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Abrams, Philip, 3 Adelaide, Queen (wife of William IV), 142 adultery, 22 Alexander, Sally, 93, 94, 95 Amer, Catherine (in court records), 38 Anderson, Michael, 87, 88 animals, cruelty to, 4, 148 dog fights, 153 anti-Semitism, 92 apprenticeships, 85, 967 see also employment patterns armed forces, 84, 111 Armstrong, W. A., 82 Ashford, Mary Ann as a domestic servant, 912, 1356, 137, 139, 140, 143 family, 1358, 1401, 142 financial position, 137, 138, 1402 Life of a Licenced Victuallers Daughter, 91, 13544 pregnancies, 1112 as a respectable woman, 135, 13744, 154 August, Andrew, Poor Womens Lives, 87, 88 autobiographies/biographies, 29, 34, 357, 412, 43, 55, 88, 912, 97, 100, 101, 11112, 113, 119, 13544 accuracy/value, 9 Babbage, Charles, 59 Badcock, John, 53 Bailey, Joanne, 623 Bailey, Peter, 9 bakers, 101 Bakhtin group, 10 Ball, Michael and David Sunderland, An Economic History of London, 79


banking/financial markets, 12, 13, 79, 81 bank failures, 12, 81 personal banking, 136 Barber, Jane (in court records), 40 BBC, 3 Beames, Thomas, The Rookeries of London, 48 beggars, 16, 32, 10810 Mendicity Society for assistance to, 100, 1089, 110 women/children as, 109, 110 behaviour, 14, 16, 13940, 1556 civilizing of see social change as compartmentalized/variable, 9 deference, 3, 47, 13941, 142 at hangings, 29 individual responsibility, 2, 4, 7, 8, 37 marital, 245 resistance/accommodation, 911, 138, 142 respectable see respectability as situational, 9 street disputes, 56, 5761, 1312 visual surveillance of, 47 of women, 2233 control over, 256, 92 sexual, 217, 171n18 Benson, John, The Penny Capitalists, 149 Best, Geoffrey, Mid-Victorian Britain, 7 Bland, Elizabeth (in court records), 39, 40 Booth, Charles, 81, 82 borrowing see credit; mutual support Boulton, J., Neighbourhood and Society, 183n19 Bower, William (in court records), 26, 31 Bradley, Ann (in court records), 42



Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue


children, 8, 21, 24, 85, 88, 99, 103, 156 as beggars, 109, 110 illegitimate, 91, 92 infant mortality, 15 of single parents, 98, 118, 124, 136 in workhouses, 116, 118, 121, 1245, 132 Christie, Mary (in workhouse records), 133 church courts see consistory courts city farms, 118, 1279, 134 City of Westminster, 13, 50, 61 class structure, 15 employment patterns, 81, 83, 88 migrants in, 1920 parish records, 15 property ownership, 83, 84 women in, 15, 88 civilizing ethos see social change/reform Clark, Anna, 31 The Struggle for the Breeches, 19, 24, 173n74 Cairns, William and Ann (in court records), class solidarity, 7, 8, 9, 139, 144 26, 27 class structure, 5, 68, 11, 1516, 167n5 Campbell, R., The London Tradesman, 87 as hierarchical, 67 Cannadine, David, The Rise and Fall of Class respectability and, 78 in Britain, 67 see also middle (middling) classes; upper Capp, Bernard, 27 classes; working classes Carter, Thomas, Memoirs of a Working Man, clothing, 53, 54 357 pawning of, 3744 Carter Wood, J., Violence and Crime , 23 Cockerill, A. W., 141 Jon Lawrence on, 3 coffee houses, 21, 91 cemeteries see burial grounds Coleman, John (in workhouse records), 131 census data, 15, 68, 81, 114 Colquhoun, Patrick (London magistrate), accuracy/reliability, 878 11, 423 occupational data, 81, 825, 8796, 151 communities see neighbourhoods Chandler, Mary (in workhouse records), 130 Conley, Carolyn, 59 chandlers shops, 43 consistory (church) court records, 217, 28, charity/charitable societies, 4, 8, 9, 16, 33, 301, 173n74 44, 10612, 156 see also court records criticism of, 17, 1089, 110 Cooper, Elizabeth (in court records), 39 definition, 11011 Cordery, Simon, 11 Mendicity Society, 100, 10810 Corfield, Penelope, The Impact of English purpose, 106, 107, 108 Towns, 1920 references required by, 108, 110 coroners inquests records, 58 social change/reform and, 107, 108 costermongers, 17, 34, 14454 see also mutual support; Poor Law relief as Chartists, 145 Chartism, 12, 145 as disreputable, 17, 1445, 1534 financial position, 147, 1502 costermongers as Chartists, 145 income levels, 146, 147, 149 child labour, 86, 88, 967, 107

Bragg, Phillip, 109 Bridewells, 118, 119, 127, 1289, 130 Brimblecombe, Peter, The Big Smoke, 54, 55 British Lying-In Hospital, 111, 140, 143 Brodie, Marc, 1445 Brown, Mary (in workhouse records), 12930 built environment, 4, 7, 16, 45, 77 homes see homes/houses population growth and, 63 speculative building, 65 see also neighbourhoods; slum clearance; spatiality Bulmer, Martin, Neighbours: The Work of Philip Abrams, 4, 168n15 Burgess, Jacob (in workhouse records), 130 Burgess, James (in workhouse records), 131 burial grounds, 734 Burnette, Joyce, 95 business competition, 23, 25

Index Guy Fawkes Day celebrations, 1478, 152 Henry Mayhew on, 1445, 147, 148, 149, 1501, 152, 153 newspaper articles on, 1456 the police and, 145, 146, 14950, 151, 152 property rights, 1501 violence among, 145, 146 court records, 21 consistory (church) courts, 217, 28, 301, 173n74 Old Bailey, 3741, 42, 43 Cowen Orlin, Linda, 62 credit arrangements, 5, 8, 20, 30, 41, 434, 64, 150, 155 cost of, 434 importance of, 44, 82 money lenders, 42, 147 see also pawning crime/punishment, 12, 25, 45, 612, 71 hanging, 29, 589 hue and cry, 601 imprisonment, 65 murder, 145 pillories, 58 police force, 601, 84, 109, 145, 146, 14950, 151, 152 prostitution see prostitution theft, 16, 3741, 42, 43, 60, 71, 74, 1301, 145, 152 see also violence Croll, Andy, 143 Crone, Rosalind, Violent Victorians, 16, 146, 193n45 Crooks, William (in workhouse records), 131 Crossick, Geoffrey, 8 cultural reformation see social change Cunningham, Hugh, 96 Curtey, Jane (in court records), 40 Dallison, James (first husband of Mary Ann Ashford), 141 data sources, 14, 15, 423, 85 accuracy/reliability, 68, 767 census data, 15, 68, 81, 825, 8796, 114, 151 coroners inquest records, 58



court records, 217, 28, 301, 173n74 of Old Bailey, 3741, 42, 43 newspaper articles, 128, 130, 131, 143, 1456 pawnshop pledge books, 42 workhouse records, 9, 107, 110, 11234, 151 see also autobiographies/biographies; parish records Daunton, Martin J., House and Home , 46 Davies, Mrs (a landlady in Drury Lane), 12930 Davis, Dorothy, 93 Davis, Jennifer, 89 de Saussure, Cesar, A Foreign View of England, 312, 53, 578 Dean, Mitchell, 106 debt, 29 see also credit arrangements defamation, accusations of, 21, 22, 24, 28 against men, 289 as revenge, 25 sexual, 227, 301, 171n18 The Dens of London (Anon.), 312 destitution, 1112, 20, 30, 379, 978, 11314, 146, 147 causes of, 1112, 30, 36 relief from, 2944 see also economic uncertainty; poverty Dickens, Charles, 55, 72 Bleak House, 73 Dinnis, Ann (in court records), 26, 28 dissenting sects, 26 dolly shops, 42 domestic service charring, 923 men in, 90 women in, 89, 9993, 95, 1356, 137, 139, 140, 143 in workhouses, 119 Downing, Mary (in workhouse records), 130 drunkenness, 28, 36, 137, 138, 140, 145, 153 Dyos, H. J., 63, 65 Dyson, R., 107, 115 Earle, Peter, 95 A City Full of People, 28, 33


Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue see also skilled workers above workplaces as local, 6, 36, 64, 82 Erikson, A., 87 executions see hanging families/family relationships, 1, 3, 20, 28, 36, 95, 99, 100, 1367, 156 children see children disputes, 66 fragmented, 989 marriages/marital behaviour, 245, 989 mothers/wives, 8, 24, 36, 87, 88, 91, 111 as self-sufficient, 4, 8, 28 single parents, 98, 118, 124, 136 females see women Ferguson, Philip (in workhouse records), 130 Fielding, Henry, 612 fist fights, 313, 57 women involved in, 32, 57, 59 see also violence Floud, Roderick, 81 fog, 556 see also pollution food supplies, 80, 146, 149 football, 578 Forsyth, Mary (in workhouse records), 114 Foucault, Michel, 47 Frazer, Bill, 1011 Friend, Ann (in court records), 38 friendly societies, 6, 8, 11, 1056 membership, 105 purpose, 105 funeral expenses, 105 Gage, J., 65 gambling, 16, 153 Gatrell, V. A. C., The Hanging Tree, 29, 30, 59 Gavin, Hector, 51, 545 Gay, John, Trivia (poem), 523, 57, 72 Geary, Catherine (in court records), 40 gender roles, 12, 25 George, Dorothy, London Life , 72, 85 Glasby [Glazeby], Samuel (in court records), 13031 Glover, Elizabeth (in court records), 41 Gluckman, M., 172n40


economic uncertainty, 2, 4, 8, 12, 79, 801, 155, 156, 157 depressions, 13, 36, 75, 86 impact of, 4, 12, 30, 34, 79 wars, economic impact of, 12, 36, 80, 112, 123 see also destitution; poverty Eden, F., The State of the Poor, 119 education, 35, 36, 94 self-improvement, 8 teachers, women as, 94 Erdwein, John (in workhouse records), 128 the elderly, 4, 13, 156 age-related work, 959 in workhouses, 121, 126, 190n68 Eley, G. and K. Nield, The Future of Class, 7 Elias, Norbert, The Civilizing Process, 3 Robert Shoemaker on, 167n6 employment patterns, 6, 7, 15, 16, 30, 79103, 156 age-related, 959 apprenticeships, 85, 967 child labour, 86, 88, 967, 107 home working, 20, 95 importance of, 812 as irregular/seasonal, 34, 43, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 95, 1067, 137 labourers, 11 occupational structure, 20, 823, 90, 91 bakers, 101 manufacturing, 7981, 823, 1012 shoemakers, 84, 856, 93, 101, 111, 136 shopkeepers, 20, 43, 44, 51, 56, 57, 72, 74, 82, 934 occupational clusters, in neighbourhoods, 901, 1013 property ownership and, 83, 84 public transport deficiencies, effect of, 4, 5, 20 self-employment, 15 skilled workers, 8, 1112, 15, 17, 65 see also working classes below strike action, 857, 145 trade unions, 6, 8, 857 unemployment see unemployment for women see women workers working classes/artisans, 6, 1112, 15, 356, 79103

Index Godwin, George, Town Swamps and Social Bridges, 21, 66, 72, 74 Gorsky, Martin, 105 Gosling, Elizabeth (in court records), 39 gossip, 227, 139, 142, 143, 172n40 see also public opinion; reputation Goulee, Ann (in court records), 28 governesses see teachers government control, 47, 48, 49, 55, 63 by indirect mechanisms, 47 of infrastructure maintenance, 48, 49, 57, 155 Gowing, Laura, Domestic Dangers: Women, Words and Sex , 223, 25 Graham, Jean (in court records), 22, 26 Grant, James, 53, 58 Gray, R. Q., The labour Aristocracy , 8 Green, David R., 20, 120, 131, 151, 159 From Artisans to Paupers, 4, 5, 6, 79, 80, 81 L. D. Schwarz on, 80 Pauper Capital, 115 on L. D. Schwarz, London in the Age of Industrialisation, 80 Green, Edward (second husband of Mary Ann Ashford), 141 Green, Elizabeth (in court records), 40 Greenwood, James, 153, 154 Grosley, Pierre, A Tour to London, 32, 52, 54, 56, 57 Groves, Ann (in court records), 26, 28 Guy Fawkes Day (5 November) celebrations, 1478, 152 hackney carriages, 53 hanging criticism of, 58, 59 as a public spectacle, 29, 589 Harris, Bernard, 106, 107 Hart, William, The Autobiography of , 35, 113 harvests, failure of, 80 Hayden (brother and sister) (in court records), 28 health see illnesses; sanitary conditions Heberley, William (in court records), 24, 26 Hibbert, John (in workhouse records), 1278 Hickson, W. E., 37


ideological struggles, 10, 11 ideology, definition of, 10 illness(es)/accidents, 36, 103, 109, 113, 117, 1256, 132, 136, 139, 141 cholera epidemics, 146 insanity, 117, 118, 131 theories of, 55, 64 incomes see wage/income levels indigence see destitution individual responsibility, 2, 4, 7, 8, 37 infant mortality, 15 insanity, 117, 118, 131 International Journal of Historical Archaeology, themed issues on resistance, 1011

hidden transcript concept, 10 see also resistance/accommodation Hobsbawm, Eric, 84, 226, 234 Hogarth, William, Enraged Musician (print), 59 Hollingshead, John, Ragged London , 634, 65, 712 home ownership, 3 homelessness, 63, 64 see also destitution homes/houses, 2, 46 leisure time in, 1, 8 living conditions, 1, 3, 8, 20, 22, 23, 618, 717, 159 open hearths, 55 rookeries, 48, 63, 72, 74, 159 as ruinous, 61 sanitary conditions, 50 see also built environment honour, concept of, 2930 among women, 323 Horden, Peregrine and Nicholas Purcell, The Corrupting Sea, 20, 30 Horrell, S., 88, 94 horse dung, in the streets, 50 Hudson, P. and L. Hunter (eds), The Autobiography of William Hart , 172n64 hue and cry, 601 Hughes, Mary (in court records), 39, 4041 human waste see sanitary conditions Humphries, J., 88, 92, 94 Hunt, Tristram, 63 Hunter, L. see Hudson, P. and L. Hunter Hyde, John (in court records), 60


Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue Litton Fox, Greer, 256 living conditions, 12, 13, 618, 717, 7981, 1556 cleanliness, 8, 4950, 52, 534, 55 food supplies, 80, 146, 149 in the home, 1, 3, 8, 20, 22, 23, 618, 717, 159 open hearths, 55 sanitary conditions, 50 lodging houses, 667, 93, 15960 overcrowding, 478, 49, 50, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 74, 15960 in rented properties see rented properties residential segregation, 713, 88 rookeries, 48, 63, 72, 74, 159 sanitary conditions see sanitary conditions subsistence living, 1, 4, 11, 16, 20, 334, 357, 99100, 1067 suburban life, 3, 5, 68 sub-letting, 65 urban growth, 2, 9, 13, 458, 49, 63, 157 see also destitution; poverty; slum clearance lodging houses, 667, 93, 15960 see also rented properties London, 457, 678 fashionable/unfashionable areas, 713, 74 as manufacturing centre, 7981 migrants in, 15, 1920, 30, 65, 74, 148 population growth, 13, 68, 79 as trading/investment centre, 13, 79 see also City of Westminster; St Giles in the Fields; St Martins in the Fields Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, A Psalm of Life (poem), 1434 Low Life or One Half of the World (Anon.), 21, 534, 73, 175n135 luxury items, purchase of, 345, 153 McCalman, Iain, 9 McCue, Catherine (in court records), 38 McEwan, Joanne, 656 MacMichael, J. Holden, 72 Maddeson, Agnes (in court records), 26, 31 madhouses see insanity manufacturing trades, 7981, 823, 1012 marriage, 245, 989

international trade, 13, 79 Inwood, Stephen, 150 Irish migrants, 65, 74, 148, 159, 160 Jarman, Ann (in court records), 23, 28 Jennings, Catherine (in court records), 23, 26 Johnson, Eliza (in workhouse records), 1289 Johnson, Samuel, 21 Johnstone, A., Johnstones London Commercial Guide , 162, 166, 195n12 Jones, Elizabeth (in court records), 25, 40 Jonson, Ben, 72 Kelly, Susanna (in court records), 40 Kent, Duke and Duchess of, 138 Kidd, Alan, 106, 11011 State, Society and the Poor , 1213 King, Steven, 44, 81 kinship see families/family relationships Kirby, Peter, 96 Kirk, Neville, The Growth of Working Class Reformism , 8 Klein, Lawrence, 623 Knatchbull, Hon. Wyndham, 111, 140, 141, 143 Knight, Charles, 149 Knock, Catherine (in court records), 40

Lamb, Mary, 68 Lancet, 115, 121 language, 7, 12 Lawrence, Jon, on J. Carter Wood, Violence and Crime , 3 Lefebvre, Henri, The Production of Space, 45 leisure time, 16, 34, 53, 153 in coffee houses, 21 football, 578 gambling, 16, 153 in the home, 1, 8 in public houses, 6, 16, 17, 21, 50, 102, 105 on the streets, 21 theatre, 16 Lettsom, John, 54 Lidler [Littler], Isabella (in workhouse records), 130 link boys, 57 Lis, Catharina, 5, 64

Index Marriott, John, 456 Martin [sic], Maria, 143 Martin, Matthew, 108, 109 Mason, Mrs (landlady of Mary Hughes) (in court records), 39 Mayhew, Henry, 101 on beggars, 10910 on costermongers, 1445, 147, 148, 149, 1501, 152, 153 London Labour and the London Poor , 16, 29, 50, 86, 10910, 1445, 146 Maynes, Mary Jo, 9 Mead, Jenny (in court records), 41 Medick, Hans, 34, 41 Meek, William (in court records), 29 Mendicity Society, 100, 10810 as intrusive, 1089, 110 miasma theory of contagion, 55 middle (middling) classes, 1, 2, 4, 71 as civilizing/reforming, 3, 47, 489, 154 definition, 15 numbers of, 15 poverty, perception of, 467, 48, 4950, 154 respectability and, 78 see also class structure migrants, in London, 15, 1920, 30 Irish, 65, 74, 148, 159, 160 Miller, Thomas, 56, 59 Mills, James (in court records), 24 Mitchell, Ann (in court records), 39 mobility see public transport; population mobility; social mobility money lenders, 42, 147 see also credit arrangements moral reform see social reform Moritz, C. P., Journey of a German in England, 51, 53, 56, 58, 71 Morning Chronicle (newspaper), 128 Mosley, Stephen, 55 Moss, Matthew (in court records), 234, 26, 27 Mudie, Robert, 53 Mui, H. and L. H., Shops and Shopkeeping , 43, 44, 934 Muldrew, Craig, 44, 81 murder(s), 145 Murphy, Elaine, 127 mutual support among costermongers, 1513 among men, 26, 37 among neighbours, 2939, 103, 105, 1378, 155 among women, 35, 3741, 64



neighbourhoods (of the poor), 4, 16, 17, 1944, 155, 15966 class structure and, 5, 67 dispute settlement, 267, 301, 33 gossip, 227, 139, 142, 143, 172n40 homelessness, 63, 64 see also destitution living conditions see living conditions middle/upper class attitudes to, 467, 4950 mobility within, 20, 30 107 mutual support in, 2939, 103, 105, 1378, 155 occupational clusters in, 901, 1013 as overcrowded/squalid, 478, 49, 50, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 1556, 15960 residents fondness for, 645, 153 rookeries, 48, 63, 72, 74, 159 sanitation/water supplies, 48, 49, 5052, 55, 64, 74 as self-sufficient, 4, 5, 29 slum clearance, 13, 48, 636, 71, 1556 social relations in, 12, 34, 56, 19, 20, 21, 49, 77 tension/discord in, 19, 217, 28, 3031, 135, 155 spatial configuration, 4, 7, 16, 19, 22, 4577, 155 subsistence in, 1, 4, 11, 16, 20, 334, 357, 99100, 1067 workplaces in, 6, 36, 64, 82 see also built environment; St Martin in the Fields; street life Newgate, hangings at, 589 newspapers/newspaper reports, 128, 130, 131, 143, 1456 Nield, K. see Eley, G. and K. Nield Norbert, Elias, 3 Nowlan, Mary (in court records), 23 Ogborn, Miles, 48 old age see the elderly Old Bailey proceedings, 3741, 43, 43, 6061


Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue Place, Francis, The Autobiography of, 412, 43, 55, 88, 97, 101 police force, 6061, 84, 109 costermongers and, 145, 146, 14950, 151, 152 politeness, 2 political opinions/activities, 6, 10, 145 Pollock, Linda, 623 pollution, 51, 54, 55, 155 fog, 556 Poor Law relief/legislation, 4, 7, 8, 1213, 16, 757, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 11234, 1512, 156, 15966 amendments to, 112, 113, 116 cost of, 72, 107, 114, 120 criticism of, 106, 112 parish relief (out relief ), 423, 757, 91, 106, 114 as a privilege/right, 106 social change/reform and, 106, 107, 108, 113 see also workhouses population density, 15, 20, 15960 see also overcrowding population levels, 2, 12, 13, 63 infant mortality, 15 length of residency, 20 male/female ratio, 15 migrants, 15, 1920, 30, 65, 74 poverty, 89, 20, 15966 class structure and, 11 definition, 12 the deserving poor, 108 destitution, 11, 12, 20, 30, 379, 978, 11314, 146, 147 homelessness, 63, 64 increase in, 112 as necessary, 11 perception/understanding of, 7, 11, 12 by middle/upper class, 467, 48, 4950, 154 the residuum, 9 vulnerability to, 12, 8081 see also charity; economic uncertainty; poor relief Powell, Ann (in court records), 38 Powley, Margaret (in court records), 26, 31 price rises, 80

see also court records Oliver, Mr (a pawnbroker) (in court records), 23 Olsen, Donald, 65 Oriel, Mrs (wife of George Oriel) (in court records), 24 Oriel, George (in court records), 24 Otter, Chris, 47, 55, 77 overcrowding, 478, 49, 50, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 15960 see also living conditions Overend & Gurney discount bank, collapse of, 12, 81 Overy, Richard, 3 Oxford, St Giles parish, poverty in, 107, 115 Palmer, Elizabeth (in court records), 23, 26 Palmer, Esther (in court records), 23, 25 Paris, 467 parish records, 51, 52, 95, 151 of St Martin in the Fields, 14, 59, 60, 759, 978, 99 poll books, 823, 84 rate books, 15966 settlement examinations/records, 85, 978, 99 parishes, financial assistance from (out relief ), 423, 757, 91, 106, 114 see also Poor Law relief; workhouses Parker, Hester (in court records), 25 parks/open spaces, 21, 45 Parton, Alan, 20, 159 Pascoe, Charles, 153 pawning/pawn shops, 8, 29, 35, 3744, 82, 108, 118, 130, 155, 175n22 patterns of use, 412 pledge books, 42 see also credit Peller Malcolm, James, 512, 56, 61 Pentonville Penitentiary, London, 65 philanthropy see charity Phillips, Margaret (in pauper records), 95 Philpott, Elizabeth (in workhouse records), 130 pillories, 58 Pinchbeck, I., Women Workers , 93, 94 Pitt-Rivers, Julian, 27, 2930


Index privacy, 22, 45, 49, 50 concept of, 623 lack of/need for, 2, 4, 19, 51 private property, concept of, 39, 40 property ownership/rights, 83, 84 for costermongers, 15051 prostitution, 16, 68, 71, 74, 76, 12930, 151 accusations of, 223, 24, 28, 3031 Prothero, Iorwerth, Artisans and Politics, 30, 105 public executions see hanging public houses, 6, 16, 17, 21, 50, 102, 105 night cellars, 21 women employed in, 9091, 93 public opinion, 27 see also gossip; reputation public spaces, 45, 49, 62, 63 parks/open spaces, 21, 45, 49 streets see street life public transcript concept, 10, 138, 142 see also resistance/accommodation public transport, 4, 5, 7, 20, 156 railways, 63, 801 Pugh, Martin, 3 punishment see crime/punishment; hanging Purcell, Nicholas see Horden, Peregrine and Nicholas Purcell Puzey, Catherine (in court records), 23 pythogenic theories of disease, 64 railway construction, 63, 801 Ray, Martha (in court records), 38 religion, 26, 35, 1478, 154 anti-Semitism, 92 rented properties, 23, 25, 29, 39, 15966 cellars, 66 garrets, 66 lodging houses, 667, 93, 15960 moonlight flits, 44 reputation of criminals, 29 good/bad: men 28, 30; women 256, 278 honour, concept of, 2930, 323 importance of, 1, 34, 24, 256, 27, 2830, 314, 41, 44, 110, 155 keeping face, 2931, 323 status, 30, 34



of women, 256 sexual, 227, 171n18 see also respectability resistance/accommodation, 911 hidden transcript concept, 10, 138 ideological struggles, 10, 11 public transcript concept, 10, 138, 142 respectability, 3, 710, 1617 artisanal, 37 as a class issue, 78 costermongers as disreputable, 17, 1445 definition, 89 importance of, 1, 34, 78, 16, 27, 2830, 356, 135, 13744, 154, 155, 157 as internalized, 9 for women, 256, 41 as situational, 9, 16 see also behaviour; reputation retail trade, 82 see also shops/shopkeepers revenge, as a motive for defamation, 25 Robins[on], Mr (of St Martin in the Field workhouse), 131 Robinson, Mr (husband of Eleanor Robinson) (in court records), 24 Robinson, Edward (in court records), 60 Robinson, Eleanor (in court records), 245, 26 Robinson, Mary (in court records), 40 Rodgers, Richard, 165 Rogers, Nick, 2, 190n85 on Robert Shoemaker, The London Mob, 2 rookeries, 48, 63, 72, 74, 159 see also neighbourhoods Rose, Katherine (in court records), 22, 26 Ross, Alexander (in court records), 23 Ross, Ellen, 34 Rowe, Margaret (in court records), 389 Royal Military Asylum (RMA), 111, 136, 137, 138, 13940, 142 board of commissioners, 1412, 143 rubbish disposal, 48, 512, 74, 155 see also sanitary conditions rumour see gossip


Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue settlement examinations/records, 85, 978, 99 St Martin in the Fields parish workhouse, 11234 absconding from, 117, 1324 children in, 116, 118, 121, 1245, 132 data sources, 113, 114, 116, 1223, 124, 134 see also inmates records below discharge from, 117, 119, 121, 124 the elderly in, 121, 126, 190n68 gender segregation/balance, 11617, 120, 123 inmates, 113, 11415, 116 numbers of, 112, 11516, 117, 121 resentment among, 1279 inmates records, 11234 see also data sources above organization/administration, 116, 11719 paid work by inmates, 118, 119, 120, 189n68 purpose, 1201 readmissions, 119, 1227, 128, 129 reputation, 115 Rules and Regulations for , 116 staff, 12930, 131, 190n68 women in, 11617, 118, 1202, 123, 1247, 12834 St Martins Vintry parish, 95 Sanders, Margaret (in court records), 23, 28 sanitary conditions, 49, 501, 52, 545, 61, 64, 74 miasma theory of contagion, 55 pythogenic theories of disease, 64 rubbish disposal, 48, 512, 74, 155 sewers/drainage, 51, 64 see also living conditions saving(s), 136 negative attitude towards, 345, 367, 119 scaffold crowds see hanging scavengers, 50, 51, 52 schools see education Schwarz, L. D., 15, 94, 1623, 194n5 on David Green, From Artisans to Paupers, 80 London in the Age of Industrialisation, 7980, 86


St Clement Danes parish workhouse, 12930 St Giles in the Fields parish, 20 costermongers in, 151 Little Ireland, 159, 160 lodging houses, 67 poverty in, 20 sewers/drainage, 51 slum clearance, 63 St Martin in the Fields parish, 13, 55, 68, 717, 15966 Bedfordbury, 74, 76, 77, 101, 102 the Bermudas, 72, 74, 76, 101 burial grounds, 734 census data, 15, 68, 825, 114 child labour, 967 class structure, 1516 costermongers in, 151 Drury Lane area, 68, 723, 74, 75, 76, 77, 101, 12930 employment patterns, 81, 823, 88, 1067, 156 The Kings Mews, 71, 101 migrants in, 15, 74 Poor Law relief, 43, 757, 114 see also St Martin in the Fields parish workhouse population levels, 15, 62, 63, 68, 107 adult, 15 birth rate, 15 density, 15, 68 male/female ratio, 15, 75, 76 poverty in, 69, 717, 1067 15966 prostitution, 68, 71, 74, 76 rented property, 15966 reputation, 68, 72 sanitary conditions, 512 spatial configuration, 1314, 16, 49, 62, 68, 717, 15966 maps of, 69, 70 street lighting, 56, 57 street sellers, 59 traffic, 60 women workers, 88, 156 occupational structure, 901, 1013 St Martin in the Fields parish records, 14, 59, 60, 759, 978, 99 poll books, 823, 84 rate books, 15966

Index David Green on, 80 Scott, James C., Domination and the Arts of Resistance, 6, 910, 138, 142 sedan chairs, 53, 60 self-improvement, 8 see also education self-sufficiency see individual responsibility; mutual support Sefton, Mary (in court records), 24 sewers/drainage, 51, 64 see also sanitary conditions sexual reputation, of women, 227, 3031, 171n18 Shadd, Mary (in court records), 22, 28 Sharpe, J. A., Defamation and Sexual Slander , 171n18 Shoemaker, Robert, 12, 63 on Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process, 161n6 The London Mob, 12 Nick Rogers on, 2 shoemakers, 856, 93, 101, 111, 136 women as, 93 shops/shopkeepers, 20, 43, 44, 51, 56, 57, 72, 74 income from, 94 retail trade, 82 women as, 934 see also street sellers Shrieve, Charlotte (in workhouse records), 130 Simond, Louis, Journal of a Tour in Great Britain, 46, 54, 55 Simpson, John (in court records), 22 Sims, George, How the Poor Live, 5 Sitch, Hannah (in workhouse records), 133 Skettles, Sarah (in court records), 38 slum clearance, 13, 48, 636, 71, 1556 see also neighbourhoods; social change Smith, Hannah (in court records), 42 Smith, Woodruff, Consumption and the Making of Respectability , 168n29 social assistance see Poor Law relief social change/reform, 14, 7, 12, 13, 17, 478, 49, 63, 1557 behaviour surveillance and, 47 charity and, 107, 109 the deserving poor, 108 middle classes and, 3, 47, 489, 1534



Poor Law relief and, 106, 107, 108, 113 poverty, perception of, 7, 467, 48 resistance to, 7, 489, 534, 1314 see also behaviour; slum clearance social relations, 3, 4, 5, 79 between neighbours, 12, 34, 56, 19, 20, 21, 49, 77, 155 tension/discord, 19, 217, 28, 301, 135, 155 public transcript concept, 10, 138, 142 shifts in, 12 social stability, 2, 12 Soja, Edward W., 4, 45 Soly, Hugo, 5, 64 spatiality/spatial configuration, 4, 7, 16, 19, 22, 4577, 155 importance of, 45 infrastructure maintenance, 48, 49, 57 as overcrowded/squalid, 479, 50, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 15960 private space, 2, 4, 19, 22, 45, 49, 50, 51, 623 public see public spaces; street life of St Martin in the Field parish, 16, 49, 68, 717, 15966 sanitary conditions see sanitary conditions slum clearance, 13, 48, 636, 71 urban, 2, 9, 13, 458, 49, 63, 157 see also built environment; neighbourhoods; traffic special interest groups, 48 Spence, Anna (in court records), 24, 26 Spencer, second Earl, 108, 109 Spitalfields silk weavers, 10 Stanley, Mary (in workhouse records), 125 Star (newspaper), 130 starvation see destitution Stasila, Kylie, 193n44 Statistical Society of London, 87 status, 30, 34 see also reputation Stedman Jones, Gareth, 145 Outcast London, 81 Steinberg, Marc, 10, 138, 142 Stewart, Elizabeth (in court records), 130 Stewart, Jane (in court records), 40 street disturbances/demonstrations, 56, 5761, 1312, 145, 146


Respectability and the London Poor, 17801870: The Value of Virtue trade see international trade; shops/shopkeepers trade unions, 6, 8, 867 strike action, 857 see also employment patterns Trafalgar Square, 63, 71, 72 traffic, on the streets, 52, 53, 58 parking, 60 transport see public transport Treble, James, 41, 42 Tuningley, Martha (in workhouse records), 130 Turner, Mr and Mrs Richard (in workhouse records), 132 unemployment, 4, 30, 34, 36, 412, 43, 65, 80, 81, 100, 137 see also employment patterns upper classes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 45, 678, 71 definition, 15 numbers of, 15, 16 poverty, perception of, 467, 48, 4950, 154 privacy for, 22 respectability and, 78 see also class structure urban growth, 2, 9, 13, 458, 49, 63, 155 see also suburban life vandalism, 57 Vickery, Amanda, 62, 63 Behind Closed Doors, 62 Vincent, David, Bread, Knowledge and Freedom, 34, 100 violence, 14, 21, 145, 155, 193n45 against animals, 1, 145 attitudes to, 1, 23, 4 containment/resolution of, 323 decline in, 2 fist fights, 313, 57 women involved in, 32, 57, 59 see also crime/punishment Waddams, S. M., Sexual Slander , 173n74 wage levels/incomes, 8, 15, 16, 35, 36, 79, 80, 81, 82, 867, 94, 1001, 103, 107, 146, 147, 149, 160, 161, 156, 195n9 of women, 88, 91, 92, 93, 945, 96 in workhouses, 119

tailors, 867, 93, 101 see also Place, Francis A Tale of Two Britains (BBC documentary), 3 Tanner, Andrea, 50, 52, 107 Taylor, J. S., 85 Taylor, William (in court records), 24 teachers, women as, 94 Tebbutt, Melanie, 27, 41, 434, 175n122 Making Ends Meet, 345 Thames river, 71, 76, 101 theatre, 16, 58 street performers, 59 theft, 16, 3741, 42, 43, 60, 71, 74, 1301, 145, 152 Thomas, Keith, 19, 30 Thompson, E. P. and E. Yeo, The Unknown Mayhew, 101 Thompson, F. M. L., 56 The Rise of Respectable Society, 7 Thompson, Victoria, 467 Tomkins, Alannah, 42 The Experience of Being Poor, 107

street life, 1, 2, 5, 49, 68 pedestrians, obstacles to, 523, 56 traffic, 52, 53, 58, 60 see also neighbourhoods street lighting, 567 link boys, 57 street performers, 59 street sellers, 5960, 93, 94, 95 costermongers, 17, 34, 14454 strike action, 857 London Dock Strike, 1889, 145 see also employment patterns; trade unions subsistence living, 1, 4, 11, 16, 20, 334, 357, 99100, 1067 see also living conditions suburban life, 3, 5, 68 see also urban growth Sun (newspaper), 131 Sunderland, David see Ball, Michael and David Sunderland John Suttons City Farm, Islington, 18, 1279, 134 Swinney, Mary (in pauper records), 95

Index Walker, Ann (in workhouse records), 130 Walker, George, 734 Walker, George (in court records), 24 Walker, Mary (in court records), 40 Mr Warburtons Private Madhouse, Bethnal Green, 118 wars, economic impact of, 12, 36, 80, 112, 123 water supplies, 51, 55, 74 weather conditions, 81, 146 fog, 556 Wegs, R. J., 8 Westminster see City of Westminster White, Ann (in court records), 26, 31 White, Matthew, 589 whores see prostitution Williams Elizabeth (in court records), 23, 25 Williams, Henry (in workhouse records), 131 Williams, Jane (in court records), 39 Williams, John (in workhouse records), 131 Williams, Mary (in court records), 40 Willmore, P. and M. Young, Family and Kinship in East London, 3 Winter, John, 48 Wohl, A. S., The Eternal Slum, 64 women as beggars, 109, 110 behaviour, control of, 256, 92 female virtues, 27 fist fights, involvement in, 32, 57, 59 honour, concept of, 323 married, 245, 37, 81, 87, 90 as mothers, 8, 24, 36, 87, 88, 91, 111 as single parents, 98, 118, 124, 136 see also children mutual support among, 35, 3741, 64 numbers of, 15 as prostitutes see prostitution reputation, 2433 as good/bad, 256, 278 nice girl concept, 256 sexual, 227, 171n18 as respectable, 256, 41 in workhouses, 11617, 118, 1212, 123, 1247, 12834, 156


Yeo, E. see Thompson, E. P. and E. Yeo York, 42, 43 Young, M. see Willmore, P. and M. Young Zimmerman, Rebecca (in workhouse records), 132 Zukin, Sharon, 45

women workers, 15, 16, 36, 80, 85, 86, 8796, 103, 107, 154, 156 age-related work, 956 home working, 95 married, 81, 87, 90 occupational structure, 8796 domestic service, 89, 903, 95, 1356, 137, 139, 140, 143 needlewomen, 93, 95 in public houses, 901, 93 shopkeepers, 934 teachers, 94 as part-time, 95 wage levels, 88, 91, 92, 93, 945, 96 Wood, Ann (in court records), 40 Woodhead, Samuel (in parish records), 195n9 workhouse records, 9, 107, 110, 11234, 151 workhouses, 107, 12930 absconding from, 11213 absenteeism/absenters, 117, 1324 children in, 116, 118, 121, 1245, 132 corporal punishment in, 118 domestic work in, 119 high-repeat entrants, 1229, 156 inmates, 107, 110, 156 numbers of, 112, 113 records of, 9 readmissions, 156 wage levels in, 119 women in, 11617, 118, 1212, 123, 1247, 12834, 156 see also Poor Law relief; St Martin in the Fields parish workhouse working classes, 6, 1112, 15, 356, 79103 see also employment patterns

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