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Fellowsnrp Lnurcn Lnrrstran



fhrist .J.u,,s j ! r: 5-11'\,.1( ,,.r1 )

Who isit thot overcomeslhe world? Onlyhe who believes lhot isthe Sonof God. Jesus
-lJohn 5:5 -

2013 March17\h, 5ervice Worship Welcome andPraYer

Greg Thiessen
(next-Michoel Plelt)

5inging Congregational nts Announceme

& uffeflng

Kid's Korner
(next Morilyn Reime4

Reading Scripture
1 John5 Homilion Dorryl
{nexl Roy Kroeke4

"Con We KnowForSure?"

5chool 5unday

News and Notes

- Curling . Todov, ot Bowsmon Rink p.m. Polluck Supperol 5:30p.m. slorlingol I . NexlSundov, Dennis Anderson isspeoking here. . Morch 29 - Good Fridoy wilh communion. Service . Check oul the Februory newsletler from the Schmidt's on lhe bulletinboord. . Aoril6 - Communily/church for forewell Horold& Louroot the BirchRiver LegionHoll. Potluck supperond sociolevening. More deloilsto follow. . Aoril7 - 7p.m.Generolmeellng. Yourotlendonce isimportonl.

brrtnqay Dlessrnqs to....

- Morch 23 Kelsey Friesen
n.l .l t



to Lnilqren brDle Accorqrn9 )torres

Poyspeclololtentionto the workingond spelling. school. It comesfrom o churchoffiliotedelementory obout lhe Old ond New Testomenfs. Iesl kidswere oskedquesfions writtenby lhe children obout lhe Bible, stolements Thefollowing hove neitherbeen fouched nor conecled. remoins os the childrenspelledthe words. Allspelling God gol lired of creofing l. ln the firsfbook of Guinessis, the world so he fook the Sobbolhoff. 2. Adom ond Evewere creoled from on ooole tree. come on in peors. Nooh'swife wos Joon of Arkond lhe onimols pillor of soltduring'the doy ond o boll of fireot nighl. 3. Lot'swife wos o wos mon who let himself 4. Sompson o strong likeDeliloh. be led ostroyby o Jezebel wilh the Axe of the Apostles. sloyedthe Philistines 5. Sompson led lhe Jewsto the RedSeowhere they mode 5. Moses unleovenedbreod which is breod withoutony ingredienls. were oll drownedin the desserl. Afterwords, 7.TheEgyptions wenf up to Mounl Cyonidelo get the TenCommondmenls. Moses (contlnued on bockJ


commondmentwqs when Evetold Adom io eot lhe oDDle. 8. Thefirst 9. Moses died beforehe ever reoched Conodo. ThenJoshuo led the Hebrews in f he Bottleof Geritol. lold hisson 10.Thegreot miroclein the Blblelswhen Joshuo to slond still ond he obeyed him. 11.Dovidwos o Hebrewkingwho wos skilled ot ployinglhe lior. o roce of people who livedin biblicoliimes. He foughi lhe Finkelsteins,

(leanrng Lnurcn
Mel & Vi.


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