math Teachers Ms. Cheyenne Mangaliman taking up MA Education in Mathematics at De La Salle University, Mr. Carlo dela Cruz taking up MS Teaching with specialization in Mathematics also at La Salle and Mrs. Angelina P. Lumbre studying MA in Education major in Mathematics at the University of the Philippines Diliman. Meanwhile, Christian Living/ Values Education Coordinator Ms. Margaret Penuela is currently taking up MA Theological Studies at the Ateneo de Manila University. Learning for the two La Sallian Mathematics mentors is dynamic; thus, taking up masters degree is a way to keep themselves abreast with the changing trends in teaching Mathematics. Easy as it may seem but in reality, it wasnt all bed of roses for them. They constantly have to deal with checking quizzes (while at the same time reviewing for

Ms. Cheyenne Mangaliman

The love for teaching is congruent to the love for learning.

their own quiz), introducing new lessons (while they are also being presented to unfamiliar Math territory) and getting to class on time (after their work here in school). For Mrs. Lumbres, it was hard last school year for she was the year level chairperson of the Third Year level, which had her problems with time management. Though this year was easier in terms of schedule, her subjects were way different and more demanding. She described it as, Malayo sa Math na tinuturo ko. Math na hindi ko alam. For example, I teach students that parallel lines do not meet pero sa Math that Im taking up now, parallel lines meet. Aside from their respective degree programs, kiddingly they also strive to earn a masters on pulling all-nighters, skipping social lives and putting their work and studies ahead before themselves. It just is amazing how they have survived the huge responsibility and workload demanded from them. How did they manage it? According to Sir Carlo, Know your prioritiesTaking up masters degree is super challenging but almost everything in life is, so you should know how to balance everything out.

Ms. Margaret Penuela


Ms. Abigail Alviz

On the other hand, apart from managing work at school and graduate studies at the Ateneo, Ms. Marge shared, Mahirap para sa akin dahil ako yung nagpapa-aral sa sarili ko maraming projects at gastos. Moreover, she has a lot of foci to work on such as the requirements in the grad school and the responsibilities that LSQC demands. She also added, Nakakapanibago dahil dito, ako yung nasa harap nagtuturo tapos dun naman, ako yung nakaupo. Kumbaga, seeing the academe in a different light. When asked about the most difficult part in pursuing graduate studies, they say that the final exams and requirements were the worst. Not too mention were the one-night review sessions, research proposals and lots of too many to mention paper work. They also have to contend with health hazards as if that is not enough such as sickness bre shared. She believes that teachers should go on further research, not only to upgrade themselves, but also to improve the pedagogical system of the school. On the bright side, great things are the fruits of diligence and perseverance. Despite all the struggles, only one thing keeps them (Ms. Eyen and Sir Carlo) on their toes: a 4.0 GPAthe highest grade in DLSU, while for Ms. Marge, it is keeping good scholastic records to maintain her financial grant status. Ms. Angel, on the other hand, strives hard getting grades not lower than 2.0 in UP (which means only 1.0 or 1.5). She added that when her students appreciate what she teaches, it gives her the strength and endurance to go on despite all the hurdles. Moreover, they regard taking up further studies as something that flames up their passion for teaching as what Ms. Angel reiterated,

Love learning for it will lead you to three things: excellence, passion and success, which are marks of a true Lourdesian.

like nausea and vomiting. Some of you may also remember that Ms. Eyen had contracted Bells palsy December of last year. Aspiring for more is not like purchasing a new gadget and showing it off; it is an affirmation of what Ive learned, Ms. Penuela stressed. It adds up to your confidence as a professional. It means not being complacent, but being humble enough to accept new learning to improve ones self and eventually boost others through ones delivery of quality education. Because at the end of the day, we cannot give what we do not have, Mrs. Lum-

The love for teaching is congruent to the love for learning. Let us not forget too the thrill of walking up that pedestal, receiving your diploma, making your family proud and getting the fleet of benefits accompanying their masters degree. These are all the things that motivate them to keep going. All in all, pursuing further studies is an enriching experience and a milestone in their lives conquered with all the might and power they have on their sleeves hidden. As what Sir Carlo would put, The objective of the competition is not to defeat others but to bring out the best in you.

So, what?
Lourdesians might wonder why this whole thing is being discussed and all. Our teachers and administrators are students themselves who never stop learning. They will not stop from furthering their expertise and skills. We must always bear in our minds, as what Mrs. Requidan stated, Learning is a life-long process. It will neither stop from graduating with a degree nor with gaining titles like PhD, Atty., RN and the like. So what if we learn and learn and learn? Well, as what Third year English teacher Ms. Abigail Alviz, who is taking up Master of Arts in English Language Studies at the University of Santo Tomas shared, Love learning for it will lead you to three things: excellence, passion and success, which are marks of a true Lourdesian. Thou shall not stop from grasping extra edification, fellow Lourdesians! After all, excellence runs in our bloodline.



By Roi Boribor

bet you cant say the title five times in a fast pace. Joke. Well, the PEB Editorial board has come up with thirteen topics that we wildly believe have caused such a buzz or stir in our community, both the memorable events to shocking revelations. And just when topics have to trend nowadays with the internet generation at large, these very in hashtags, (#) have been sprouting across cyberspace. Undoubtedly, they become the basis of these topics. Not to get off topic, let me present the trends that seized our events and sparked our conversations.

Yet another level-up from the Science, Math, IMC, Library and English areas as they spearheaded its many activities and contests. Living up to its theme, Beyond Imagination, the SMILE Heroes Edition and Amazing Race has undoubtedly caused a buzz. Everybody also stirred as its villain, Dr. Doom, also made a shocking revelation to the school. The SMILE Week became a huge hit with everybody as they can be seen performing, running around and having a great time.

This year saw the much improved SAB taking a huge leap towards service to the students with the Campus Titan Radio setting the new norm during lunch breaks and even becoming an attention grabber with their cool DJs and good tunes to play out on campus. This new endeavour also paved way for homegrown talents to showcase theirs with the live acoustic performances performed infront. The Titan radio by the SAB has become a good way to sit back, relax, and enjoy good music while studying or chatting with friends during lunch breaks.

The Pax Et Bonum has taken a leap towards the digital natives age as they embarked on their latest big project: The PEB Online. PEB has archived, compiled and digitalized all previous works and gave updates as an online publication. This also features the Lourdesians of the Month, with excellence and service in their back pockets, a breather for freelance writing and of course, a section for doodles, scribbles and sketches.

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Who was this famous celeb seen walking down our hallways? Its none other than our very own alumnus Martin Del Rosario. He was the surprise judge of the recently concluded Slam N Jam of our seniors last December. Students in all four corners of the school had come to see the camera-exposed Martin in person. Photos of him with Lourdesian fans went viral over social networking sites for a month. But, Martin trended not only for his celebrity status and Lourdesian roots but also for his winning attitude.

#Slam N Jam
The core of being a senior includes the Slam N Jam experience. After returning from a two year hiatus, the Slam N Jam was the last taste for seniors to own the stage as they strut, dance and sing for the last time with the contest piece Road Less Travelled. IV- Justice Ninjas went home to win the much coveted honor and the bragging rights of title Champion and comeback kings.

A new rival of coffee has taken the whole world by storm. Milk tea is a new craze, not only for Lourdesians, but also for the Filipino mainstream. The different flavours of this health-drink has coffee running for their money. Both cheaper and booming, several milk tea stores have sprouted around the vicinity. Whether its classic or wintermelon, or chocolate or caramel, milk tea is a must for all with sweetened buds and sweet tooth out there.

Who would have known that the SMILE Heroes Editions Dr. Doom was a woman..more so our very own Mrs. Penny Pelayo of the Library Department? Everybody had been shocked by the revelation of the mysterious person donned in black. Dr. Doom had been an interesting question ever since the announcement began only to be revealed during the epic finale of the SMILE Heroes Edition. Dr. Doom was such a huge hit that students would address Maam Penny as Dr. Doom instead.


How can one forget the anticipation and excitement weeks before the OPC Relaunch when everyone was agog with the secret identity of this years ambassador? Questions were put to an end as the ever-stunning Math Teacher Ms. Cheyenne Mangaliman was crowned the OPC Ambassadress of this school year. Who would have known that a Math teacher will be assigned to promote the Oral Proficiency in English to students? Well she became a head turner with both her gorgeous appeal and her proficiency in English. Rock on Maam Cheyenne!

We have all witnessed again the return of this CAT activity for the seniors held at Camp Capinpin for three days and two nights. Students got to enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer, and got themselves ordered around at the same time: a winwin situation. But, nonetheless, seniors were able to experience both worlds: learn and train the hard way and relax and indulge in this camping trip that was set underneath the fair and sunny skies as well as the twinkling stars.

One of the latest hobbies and pastime of social networking netizens is the use of their phones, tablets and what-not as cameras for uploading photos. Instagram has become a sensation among this generation, especially the youth. Whether food, fashion or anything under the sun, one can just take a photo and upload it via the Instagram. A lot of Lourdesian teachers and students are hooked with this latest craze with photo uploads almost every minute (lol).


Staged last year, the tribute for St. Francis of Assisi has turned into a mega-blockbuster stage musical production from its humble beginnings as a simple and traditional play. This amazing feat was managed with collective effort and months to prepare. Staged to the rest of the community with students cast as main actors, they have received nothing but outstanding praises and good reviews. Will this be a new annual tradition for our fellow Lourdesians?

The advent of new technology continues to be donned by these known labels: IPhone and Android. They have become the mainstream must-have to survive the fits and fuss over the ever-changing trends. They are ones ultimate guide in the modern worldfrom directions to latest app, to latest fashion and food via Instagram, or simply passing precious time or responding to necessity. Even if it is prohibited in the campus, you know that a lot of Lourdesians have one or two; some have the latest.

#Museo Interaktibo
Much like the SMILE week, Makabayan- Filipino Week has donned a festive aura known as the Museo Interkatibo. This is another class effort in decorating, parading and showcasing to the school what they have to offer. The combination of food, costume and activities has given the school a chance to celebrate and fulfil the Filipino Spirit.


Inside a million-dollar-looking bag

by Ervan Fernando and Louis Arceo | Photos by Ervan Fernando and Louis Arceo
Have you ever thought of whats inside your teachers bags? The stuff they used? What makes their skin glowing? Or what techie gadgets they own? Weve raided your favourite teachers and administrators bag to have a sneak of whats stored inside. Take a look and wonder on the items .

Mrs. Cecilia Toledo

Cellular Phone Makeup Kit Burberry Wallet Eyeglasses Organizer Cellular Phone Charger Cologne Comb Tissue Wet Wipes Rosary Medicine

Mrs. Arlyne Hope Blanco

Planner Channel Wallet Coin Purse Medicines Flash Drive Cellular Phone Cellular Phone Charger Keys Identity Card Perfume Wet Wipes Lotion Ear Phones ATM Bank Cards Cash Social Security System Identity Card Teachers License Receipts Pictures Kikay Kit Laptop

Sir Carlo Dela Cruz

Cellular Phone Wallet Credit Card Umbrella Prayer Booklet (St. Jude) Detachable Keyboard Hard Drive Cologne Comb Nail Cutter Flash Drive Coupon Pens and Pencils Credit Card Bills Keys

Ms. Abigail Alviz

Coin Purse Wallet Kikay Kit Lotion Anti-aging Cream Make-up Kit Spray Mirror Comb Petroleum Jelly Lip Balm Foundation Concealer Mascara iPad Mini Lipstick University of Sto. Tomas Identification Card Pens Flash Drive Hair Clips Flash Drive Connector


Mrs. Leidy May Gomez Alnajes

Planner Folic Acid iPhone Calculator Pouch Card Holder Orange Digital Camera Spare Phone Swiss Knife Flashlight Watch CDs Make-up Kit

Ms. Rolinda Lumanlan

Cell Phone Charger Olay Moisturizer Message in a Bottle Pocket Kikay Kit Rosary Alcatel Cellular Phone Sony Ericson Cellular Phone Esprit Phone Sex and the City Movie Charles and Keith Bag Coffee Bean Planner Coloured Pens Hand Sanitizer Peppermint Candies Vaseline Moisturizer Coin Purse ATM Bank Card Health Card Coffee Bean Loyalty Card Lay Bare Card Comb Lipstick Lip Gloss Mascara Curler Maybelline all Lip and Cheek Stain Mirror

Ms. Cheyenne Mangaliman

iPhone Blackberry Phone Identification Card License Cash Laptop Rug XoXo Glasses Comb Shu Uemura Lash Curl Maybelline Curved Brush Bobby Brown Brush Mini Lotion Bath and Body Maybelline Concealer Estee Lauder Brush Revlon Color Stay Revlon Blush Kenneth Cole Wallet Kenneth Cole Pouch Kenneth Cole Coin Purse Kenneth Cole Bag Lucky Charm Wallet Lucky Charms Tommy Hilfiger Keys Rosary XoXo Stand Up mirror G-Tech Pens of all Colours Banana Republic Perfume Jesus Lucky Charm Beabi Fan (gift from JaJa) Maybeline Mascara Guess Watch Lacoste Shoes Marks and Spencer Top

Ms. Katherine Manarang

Pouch(charger usb mouse) Kikay kit Family day payment Alcohol Dulcelin gourment specialties Sanitizer Powder Comb Gucci wallet Topshop purse Make up remover Medicine kit Car key Cologne Mabuhay miles card ID Face towel Hand wash Pictures

Sir Edzel Gonzales

Casio Watch Gucci Wallet Sun Card BPI Card Hand Sanitizer Bills Coin Pouch Samsung Cellular Phone Sony Ericson Cellular Phone Swiss Knife Regatta Perfume

Mrs. Rola Urmaza Make up kit Calculator Wallet Umbrella Rosary Body spray Prayer book Pieces of jewelry Id Coin purse Mint candy

Ms. Margaret Penuela

Magic pouch Usb Powder Post it Card organizer Toothbrush Ballpens Atm Key Rosary Coin purse Pin (perdible) Eyeliner Toothpaste Cologne

Ms. Elviza Godinez

Medicine Kit Bag of Necessities Tic Tac Candies Alcohol Dental Floss Powder Comb Identification Card Umbrella Tissue Notebook Wallet Make-up Kit Pencil Case Swiss Knife Toilet Seat Cover


productive but fun

by Rain Valencia | Photos by Justin Tajon

How to make your summer vacation

After a long hectic school year, the summer vacation had finally begun. Tis the time to reward yourself for the hard work youve exerted during the school year. Its that time of the year when you may be caught up with the idea of staying at home and playing computer games all day long as break from the rigorous school year that was. With less responsibilities and demands, one can just enjoy the free time and freedom for the next eight weeks or so. So what do you plan to do during the summer? How do you make the most of it to have an enjoyable, regret-free summer vacation? And how can you make the best of summer, combining the best of both worlds fun and productivity? These tips can help you have a productive, pleasant, and meaningful summer vacation.

could volunteer to walk your neighbours dogs or you could serve at your own local church. In that way, you would be able to stay in contact with friends, have a great sense of accomplishment, stay active, and even help others! Tip

no.4 Travel with your friends/family

Summer break is the perfect opportunity to travel. Travelling to new places is a sure-fire way to have a memorable summer vacation. Why not go somewhere new and experience something new? Grab a couple of friends and go discover and explore new locations. Not only would you learn more about these locations but you also get to spend time with your loved ones. Remember to take lots of pictures of these precious memories. Relax and have fun!

Tip no.1 Join a summer workshop

A fun and productive way to spend your summer vacation is to join a summer workshop. If you love to paint or enjoy playing basketball, why dont you join a workshop? Not only would you get to enhance your skills but you also get to make new friends and learn new techniques. Another bright side is that you have a lot of time to practice and put your skill to use!

Tip no.5 Spend time outside

Dont just sit there and waste your time in front of the computer. Go outside and have some fun! Its time to breathe in fresh air and wander about with nature. You could go to the park and have a picnic with your friends; go cycling or wall climbing. There is so much beauty in the world to see. So go ahead and step outside! t

Tip no.2 Get a summer job/venture in a

Having a summer job is a fun and profitable way to spend ones vacation. Not only do you get to have fun and meet new people but you also get to earn money during this time. For instance, you could set up a lemonade stand or you could make your own product such as bracelets and pins and then sell it. Chances are it could be discovered and you could gain a lot of profit from it. You could also use up the money youve earned for other fun endeavours.

Tip no.3 Volunteer

Volunteering is a charitable and rewarding way to spend time over the summer. Take a challenge and do acts of kindness by lending a helping hand to your neighbours. Volunteering doesnt have to be a full time commitment; the time that you share someone in need will surely be appreciated. You

Janine Colette Marasigan

Tip no.6 Read a book/write a story
If you are a bookworm, then summer is the perfect time for you to finish those books that you have been keeping on your bookshelf for ages. A fun and educational way to spend your summer is to read a book. Reading books gives you a chance to break free from mundane outer reality. It lets you transport to another dimension with just the use of imagination. The advantages of reading books include; helping you improve your vocabulary of words; helps you become more imaginative and also keeps your brain active. It is also a great way of beating boredom; once you become engrossed in a good book, you can lose track of time. So I suggest that you grab an interesting book this summer and read up!

Tip no.10 Spend time with your family and friends

What better way to spend your summer vacation than spending it with your loved ones? After a stressful school year, this summer is the chance to catch up with your friends and bond with your family. Make some time for your loved ones; they are probably the only people who will never leave your side no matter what, so show them that you appreciate them. Its worth it and its something everyone should do this summer. Go on a picnic with your mom, walk the dog with your sisters and/ or brothers, visit your cousins and enjoy some special time just to show your love. Summer will come and go before you know it. Make sure you are keeping busy and doing more than just sitting and watching television. If you stay busy and make the most of your summer vacation, you may surprise yourself with what you can accomplish. Dont just sit there and do nothing. Make the most of your summer vacation and have a fun and fulfilling on.

Tip no.7 Try something new

If you have always love basketball, why not try playing the piano? Challenge yourself this summer to learn something different that you know nothing whatsoever about and explore your hidden talents. Youll have a lot of time to practice and put your skill into use during your summer vacation.

Tip no.8 Create a blog

Blogging is a great way to beat boredom during summer. You could post pictures of yourself and your loved ones or you could even create text posts about your travels or anything you want to share and express. You could even gather up some friends and post videos of yourselves. Have fun blogging!

Tip no.9 Redecorate

Time to clean up the mess and redecorate your room! Change the colour of your walls; relocate your things; and throw away all the trash. You could even donate your unused stuff to those who are in need of it. You could also gather some pictures of your friends and family or anything significant to you and make it into a collage so you could post it on your wall. Or better yet, call up some of your close friends so you could redecorate and have fun together.

Margaux Andrea Morales

Aaron Cruz

John Alec Geronimo

Allana Sophia Moya


In A Few Moments
By Roi Anton Boribor | Photos by Alyssa Medina


In a few moments, they would say goodbye But I dont want them to see me cry In a few moments, they will take a grand bow To speak their hearts right now

I dont want them to go away In my abandoned heart, warm memories lay When I enter this lonely, dark room Where sad thoughts and tears loom


In a few moments, they would disappear To carry the world alone, I would fear The cringe in my heart squeezed me little by little In a few moments, they would move away and settle

In a few moments, they would cross the gate The gate in which I would see them be late In a few moments I would sit upon The chairs that were sat by those who are gone


In a few moments I would read The messages that I need To hold me tight, to tell me it would be okay But they will be gone starting today I am not ready to become what they have been I am not ready to experience what they have seen But in a few moments, I would need to grow up

Because in a few moments, them being here would stop


The Big 5
By Coleen Recio | Photos By Alyssa Medina Insight or foresight
Jasper: foresight Alain: foresight Christian: foresight Alija: foresight Steven: insight

Fast Talk
Alain: beyond the lines Christian: beyond the lines Alija: beyond the lines Steven: between the lines Jasper: phone call Alain: phone call Christian: picture Alija: phone call Steven: phone call

Cry or shout
Jasper: cry Alain: cry Christian: shout Alija: shout Steven: cry

Picture or phone call

Jasper: perfect memory Alain: perfect memory Christian: perfect memory Alija: perfect memory tSteven: perfect memory

Have a perfect memory or truly forget the worst things in your life

Fight or conquer
Jasper: conquer Alain: conquer Christian: conquer Alija: conquer Steven: fight Jasper: future Alain: future Christian: future Alija: future Steven: past

Past or Future

Pen or sword
Jasper: pen Alain: pen Christian: pen Alija: sword Steven: pen

Know everything or have no idea at all

Jasper: know everything Alain: know everything Christian: know everything Alija: know everything Steven: know everything

Forgive or forget
Jasper: forget Alain: forgive Christian: forgive Alija: forget Steven: forgive

Scale of 1-10: Stress on a hell week

Jasper: 7 Alain: 10 Christian: 2 Alija: 6 #YOLO Steven: 10

Read between the lines or beyond the lines

Jasper: beyond the lines

Jasper: logic Alain: Smile (and most difficult to be seen) Christian: Me Alija: Flexibility Steven: Eyes Jasper: Not good in drawing/tends to procrastinate Alain: Perfectionism, Over Emotional Christian: Being a procrastinator Alija: Over thinking things sometimes. Steven: Love Jasper: sweets, pizza, siomai, Filipino (sweet) delicacies Alain: Street Food. Barbeque ng Don Manuel,

Greatest asset

Fish Ball at Buko Shake ng Kanlaon, Porkchopsilog ng Lourdes Snack. Christian:AdobongManok Alija:Mcdonalds Fries with Hot Fudge Sundae Steven: chocolate

Christian: Mr. Carlo dela Cruz Alija: Sir Carlo Dela Cruz Steven: Sir Marvs, Sir Carlo and Ms. Kath Jasper: Filipino Alain: PE. CL/VE, English and Filipino Christian: Science and Technology Alija: Math, naturally. Steven: Math and Filipino Jasper: PEB Room Alain: PEB Room: where it all started. Christian: Comfort Room Alija: SAB Room Steven: PEB Room andRm. 202

Best friend-subject

Fatal flaw

If youre a book, what would be the title?

Jasper: More than the weight Alain: This Takes Hard Work Christian: The Proof Alija: Tip of the Iceberg Steven: Untitled

Favorite room in LSQC

Comfort food

Jasper: Sir Marvin Alain: Ms.Genny, Ms.Cai, Maam Gege, Ms.Rholen, Sir De Paps Boss

Best friend-teacher

Jasper: That Im snobbish Alain: There are a lot and they include Maangas, Mayabang, Masungit, Snobbish. Christian: Having no serious side Alija: Im a snobbish dude. Steven: Im boring. Jasper: Diet starts tomorrow Alain: Im a great dancer and an awesome singer Christian: Saying that I didnt review the lesson at all but in reality, studied 24/7. Alija: Its a tie between Ill begin dieting tomorrow and I will finally ditch procrastination. Steven: Smiling at times of confusion Jasper: I never learned to draw (hanggang

What is one misconception about you?

stickman lang) Alain: Playing things and living life too safe Christian: Having no As in conduct. Alija: Not being active during my Sophomore and Junior year. Steven: Choosing love over family. Jasper: I tend to trust too much and to be gullible Alain: Listening too much to the opinion of the people around me. In the end, what they say doesnt even matter. It definitely hindered me from becoming the best that I could be. Christian: Being a class clown, I think. Alija: Yearned to grow up fast, too fast. Steven: Falling in love at the wrong time. Jasper: Secret Alain: If I reveal this, would it still be a secret? Christian: Secret. Alija: I judge people quick and let people

know my judgement subtly with my actions. Steven: I admire Ms May. Ms. K and Ms.Gege

One realization that you never thought youll realize?

Alain: I never realized that I could realize just how blessed and fortunate I am compared to others despite the many trials and setbacks that I have gone through. Christian: That I can stand in front of a crowd without shaking Alija: Being yourself wont simply please everyone you like. Sometimes, wearing a mask helps in achieving your goals. A word of caution though a mask is a double-edged sword; proper use can be quite beneficial but wear it for too long and you may never be able to remove it which means losing your genuine personality. Steven: That I can reach this far.


What was your biggestlie?



1 Jasper

2 Alain

3 Christian 4 Alija
Unforgettable moment: Walking down the aisle of NSOLL and seeing all my batchmates smiling because well be graduating all together despite all the issues and problems we faced

5 Steven

Embrace each moment

Awestruck moment: The moments that I was informed that I aced the Big Four (UP, UST, ADMU and DLSU) LOL moment: Each time when bonding with friends Ew moment: Each time na may uutot sa klase Kilig moment: Nginitian ka niya at nag-hi siya sayo Im-giving-up moment: Tons of things to do which results to sleepless nights

Awestruck moment: Having passed the BIG FOUR Universities LOL moment: During Mathematics class Ew moment: Farting session with some Lourdesians in Baguio Kilig moment: Binati ni crush ng Congrats! Im-giving-up moment: Sabay-sabay na requirements na animoy pang isang buong taon na Grabe! Moment: Nag-aral ng mabuti para sa quiz pero true or false type lang pala Unforgettable moment/s: Isyu Koryo and Slam N Jam practices

which was so unexpected Im-giving-up moment: SMILE+ Slam n Jam + Really Heavy Workload + Quiz week Grabe! Moment: When I failed a quiz because of not following one direction which I hardly even recognized as a mistake. Grabe! Unforgettable moment: Passing the UPCAT which meant having aced the big 4

Awestruck moment: Seeing famous Lourdesian alumni namely Martin Del Rosario and JM De Guzman, Knowing famous people like David Guison is a Lourdesian, Talking to Mr. FU at a mall, trying to get him as the emcee of the Dance Night, as in just approaching him casually, as if I knew him on a personal level. LOL moment: Everytime my bros from Coz mess with each other. LAUGHTRIP! As in! Ew moment: While eating lunch, I saw the armpit of a female student with hair. EWWW! Kilig moment: 11-11-11: Teen Talk Im-giving-up moment: Every single quiz in Geometry during my Junior Year Grabe! Moment: Winning nine awards in various contests while representing the PEB and LSQC. Each and every one of those nine made me say Grabe! in varying tones.

Awestruck moment: Witnessing the Slam N Jam performances of each section LOL moment: Whenever I`m with my friends Ew moment: Crew cut days Kilig moment: Watched movies with *insert name here* Im-giving-up moment: COCC training Grabe!moment: When bombarded with too many requirements Unforgettable moment: When Mrs. Blanco recognized me as the top 5 of the batch in front of all my batch mates
Jasper: No Alain: Yes Christian: Yes, LSQC is likewise ready to send me out to the real world. Alija: Yes Steven: No

Awestruck moment: When Mrs. Blanco called my name after mentioning the second honourable mention is.. LOL moment: When someone threw a box at me while I was rejoicing Ew moment: Being stuck with someone undesirable, very undesirable Kilig moment: Receiving a lengthy letter from a crush

YES or NO? Are you ready to say good bye?


Hashtag it
@jaspercruz: Akala mo ikaw yung kinakausap kaya sumagot ka #EpicFail @renzoaycardo: Whenever I am tasked to dance or sing (gets even worse when both are assigned. Hahaha!)#EpicFail @chrisfapata: Mababaka sa quiz dahil mali numbering mo. #EpicFail @AlijaPandapatan: I thought my crush was going to talk to me so I responded not knowing then that she was talking to an employee behind me. #EpicFail @steevencruz: Entering the hallway of other school during the retreat #EpicFail chance of winning relies on you Kung anomanangsabihinnila, as long as ginawamoang tama, hindimonakasalanan kung ayawnilasayo#QuoteYourFave-

@chrisfapata: #ColeenRecio =)))))

@steevencruz: Makalat na bag #Ayo-

--@jaspercruz: Nalimutan mo yung dapat
mong gawin/dalhin #UhOh @renzoaycardo: Ang sinasabi kapag nahuhuling may ginagawang masama! Hahahaha! #UhOh @chrisfapata: El Fili at Noli scenario: NABASA KO TO E, ANO NGA ULIT YUN? NAKALIMUTAN KO NA. #UhOh @AlijaPandapatan: I was criticizing a classmate oblivious to the fact that he was behind me the whole time. #Uh-Oh @steevencruz: Going home late #UhOh

@chrisfapata: Sanaynamanakonabinabaliwala eh. & From the movie

@AlijaPandapatan: #AntonBryGab-

@steevencruz: Thanks for giving me
the chance to express and prove myself, PEB#hashtag

@AlijaPandapatan: Sanaynamanakomaghintaysawala eh.#QuoteYour-

--@jaspercruz: Mag-exercise ka / Papayat

ka na #IGetThatALot @renzoaycardo: IKAW na! Paanomonagagawalahatyun? IDOL! #IGetThatALot @chrisfapata: Yung sinasawaykasapagiging talkative. #IGetThatALot @AlijaPandapatan: Panokanagma-mass? or Pano mass reflection mo?

@steevencruz: Sanay naman
akong kinakalimutan eh Sir Carlo

---@jaspercruz: Over slept when there are

tons of things to do

--@jaspercruz: #IDontCareAbout
what backstabbers say about me.


@renzoaycardo: The feeling when you

dont get what you want after giving all that you can #Crap @chrisfapata: SURPRISE QUIZZES

@renzoaycardo: #IDontCareAbout
what other people say about me. Im just going to do my thing.

--@jaspercruz: Full effort ka pero walang

naka-appreciate #OuchMuch @renzoaycardo: When she chose him over me. </3 Hahahaha! But were good friends, all three of us. ;) #OuchMuch @chrisfapata:Yung binigyan mo siya ng regalo nung christmas party pero ikaw, hindi ka niya naalala. #OuchMuch @AlijaPandapatan: Admiring someone for so long without making a move then that someone has found another one.

@steevencruz: Negative and positive
feedback #IGetThatALot

@AlijaPandapatan: I slept in Physics class
and woke up with no one inside the classroom except Ms.Lumanlan. Turned out the whole class played a prank on me.#Crap @steevencruz: Election campaign

@chrisfapata: #IDontCareAbout
having no girlfriend in H.S. Madami pa naman sa college eh. :P

--@jaspercruz: Hindi ka pa handang magpaalam #AyokoTo @renzoaycardo: Sobrang daming arte

@AlijaPandapatan: #IDontCare-

ABout criticisms which I know deep inside,

are not true.


---@jaspercruz: The popular is not always
right #QuoteYourFaveTeacher @renzoaycardo: Let nature take its course Lifes a gamble; half of the

@steevencruz: #IDontCareAbout
money inside my wallet.

@chrisfapata: Saying goodbye to my

alma mater which Ive been part of for 12 years. #AyokoTo @AlijaPandapatan: Mga taong pa-importante or maangas pero wala namang ibubuga. #AyokoTo

@steevencruz: Heartaches

--(mention someone) @jaspercruz: #PaxetBonum @renzoaycardo: #13ATCH: Unfor-


Final Message


As I utter my goodbyes to this school that has been already my home, I want to thank Mrs.Alnajes for being always there at times that I needed someone to talk to, Mr.Dela Cruz for being a good friend yet a great teacher and of course, Mr. de Pano for training me to become the best that I can be. I would also want express my dearest gratitude to all the teachers that inspired and pushed me to reach this far. I would have not done this without your help and guidance. To my batch mates, thank you for all the memories that we have shared together. I would never ever forget my high school life because of the priceless gift that God has given me--my friends. I promise that I would forever be the Steven that everyone knew.

The memories that I have received from my beloved Lourdes will forever be etched in my heart and mind until the day I depart from this world. To the undergrads, I hope that you realize that you still have time to seize every day and make the best out of your high school life. I hope that you shall not have many what ifs once its your turn to receive your diploma. To 13atch and to my teachers, I thank you for making my run in LSQC a good and memorable one. Our time together may have run its course but I shall not say farewell for I know that our paths will intertwine once again in the future. I now yearn for the day but for now, I wish you the best of luck for the bright future you all will have.



First of all, thank you L.S.Q.C. for completing my high school life. I know that our years together were not smooth at all but youve been with me all throughout. You made me the person whom I never thought I could be. Without you, change in me wouldnt be possible. Thank you for entrusting me the title, Lourdesian. After 12 long years, I believe that the rightful time has come for me to leave and trudge the remaining trails of my life; but sadly, I have to do it on my own. I promise that Ill always bring with me all your teachings and carry all our memories together. And, believe me when I say that youll always be in my heart. I will forever be proud of being a blue-blooded Titan! Lourdes Forever!

I guess this marks the beginning of the end. Though its difficult to say goodbye to my second home for the past 12 years, I leave its halls with a smile on my face because of the many things it has taught melessons that will be essential as I journey on with my life. As I walk past these portals, I shall forever have Lourdes in my heart wherever fate takes me. Ill surely miss the administrators, faculty and employees of this school and of course, Id also miss the company of 4-Wisdom, Coz and the entire 13ATCH- the people who have, one way or another, been a huge part what I am now.


Jasper: LSQC was not my second home, it is the extension of my home I would like to thank LSQC, my teachers, my friends and

my classmates who have played a big part in my journey (for the past 11 years). The several opportunities the school has provided me honed the Jasper, honed who I am right now. The experiences I have had in this institution will forever be treasured. Yes, it is difficult for me to bid farewell but I know that my alma mater has armed me with knowledge and values that will suffice for me to survive in the big world out there


Behind the Bylines

by Alain Lorenzo Aycardo
Its been 4 years since we first entered the portals of Lourdes School Quezon City. We came in as totoys and nenes clueless of what high school brings. Admit it or not, weve always dreamed of how this short stage in our life would transpire. In the span of one thousand four hundred sixty days, weve been able to go through so many things that have transformed us as a binata and dalaga in our own right. Who here still remembers Sabayang Pagbigkas from our Freshmen days? That contest taught us that for us to succeed in high school and life in general, we must learn to become a team and live by the idea of unity. How about our trip to Bauan, Batangas? Aside from all the fun that we had, it taught us that life is as vast as the ocean, where one has to have courage in treading the path unknown. Full of doubt, uncertainty and insecurity, we had our baptism of fire at the Juniors Party. I must say that we were looking dapper in our suits and gowns last year, transforming into ladies and oOo I never imagined that I would be getting the best of both worlds as they say during my stay in Lourdes. Who wouldnt love to be the Student Advisory Board President and a multi-awarded journalist of the Pax Et Bonum at the same time? But all of these wouldnt be possible if not for the people who supported and gave me the chance to do these. I wont be mentioning God, our Father anymore because its obvious that everything comes from Him and my parents because without them, I wouldnt be here. Lets skip to the real dedication. Id like to thank first and foremost, my second father, Sir Marvin de Pano. If it werent for him, the person who played a pivotal role in my jump to the SAB, I wouldnt have been able to be of service to the Lourdesians for the past 10 months. Hes also the PEB Publications Adviser that had continually trusted me to represent Lourdes School

Fate has been really good to me

times throughout high school. Youve rejoiced and celebrated with me in triumph but more importantly, you were there to console and give me words of encouragement in defeat. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the NTP and the maintenance personnel composed of Kuya Joven, Kuya Domeng, Ate Monica, Kuya Jake, Kuya Greg, Kuya Joel and Ate Dang who were all vital pieces to the success of the Student Advisory Boards projects and activities for this year. They were the ones who lent a helping hand, whether it be through lending us materials or by being there to supervise our use of equipment. Whenever I stayed up late in campus, just to finish my academic and extra-curricular responsibilities, the Men In Blue always kept me safe. I salute the brave men who sacrifice their lives everyday for the sake of each and every Lourdesian. From Sir Arnold Lanuzo, Kuya Ronald Mahinay, Kuya Edwin Tubat, Kuya Donald Balgoma, Kuya Jerry Dacdac, Kuya Manny Paguel, Kuya Edwin

Seniors, weve been through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad times and through our highs and lows. Weve faced fear and adversity head on and together as one batch, as one family. 184 students came in to the Fourth Year level and so will 184 graduate together and that is something that I am proud of my batch.
gentleman full of confidence even just for a night. But perhaps the most memorable and most difficult that has happened to us in high school is Senior Year. The past 10 months has been a simulation of what the real world is. It has been a preview of what to expect beyond the halls of our Alma Mater. It may have been 10 months of hardships and trials, but it was definitely worth it as we stand here today, celebrating the fruits of our hard work and labor. One way or another, these things have enkindled the inner light in each of us. Seniors, weve been through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad times and through our highs and lows. Weve faced fear and adversity head on and together as one batch, as one family. 184 students came in to the Fourth Year level and so will 184 graduate together and that is something that I am proud of my batch. Let us shine in our own light and be a guiding star to those who have lost their way and are trying to find their way back. As we radiate the light of God, our Father, we have become shining stars, bringing light to the darkness of the world through Christian Leadership rooted from Gospel Brotherhood. As Lourdesians, let us continue to live by the examples of Saint Francis of Assisi and Our Lady of Lourdes towards the realization of our mission- to become like Christ. I salute each and every one of you, Batch 2013. Pax Et Bonum! in various journalism tilts and fortunately, his confidence in me bore awards and feats not only for my name, but for the entire community. I would like to thank the Seniors and the entire Lourdesian community for always being at my back, supporting me in every step of the way. You have all been my inspiration as I was drafting all those project proposals and activities that I hope, one way or another, have made your final year a little bit better and more fun. You have made me smile with the heartwarming comments that you tell me whenever I see you in the halls. Whenever Im not in good spirits, you make me laugh with your antics. For that, I thank you, Seniors! To my ladies (HAHAHAHA!), Ms. Genny, Ms. Cai, Ms. Rholen, Maam Gege, who have been good friends to me throughout my stay in Lourdes, I appreciate all that youve done for me. From the advices about love and relationship, to consoling me when Im down and out, you have been my ates (since all of you are still young. :D) in Lourdes School Quezon City. To my coaches, Sir Jesus Romeo Verayo, Sir Marlon Carranza and Sir JC Alnajes, thank you for giving me the opportunity to play my favorite sport and be a part of the varsity team. Your trust in me has built the confidence that I now possess in dealing with others around me. To my classmates from Wisdom and friends from Coz and IXI, I owe to you the smiles that I have smiled throughout the year. You have been with me in the best of times and in the worst of Tresvalles, Kuya Rey Navarro, Kuya Carlito Ayubo and Kuya Nostradamus Valencia though you guys may not really be Lourdesians in title, but youll always be Lourdesians at heart. I may be leaving the halls of Lourdes School Quezon City to head for the wider horizons beyond my current boundaries, but never will I forget the values and virtues that this institution has taught me. The walls that I currently pass by every day have witnessed how much Ive transformed and matured to become the person that I am right now. Its been 12 years since I first entered Lourdes School and I have never had any regrets on the school I chose. Ive bled blue and white almost all my life and I am proud to don such colors because these symbolize excellence. This will be the last column that I will ever write- as a former Editor of the Pax Et Bonum, as the current Student Advisory Board President and as a Lourdesian forever. Yet I have no regrets nor pain in my heart for, as they say, goodbyes are not the end rather they are just the beginning. I do not know what tomorrow brings but one things for sure; I am a Lourdesian that aims to become Like Christ towards the realization of Christian Leadership and Gospel Brotherhood, through the achievement of Excellence, Holiness and Service.







From Left to Right: Jasper Cruz, Joseph Lemuel Novilunio, Ver Adrian Viaa, Timothy Ilog, Gerardo Jose Izon, Alija Rowie Schailey Pandapatan, Gio Angelo Lagrosa, Alain Lorenzo Aycardo, Owen John Shermin Ignacio



From Left to Right (TOP): Alain Aycardo, Bryan Del Castillo, Gio Lagrosa, Justin Tumang, Christian Paul Tappa, Richard Fronda, Nina Caballero, Jasper Cruz, Jeric Carolino, Martin Arkoncel, Jomel Novilunio, Owen Ignacio, Thad Nuel Natividad From Left to Right (BOTTOM): Oliver Atienza, Ervan Fernando, Robert Basiloa, Louis Rodolfo Arceo, Jeremie Magno, Alija Pandapatan

University of the Philippines College Admission Test Passers

From Left to Right: Oliver Atienza, Christian Paul Tappa, Jeric Carolino, Jasper Cruz, Alain Aycardo, Bryan Del Castillo, Alija Pandapatan

Ateneo de Manila University College Entrance Test Passers

From Left to Right (TOP): Jasper Cruz, Marc Valencia, Gab Garcia, Veronica Angeles, Justin Tumang, Jeric Carolino, Denzell Rodriguez From Left to Right (Middle): Francis James Verayo, John Chua, Paolo David, Alain Aycardo, Tim Ilog, Owen Ignacio, Alec Sunga, Bryan Del Castillo From Left to Right (BOTTOM): Karol Perez, Robert Basiloa, Ervan Fernando, Oliver Atienza, Christian Paul Tappa, Alija Pandapatan, Jeremie Magno, Anthony Ansay, Andrei Gamboa

De La Salle University College Entrance Test Passers

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