Announcement For Human and Resources Department (HR Dept.) : Task of HR Dept. This Is The Main Responsibilities

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Announcement for Human and Resources Department (HR dept.

Task of HR dept. This is the main responsibilities
1. Evaluation Forms Sanna and Sini (please bring all of its in class on Tuesday, 2.4.13) 1.1 For head of each department to assess their members 2 forms before the event day and 1 forms after and last. 1.2 For members of each department to assess their head 2 forms before the event day and 1 forms after and last. 2. Register Forms Kang 2.1 Registration for sign name 2.2 Mini-passport for registration forms - Before the event day, all member must to come and help to create a mini-passport because it is a handmade passport that we estimate 150 participants to attending. 2.3 Create 7 styles of passport stamps including 6 booths (Scandinavia, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and North America) and the gate to entering that means for our department. I created or duplicate that a registration table is transferring to the Airport entrancing gate (Gate that an airhostess standing in front and will checking your passport and a ticket and this gate will let you on the ways belong to the airplane body). I think, I dont want to let our participant just to sign in and out, its not different and just normally then first gate I want them sign their name on the register form (like a check in)and they will get a mini-passport then entering inside and will found next gate. After that they must to show their passport then an airhostess will stamp and say that have a nice trip on your ways. I think, its exactly according to Walk around the World the event topic. I hope that everyone will agree with me ^^ 3. Coordinate Worker Anne 3.1 To check and talk on their work, problem as an audience 3.2 Coordinate with the other department as an intermediary 3.3 Coordinate with the university to require the activity hours for the participants 4. Follow up evaluation forms Anne 4.1 Give the evaluation forms to their heads and all members dept. to assess each other 4.2 After that, collecting forms back in class because it might make high risk do they lose and give a limit of time between 10 or 15 minutes

5. Follow up each department and summarize Amp 5.1 Summarize each department that you should to observes their works, feeling, react and problems that is all they get and how do they solve and what did you suggestion or not.

6. Handle the problem All members 6.1 After you observed from the above, if they got the problem on their works in the department. HR department responsibility is to help you handle their problems as possible.

7. Preparing All members 7.1 We will provide a T-shirt staff that let everybody to wearing the same purpose. 7.2 Staff cards

I want to inform the responsibilities that we will do together.

1. The specification report (Due date on Monday, 1.4.13) and it almost completely. But after that, I hope we will do it together that is also the specification report due the end of the event day 2. The specification presentation (Due date on Tuesday 2.4.13) 3. 4. 5. 6. Summarize the all evaluation forms Summarize each department that from the observes To check and talk on their work, problem Mini-passport for registration forms estimated 150 participants then we should to spare or store up at least 50 forms 7. Prepare some gifts 8. During the event day, we will discussing after

** This is all ideas and responsibilities that we had to brainstorms and created. I just to sum up everything and if you have any ideas that want to recommend and sharing then we will discuss together in class or as soon as possible.

The responsibilities schedule for HR Dept.


All members (First of all in HR dept. meeting)

Work Responsibilities
- Sena and seni, to responsible for create or make the evaluation forms - Anne, to connecting with other - Amp, to manage or handle the problems - Kang, to control a registration during the event. - Make a paper report - Connecting work - Follow up Marketing Dept. - summarize


Period of time

*Presentation in class due on 2.4.13

- Set the - 3 weeks objectives that HR dept should have - Sharing and discussing in the HR dept. topic to prepare a presentation after the midterm exam week




Anne and Amp

- Follow up Operation Dept. - summarize


Sanna and Sini

- Follow up Exhibition Dept. - summarize

- This is a specification report that must submit to our lecturer to check our steps work - summarize what is all they get, problems, how do they solve and what did you suggestion or not - After you summarize please saved it in your computer - summarize what is all they get, problems, how do they solve and what did you suggestion or not - After you summarize please saved it in your computer - summarize what is all they get, problems, how do they solve and what did you suggestion or not - After you

- Due on Monday 1.4.13 - Every meeting that they did - Once or twice a week

*This is important to check their works and get a detail for put in our report

- Every meeting that they did - Once or twice a week

*This is important to check their works and get a detail for put in our report

- Every meeting that they did - Once or twice a week

*This is important to check their works and get a detail for put in our report


All members

- For each department presentation - Hold the evaluation forms *1st evaluate



summarize please saved it in your computer - Presenting our dept. work use GANTT chart to supportable - She will give the evaluation forms to their heads and all members dept. to assess

On Tuesday, 2.4.13 in our class - Try to collect back in class because it might make high risk do they lose and give a limit of time between 10 or 15 minutes - Every meeting that they did - Once or twice a week - All members will helps her to controlling each dept. and collected back to Anne.


All members

- Continue to follow up yours Dept.


All members (Second meeting HR dept.)



- also observes their works, feeling, react, problems and summarize - After you summarize please saved it in your computer - Meeting Day - Meeting - Discussing and summarize all of sharing some idea you get from each - Bring yours dept. summarized since - Summarize the first time until within a slide and the present prepare for - Starting passport presentation register about 200 included a report books - Prepare our passport register use for check inout the participants - Hold the - As same as the evaluation forms first evaluation *2nd evaluate that all members in every dept. to asses to each other - Meeting time - We should sum up everything from evaluation forms before the event day - Prepare it in a

- Starting at 13.30 until done (meeting) - Passport can continue the other days, I will wrap up after

*Important time to lets everybody share, discuss what did you get and for help each other members

- Collected all evaluation in class give a limit of time between 10 or 15 minutes - Until we are finished or cleared

- All members will helps her same as last time


All members (Anne will bring every evaluation forms)

report 23.4.13 - All members - Set up day, the day before the event day - Set up our dept. for a register - After finished our works, help each dept. - I will tell all you after everything certainly and divisible without a remainder but stably that ahead of the event time - Hold the evaluation forms *3rd evaluate - This day will be our hard working to prepare everything in the event day - Throughout time to prepare everything up to the event begins


- All members

- Do you best! ^^




All members

- HR dept. come to sum work


All members

- Final presentation day

- This is the hindmost to let them assess the evolution forms after the event day, yesterday - Prepare the whole duties in our dept. and put in a slides included a paper report - The last presentation of the International event day attaining to the final come to an end ways

- Collected all evaluation in class give a limit of time between 10 or 15 minutes

- All members will helps her same as last time

- I not sure when we must to submit our dept. report. I will tell you after.

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