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Pro-Life - 10 Arguments Against Abortion


Since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life


No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different.


Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.


An abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies doubles, and the chance of a miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease also increases.
Question: What is an ectopic pregnancy? Answer: An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg develops into a fetus outside the womb. As this happens most commonly in the fallopian tube (which connects the ovary to the uterus), it is often called a tubal pregnancy. Question: What is pelvic inflammatory disease? Answer: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female upper reproductive tract that can include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix. It is caused by bacteria or organisms that enter through the cervix and spread through the reproductive system.

Sexual contact is the primary means by which PID is spread. Untreated sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea or chlamydia are believed to be the reason for nearly 90% of PID cases. However, PID may also occur after childbirth, insertion of an IUD, abortion, or pelvic surgery.


In the instance of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished.


Abortion should not be used as another form of contraception.


For women who demand complete control of their body, control should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence.


Many Americans who pay taxes are opposed to abortion, therefore it's morally wrong to use tax dollars to fund abortion.


Those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards.

10. Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress.

Pro-Choice - 10 Arguments For Abortion


Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb.


The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?


Adoption is not an alternative to abortion, because it remains the woman's choice whether or not to give her child up for adoption. Statistics show that very few women who give birth choose to give up their babies - less than 3% of white unmarried women and less than 2% of black unmarried women.


Abortion is a safe medical procedure. The vast majority of women - 88% - who have an abortion do so in their first trimester. Medical abortions have less than 0.5% risk of serious complications and do not affect a woman's health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth.


In the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these situations.


Abortion is not used as a form of contraception. Pregnancy can occur even with responsible contraceptive use. Only 8% of women who have abortions do not use any form of birth control, and that is due more to individual carelessness than to the availability of abortion.


The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization?


Taxpayer dollars are used to enable poor women to access the same medical services as rich women, and abortion is one of these services. Funding abortion is no different from funding a war in the Mideast. For those who are opposed, the place to express outrage is in the voting booth.


Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.

10. Like any other difficult situation, abortion creates stress. Yet the American Psychological Association found that stress was greatest prior to an abortion, and that there was no evidence of post-abortion syndrome.

Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take over Filipino values and culture. Its all over the news, the Philippine Congress is now pushing f orward the Divorce Bill right after they have put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. This is exactly what I have been worrying about. Just a couple of weeks ago, when I attended our Baptist Convention Meeting here in the Visayas, this issue was brought up. And just as what I have stated , RH Bill can also lead to the Divorce Bill because they have the same proponents. I know lots of Evangelical Christians are pro-RH Bill. But what they dont know is that the proponents of RH Bill are also the proponents of Divorce Bill. And now that they almost got what they want, they are now preparing for another wave of controversial bill which will open a highway for immorality and degradation of Philippine culture and religious standards and beliefs. Here is a list of the known supporters of RH Bill and Divorce Bill RH-Bill Liza Maza Risa Hontiveros Divorce Bill Liza Maza Risa Hontiveros

Janette Garin Edcel Lagman Luzviminda Ilagan

Janette Garin Edcel Lagman Luzviminda Ilagan

Now if you are pro-RH Bill but Anti Divorce THINK AGAIN!!! Why I am Against Divorce

It is not what God wants. Since I started Biblical studies nothing in the Bible that will tell you that God favored and felt better for divorce. It was only allowed due to the hardheadedness of men. God did not made man and woman to be united and then separated if they got into some problems. If you fear the Lord and his commands, there is no way that you will agree on divorce. This is not what God wants. As simple as it is. Even if some pastor and theologians quantify it as a necessary amputation as far as I remember what my American Theology professor said, I would say that divorce is divorce, and God hates it. It was only men who wants it, not God. It is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children. Most divorce advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. But I really do not see it as a solution for these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of immorality and sexually related diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related diseases. And I believe that you will agree with me that these problems are a threat to women, children and even family. But why? Simply because people were given the so-called choice and chance to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called rights is abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own self-centered selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to the same situation again and again and again. Thats why you will see people divorced not just once, nor twice, but multiple times. It gives a wider path to domestic problems. As I mentioned earlier this right has proven to be easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to repeat the same mistakes. Divorce is like a medicine but an unrecommended one. For example, there is a an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for another woman to abuse. While the woman if shes the one having some problems, she will just look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to apply again for divorce. Ridiculous isnt it? It is just a picture of FREEDOM TO TRY MARRIAGE. It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Immorality. I guess this is not so much in nowadays. Its something that most people dont want to talk about except those that are of the religious sectors and religious people. I hate to say this but the Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these divorce proponents put forward a SILLY SOLUTION for various problems. Did we not learn from the US? Did the stats of violence against women and children dropped by the use of divorce law? We talk much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law, while the negative effects far out weighs the positive. Some of helpful resources to help you save your marriage!!! Save Your Christian Marriage Save My Marriage Stop Divorce Heres the summary of the advantages of divorce:

Spouses will have a second chance for a happier life. Spouses will have a second chance for a non-violent life. . second chance . second chance . second chance to be happy to be happy to be happy.

My goodness is there any solid advantages of divorce bill than being self-centered and selfish reasons??? What about your family??? What about your children??? Thats what family is for Divorce is not only anti -Filipino, but is anti-Family and anti-marriages. It simply opens a wide range of disadvantages over the family. But heres the list of what they are not talking about: 1. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce. 2. In 1991, only 50.8% of American children were living with a mother and a father. The numbers have worsened since that study. 3. Approximately 4% of American children are living only with their father. 4. The vast majority of children who are raised in a two-parent home will never be poor during childhood. By contrast, the vast majority of children who spend time in a single-parent home will experience poverty. 5. Children from female-headed homes are five times as likely to be poor as children in two-parent families. 6. Four times as many divorced women with children fell under the poverty line than married women with children. 7. Children from disrupted marriages experience greater risk of injury, asthma, headaches, and speech defects than children from intact families. 8. Suicide rates for children of divorce are measurably higher than for children from intact families. Read more about the Side Effects of Divorce and see that there are more side effects than that of a solution. So Whats The Real Answer? Fear of God and teach Morality Morality and Morality. If we have the fear of God and we understand what morality means, then we understand the real answer to the growing problems related to violence against women and children. Divorce is definitely NOT a TRUE medicine nor a solution to the growing domestic problems. I see it just like illegal drugs which may have a little benefit of easing the pain of the patient. But in most cases, it is an addictive medicine that can kill and destroy life and relationships. And finally, let me state this as Filipino as possible: HWAG PO TAYO MAGING GAYA-GAYA SA IBANG BANSA. Nag-approve lang ang Malta na magkaroon sila ng divorce, tayo gusto na rin natin. Wala na bang maisip na batas ang mga Congressman and Congresswomen natin kundi mga gaya-gaya na batas? It is NOT TRUE that you will be happy with second chance. It is NOT TRUE that you will gain your happiness back when your marriage fail and divorce is the solution. The only solution for marital problems is to adhere what the word of God says. Wives, submit to your husbands. Husbands, love your wife as you love yourselves (Ephesians 5:22-33). This is where you gain happiness and fullness of marital life and your family. Want Deeper Advise on Marital Problems and Biblical Teachings About Marriage? You can read: Biblical Teachings About Marriage and Divorce How to Resolve Marital Problems If you are pro-divorce then you are anti-family, at least to Biblical standards. Be a Pro-family. Be an Anti-divorce!!!

Save Your Christian Marriage Now!!! If you are NOT a Christian and cant accept the Bible to help save your marriage, FINE! Here are some other resource materials that might help you save your marriage!!! Even the secular world wants to save your marriage. simply because it is the basic foundation of the so-called family!

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