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10 Things I Hate About You is an adaptation of William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew.

How are the two similar and different, relate your points to the conventions and attitudes for which they were written.
The Taming of the Shrew was written by William Shakespeare. An adaptation has been made into a film and it is called 10 Things I Hate About You! Im going to compare the two. In the The Taming of the Shrew, there is a family who the film is about. This is the Minola family and these are the members. Baptista the father of Bianca and Katherina. Wealthy older man, man of Padua. Katherina oldest of the two sisters. Known as the village shrew. Bianca youngest of the two sisters. Beautiful, and most men in the village want to marry her.

Baptista their father has made the decision not to let Bianca marry until Katherina has married. 10 Things I Hate About You is an adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew and in this we have exactly the same situation, but with the Stratford family. Mr. Stratford father of Bianca and Kat. Kat older of the two sisters. Also known as the school shrew Bianca younger of the two sisters. Beautiful, and most guys in her school want to date her.

In both films we have the same situation. In taming of the shrew, Padua is the village where the Minolas live whereas in 10 Things, it is the school the girls attend that is called Padua. In both of these films, there are suitors who want to try and go out with Bianca, but there must be one to go out with Katherina. In taming of the shrew, the three suitos are: Petrucio gentlemen from Verona. He wishes to find a woman with an enormous dowry. Luciento young man from Padua, quite wealthy Gremio an older gentlemen of Padua, who is also quite wealthy

In ten things I hate about you they have modernized it by actually making it into a film. The original Taming of the Shrew was actually a play to begin with and that

means that they have modernized it anyway by making the play into a film! In both the films, all the suitors can take advantage of the girls situation. They both need tutoring and one of the suitors servants pretend to be a teacher in the taming of the shrew. In 10 things I hate about you, Bianca needs someone to teach her French so the new kid Cameron tries to teach her how to teach French. Both the suitors jumped at the chance and it pays off in the end for Cameron anyway. At the beginning of 10 things I hate about you, the boys make a bet. One of Camerons friends bets him that he will never get a date with Bianca. At the end of taming of the shrew, all the suitors make a bet that their wife is the most obedient and will come to him first. Its quite ironic really because Katherina, the shrew, came to Petruchio first. Patrick, also a new kid is paid by Joey to take out Kat because Cameron and Joey have devised a plan to get Bianca to go out with Joey. Although, Cameron has a plan to take Bianca from Joey but he will be distracted by Patrick. Near the end of ten things, they have a school prom but Bianca is begging Kat to so she can go with Joey. But she refuses because she has a dark secret about Joey, she once had sex with him. In taming of the shrew, Katherina has never had any partners because she is known as the village shrew. At the Prom, Bianca had persuaded Kat to go. She was going to go with Patrick but when she eventually got there she had found out that she was just part of a deal. Later she finds out that Patrick really does love her. There is a difference in society here because that would just never happen in the times of the taming of the shrew because your wife would never just walk away from you because that would be disrespectful. Also at the prom, Bianca beat up Joey and that also would never have happened in the taming of the shrew because you would probably have been brutally beat by your husband because men were superior to women.

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