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Kera Pezzuti

English 10 GL
Roots Summer Assignment

Chapter Thoughts
Ch 1- This first chapter of this novel sets the stage for a story about something that seems
like a cult. Everything appears to be very specific and superstitious in many cases. The
search for something as simple as the name of your child should not be that complicated.
Kunta Kinte will probably be our protagonist in the story.
Ch 2- The ending passage of this chapter made me laugh. No one is so grown by the time
they take their first steps that should receive a spanking. At this moment in the child’s
life, they should not be expected to be fully grown. I suppose that Binte’s only motive for
this act was so that Omoro would not find the need to take another wife.
Ch 3- Even though I know now that their odd acts are for religious purposes, it still seems
superfluous for the people of Juffure to go through all that superstitious crap because the
rain is coming. The story told by Nyo Boto at the closing of this chapter seems as if it
will foreshadow many events to come and is definitely an explicit theme of this novel.
Ch 4- The events that take place in this chapter came close to making me physically ill.
When the small children of a village are forced to fight each other for scraps of wild
animals, your village is doomed. It is quite comic, though, when the children promise
Allah a goat if he makes the sun shine in a mimic act of their parents. But will their
goodness be repaid with good or bad?
Ch 5- Reading about the victims to this disease or parasitic infection creeped me out. The
actions taken by the Grandmother when Kunta fell, although smart, were kind of
Ch 6- Throughout this entire chapter, I felt sympathy for the poor, ignored Kunta. At
Grandma Yaisa’s funeral, the steps taken to ensure a peaceful rest were a tad disturbing.
The final words at the end of this chapter puzzle me, though. Who are the people waiting
to be born?
Ch 7- It was exciting to learn in this chapter that my name in Mandakin means “peace”.
Are the scary white people spoken about by the elders slavers? It is a shame that the
people of the village must live with the fear everyday of being taken from their homes by
crazy strangers.
Ch 8- The people spoken about in the beginning of this chapter were probably those who
were taken by the scary, red-faced, white people to become slaves. The magic man who
visits Juffure is probably something of a con artist. It seemed like such crap.
Ch 9- In a society where everything is based on age and gender, I cannot imagine the joy
Kunta felt as he put on his first clothes. Finally, with his nakedness concealed, he can
begin really growing up.
Ch 10- Upon entering the second kafo, Kunta and his mates received clothing which they
showed off with pride to the rest of the village. When they were taken to see to the goats
for the first time, they appeared to be hazed by the older children of Juffure.
Ch 11- The clay dug up by the men for the pregnant women seems gross, and I cannot
imagine what it truly is. Nyo Boto is a very humorous woman who can get away with
saying anything because of her great age. The steps taken to prepare the village for the
festival are very odd in my opinion, especially the one about black equaling beautiful.
Ch 12- The exchange of drum talk between the wrestlers is actually quite humorous. It
reminds of the smack talk that takes place in modern day sports. Good for the girl who
was chosen by one of the other wrestlers.
Ch 13- Being taken for manhood training seems like a frightful experience. I cannot
imagine how terrible the actual training is. What is a foto? Kunta learned a valuable
lesson when his goats ran while he was foolishly daydreaming.
Ch 14- The dry season seems like a real bitch. I would not be able to deal with it every
year and just keep praying and praying for rain everyday. When the rain finally does
come to the village, it must seem like a miracle.
Ch 15- Binta seems to get pregnant more often than anyone I have ever met. I suppose it
is part of their culture to produce as many children as possible, though. Watching the
relationship between Kunta and Lamin grow is so cute.
Ch 16- When Omoro is speaking of the slaves who are taken, it seems odd that they
would rather their family members kill themselves than face what is coming. To me, it is
a weird standard for bravery. Are firesticks guns? How did they come up with white
Ch 17- The drumtalk between villages is surprisingly efficient and reliable. Kunta must
have been overjoyed when his father told him that he would be going to the new village
to see his uncles for the first time. I wonder how difficult the journey will be for little
Ch 18- As Kunta attempts to copy Omoro in all his actions, it seems typical of a father
and son relationship. Omoro could be nicer to Kunta, though, and teach him how to do
more things on a log voyage. It is Kunta’s first experience of this type, and Omoro should
be more helpful. I suppose it is not in the way of the Mandakins.
Ch 19- That poor grandmother. Is she mentally retarded or just delusional? Regardless,
Omoro handled himself very well with her. Kunta gets very excited when he hears his
name drumtalked.
Ch 20- The many stories told by the various peoples in the new village are very
interesting. Kunta must have especially enjoyed the one about his grandfather because
they share the same name. Kunta will have many stories to share with his kafo when he
Ch 21- Kunta learned a huge lesson today the hard way. Omoro was not too happy with
Kunta’s rash thinking in charging the animal. And yet, at the end, Kunta loves Omoro
even more.
Ch 22- Why do they have put bags over the boys before they take them away? It seems
like such a weird, frightening ritual. In four months, the boys will finally return to the
village as men.
Ch 23- Manhood training in Juffure is like boot camp in America. The boys go through so
many beatings and abuse so they can call themselves men. It seems stupid to me, but it is
accepted in Juffure.
Ch 24- Do villages really go to war that often that their children learn battle techniques?
The stories told by the kintango are enthralling. I’m sure that Kunta will now view these
men as his heroes and role models.
Ch 25- I think that the boys are being circumcised. This is one ritual of becoming a man
that makes some sense to me. And now they finally get to joyfully return to Juffure as
Ch 26- During the four months that Kunta was at manhood training, his brothers have
grown a lot. It seems like the greatest event in one’s life in Juffure is becoming a man.
The coolness of Nyo Boto to Kunta must have really hurt his feelings. Although he is a
man, he should not be treated like that.
Ch 27- This is a very interesting chapter where Kunta discovers the wonders of
masturbation. He is just like all other fifteen year old guys. Good thing he now has the
privacy of his own hut.
Ch 28- Without his family around him all the time, Kunta now feels lonely and unwanted.
He cannot fit in with the boys of Juffure or the Council of the Elders. He is at a difficult,
transitional point in his life.
Ch 29- I do not understand Binta’s reactions and treatment of Kunta as he becomes more
independent. Is that not a good thing? Lamin is very fortunate to have an older brother
that wishes him to experience different things in life like gold hunting.
Ch 30- If Kunta hated the treatment his father showed him on their trip, why would he
give the same to Lamin? Gold hunting sounds very difficult, but well worth it. Binta must
have been thrilled at the gift her two oldest sons brought back for her.
Ch 31- The village of Juffure has a very odd way of solving its problems. I cannot believe
that two young men of Kunta’s kafo were given to older women just to sleep with them. I
feel extremely sorry for the young girl who was raped by a white man.
Ch 32- Kunta is working very hard to prepare for his voyage to Mali. I wonder who he
will meet there and if he will learn the trade of a blacksmith. Why, though, does he keep
his trip secret from Binta and Omoro? Would they not help him prepare for his journey?
Ch 33- I have felt since the beginning of the novel that Kunta would be taken by slavers,
but I was still shocked. I thought that Kunta was an amazing hunter, so he should have
heard them. What horrors now await him with the toubob?
Ch 34- Never before have I understood what was so terrible about the voyage from
Africa. This is truly what makes slavery so terrible. So many men must have died in the
disgusting conditions on the boat.
Ch 35- Kunta’s tragic please to Allah remind me of the explicit theme mentioned in the
begging of the novel. For someone who believes that Allah will save him as long as he
follows the five pillars, this must be tragic. I do not think the poor slatee deserved to be
killed by the men.
Ch 36- The descriptions of the conditions on the boat make me feel ill. I do not
understand what is going on with the dancing and singing by the women on the boat. I am
glad that Kunta is able to communicate with his neighbor however simple it is.
Ch 37- The talk that takes place between the slaves, though complicated, is amazing.
Even with all their talk of escaping, I doubt they will able to take the toubob. I fully
understand the anger with the Wolof at Allah, and I think he has every right to not believe
in a god who willed this upon him.
Ch 38- The men are putting a lot of thought into their plans of escape; I just hope they
can decide upon one. The Wolof was foolish for attacking the toubob single handedly,
though; I do admire his ability to take out so many by himself. If Kunta feels that strongly
about those that have already died, why does he not throw himself over the rail like so
many others?
Ch 39- I am absolutely revolted by this disease that has struck the people on the ship. As
if I was not disgusted enough by the conditions. I never thought Kunta would grow so
weak he would not be able to feed himself.
Ch 40- It is about time that Kunta realized he must build up his strength if he wishes to
escape. Where are the slaves being kept right now and why? I hope that they receive
better treatment then they did on the boat.
Ch 41- Although the talk of the toubob escapes Kunta, I am able to understand that he is
being treated like an antique at an auction. It is sickening. Kunta does not understand why
the blacks are helping the toubob, but we know that it is because they are slaves
themselves. Kunta must be being taken to a plantation.
Ch 42- Even though Kunta does not like the toubob, he should still eat the food given to
him for strength. Did Kunta really think that there were no children toubob or families of
them? I think the red people that Kunta sees are Indians going through the same
misfortune as the Africans. I hope Kunta escapes to the north in this run for freedom.
Ch 43- Kunta should have waiting until he was stronger before he tried to escape. It is
foolish of Kunta to keep struggling with strong men when he has no chance of escape
because he is already weak enough. Why does Kunta assume that the people on the
toubob land are all pagan? It is writing in the scriptures that he worships so much that we
are all peoples of the book.
Ch 44- I think the signing Kunta speaks of is the famous song of the underground railroad
that gave slaves directions to escape. I wonder what type of work Kunta will be forced to
do in the fields. Kunta really misses his family and won't stop blaming himself for what
Ch 45- Kunta really despises the toubob and their food, but he should still eat it in order
to build up his strength. It is difficult to figure out what words Kunta means when they
are spelt incorrectly, but interesting. I know what a nigger is.
Ch 46- It is interesting to read about things that Kunta does not understand and attempts
to explain when I know fully what they are. Kunta is being very intelligent by attempting
to learn as much about the toubob and their ways as possible because it will help him in
his next attempt to escape. I wonder why the blacks have such different customs than
those of Juffure, yet so similar.
Ch 47- Kunta is extremely foolish to attempt escape so quickly. I thought he learned in
manhood training that those animals that escape are the ones that wait for the right time. I
was a little disappointed when Kunta was unable to get very far, but not shocked.
Ch 48- I am very fearful for Kunta’s new plan of escape, and I doubt it will go better than
the last ones. After all that Allah has put Kunta through, why would he pray to him
again? Does Kunta truly feel that Allah will begin to protect him now? I find it foolish of
Kunta to put his trust and hope in something that has let him down countless times
Ch 49- Even when he made it on the wagon, I refused to get my hopes up and believe that
he could possibly escape. I was not surprised when Kunta thought he heard the dogs.
What the toubob did to Kunta is absolutely sickening. How do you find it in yourself to
chop off someone’s foot?
Ch 50- At least the owner of the plantation has enough kindness to treat Kunta and his
injury. Why can he not just accept the help of the black woman who does it regardless of
the punishment she faces? Like a fool, he cannot even appreciate the crutches.
Ch 51- It sounds as if Kunta has now found himself under the jurisdiction of one of those
rare masters who cares about his slaves. The laws told by Fiddler to Kunta are ridiculous
and appaling. Will Bell be the one to satisfy Kunta’s need for love? It was very kind for
the master to provide Kunta with custom shoes to wear.
Ch 52- Why is Kunta studying Arabic and doing math when it does not matter anymore?
Kunta is definitely falling in love with Bell, but is afraid to admit it and dive into this
newfound feeling. I am not a fan of the cocky fiddler.
Ch 53- Master Waller is truly a good man who wishes his slaves to be entertained and
happy. The slaves do everything in a very systematic, productive way. It is about time
that Kunta figured out he cannot escape from the plantation.
Ch 54- Finally, Kunta is accepting the religion of toubob even though it is not that
different from his own. I do not understand why Kunta sticks around with Fiddler when
he treats him so poorly. The fiddler has a vast expanse of knowledge, but all he ever does
is complain and insult.
Ch 55- The masters who beat their slaves to the point of them becoming cripples are
terrible people and have no head in business. The explict theme is discussed again in this
chapter when Bell speaks about poor Master Waller. I feel bad for Kunta because Bell
rejects his compliment.
Ch 56- I think that the riot Bell speaks of is the famous Boston Tea Party. It seems as if
the story is currently taking place on the brink of the revolution. I wonder what slaves
will be sent to fight. I am shocked that none of the slaves ran to the lord during the war. I
cannot believe that Kunta is that old.
Ch 57- Without use of his foot, Kunta cannot be expected to do too much work around
the plantation. I think the master found the perfect responsibility for Kuna. He will
probably now be extremely informed on all affairs and the other slaves will probably look
to him for advice instead of the fiddler due to his travels.
Ch 58-Kunta's attitude toward the revolts makes him a realist. It's about time that Kunta
stop praying to Allah and sees things how they truly are. Kunta's last thoughts in this
chapter say a lot about how is growing and maturing.
Ch 59-If living conditions were really that terrible, I would much rather be a slave. I hope
that the slaves do not get their hopes up about the abolition of slavery because it will not
be occurring for another hundred years. I also hope that they do not run off to be freed by
a Quaker because few will actually make it to Massachusetts.
Ch 60- I wonder if the fiddler will eventually save enough to buy his freedom and join
the free blacks in the north. The explicit theme reappears during the discussion about the
white party. I am so glad that Kunta finally found another African to communicate with.
Ch 61- I am surprised that after so much time in toubob land that Kunta remembers all
that about Africa. The old man knows very much about how the toubob capture their
slaves. I think that Kunta’s embarrassment is because he loves Bell.
Ch 62- After his encounter with the Africa, Kunta goes through great changes. He seems
to be more like his old, African self. I am now positive that Bell and Kunta will soon be
finding themselves in a relationship.
Ch 63- I cannot believe that it took Kunta so long to think of Bell as his mate. Kunta is
acting like a foolish child towards Bell while he should be trying to woo her. The fiddler
and the gardener get a lot of enjoyment out of watching Kunta squirm.
Ch 64- Kunta’s gift to Bell is extremely thoughtful, though a little out of place in this
world. Why is Bell having so much difficulty accepting the gift from Kunta? The two are
acting more like teenagers than adults.
Ch 65- I wonder what mixed up translation occurred for the slaves to believe “jumping a
broom” means marriage. Bell treats Kunta very well and he does the same in return. The
two run their household properly.
Ch 66- It says a lot of their relationship that Bell can now trust Kunta with the fact that
she can read. I wonder if Kunta will be able to read English because he has the ability to
read other languages. I am so happy that Kunta finally shared with Bell that he is not a
complete idiot.
Ch 67- I wonder if the three men are thinking about revolting against the whites because
they obviously outnumber the whites. If Kunta attempts to run away again and go back to
his own ways, I will yell at him.
Ch 68- I am so glad that Bell is pregnant which finally gives Kunta the child he has been
dreaming for. I would be very frightened for my child if there was that much of a threat it
would be taken away. I wonder what kind of a name is causing that much trouble
between Kunta and Bell.
Ch 69- I think the relationship between Kizzy and Anne is very odd and probably very
awkward. Poor Kunta feels disrespected by his child playing with a toubob. Why can
Kunta not just accept the relationship between blacks and white?
Ch 70- The events occurring in Haiti are pretty twisted. I wonder if this is just talk, or that
a revolt will actually happen again in Pennsylvania. Can you blame Bell for caring about
the master’s feelings more than Kunta’s when he controls their entire lives?
Ch 71- I find that the treatment of the dead blacks by the toubob is complete bull. After a
lifetime of serving them and doing their every will, it cannot be expected that a single
funeral, no matter how extravagant, can change that.
Ch 72- Kunta should be glad that Kizzy is not being forced to work like a slave, but is
simply a playmate for a toubob. If I was Kunta, I would be incredibly hurt by Kizzy’s
attitude toward her own father. Kunta finally accepts the fact that Anne and Kizzy are
Ch 73- When will Kunta finally accept the religion of toubob land? It is so much like the
religion of Africa that Kunta loves so much. Just like Kunta, I would be scared shitless of
the baptism of the church.
Ch 74- Kunta has finally found the silver lining to his situation with his family at the
toubob farm. I am glad that Kunta is now able to confide in Kizzy the words of Africa
without fearing what might happen with Bell. I cannot believe that Kizzy was so
uneducated about matters concerning slaves until the buggy ride.
Ch 75- I cannot believe that the cook at Enfield held a grudge for eight years. I find that a
bit pathetic. All this talk of revolts and gossip about slavery is beginning to get old and
bore me.
Ch 76- Still, after everything that has happened to him, Kunta finds the need to worship
Allah. Would it kill him to stop praying everyday to a god that has done absolutely
nothing for him? I do not understand why Kunta bothers to show Kizzy how to write his
name if he will not teach her.
Ch 77- I have a lot of trouble comprehending the fiddler’s story. I do not like Master John
or the way he treats slaves who do not even belong to him. The restrictions imposed upon
the slaves greatly decrease the chance of revolt on the plantation.
Ch 78- I am confused about the person who visited the plantation. I am under the
impression that he stole some of the master’s slaves or is threatening him. It seems to me
like it is much more and much scarier than a business deal.
Ch 79- Why is the fiddler always such a smart ass when asked questions about himself? I
am very proud of the fiddler, but I think it would be foolish to run off to the North so
soon. I feel very sorry for the fiddler, and I know he will not act the same for a very long
Ch 80- I wonder what the Master would say if he knew Bell prayed to all the patients she
took care of. I hope that Missy Anne’s actions will help Kunta to see her in a different
light. Finally, Kunta will be able to take the buggy again.
Ch 81- Is Missy Anne teaching Kizzy to read or is she just playing? Poor Bell is being
shown up by her twelve-year-old daughter. It hurts to lose a friend who suddenly finds
herself superior to you. I wonder what the slave women do when they have their periods.
Ch 82- I am happy that Kunta understands the aspects of marriage in the toubob land are
not very similar to those of Africa. Kunta should be giving Noah advice instead of
shutting him down. Noah’s determination to free Kizzy is truly admirable.
Ch 83- Noah and Kizzy were foolish in their plan. I cannot believe that they will both be
sold off to other plantations. All this time I had thought that Master Waller was a good
man, but in previous chapters my thoughts had begun to change.
Ch 84- As if being brutally taken from her family was not terrible enough, Kizzy is then
horrifically raped upon arrival at the new plantation. I cannot believe Noah tricked and
manipulated Kizzy into writing the traveling pass. I wonder if the chicken-loving master
will get Kizzy pregnant.
Ch 85- What a douche. I have never had the misfortune to meet someone as inconsiderate
as Master Lea and I hope to keep it that way. I wonder what Kunta would say if he found
out that his daughter had given birth to one of those brow children he despised so much.
Ch 86- It is extremely kind of Uncle Pompey to build that for George when the master
could not care less about his own child. What does Kizzy the unintentional prostitute do
with the money given to her when she is raped by the master? Although what Sister Sarah
was kind of obvious, it would not have killed her to stop talking in order to spare Kizzy’s
Ch 87- George’s pestering questions get a little annoying to me; I cannot imagine how
much they vex Kizzy. Kunta would have been so unbelievably proud at Kizzy and
George for the teaching of the African words.
Ch 88- The fact that George picked up on the fact that Kizzy has no man is extremely
impressive. He is one observant child. I thought that George’s imitations were going to
earn him a rough beating, not make the master laugh.
Ch 89- I am impressed by George’s ability to pick up the new responsibilities so quickly
as difficult as they may be. The master and Uncle Mingo are oddly obsessed with these
chickens to the point where it seems like a mania. George is really taking to this whole
chicken fighting thing.
Ch 90- George is going to be very impressive in his position once Uncle Mingo dies. I
wonder what antics George and this girl have involved themselves in.
Ch 91- Of course the huge talk of slave revolts still exists on this plantation. Now there
are multiple girls that George is involving himself with. When it comes to the birds,
George is a natural. Despite how mature he seems, he is just a pervy teenage boy.
Ch 92- Uncle Mingo really believes in George’s instinct and ability as a fighter. I wonder
if George will be permitted to keep the money he wins. George is truly remarkable when
it comes to fighting these birds.
Ch 93- The story told by Master Lea displays a lot about a troubled childhood that affects
his behavior towards all people. It must be difficult for Chicken George to keep his secret
about who his true father is during a conversation like that. Master Lea is oddly kind to
George at times.
Ch 94- George’s idea of a nice, presentable outfit for a wedding is drawn to be a very
clear, hideous picture in my mind. Kunta would not be proud of his grandson sucking up
to all the Christians who reside with Matilda. I cannot believe that George wasted all his
saved up money on a silly marriage with someone he hardly knows.
Ch 95- Uncle Pompey’s words spoken at the beginning of this chapter display the kind of
intelligent, logical thinking that is contrary to Kunta’s. Chicken George’s effort to
remember the African words of his grand father is a little pathetic. He needs to spend his
money wiser.
Ch 96- Why do they all get so much pleasure out of listening to the stories about the
African? I do not understand why the master acts like the revolts are the faults of his own
Ch 97- George’s excitement over the huge main in New Orleans is immense. The old
man must be fit to die soon. Despite the previous fights between George and Matilda, I
am glad that they can bond over memories of Kunta.
Ch 98- I am very surprised at the massive amounts of clothing Chicken George owns. All
this business with the chickens seems to tear apart his family. The death of Uncle Mingo
is like the death of a father to Chicken George. As if that was not tragic enough, the long
awaited trip to New Orleans is now cancelled.
Ch 99- Virgil appears to be a huge disappointment in the eyes of Chicken George. So far,
I am not a fan of the unintelligent, short character of Chicken George’s eldest son. I hope
he has better luck with one of the younger ones. I think it odd that Chicken George is so
curious about being free when is so comfortable with his enslavement.
Ch 100- It seems as if everything that Matilda does has some significance or relation to
religion. The business with the Indians in Uncle Pompey’s words is another example of
how the benevolence of the Indians bit them in the ass. With two adults and eight
children to buy free and his terrible money skills, how can Chicken George even fathom
buying his family free?
Ch 101- After the fiasco and failure with Virgil, I am very surprised to see that Tom
possesses so much talent. From reading the reactions of the brothers about Tom’s
apprenticeship, I doubt any will be willing to help their father with the chickens. Since
Master Lea is now so old, I wonder who will take over the plantation and chicken
fighting upon his death.
Ch 102- Master Lea is actually surprisingly considerate about the needs of all his slaves,
especially the needs of the boys. Tom seems to have really grown as a man during his
time away and also become fairly more intelligent. I cannot believe that Chicken George
has now gotten Tom’s hopes up about his impossible fantasy of setting his entire family
Ch 103- After that huge fight with his wife, I hope that Master Lea can win all the money
he bet back. Congratulations are in order for Tom who successfully completed his
apprenticeship and opened his own blacksmith shop. I am appalled at Chicken George for
demanding all his money to use for bets on the fights. I hope that Master Lea does not
change his mind about his offer to set Chicken George and his family free. After betting
twenty thousand dollars on a single fight, this better be the best his bird has ever fought.
What kind of an idiot bets more than he could possibly ever own after a miraculous and
impossible win?
Ch 104- Thanks to Master Lea’s ridiculous bet, Chicken George is now on his way to
England to train birds under the hand of a different master. Lea’s chickens now do not
posses a suitable trainer and it is no wonder they are losing so much. The slaves are in no
position to be arguing the decision on their selling. Poor Uncle Pompey dies in a time that
is already terrible enough and needs no more unfortunate events.
Ch 105- Luckily for the brothers and sisters, they have found themselves in the
possession of a kind master, however inexperienced. I hope that they will be able to
convince Master Murray to buy over the rest of their family. I worry for Kunta’s return to
the Lea plantation which may be totally empty upon his arrival. All of the children seem
immensely focused on marriage at this troubled point in their lives.
Ch 106- I wonder if Tom will wind up courting this mysterious, beautiful woman seen at
the immense Holt mansion. It is amazing the skill and patience and determinedness Tom
has with his great blacksmithing project. This is the same girl that Tom mentioned to his
mother he was considering for marriage yet he does not appear to know her. Soon Irene
will be bought by the Murray’s and Tom will have himself a wonderful wife.
Ch 107- Tom found a woman who is just as remarkable, loved, and persuasive as he.
Irene’s skill at the loom matches Tom’s talent in the blacksmith shop. How does tricking
a girl into believing her guy is cheating on her make her spontaneously fall in love? With
all this exciting advancement of technology, I wonder if the slaves have been given any
thought to the inevitable abolishment of slavery.
Ch 108- Miss Malizy appears to have gone literally insane during the rocky time on the
Lea plantation. After everything that the master went through, was it necessary of George
to leave him like that after he spilt his heart out to his favorite slave? What will happen
when George shows up on the doorstep of the Murray plantation with freedom papers but
no money?
Ch 109- At least George was intelligent enough to bring with him money that can keep
him functioning while he is free although spending seventy dollars on a horse was not his
best move. Is Chicken George just casually living on the Murray plantation while doing
no work and getting in everyone’s way? Good thing that George’s great arrival brought so
much pleasure and peace to his children and wife.
Ch 110- The news about the incoming war is frightening and suspenseful. I assume that
all the knowledge of the conflict between the North and South just goes right over the
slaves’ heads. With the war begun, things on the plantation of Master Murray will surely
be in turmoil now.
Ch 111- Does a blacksmith with that much talent who is in such high demand really
deserve to be set to war to do simple work for his enemies? How wrong the major’s
prediction about the length of the war is. There must be many young white men running
around searching for scraps like this unfortunate one. Despite his previous run-in with
Tom, Ol’ George is a very likable young man.
Ch 112- The slaves must have been very surprised with the spontaneous arrival of Ol’
George’s wife and unknown baby. I hope that Martha takes to the Murray’s as easily as
George did. After everything he went through to ensure he and his wife could be together,
the baby died.
Ch 113- It is a shame that when the Kinte’s were living life with so much ease on the
Murray plantation with the Johnson’s they are tossed into turmoil again. Tom handled the
situation with the very rude and arrogant Major Cates very well. I became very tense
wondering if Tom would finally allow Ol’ George to go to Tennessee with his wife and I
think Tom made a great decision.
Ch 114- With talent like his, Tom should be permitted to build and own his blacksmith
shop regardless of the opinions of the cocky whites. Leave it to Tom to come up with a
brilliant idea that makes his family money, keeps them out of trouble, and shoves it up the
white peoples’ assess. Matilda must be so proud of the magnificent church they created
out of scratch.
Ch 115- It is quite hypocritical of Tom to turn down John due to his color when his father
is half white himself. Chicken George’s death is appalling and terrible and just plain
revolting. He must have been highly respected in their new community because he
brought half the population.
Ch 116- If Will is truly as much like Tom as he says, there will be nothing but great things
from this young man. The first of which is basically running a lumber company for a
white drunk. I think it was foolish of Will to give so much money to a worthless man who
did nothing for anyone.
Ch 117- There are way too many Georges in this novel. Bertha is an impressively
intelligent child. As if Will was not a great enough businessman, he now has the
remarkable Bertha assisting him with his career. Bertha then finds herself an equally
appealing husband by the name of Simon Alexander Haley and runs off to New York with
him for more school.
Ch 118- The Murray’s and Haley’s are doing extremely well upon the birth of Alex. The
death of the remarkable Will is so tragic and upsetting. Is it necessary at this point in the
story to recite the entire novel over again? Alex grew into a young man who will
obviously become a very successful writer.
Ch 119- Cousin Georgia must have been a well of information for Alex as she would
most likely have remembered all the stories. He was obviously able to find out a lot about
something as vague as “Kin-tay” or else there would be no book.
Ch 120- Alex deals with a lot a rejection from the political Africans at the United
Nations. Of course a George is involved in Alex’s long road to uncovering the dialect of
his ancestor. After writing this huge, popular novel, I wonder if Alex is still having money
trouble. Alex’s trip to Africa is so exciting and fulfilling. Although I admire Alex’s
determination, rehearing the story over and over and over again really lost its punch after
the fourth time.
Character Response
Kunta- Like any regular person, Kunta matures quickly in the beginning stages of his life
and of the book. As the novel progresses, Kunta is watched as he goes from a naïve boy
to a proud man. The changes of character that take place during this time period are
exactly what one expects to see in a growing child. Later on in the novel, readers see
greater changes in Kunta as he faces immense challenges. When he is brought to
America, Kunta loses hope and becomes extremely secluded from all other people. We
then watch as he learns English, begins to socialize, and decides to make the most of
what he has. After Kunta is sold to Master Waller’s plantation, he becomes an entirely
different person who is now interested in mingling with his fellow slaves. Throughout the
novel, readers also see changes in the religious views of Kunta as he is forgotten about by
Allah and thrust into a pagan religion of the toubob land. Until the tragic capture of Noah
and the heartbreaking sale of Kizzy, Kunta is a knowledgeable man who is respected by
everyone on the plantation.

Kizzy- Due to the fact that most of Kizzy’s growing up happened during Kunta’s
chapters, readers do not get to watch as Kizzy goes from girl to woman, but they do see
some slight changes in the character. Throughout the chapters that follow Kizzy, I was
very impressed by the way that Kizzy handled all the misfortunes she had gone through.
After the first few days of moping, she quickly became an independent, remarkable
young woman. During one of her chapters, Kizzy thinks about how she will never write
again which I believe is one of her most intelligent decisions. Having a child with such a
great sense of humor certainly brought out Kizzy’s entertaining side.

George- Even when he is a young child, George displays his remarkable qualities of
observation and his understanding of people. As he grows older, he becomes a very
humorous character who brings out joy in all the people that he meets. George is also an
extremely passionate person, especially when it comes to chickens. When he is around
adults, he can act very mature, but he acts like a regular teenager when around women.
Up until his sudden marriage, George is immensely respected by everyone including the
master. In his old age, George appears to slightly lose his charm and people and make it
more difficult to get his way. Chicken George’s tragic flaw must be the fact that he has
such terrible money skills and has no inkling whatsoever as how to save even a shred of

Tom- Prior to his work beginning as a blacksmith at the other plantation, not much is
known about George’s fourth son. When he returns for the Thanksgiving dinner, it is
apparent that Tom is relatively more intelligent than all the others at Master Lea’s
plantation. Although Tom is quiet and secluded at times, he is an extremely intelligent
young man. This son of Chicken George also possesses a great talent for the difficult and
rewarding trade of a blacksmith. Tom’s choice of a bride who is just as grand as he is is
totally suitable for the Murray plantation. There is irony in Lea’s choice of career for
Tom, because it is that of his and Kunta’s African ancestors. Tom is an immensely great
leader who is aware of how to handle himself in any situation.
Will- Just like his father-in-law, Will is immediately recognized as an intelligent, great
man. From his impressive business skills to his generosity, this man is a great suitor or
role model for anyone. Even while he was not in charge, Will was capable of running a
great business which became even better when he was officially given control of the
lumber company. His bounteousness towards a man who did nothing but make his life
more difficult is looked highly upon.

Bertha- The eldest daughter of Will and Cynthia is an amazing young woman whom I
envy. Despite her color, Bertha is capable of impressing everyone with her great
knowledge and immense schooling. She is simply a remarkably intelligent woman who
can be expected to do imposing, great things. Going to college is not only a show of civil
rights, but of women’s rights, too. Her ability to get herself enrolled in college during the
early 1900’s an enormous feat because of her still not respected color and gender that was
looked down upon.

Alex- During his youth, this character lost the one person he held very close to him, his
grandfather. After the death of Will, Alex then displays his ability of moving on and not
letting himself get set back. This quality comes in handy when he is constantly being
rejected by magazines and journals. He also uses his perseverance when attempted to
uncover the history of his greatest ancestor “The African”—Kunta Kinte. The amount of
effort Alex put into writing Roots and his determination is extremely impressive.

Favorite Passage
Pages 11- 12
“At this certain time, in this certain village, lived this certain person. . . It is the way of
the world that goodness is often repaid with badness.”
Not only did I find the story told by Nyo Boto very enjoyable, but I thought its
moral to be an explicit theme of Roots. There are many examples of this lesson
reappearing throughout the novel. The first instance is during the drought of Juffure.
Regardless of how much the villagers pray and sacrifice, the drought continues. I also
found that this applies to the events of Kunta’s journey to the toubob land. Despite his
frantic prayers, he experiences horrific conditions on the boat, is sold to a terrible master
who has no sympathy, and gets beaten mercilessly. It also makes an appearance in
Chapter 60 when Kunta is speaking with the elderly African during the masters’ elaborate
party. The best example of this is Uncle Pompey’s words on how the boats of the whites
must look like they are covered in spikes to the Indians after the treatment received by the

Page 570
“How come I ain’t black like you is, Mammy?”. . . “I jes’ gits frazzled, you ax me so
many questions.”
This passage reminds me of the classic, “Where do babies come from?” although
this particular conversation is a bit more serious. Many parents have to deal with
children’s relentless questioning about every aspect of life. Since George has a difficult,
complicated past involving rape, I doubt that Kizzy would be able to easily explain all of
George’s questions. Later on in chapter 87, Kizzy experiences another series of
complicated inquiries from her son that she cannot answer easily. This passage says a lot
about the questioning character of George and the impatient yet understanding Kizzy.
Readers also learn a lot about the relationship between this young mother and her energy
filled son.

Page 650
“Tell you de truth, I’se shame to say I ain’t done nowhere near de prayin’ I ought to.” . . .
“Jes’ ain’t never seem to me no ‘mount of prain’ is did nothin’ to change white folks.”
The words spoken by Uncle Pompey at the end of this passage say a lot about his
character and the reason that he possesses. While Kunta never fails to give up on Allah
who did nothing for him in the land of the toubob, Uncle Pompey realizes that prayers
and sacrifices will change absolutely nothing. I admire him for this way of thinking that
would have done Kunta a lot of good during the beginning portions of the novel.
Although the arrival of Matilda forces him to abandon this way of thinking, it is very
intelligent. This quote goes hand in hand with the explicit theme from the beginning of
the novel. Uncle Pompey sees that his goodness by prayer does nothing and is repaid by
negative things so he realizes his prayers are fruitless.

Page 801
“White folks do anything’.”
Spoken by Irene, this quote basically sums up all the events of this novel so far.
All white folks in this book, other than the poor crackers, appear to be able to get
anything they want to due their skin color. The slaves have fallen so entirely under this
illusion that they believe the whites can literally anything, including move out of a
country. Throughout the novel, the white folks do ridiculous things like steal people from
their families and chop off feet. They treat slaves like bad property even though they are
people themselves. This quote also applies to the good things the white people do for the
blacks like arrange marriages and promise freedom. Irene’s words do not speak only of
the power of the white people, but of how they can utilize their power for benevolence or
malevolence. The young man who appears at the doorstep of the Murray home is a
perfect example of how white people can get anything due to the color of their skin
during these difficult times.

Page 850
“Maw, if I can ever. . . For people to go to?”
Bertha’s words regarding her enrollment in college show how times have
changed. By simply attempting to correct her parent’s grammar and speech, she is
making a great point about American society. In the early 1900’s, she—a black woman—
is attending school and thinking about going to college. It is a show of not only civil
rights, but of woman’s rights even though that movement will not really occur for a few
more centuries. When her parents were becoming and adults and using that poor
grammar, they were considered very intelligent. Now, their Southern speech is not looked
highly upon by any educated people.

Page 857
“This African was given the choice. . . and low-down as that.”
Analogous to what Irene said, these intelligent words of the young Alex speak
essentially the same thought. The white people during the times of slavery appeared to be
able to do anything they wanted regarding their slaves, high-yallers, Indians, or even free
blacks. They were given incredible freedom that was unjust to all other ethnic groups in
America. The poor Indians had their homeland taken from them by the whites who they
sheltered and helped lived during their time of need. The unfortunate Africans did
nothing wrong, yet were taken from their homes to be treated tortuously so American
economy could thrive. Blacks who then bought their freedom were looked down upon by
all those whites who believed all blacks to be nothing more than property. The
unfortunate people with mixed colors were also looked down upon by blacks and whites
alike for something they had no control over. The treatment received by many different
people in Roots of the whites was completely absurd.

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