The Border Watch: March 19, 2009

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Thursday, March 19, 2009 KEEPING THE SOUTH EAST INFORMED SINCE 1861 $1.00 inc.


– Page 28

Bird blast

Lake cliff fall

THE man who fell down a cliff at the Blue
Lake on the weekend has called The Border
Watch to tell his side of the story.
ground, they shot more shots at pitch when a number of birds hockey players, with the shoot- Asking to remain anonymous, the man
it to kill it,” a teenager told The were killed (and some flew away, ing occurring only 40 metres was critical of an article in Tuesday’s paper
Border Watch after watching a clearly wounded), and the dis- from the turf pitch. headlined “Relief leads to rescue bid”
BY ANELIA BLACKIE group of men shooting the birds tress this caused to a number “I am certainly no greenie, and following his 30-metre plunge.
Email: on Tuesday evening during a of people was very clear,” Mr strongly support and advocate A tip from a source claimed the man
DISTRESSED and shocked sports practice session. Bruorton wrote. the culling of all feral animals, climbed a barrier fence and slipped while
was how some Mount Gambier “Some other players in my “It is not exactly subtle, is it? foxes, cats, rabbits and goats. urinating at 1.45am, after having a few
residents described how they team wanted to run to them Five to 10 people blasting away “I know the long-billed corel- drinks with his wife.
felt after witnessing the public and ask them to stop, but we with shotguns 50 metres from las can cause extensive damage, The man said this “could not be further
shooting of corellas at the Blue were too scared because they sporting fixtures, not to mention and we have had our hockey from the truth” and was the “biggest load of
Lake Sports Park this week. had guns.” the amount of lead raining down turf damaged in the past, but garbage he had ever read”.
“They just shot them in front Hockey player Mike Bruorton on our clubroom as we have we now cover this successfully “The woman I was with is my fiancee, not
of everyone ... it was horrible to expressed his disbelief in a letter experienced in the past. each year with no recurrence of my wife, and there wasn’t a barrier there
watch a bird drop from the sky to The Border Watch. “The situation was utterly the damage. either,” he said.
and feathers falling everywhere. “I was involved in club hockey ludicrous, and obviously poten- However, he admitted he had been drinking
And when the bird landed on the this Tuesday evening on the turf tially dangerous to all of the Continued page 4 and was “trying to have a leak” before he fell.
“I was walking under the lookout and
stopped next to a rubbish bin to urinate,” he
Youths reject said.
“On the right-hand-side of that there are
violence issue rocks and when I stood up on top of them I
went over.
pMount Gambier’s young
“I’ve got a very scratched bum and a couple
people have dismissed
of little scratches on the head, but I was more
calls to ban mobile
scared than anything.”
phones in schools. Many
The man’s fiancee waited in the car while
say they are essential
he went to relieve himself and said she saw
tools and suggest
him suddenly disappear from view.
violence is an unrelated
problem. Others say “I waited about five minutes, but when
boredom is not an issue he didn’t come back I climbed the rock wall
either. A new business nearby and still couldn’t see him,” she said.
has opened near a high “I yelled out and he said ‘I fell’ and I told
school, offering local him to crab-crawl up the hill, but it was very
young people a place to steep and slippery.
“hang out”. Vaughan “The next thing he said was ‘throw me a
Sutherland and Michael bloody smoke!’.”
Telford are pictured She started to panic after a failed hill-
enjoying a duel on Guitar climbing attempt by her partner, during
Hero at the recently which he fell again, and decided to call the
established Fun Rock emergency services.
Cafe. Reports, page 4. “The thing that upset me most was when
Picture: BRETT KENNEDY they got there nobody came within cooee of
me to tell me if he was all right,” she said.

WEATHER Mount Gambier Today - Fine. Partly cloudy. 23o – full report page 27 TV GUIDE Page 12 COMICS Page 17 CLASSIFIEDS Pages 18-21

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