Project On Soft Drinks

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A question was asked to the consumers whether they consume soft drinks or not and the following are the results.


The above table depicts that 95% of the consumers consume soft drinks.

Consumption of soft drink


Yes No 95%

2. A question was asked to the consumers to know how often they consume

ATTRIBUTES No. OF Daily Twice in a week Once in a week Once in a month

RESPONDENTS OF % RESPONDENTS 32 34% 43 13 07 45% 14% 07%

The above table depicts that 45% of the consumers consume soft drink twice in a week and the major percentage of consumers consume soft drink daily.

How often consume

7% 14% 34% Daily Twice in a week Once in a week 45% Once in a month

3. A question was asked to the consumers that about their favourite soft drink and the following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. OF RESPONDENTS % OF RESPONDENTS Coca-Cola 14 15% ThumsUp Sprite Pepsi 7 up Dew Others 34 03 33 02 03 06 36% 03% 35% 02% 03% 06%

The above table depicts that 36% of the Consumers consume ThumsUp, 35% of the Consumers consume Sprite, 15% of Consumers consume CocaCola.

Favourite Soft Drink

2% 3% 6% 15% Coca-Cola ThumsUp 35% 36% Sprite Pepsi 7 up Dew Others 3%

4. A question was asked to the Consumers whether the product price is Affordable or not and the following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. OF % OF RESPONDENTS RESPONDENTS Affordable 71 75% Costly Lesser Can't say 12 06 06 13% 06% 06%

The above table depicts that 75% of respondents can afford, 13% of respondents feel the product is costly, 6% of the respondents feel the product is less costlier than it should be. 6% of the respondents cannot say about the product price.

Affordable Price
6% 13% 6% Affordable Costly 75% Lesser Can't say

5. A question was asked to the Consumers about the reasons for preferring the drink and following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. OF RESPONDENTS % OF RESPONDENT! Taste 38 40% Quenching thirst Strong Gas Content Others 09 1I 09 28 09% 13% 09% 29%

The above table depicts that 40% of the Consumers consume the product preferring the Taste, 09% of the consumers consume the product to quench the thirst and 09% of the consumers consume the product for its gas content.

Reason for drink preference



Taste Quenching thirst

9% 13% 9%

Strong Gas Content Others

6. A question was asked to the consumers about the role of flavour in the Product promotion and following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. Efficient Very Efficient Neither Efficient Nor Inefficient Inefficient

OF % OF RKSPONDEINTS RESPONDENT 50 53% 11 35% 07 05 07% 05%

The above table depicts that 53% of the consumers feel the flavour is efficient, 35% of the consumers feel the flavour is very efficient, 7% of the consumers feel the flavour is neither efficient nor inefficient, 5% of the consumers feel the flavour is inefficient.

Role of flavour in promotion

7% 5% Efficient Very Efficient 35% 53% Neither Efficient Nor Inefficient Inefficient

7. A question was asked to the Consumers about their opinion on packaging of the product and the following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. OF RESPONDENTS Very Good 14 Good Neither Good Nor Bad Bad 71 10 00

% OF RESPONDENTS 15% 74% 11% 00%

Opinion on Packaging
0% 11% 15% Very Good Good Neither Good Nor Bad 74% Bad

8. A question was asked to the consumers about the impact on Product Promotion and following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. Very Efficient Efficient Neither Efficient Nor Inefficient Inefficient

OF RESPONDENTS 24 51 13 07

% OF RESPONDENTS 25% 54% 14% 07%

Impact on product promotion

7% Very Efficient 25% Efficient Neither Efficient Nor Inefficient Inefficient



9. A question was asked to the consumers about the product availability and the following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES OF % OF No. RESPONDENTS RESPONDENTS With in the reach 72 75% So far Difficult to get 13 10 14% 11%

Product availability
11% 14% With in the reach So far 75% Difficult to get

10. A question was asked to the consumers about the media, which shows impact on product promotion, and the following are the results.

ATTRIBUTES No. OK RESPONDENTS % OF RESPONDENT* T.V News Paper Hoarding Internet 60 05 14 16 63% 05% 14% 17%

Media impact on product promotion

17% 14% 64% 5% T.V News Paper Hoarding Internet

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