AARP Indian Elder Seminole Print

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(Editor's Note: The opinions and/or views expressed in the following are not necessarily those of The Seminole Producer staff or management.) LITTLE HANDS AND LITTLE FEET By: Manuel L. Kishekton, Sr "'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!' "(EzeIdel 33:11) Why didn't someone tell me it would be this hard? The time has come for my daughter and her two children to move to their new home out of state. I knew this day would come and of course I kept telling myself that it would be ok and that I could handle it just fine. No one ever told me that it would be this hard to let them go. Now I sit here at my desk trying to concentrate and write a commentary on the book of the Revelation but all that I can think about is my grand daughter. She moved into my home when she was a new born and stayed here for almost a year. The majority of the time that I would be home in the evenings she would come into my office and play. That is where I spend most of my time when I am home and so she would always join grampa as I worked at my desk. I always kept a little box full of the stuff she liked to play with in my office; a little ball, an old watch, some musical toys and a few other trinkets that intrigued her. The toys are gone now but I still have the box. My grand baby would sit and play and every so often she would crawl up in my lap for some grampa lovin or to bounce up and down on my knee. Sometimes she would just lay in my arms while I would sing my song of love to her and play with her little hands and little feet. I can't explain the feeling that I would get deep down in my chest as she would let me gently sing to her and she would just lay and stare into my eyes. I am not sure what she was looking for but since they have moved so far away, I hope that she could see how much I love her and one day she will remember the special moments we shared together. My daughter recently gave birth to a little boy and so I have my grandson and five other grand daughters and though I truly love them all the same, there is just something special about being able to share in my grand daughter's first year. To hold her, care for her and love her in that first stage of her life has been amazing. What is our life span in comparison to that of Eternal God the Father? Many times in scripture the Lord refers to us as his children, even little children on

The Seminole Producer - Sun., March 24, 2013 - Section B - Page 5

What Would You Do For Eternal Love? Garlanch' Art & Craft Show
daughter will bring my grand baby to see me, I just hope that she doesn't wait to long. There is hope. I know that the Father has given me eternal life with him because I have accepted all that he has done for me through the cross and I have surrendered my life to him as Lord and Master. At death, I will not step into a day of shock and dismay but of love and great joy. What do you chose? And where will it take you?

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Pastor Manuel L. Kishekton, Sr

First Baptist Church of Cromwell some occasions.

The Bible says that because of the endless love that he has for us that he was not willing that any of us should perish but that we would all come to saving faith and find salvation in the shelter of his arms. Because of that same love he was moved to step out of eternity and into time, if just for a moment so that he could die for our sin and secure the forgiveness that was necessary for us to spend eternity with him. What a glorious day it will be for me as his child to bask in the warmth of his endless love in a place with no more pain, no more sickness or sorrow. Would you not die for a child or a grand child that you loved if the need should arise? The Bible says that God loved us so much that he became a man and sacrificed himself on the Cross of Calvary to save us from the consequence of our sin. How many of us would die such a cruel death for people who for the most part could care less? Jesus died, was buried in

an unmarked tomb and resurrected on the third day to give us victory over our sin and the consequence of that sin which is eternal death and separation from God. I would do just about anything to spend the day with my grand baby just one more time though I am sure that even that would never be enough. God the Father does not take pleasure in the death of those that he loves. Jesus wept over a nation of people that had become so cold and callous that they were not open to his love for them and I am certain that his heart is broken time and time again for those that in their callousness have chosen to live their lives apart from him only to die in their sin and end up in a place of great torment and suffering which is the result of such a life. We nonchalantly treat God as an after thought but there will come a day when he will become very real to us as the realization of our decisions to omit him from our lives becomes so very real. There is hope. I am sure that one day my


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Remembering God Will Help Keep Us Moral

(Editor's Note: The opinions and/or views expressed in the following are not necessarily those of The Seminole Producer staff or management.) Clear Thinking By Chris Stinnett Dan Ariely is a psychologist and researcher at MIT. His whole viewpoint is shaped by a terrible experience he suffered as a young man, recovering from extensive burns. While immobilized, he began to notice that people often made decisions that made little actual sense. After his recovery, he set about trying to understand why people do the things they do. The result is a book published in 2008: Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. In the book, Ariely shows that we are kidding ourselves to think that we make choices based on clear, rational thought. Often, we are driven by fleeting emotions or even by faulty thinking and imaginary reasons. His findings are backed up by extensive testing. memory. One group was asked to list 10 books they read in high school; the other group was asked to list the Ten Commandments. Then immediately tested for honesty, the group that listed books cheated exactly the same amount. The group that listed the commandments, though, did not cheat at alleven if they could not remember one single commandment. Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles (2 Peter 3:1-2 NIV). It seems clear that we need frequent reminders to help us think rationally. We tend to forget even the most basic moral guidelines that will stabilize us and move us forward in life. However, once we are reminded of our moral obligations, we tend to act properly and to enjoy the benefits of ethical behavior. From time to time I hear someone ask, "Why do I have to go to church?" There are a number of reasons for us to gather and worship GodHe certainly deserves our adoration and praise! One reason, though, is that it's good for us. We need to be reminded that there is right and wrong and that we will be held accountable for the choices we make in life. When we remember that we will be judged, we tend to make decisions that reflect righteousness. Partly for that reason, Peter thought it necessary to write and remind Christians about spiritual reality. He knew that we will live better lives if we remember God in our daily actions. On reflection, it seems like common sense to notice that remembering God will help to keep us moral. Forgetting Him would be irrational and predictable.


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A Religious Editorial
by Chris Stinnett
(Minister at the Church of Christ in Seminole) In one test at UCLA, he devised an experiment to determine whether ordinary people would prefer to cheat for very slight monetary gain. He learned (no surprise) that they would cheat a little bit. Then he introduced a twist to the experiment: he asked two groups to make lists from

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Nominations Open for 5th Annual AARP Indian Elder Honors; Association to Celebrate Impact of Elders from all 39 Tribes
Oklahoma City Recogniz"This event is all about celing the important impact Indian ebrating the extraordinary conelders have on the fabric of the tribution Indian elders many state, AARP Oklahoma will of whom have never been reconce celebrate Indian elders at ognized before have had on its Fifth Annual Indian Elder their families and the people Honors. around them." Edwards said. The association has "We work very hard to have announced it is accepting nom- at least one person from each inations for the Fifth Annual of the 39 Oklahoma tribes and AARP Oklahoma Indian Elder nations honored every year." All nominees must be an Honors now through June 30. Nominations can be made enrolled member of a federallyonline at: or recognized Oklahoma tribe or by mail. nation and must be living. "Every year, AARP brings Those wishing to submit a together members from all nomination can mail an essay Oklahoma tribes and nations detailing how the nominee has for a celebration honoring impacted their tribe or commuIndian Elders in a spirit of nity, along with a non-returnpeace and harmony," said able photo, to AARP Indian AARP Volunteer Tee Edwards, Elder Honors, 126 N. Bryant, a member of the Chickasaw Edmond, OK, 73012. nation. Nominations can also be "It's an amazing night when submitted online by visiting AARP connects us to people with the same shared interest Deadline for nomination is and we celebrate our elders." June 30th. Among last year's honorees For more information was a 100-year old Comanche about the AARP Indian Elder finger-weaving artist, the last Honors, contact Mashell Soursurviving son of Oklahoma john at 405-715-4474. great Jim Thorpe, educators, Those selected will be honministers and dancers. ored at the 5th Annual AARP Indian Elder Honors which will be held in October. About AARP AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of more than 37 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment security and retirement planning. We advocate for consumers in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name as well as help our members obtain discounts on a wide range of products, travel, and services. A trusted source for lifestyle tips, news and educational information, AARP produces AARP The Magazine, the world's largest circulation magazine; AARP Bulletin; www. ; AARP TV & Radio; AARP Books; and AARP VIVA, a bilingual news source. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. The AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. AARP has staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more at .

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Dear Patient, Effective April 1, 2013, the Seminole Integris Medical Center Hospital is introducing a hospitalist program. This means that if you have to be admitted into the hospital, a physician (hospitalist) will be admitting you and seeing you in the hospital, instead of your primary care physician. The hospitalist will be in contact with me and when you are discharged, you will again be sent to back to my office as your primary care physician for your continued care. After 23 years of admitting my patients and seeing them in the hospital daily, this will be quite a change. I want to assure you that I will continue to follow you in the office and will be in communication with the hospitalist should you be admitted to the hospital. Thank you, as always, for your trust and confidence in our medical practice as we will continue to work hard for your health care needs. Sincerely, Randall Kemp, D.O.
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