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DNA for Next Generation Mobile Networks

DNA for Next Generation Mobile Networks


TeleDNA Application-To-Person SMSC (A2P SMSC)

TeleDNA Application-To-Person SMSC (A2P SMSC)

The increase in Application originated short message traffic has become a real challenge for Mobile Operators having conventional SMSCs. The Conventional SMSCs were deployed to handle non-burst, person-to-person and premium applicationto-person traffic. The delivery of premium content message played a vital role in the operator's business model for generating additional revenues. Use of conventional SMSCs to deliver promotional application-to-person messages can hamper normal P2P traffic. To offload this burst of high traffic from conventional SMSCs, there is a need for deploying A2P SMSC. The Mobile Operators can use A2P SMSC to push promotional bulk short messages to mobile subscribers.

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TeleDNA Application-to-person SMSC (A2P SMSC) enables the Telecom Operator to push bulk SMS messages such as text based service promotions, promotional messages, billing details to all mobile subscribers. Commercial Grade Platform TeleDNA A2P SMSC is a fully redundant, fault tolerant, scalable carrier grade platform. TeleDNA A2P SMSC is commercially deployed and operational in Tier-1 Mobile operators. Deployable in GSM, CDMA and UMTS Networks TeleDNA A2P SMSC can be deployed in 2G, 2.5G and 3G (GSM/CDMA) networks. TeleDNA A2P SMSC is standards compliance platform. Better Price to Performance Ratio TeleDNA A2P SMSC is built on robust, industry standard, carrier grade, off the shelf hardware platforms. This yields better price to performance ratio, reducing the cost of ownership to Operators. Scalable and Cost Effective Business Models TeleDNA offers flexible business model for deployment of A2P SMSC, based on the specific requirements of the Operator.


Telecom Network Operator will need an A2P SMSC to: Off load Application to Person Bulk Traffic on Conventional SMSCs ! Control the delivery of bulk push SMS messages ! Schedule and control the duration of bulk push SMS messages ! The promotional short message are pushed to mobile subscriber based on do-not-disturb flag ! Monitor the status of bulk short messages and generate MIS reports

TeleDNA A2P SMSC Network Integration

TeleDNA A2P SMSC is designed to be deployed in GSM/CDMA Telecom Networks and integrate with the Network Elements on SS7 / SIGTRAN interface.

2G/2.5G/3G GSM Network






External ESMEs Internal ESMEs Longcode SMSGw






Operator WAN/LAN

SMSC DND Database Mediation/ Billing Server







CDMA Network

TeleDNA Application-To-Person SMSC (A2P SMSC)

TeleDNA A2P SMSC Interfaces: Multiple Logins for same ESME Short Code: The ESMEs can connect to A2P SMSC with a unique System Id for each SMPP connection. The A2P SMSC routes the acknowledgement and delivery receipt to appropriate ESME who actually submitted the Broadcast Request. Multiple Assigned Short Codes for same ESME Short Code: The Operator can assign mulitiple short codes for the same ESME short code. Integration with External DND Database: TeleDNA A2P SMSC provides LDAP interface for integrating with external DND Database. The A2P SMSC will query the DND Database prior to short message delivery to mobile subscriber. Multilingual Short Message Support: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports Multilingual Short Message to bulk mobile subscribers originated from Broadcast Application Users (Administrator, ESMEs). Admin Portal: The Operator can use user friendly Admin Portal GUI to: - Provision Broadcast Application Users (Support Users, ESMEs) - Configure ESME Retry Policy - Configure Content based text filters - Configure block-out time (System Wide / ESME Short Code Wise) Message Modes: The Broadcast Application Users (Support Users, ESMEs) can submit the short message having the message mode: - Store and forward mode only - Datagram mode only - Transaction mode only Store and forward mode: TeleDNA A2P SMSC will store the short message. When the short message delivery has resulted in temporary error the redelivery is attempted based on the defined Retry Policy Datagram / Transaction mode: TeleDNA A2P SMSC treats the short message for instantaneous delivery. When the short message delivery has resulted in temporary error the TeleDNA A2P SMSC will not attempt for redelivery

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A2P SMSC integrates with Network Elements (STP / GwMSC / SSTP) on SS7 / SIGTRAN interface. A2P SMSC provides SMPP V3.4 / 5.0, CIMD2, EMI-UCP HTTP and web based HTTP interface for ESMEs. A2P SMSC integrates with Mediation / Billing Server on FTP interface A2P SMSC integrates with Operator's Network Management System (NMS) on SNMP V2.0 interface A2P SMSC integrates with external database / DND centralized database server on LDAP / HTTP interface A2P SMSC integrates with operator's SMSCs, Longcode SMSGw on SMPP V3.4 / 5.0, CIMD2, EMI-UCP HTTP and web based HTTP interface

TeleDNA A2P SMSC Key Values

Integration With Mobile Network: TeleDNA A2P SMSC can be deployed in GSM (2G, 2.5G), UMTS (3G) and CDMA networks. The A2P SMSC integrates with the Mobile Network elements: STP / GwMSC / SSTPs on standard SS7 and SIGTRAN SUA/M3UA interface. The SS7 interface can be configured for SSL or HSL interface on E1 / T1 interface. MAP Version Support: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports GSM MAP V1, V2 and V3 versions. The system supports auto fallback and hence no integration hassles GPRS Message Delivery: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports the GPRS short message delivery for mobile subscribers who are latched to GPRS network Broadcast Application Users: The Operator can provision Broadcast Application users (ESMEs, Support Users) by using a user friendly GUI. The ESMEs are uniquely identified by a short code on SMPP session / connection. Broadcast Scheduling: Users can connect to the A2P SMSC using standard interfaces and schedule broadcast messages to single mobile subscriber or multiple mobile subscribers. Bulk Push SMS messages: The web based Broadcast Application users can upload the mobile subscriber list in a flat file and also can provide specific short message text for each mobile subscriber or a common short message text for all mobile subscribers.

TeleDNA Application-To-Person SMSC (A2P SMSC)

Lengthier Short Message Support: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports lengthier short message originated from ESMEs. The lengthier messages are segmented and sequentially delivered to end mobile users. WAP Push Message Support: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports WAP Push messages to bulk mobile subscribers originated from Broadcast Application Users (Administrator, ESMEs). Global Retry policy: TeleDNA A2P SMSC provides Global Retry Policy. The A2P SMSC will retry the short messages based on the defined Retry Policy. Retry Policy for ESME Account: TeleDNA A2P SMSC provides Retry Policy for an ESME account. The Retry Policy can be defined Per System Id wise. The A2P SMSC will retry the short message based on the defined Retry Policy. MIS Reports: TeleDNA A2P SMSC provides Business Intelligence Tool (BIT) to provide rich MIS reports such as: Broadcast batch wise statistics. Total Submitted, Delivered, Undelivered and Expired - Hour, Day, Month wise statistics Operation and Maintenance: TeleDNA A2P SMSC provides Remote Administrator Maintenance Tool (RAMT) tool. The Operator can monitor the A2P SMSC server status. The RAMT provides the following operations for an Operator: Operator can start/stop the A2P SMSC servers - Operator can monitor the alarms generated by the A2P SMSC - Operator can view the network connectivity status Integration with operator's NMS on SNMP interface: TeleDNA A2P SMSC supports north bound SNMP V2.0 interface for integration with Operators NMS systems. SS7 / SIGTRAN Configuration: TeleDNA A2P SMSC system allows SS7 / SIGTRAN configuration the configuration changes are dynamically reflected. 24 X7 Product Support: 24X7 support is provided by TeleDNA Customer Care.

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The materials presented here are summary in nature, subject to change, and intended for general information only. For further information, email us at Copyright 2007-08 TeleDNA Inc. All rights reserved. All denoted product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.



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