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MIRCI 13 -MUCH 19, 2013 'llUME 4 - la. 11


The Community's Bilingual Newspaper 1Peri6dico Bi/ingiie de la Comunidad


ev SiX IIUllllllCJ,!1


Story by Toni-A Martin

/In any given day, Cynthia VThompkins, 56, leaves her nine-to-jive as a public defense attorney at the Legal Aid Society to attend two or three meetings backto-back-and weekends are no exception.
So when the Citizens Committee for New York City (CCNYC) notified Thompkins that she would be honored at the organization's annual gala, she was characteristically busy. Preoccupied with work and community service matters, she simply responded with a quick "OK," and then ended the conversation shortly thereafter. Only later, when she had a moment time to visit the organization'S website and spotted her name listed as an honoree, did she begin to understand the significance of the award. As she scrolled through photos from last year's New Yorkers for New York Gala, she finally realized this might be a big deal. And so this past Mon., Feb. 25th, Thompkins attended the gala at Gotham Hall to accept the Osborn Elliot Award for Community Service, presented by actor Alec Baldwin, and New York Police Deparbnent Commissioner Ray Kelly. ' "The Bronx was highlighted in a sense that night," said Thompkins, who was honored for her outstanding leadership efforts in her neighborhood before approximately 600 gnests. "I went to that event understanding its full scope, the mission of Citizens Committee and

A New Yorker for the Bronx

"My focus is on the people," said Cynthia Thompkins, who was honored by the Citizens Committee of New York City. violence can happen everywhere was enough for her to stay and put up a fight. The day after the incident, she went knocking on doors in her aparbnent huilding. "You heard the shooting last night right? We have to do something about it," Thompkins told her neighbors. With more than 40 people on board, she asked residents in neighboring buildings if they too wanted to join the movement. Founded in 1975, Citizens Committee for New York City provides grants up to $3,000 to low-income neighborhood groups to improve their communities. Grants are awarded to resident-led, volunteer community groups to design and implement their own neighborhood projects. Citizens Committee Director of Communications and Outreach Saleen Shah said Thompkins attended all of the community organizing workshops that Citizens Committee offers and won a grant to expand her efforts to curtail youth violence and mobilize young people in the community. "Every year we honor one member or a group of residents in New York City who have had some sort of impact in the past year, so this year we find ourselves with Cynthia Thompson who is a juggernaut in her neighborhood doing all types of positive things," Shah said. Thompkins hosted block parties through MANA to boost morale in the neighborhood and developed three major initiatives: Street See NEWYORKER p13

the importance of it," she added. "Had they not funded us, there are a lot of things we would not have been able to do." Thompkins was referring to the Marion Avenue Neighborhood Association (MANA) she founded to serve the residents in the Fordham Heights section of the Bronx after a long-lasting, early-morning sbootout sbook

the neighborhood in October 20 11. "Fifteen minutes of just gunshots," recalled Thompkins. "You wake up and you dive on the floor because you don't know where those bullets are going." She contemplated moving, but having lived in the neighborhood for 4 years, she chose against it. She said that the realization too that

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13, 2013



Historia por Toni-Ann Martin

n un dia cualquiera, Cynthia Thompkins, de 56 anos, sale de su trabajo de nueve a cinco como abogado defensor publico en ef Legal Aid Society, para asistir ados 0 Ires reuniones consecutivas, y los fines de semana no son una excepcion. Asf que cuando el Comite de Ciudadanos de Nueva York(CCNYC por sus siglas en ingles) Ie notific6 a Thompkins Que seria honrada en la gala anual de la organizaci6n, estaba caracterfsticamente ocupada. Preocupada per asuntos de trabajo y de servieio a la comunidad, ella simplemente respondi6 con un rapido "esta bien', y puso fin a la conversaci6n poco despues. SOlomas tarde, cuando tuvo el tiempo para visitar el sitio web de la organizaci6n y vio su nombre como uno de los homenajeados, empezo a comprender el significado del premio. Al despiazarse por las fotos de 105 neoyorquinos que asistieron el aiio pasado a la Gala, finalmente se dio cuenta de que esto podrfa ser algo grande. Yasi, este pasado lunes 25 de febrero, Thompkins asisto a la gala en el Gotham Hall para aceptar el premio Osborn Elliotpor Servicio Cornunitario, presentado por el actor Alec Baldwin y el Comisionado de la policia de Nueva York, Ray Kelly. "EIBronx se destac6 en un sentido esa noche', dijo Thompkins, quien fue honrada por sus esfuerzos sobresalientes de liderazgo en su condado, ante aproximadamente 600 invitados. "Fui a ese evento entendiendo su alcance, la mfsi6n del Comite de Ciudadanos y la importancia de elio", anadia. "Si no hubiesemos recibido financiamiento, no habriamos podido hacer muchas cosas'. Thompkins se referia a la Asocacion de Vecinos de MarionAvenue (MANApor sus siglas en ingles) que fundo para servir a 105 residentes de la seccion Fordham Heights del Bronx despues de que un tiroteo de larga duracion, temprano por la manana que sacudi6 el barrio en octubre de 2011. "Quince minutos de 5010 disparos', recorda Thompkins. "Te despiertas y te sumerges en el suelo porque no sabes a d6nde se dirigen las balas".

Una neoyorquina para el Bronx

la violencia y soluciones pacificas con sus vecinos. Una preocupaclon principal expresada por muchos padres de la localidad fue la necesidad de dar a 105 niiios del vecindario cosas positivas que hacer. En respuesta, la Asociacion desarrollo talleres de arte, por ejemplo, de escnnra creativa y fotografia. Thompkins tamblen fundo Mujeres Contra la Violencia en todas partes para fortalecer alas mujeres y combatir el problema de las madres que pierden a sus hijos debido a la violencia en la comunidad. "Tenemos que ser 10 suficientemente flexibles e innovadores para permitir que el proceso creativo aparezca en nuestras comunidades, porque la gente sabe 10 que se necesita en la comunidad y tiene que ser escuchada. Encontrara que las soluciones ya estan alii ", dijo. Thompkins comenzo a asistir a todas las reuniones del Consejo de la Comunidad para seguir siendo una voz activa en su asodaden y con los residentes. Ala luz de su experiencia legal y su liderazgo como agente de policla en Pittsburgh durante 15 aiios y como abogado, se animo a postularse para presidente del Consejo Comunitario del Precinto 46 y gano en junio de 2012. "Recuerdo que cuando empece, la gente decia que el Bronx nunca cambiaria, pero nuestra comunidad fue atormentada por miembros de pandillas y traficantes de drogas a la vuelta de Ia esquina', serialo Thompkins. "Ahora vas ahf y no yes eso.' Involucrarse mas en la comunidad ha lIevado a la activisla a alcanzar una mayor pasion, se ha unido a la carrera para representar al Disbito 15 en el New York City Council. Thompkins sera la anlibiona de un evento de recaudaclon de fondos de campaiia en la tabema Yankee, en la 72 East y la calle 161, ellS de marzo alas 4:30 pm "Miexperiencia se presta para este trabajo, mi experiencia como oficial de pollcia, como propietaria de una pequeiia empresa, como abogado, como madre, como mujer gay, todo se presta para eso', dijo Thompkins. "Yse que haria un buen trabajo. Mi atencon se centra en la gente'.

i~Miatenci6n se centra en las personas',

dijo Cynthia Thompkins, ~uien fue homenajeada por el Comile de Ci~adanos de Nueva York. Ella contempl6 mudarse, pero despues de haber vivido en el barrio durante 4 aiios, eligi6 10 contrario. Dijo que entender que la violencia puede ocurrir tambien encuslquier lugar fue suficiente para que se quedara y diera la bataHa. Al dla siguiente del incidente, tacO en las puertas de 105 apartamentos en su edificio. "i,Escuchaste el tiroteo de anoche, cierto? Tenemos que hacer algo al respecto', dijo Thompkins a sus vecinos. Con mas de 40 personas a bordo, pregunto a los residentes en los edificios vecinos si tarnbien querlan unirse al movimiento. Fundado en 1975, el Comlte de Ciudadanos de Nueva Yorkofrece subvenciones de hasta $3,000 doleres a grupos vecinales de bajos ingresos para mejorar sus comunidades. Las subvenciones se conceden a grupos de voluntarios de la comunidad liderados por un residente para diseiiar e implementar sus proyectos de barrio. Saleen Shah, Directora de Comunicaciones


y Relaciones Comunitarias del Comite de Ciudadanos, dijo que Thompkins asisti6 a todos los talleres de orqanlzacion cornunltarta que ofrece el Comite de Ciudadanos y gano una subvenci6n para ampliar sus esfuerzos para reducir la violencia juvenil y moviiizar a los jovenes en la comunidad. "Cada ano honramos a un miembro 0 un grupo de residentes de la ciudad de Nueva YorkQue han tenido algun tipo de impactodurante el ana pasado, asl que este aiio nos encontramos con Cynthia Thompkins, Que es una gigante en su vecindario haciendo todo tipo de cosas positivas ", dijo Shah. Thompkins orqanizo fiestas del barrio a traves de MANApara levantar la moral en la comunidad y desarrollo tres iniciativas principales: Street Peaee Walks, talleres de j6venes, y mujeres contra la violencia en todas partes. En los paseos de la Paz, los miembros caminan alrededor de la comunidad para discutir

from p9 experience as a police officer in Pittsburgh for 15 years and as an attorney, she was encouraged to run for Community Council President of the 46ili Precinct and won in June 2012. "I remember wben I first started, people would say the Bronx will never change, nothing is going to change, but our community was ridden with gang members on the comer and drug dealers on the comer," noted Thompkins. "You go there now and you do
not see that"

Peace Walks, youth workshops, and Women Against Violence Everywbere. On the Peace Walks, the members walk around the community to discuss violence and peaceful solutions with their neighbors. A main concern expressed by many local parents was the need to give children in the neighborhood positive tbings to do. In response, the Association developed art workshops, such as creative writing and photography. Thompkins also founded Women Against Violence Everywhere to empower women and combat the issue of mothers losing their children dne to community violence. 'We have to be flexible enough and innovative to allow for the creative process to emerge in our communities because people do know what's needed in the community and they have to be listened to. You'll find the solutions are already there," she said. Thompkins began attending all community council meetings to remain an active voice for her association and the residents. In light of her legal and leadership

Becoming more involved in the community has led the activist to realize a greater passion; she has joined the race to represent District 15 in the New York City Council. Thompkins will host a campaign fundraiser event at Yankee Tavern, 72 East l61st St., on March 15th at 4:30 p.m. "My background lends to this work; my background as a police officer, as a small
business owner, as a lawyer, as a mother, as a

gay woman, all lends to that," said Thompkins. "And I know that I would do a good job. My focus is on the people."

Thompkins habl6 con el Comisionado Ray Kellyacerca de la disminuci6n de la delincuencia en el Precinto 46, donde es la presidenta del Consejo Cornunitario.






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efforts to improve her community will be honored by the Citizens Committee of New York CYNTHIA THOMPKINS City. might have been content to And last Tuesday, she filed lounge in her Fordham apart- with the state Board of Elecment if a IS-minute gunfight tions to run for the 15th City on her street hadn't jolted her Council district seat Joel Rivera awake on Oct. 9,2011. will vacate due to term limits, "I sat in my apartment the Thompkins, a retired cop next morning, and had to make and a Legal Aid lawyer, used a decision whether I was going her courthouse connections to to move or stay," Thompkins get lawyers, cops and judges to said, "If I was going to stay, I address neighbors and also lishad to do something about ten to their anguish at meetings what was happening outside," of the Marion Ave. NeighborShe did quite a lot. hood Association. ..... " Thompkins, 56, gathered Some residents initially about 40 residents to form a balked at Thompkins' enthusiastic, visionary speeches. She neighborhood association, organized walks for peace got heckled at one block parthrough dangerous streets, ty she organized last summer, launched a women's anti-vio- "Give it a rest," someone said. "Did it take some time lence group, and in June, was elected president of the 46th to get folks to stand up and Precinct Community Council. agree what needed to be done? Yes," On Monday, Thompkins'

Thompkins said. "What was important was that we didn't give up." MANA teens and adults take StreetPeace walks, talking one-on-one with youth on the streetcorners where shootings have occurred, handing out Street Peace buttons and stickers and information on job and GED programs, as well as MANA workshops. At precinct council meetings, Thompkins lets her neighbors ask the tough questions, She is by turns blunt and effusive, At the recent meeting on Wednesday, Captain Albert Lindquist told the 50 residents that there have been no shootings in the precinct so far this year, drawing applause, "The gangbangers are gone,"

Thompkins said, "It doesn't becoming a lawyer, mean gangs are gone from the She got pregnant and wed as whole area, but they're not in a teen, but the marriage quickour community any longer. ly failed. She raised her son They're not hanging on the cor- alone, working days and takners, intimidating people walk- ing college classes at night for ing into their buildings." decades. Citizens Committee, which She was a cop in Pittsburgh supported MANA with a $500 and a small-business owner in microgrant, will name Thomp- Hawaii. She finished col\eege kins its community honoree at in her 40s and passed the bar its New Yorker for New York exam in her 50s. . Gala at Gotham Hall. A grandmother of three, Spokesman Saleen Shah she also helps raise her former said Thompkins has made a big partner's lO-year-old son. On City Council, she said H difference with little support. "She's special because she she would support green efforts wears several hats as a com- to improve existing housing, munity organizer," Shah said. plant trees and support small "She's part ofthese different 10- business in bringing healthy cal spheres that all have a posi- food to the borough. tive impact." "The more I do, the more I ;. While she's getting results see that it needs to go beyond now, Thompkins la- where I am," Thompkins said. bored long to "I see what's not being done, . :;, achieve her and I believe I can do better." ~,t dreams of

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