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1 Installing KFILEBOX in Mageia with KDE4 1.1 What is Klebox and Dropbox? 1.2 Installation 1.2.1 Packages 1.3 Conguring Dropbox 1.4 Synchronization of klebox with Dropbox (online) 2 Installing Dropbox Contextmenu in Dolphin and Konqueror KDE 3 Installing NAUTILUS-dropbox in Mageia with GNOME 3.1 What is Nautilus-dropbox and Dropbox? 3.2 Installation 3.2.1 Packages 3.3 Upgrading Dropbox Distribution 3.4 Others Links 3.5 Threads in Mageia Forum

Installing KFILEBOX in Mageia with KDE4

What is Kfilebox and Dropbox?
Klebox is a free software to use with KDE enviroment, to access folders and les of Dropbox, a commercial system virtual storage le (clouds). It's not free software. The use of up to 2GB (or more) (https://www.dropbox.com/pricing) is oered for free. More storage space is charged ackording to the space used. See other free tools available on the internet.

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Dropbox - Mageia wiki


Install the package KFILEBOX in graphics mode, with the Manager Software of Mageia Control Center-MCC, or install the package KFILEBOX in text mode, with command Line: urpmi klebox (see URPMI) Note: Do not install the package "nautilus-dropbox" in the KDE4, because it can cause conicts. The package "Nautilus-dropbox" is for GNOME.

MAGEIA 2 - klebox-0.4.7-3.mga2.i586.rpm - KDE front end for Dropbox MAGEIA 1 - klebox-0.4.7-2.mga1.i586.rpm - KDE front end for Dropbox

Configuring Dropbox
Start by creating a Dropbox folder in your home directory. Name it "Dropbox" After installation, access the "Menu Application Launcher" on the lower left of the panel and go to "Internet" under applications. Click on "Klebox". A Dropbox icon will appear in the notication area in the right lower panel . Right Click on the icon and go to Preferences: 1. Click on the "General" tab, and enter the location of you dropbox folder (The one you created earlier e.g.: /home/user/Dropbox). 2. Click on the "Misc" tab, and set Dolphin as le manager, Firefox as browser and accept the default icons.

Synchronization of kfilebox with Dropbox (online)

Now that you have nished installing Dropbox, you need to set it's online synchronization 1. Right click on the Dropbox icon in the lower right panel and click on Stop Dropbox. 2. Open a terminal (as a common user) and go to directory of the following hidden folder on your home directory: /home/user/.dropbox-dist then type: ./dropbox A message will appear: "This machine is not connected with dropbox" and there will be a link at the end of the line to connect with the Dropbox site. Click on that link, Firefox will start and will open a "Dropbox" tab. Enter you Dropbox account password to initiate synchronization. 1. Right click on the Dropbox icon in the lower right panel and click on Start Dropbox. Note: An easy way to access a hidden folder is to go to Dolphin, go to the toolbar, "View" and select "Show Hidden Files". Go to your user folder and choose the folder .dropbox-dist. Click it to open and go back to the toolbar, in "Tools" and select "Open Terminal", now enter the command: ./dropbox and click on and go to the folder (as a common user)

Installing Dropbox Contextmenu in Dolphin and Konqueror KDE

1 - To install the dropbox context menu in Dolphin, go to the tool bar of Dolphin in "Settingst", in "Congure Dolphin", in "Services", in "Download New Services":

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Dropbox - Mageia wiki


Imagem 1

2 - Type "dropbox" in the search bar to nd "Dropbox-ServiceMenu" and clicked "Install": Imagem 2

3 - After clicked "install", the le DropboxServiceMenu-0.16.1.tar.gz was copied the folder home/user/.kde4/share/apps/servicemenu-download/ 4 - After unpacking, was created the folder: .kde4/share/apps/servicemenu-download /DropboxServiceMenu-0.16.1/

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Dropbox - Mageia wiki


5 - Click on "details" and see the installation options: Imagem 3

6 - Access a terminal, go to the directory .kde4/share/apps/servicemenu-download /DropboxServiceMenu-0.16.1/ and typed ./install-it.sh as a common user.

7 - If it appears the warning that was missing some dependency, like this: Imagem 4

8 - Check that are installed. In most cases these are already installed: python, kdialog and klipper. In this case, only missing sqlite3. Go to MCC and install: sqlite3-tools3.7.11-1.mga2.i586

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Dropbox - Mageia wiki


9 - Try again: the options of dropbox are integrated in Dolphin: 'Imagem 5

10 - When I selecting option "Generate public URL...". a warning appears that the link is available on klipper: Imagem 5

Installing NAUTILUS-dropbox in Mageia with GNOME

What is Nautilus-dropbox and Dropbox?
Nautilus-dropbox is a free software to use with GNOME enviroment, to access folders and les of Dropbox, a commercial system virtual storage le (clouds). It's not free software. The use of up to 2GB (or more) (https://www.dropbox.com/pricing) is oered for free. More storage space is charged ackording to the space used. See other free tools available on the internet.

Install the package NAUTILUS-dropbox in graphics mode, with the Manager Software of Mageia Control Center-MCC, or install the package NAUTILUS-dropbox in text mode, with command Line: urpmi nautilus-dropbox (see URPMI)
5 de 7 04-04-2013 07:28

Dropbox - Mageia wiki


Note: Do not install the package "nautilus-dropbox" in the KDE4, because it can cause conicts. The package "Nautilus-dropbox" is for GNOME and Klebox is for KDE. A Dropbox menu item will appear under the 'Internet' category of the menu. On rst running Dropbox a window will appear oering to download the proprietary Dropbox binary. Two folders will be created in the home directory .dropbox-dist contains the Dropbox binaries, and .dropbox will be used to contain your conguration. After the binary has been downloaded a window will appear oering to link your computer to an existing Dropbox account or to open a new account. Imagem 7

1. MAGEIA 1 - nautilus-dropbox-0.6.7-1.mga1.i586.rpm - Dropbox extension for Nautilus GNOME 2. MAGEIA 2 - nautilus-dropbox-1.4.0-1.mga2.nonfree.i586.rpm - Dropbox extension for Nautilus GNOME

Upgrading Dropbox Distribution

Both Klebox and Nautilus-dropbox will download the proprietary dropbox application from the dropbox site and save it in the hidden folder /home/user/.dropbox-dist. If you think you may be using an outdated version of dropbox you can check the version by examining the le VERSION in .dropbox-dist. To upgrade to the latest version of dropbox, delete the .dropbox-dist folder and restart Nautilus-dropbox or Klebox and the latest version will be downloaded. Older versions of the dropbox distribution had an incompatibility with the libz.so.1 library shipped with Mageia which caused the dropbox icon to not appear in the system tray. Upgrading to the current version resolves the issue.

Others Links
1. Text in Wiki MageiaBrasil: Accessing and using Dropbox (virtual HD) (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F %2Fwiki.mageiabr.org%2Futil%2Fdropbox)

Threads in Mageia Forum

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Dropbox - Mageia wiki


1. To discuss this issue, open a new topic in Mageia Forum (https://forum.mageia.org/en/) or access a created topic: 1. Thread: Drop Box Installation (https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3379) Postby michel Aug 26th, '2012 2. Thread: No Dropbox options in contextmenu of Dolphin (https://forums.mageia.org /en/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3596&p=26224#p26224) Postby Erik Sep 30th, '2012 3. Thread: MAQeia-Dropbox (https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3602& p=26247&hilit=dropbox#p26247) Postby doktor5000 Oct 1st, '2012

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Retrieved from "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Dropbox" Categories: Page to revise (content) | Documentation This page was last modied on 29 December 2012, at 14:15. This page has been accessed 2,629 times. Content is available under Creative Common - Attibution - ShareAlike 3.0. Privacy policy About Mageia wiki Disclaimers

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04-04-2013 07:28

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