Intro To Online LSU Article

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following document and its corresponding exhibits constitute a thorough account of my experience as a student of La Sierra University under the administration of current LSU President Randal Wisbey. Members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church leadership have encouraged me that laymen in the church should be actively involved in bringing about change to the crisis at La Sierra University. It is my hope that the following information will enlighten, awaken, and help church leaders and laymen alike play their part in bringing about this much needed change. During this crisis at LSU, the efforts of various church members and leaders have been directed toward creating greater transparency between LSUs Biology and Religion departments, the LSU administration, and the members and leaders of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. In contrast, you will note on lines 234 and 235 of the proposed LSU bylaw changes that the Board of Trustees designated function To order and control all affairs and business, and to be informed of the work of the various schools, departments, committees and programs will be terminated if the proposed bylaw changes are approved. If each of us will take time to read the proposed LSU bylaw changes, we will note the potential results of reducing the power of LSUs Board of Trustees while strengthening the power of LSUs president, who under the proposed changes will be deemed Chief Executive Officer. World history has already illustrated clearly to us what happens when more and more responsibility and power is invested in one man. The following information is a perfect example of how an institution can conduct itself toward one of its students when its leader has been invested with too much power, and others choose to follow his lead anyway. The handling of the situations and events that follow happened under the leadership, direction, and oversight of Randal Wisbey, current president of La Sierra University. It is not a surprise, then, that he now seeks to concentrate in himself as much power over LSU as is possible. This information is a living example of what Randal Wisbey is willing to put a student through in order to attempt to keep them silent. While representing an openness to diversity of opinion and views, under the leadership of Randal Wisbey, LSU has done quite the opposite toward certain individuals. As you will see, Randal Wisbeys administration withheld and admitted to destroying documents concerning me that I had a perfect right to see and review. This action violated my rights as a student under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, and is just plain wrong. As you will notice, I began requesting documents I was entitled to review in January 2010. The LSU administration and its legal counsel repeatedly represented that they had delivered all documentation that I was entitled to review. In a letter dated March 4, 2010, included in Exhibit V, LSUs lawyer Kent Hansen stated The education records that

you have been provided constitute your entire student file. Once my attorney began insisting that LSU deliver to me all documentation I was entitled to review, LSU soon admitted that they had begun destroying documents that they had been withholding from me. Why would LSU admit to destroying documents in June 2010 when LSUs legal counsel Kent Hansen told me I had been given my entire student file in March 2010? Since the following events and communications transpired, I have received zero from La Sierra University in regards to any type of apology. My attorney pointed out that La Sierra University had been anticipating litigation as a result of these events. I had the option to initiate litigation with La Sierra University, but rather decided to follow the counsel in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 in first bringing my case before the brethren. Verse 1 says Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Rather, my efforts have been toward making those in the church aware who are able to actually accomplish something towards those who refuse to tell the truth. You will note the document below was forwarded to officials at the General Conference and the North American Division. When LSUs administration denied me my right as a U.S. citizen to defend myself regarding the mistakes Randal Wisbeys administration alleged I had made, I asked a LSU employee to represent me. He eagerly agreed to assist me in presenting my case before the deciding committee, while making it known to me how successful (and therefore secure) he felt he was in his employment at the University. Yet, when I talked with him a short time after he represented me, he had been made aware that his job would be terminated in only a few months at the end of the 2009-2010 school year. Others have been mistreated by Randal Wisbeys administration in recent years. Last year, three members of the Board Trustees were booted by their fellow Board members for developing a proposal, in conjunction with faculty members, to include SDA Church teachings on Creation in LSU classrooms. For a fuller story, go to riverside-la-sierra-professor-board-members-dismissed.ece Likewise, LSU Professor Lee Greer was terminated in 2012 when he attempted to work with fellow professors, LSU board members, and church leaders to incorporate SDA teachings on Creation into LSUs classrooms. For a fuller story, go to greer-issues-press-release I realize it can be a challenge for church leaders, accrediting bodies, constituents, and parents of LSU students to really see what the Universitys administration is

doing, and what its classrooms are teaching. Yet I hope the following information will help all who read realize that greater transparency is needed in this respect on behalf of Randal Wisbey and the LSU faculty and administration, and that dishonesty and misrepresentation will not be tolerated in any form. It is high time that Randal Wisbey and leaders at LSU be held fully accountable for their actions and representations towards students, parents, faculty, and church members alike. While Randal Wisbey represents an openness to diversity and opinion, he has both openly and covertly terminated professors and Board members, and persecuted and harassed students who set forth opinions and ideals differing from his ideology. What does it take for us to see the common thread that correlates these actions with LSUs refusal to take responsibility for its blatant indoctrination of students with evolutionary teachings (Biology and Religion departments alike), as well as with its current attempts to concentrate power in Randal Wisbey and further separate itself from the Church? The immediate question is, Are members and leaders of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church willing to allow one of its institutions to come under even greater control of an individual who has an ideology and actions so different than the fundamental Biblical beliefs and values of the Church? In the following document, you the reader will find a 22-page legal document summarizing my experiences as a La Sierra University student. The document is further supplemented by over 200 pages of exhibits. The good news is that this crisis at La Sierra University is carried upon Gods heart (Testimonies to the Church, Volume 7, page 298.1). It is my hope that this information will enable the Adventist Accrediting Association and the constituent body of La Sierra University to hold to their duty of upholding correct principles at LSU. Take care lest in their efforts to prevent discord, they surrender truth; lest in warding off division, they sacrifice principle. True brotherhood can never be maintained by compromising principle (Review & Herald, 1/16/1900, Par. 6). Sincerely, Louie Bishop

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