Faith Healing

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Definition of Faith Healing

A process through which a person is restored to physical, mental, or spiritual health by what is believed to be the direct intervention of divine power.

Definition of Faith Healing

It is founded on the belief that certain people or places have the ability to cure and healthat someone or something can eliminate disease or heal injuries through a close connection to a higher power.


Healer and patient believe in the healing power of spirits; the healer consciously or unconsciously manipulates the patient into believing he or she has cured the patient's ailment by prayer or hand movements; and the patient validates the healing by giving signs that the healing has worked.

Historical Background

It was known among the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed that Asclepius, the god of medicine, might appear in the dreams of sick people who slept in the temples devoted to his worship, and that the god then cured them or prescribed a regimen of treatment for them to follow.

Historical Background

Jesus- The Greatest Miracle Healer

He cure physical ailments well outside the capacity of first century medicine. The healing in the gospels is referred to as a sign to prove His divinity and to foster belief in Himself as the Christ

Jesus- The Greatest Miracle Healer

Jesus has entrusted the healing ministry to His Church. The first apostles healed the sick and so did a large group of disciples. Jesus encouraged all believers to lay hands on the sick for healing. And there will be some in the churches whom the Holy Spirit will endow with specific gifts of healing.

Philippines- The International Mecca for Faith Healing

Barehanded psychic surgery is found only in the Philippines. However, a similar phenomenon appeared in Brazil in the late 60s in the person of Jose Ze Arigo although he used a dull knife (butter knife) to perform an operation. Filipino faith healers, on the other hand, use only their bare hands when operating a patient.

First Filipino Psychic Surgeon

Eleuterio Terte began performing psychic surgery in the 1940s with the use of a knife. Then in 1945, the spirit, according to him, gave him the power to perform operations without the aid of a knife Thus began the process of barehanded operations known as psychic surgery.

Tony Agpaoa

He used no anesthetic or scalpel, yet appeared to make an incision in which there was a liberal flow of blood. He appeared to insert his hands into the body and remove pathological tissue. He then moved his hand over the incision, which seemed to close instantaneously, leaving no scar.

Reasons Why Faith Healers Thrive in the Philippines

Filipinos are spiritual in nature even before the Spaniards came in 1521. They already believed in the existence of spirits called anitos and encantos or nature spirits.
It is therefore very easy for Filipinos to be in communion with unseen or spiritual forces which is necessary for healing. Because the Filipinos view of the world is not limited to the five senses his intellect is able to accept concepts beyond the purely rational.

Reasons Why Faith Healers Thrive in the Philippines

It is believed that the Philippines was once an integral part of Lemuria, the legendary continent of advanced civilization which sank to the bottom of the sea hundreds of thousands of years before Atlantis. It is said that Lemuria was in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. There are even claims that Pangasinan was the center of Lemurian civilization. According to this view, Filipinos are descendants of ancient Lemurians who had advanced psychic powers and perceptions.

Reasons Why Faith Healers Thrive in the Philippines

Filipinos are close to nature. They know how to enjoy the simple gifts of life. As a result, their vibrations are higher and they are able to reach a heightened state of awareness faster and more easily than the other people.

Reasons Why Faith Healers Thrive in the Philippines

the existence locally of a religious group, the Union Espiritista Christiana de Filipinas which practices and teaches members the art of mediumistic healing. This religious group has been in existence since the beginning of the 20th century and is directly influenced by the work of Allan Karde who wrote the Book of Mediums.

Other Titles

Psychic Surgery Spiritual Healing Divine Healing, Healing Prayer, Laying on of Hands, Miracle Cures, Barehanded Operations, Mediumistic Healing

Types of Faith Healing

Unorthodox- forms of healing which are not necessarily recognized by the medical schools or by the government

A. Medicinal Healing- application of medicinal plants or herbs

Types of Faith Healing

B. Psychological Healing- Adrenaline and seratonin can play a role in making people feel better, even in thinking they are healed when they aren't. People are pronounced healed by Biblical Divine Healing who have merely been manipulated to the point where adrenaline or seratonin are released

Types of Faith Healing

Paranormal/Demonic Healing has been in existence in the world practically since the creation. It is a lying wonder and opens the door to demonic influence, demonization, even possession. A lying wonder is a miracle claimed to be from God but whose source is really from the devil.

Types of Faith Healers

Faith healers help inspire others to have abiding faith in Gods healing powers that they may be cured of their illnesses.

1. Herb doctors or herbolarios or albularyomost common; heal by the application of medicinal plants 2. Bone-setters or manghihilot- align broken bones and manipulate nerves and ligaments

Types of Faith Healers

3. Charismatic Healers- heal by prayers and meditations up to a religious fervor or emotional state whereupon the power of the spirit descends them. They make magnetic passes over affected areas of the body or by simply putting their outstretched hands on the heads of the patients who then collapse at the slightest touch of the healers

Types of Faith Healers

4. Psychic healers- heal usually at a distance by means of projecting their healing thoughts towards the patients, sometimes with the aid of pictures of the patients

5. Psychic surgeon- uses the barehanded operation, the surgery-like intervention into the human body, the removal of diseased tissues or tumors or growths and the closing of the incision leaving hardly any trace of operation at all

Types of Faith Healers

6. Magnetic healers- use a minimum of ritual; simply concentrate and pray and then wait for the energy or prana to come. When they feel the power coming to them, they begin to pass their hands above the affected area 7. Mystical healers- use white witchcraft

Types of Faith Healers

8. Those who heal by saliva, and by blowing or whispering on affected areas 9. Those who cure illnesses through the intervention of saints, the child Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mother, etc. They get their power according to them, through visions.

Healing Process

When people are faced with a serious or debilitating illness, they often consider supernatural healing or faith healing as the final option. Our expectations for divine healing are often placed in a variety of sources which present themselves as the only hope for a miraculous recovery.

Healing Process

By means of concentration, meditation and fervent prayer, the healer disregard his intellectual mind and attune himself to his spiritual mind and in such state of attunement, Gods healing powers envelop the healer; his fingers magnetized or electrified, so to speak, by divine healing rays, which, when performing surgery, separate the cells; remove the cells causing illness or resuscitate them to life; or arrange the cells in their proper places.

Healing Process
Psychokinetic phenomena observed during the healing activity: 1.utilizes no anesthesia 2. do not use scalpel, razor blades, or other instruments to open the body 3.requires usually one to ten minutes to be performed 4. with no special precautions to maintain sterile conditions 5. cause little, if any, discomfort to the patients 6. leave the patient without operative shock

Healing Process Dematerialization, materialization, ectoplasmic formations and psychokinesis appear to be the key elements involved in psychic surgery. Dematerialization is the dissolution of organic matter, which probably turns into a fundamentally new state od energy beyond the four states of the material world- solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

Healing Process

Rematerialization or simply materialization refers to the return or transfer of bioplasma to normal material condition. Ectoplasm refers to the formation or the appearance of basic biological substance from the body cells of mediums during trance states. Psychokinesis refers to the power of the mind to influence or move material objects without the use of physical force or energy.


extend the word of God through teaching and studying the Bible liberate all those who are still in darkness increases faith, therefore being close to God usually is free from charge cohesive, comforting set of beliefs and participation in sacred rituals may endow a sense of meaning, purpose, & hope enhanced prevention and treatment of mental disorders (e.g. depression, suicide, and anxiety), medical and surgical illness, and addiction, reduced pain and disability; and prolonged survival

people who seek help through faith healing

and are not cured can develop feelings of hopelessness, failure, guilt, worthlessness, and depression

or treatment





post hoc fallacy-

patient usually credits the improvement to the healer


the person may be told that her or his faith was not strong enough. The healer and others may hold the person responsible for the failure of their healing

faith healers use fraud as a way to get others to believe in their methods; often solicited large donations or charged money for their healing sessions

when a person has a strong belief that a

healer can create a cure, a "placebo effect" can occur which makes the person feel better

disability, and other unwanted outcomes occur when faith healing is elected instead of medical care for serious injuries or illnesses

Christians who believe in faith-healing may

also develop the mind-set that God is some sort of genie that will grant our every whim.
belief that these faith healers are the real

healers forgetting that God is the real source of cure and that these healers are mere mediums
encourage acceptance of magical and

irrational thinking

Role of Faith

Although the faith of a believer is generally regarded as the channel of cure, Christian theology insists that the actual agent in healing is Gods Spirit. Thus, faith, in the sense of trust and expectancyrather than in the sense of subscription to orthodox doctrineis the prerequisite to healing.

Problems Encountered
Inefficacy and Alternative Explanation Skeptics of faith healing offer primarily two explanations for anecdotes of cures or improvements, relieving any need to appeal to the supernatural.

The first is post hoc ergo propter hoc, meaning that a genuine improvement or spontaneous remission may have been experienced coincidental with but independent from anything the faith healer or patient did or said. These patients would have improved just as well even had they done nothing.

Problems Encountered

The second is the placebo effect, through which a person may experience genuine pain relief and other symptomatic alleviation. In this case, the patient genuinely has been helped by the faith healer or faith-based remedy, not through any mysterious or numinous function, but by the power of their own belief that they would be healed. Both cases, however, are strictly limited to the body's natural abilities.

Problems Encountered
Negative Impact on Public Health

Reliance on faith healing to the exclusion of other forms of treatment can have a public health impact when it reduces or eliminates access to modern medical techniques. This is evident in both higher mortality rates for children and in reduced life expectancy for adults. Critics have also made note of serious injury that has resulted from falsely labelled "healings", where patients erroneously consider themselves cured and cease or withdraw from treatment.

Problems Encountered

problem with the medical profession is that it cannot admit that faith healing can really effect a cure. It believes that only medicine can.

Problems Encountered
When a cure through faith healing is demonstrated, the doctors invariably attribute the cure to any or a combination of the following causes:

spontaneous remission of illness- the disease would have cured itself even if nothing was done psychosomatic in origin- it is all in the patients mind wrong diagnosis- doctor made a mistake in diagnosing a patient

Problems Encountered

Nevertheless, both schools of thought, spiritual healing and orthodox medicine, should both acknowledge that they need each other, that each form of therapy has something of value to contribute to the other and is not in conflict with the other.

Problems Encountered

The medical doctors, on the other hand, should realize that man is not made up of mere matter, that diseases can have purely spiritual causes requiring spiritual forms of healing. That is why medicines are of no help at all for certain types of illness. Medical doctors can learn a great deal from spiritual healers about the workings of the invisible or subtle energy fields of man which affect his health and also about the spiritual principles governing the higher constitutions of man

Problems Encountered

The spiritual healers should realize that man is not made up only of the spirit and not all diseases are caused by spiritual imbalance or disharmony, and that some diseases are best treated by orthodox medicine. There is much that spiritual healers can learn from their medical brothers, for instance, the physical functioning of the human body and its internal organs.

Problems Encountered
Fraud in Faith Healing Skeptics of faith healers point to fraudulent practices either in the healings themselves (such as plants in the audience with fake illnesses), or concurrent with the healing work supposedly taking place and claim that faith healing is a quack practice in which the "healers" use well known non-supernatural illusions to exploit credulous people in order to obtain their gratitude, confidence and money.

Principle of Faith Healing

Christian healing does not take place by the exclusive use of some medicinal substance or by sole reliance on some obscure impersonal energy but through a personal encounter with and experience of Jesus, our Saviour, Healer and Deliverer. It is not something we get hold of but Someone we hold on to. It does not result from some sort of emotional faith but from one's unshakable trust in the Lord, in his love by dying for us and in the power of his resurrection (Phil 3:10). It is the full Gospel in action, proclaiming God's love and bringing peace

to man, giving glory to God and destroying the work of Satan.

Principles of Faith Healing

The basis of all authentic healing rests in Gods merciful, unconditional (agape) love. Wherever Gods love exists, healing power is present. God loves all He has created. Therefore, Gods love (healing power) is present in all creation whether consciously recognized by us or not. In fact, daily we receive much healing from God without our awareness of it.

Stand of the Philippine Medical Profession on Faith Healing

The Philippine Medical Association has officially taken the stand that faith healing is mere trickery and does not recognize it as a legitimate form of therapy. It also denies the validity or genuineness of psychic surgery based on investigations it claimed it made on faith healers.

Stand of the Philippine Medical Profession on Faith Healing

Dr. Ernesto Ferreol stated that the PGMA Council does not believe in the matter of treatment done by faith healers or spiritual healers as they claim and that serious effort should be exerted to determine the validity of treatment done by them. The council defined a faith healer as one who allegedly practices the art of healing through deceptive methods contrary to law or medical procedures and capitalizes on the faith of their subjects.

Stand of the Philippine Government on Faith Healing

The Philippine Government does not recognize faith healing as a legitimate profession and in fact, in the late 60s and early 70s even waged a campaign to prosecute and put these healers to jail. Several of them were in fact jailed on charges of practicing medicine without license.

Stand of the Catholic Church on Faith Healing

The early church considered prayer healing and laying on of hands as part of its mission. However, they strongly object the practice of faith healers who are masquerading as true men of God and violating the church doctrine.

Healing Obligation of the Church

Spiritual healing is the obligation of any established church, their parish priests or ministers for spiritual healing. Without it, a religion has no reason to exist.

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