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Windows-2008 server with DB2 installation

PREREQUISITES 1) Disable the firewall

Go to start menu settingscontrol panel.

Select firewall

Select turn windows firewall on or off

Select radio button off to switch off the fire wall applyok

2) Change host(computer)name My computerproperties

Select change settings

select computer name

select change

Provide the computer name ok

Restart your system to apply your changes.

3) Mapping IP address with hostname in /etc/hosts. Go to run driversok

You will be navigated to drivers folder open etc

Open hosts file in a notepad

Give IP address of your system and map it with the hostname

4) Adding loop back adapter (avoid this step in real time environments) Go to start menu settings control panel

Select add hardware

Click on next

Select search for and install the hardware automatically

Click on next

Select network adapter and click on next

Select Microsoft loopback adapternext

Click on next

Click on finish

5) Give Ip address and subnet mask Go to control panel network & sharing center

Go to network connections local area connection right click properties

Select IPV4

Give IP address and subnet mask ok

Click on close

Check whether you are able to ping with IP address and host name

6) Provide virtual memory. Go to my computer properties advanced system settings select advanced tab click on performance settings

Click on advanced tab click on programs button click on change

Unselect the check box Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers

Select desired drive & select custom size. Provide initial and maximum swap sizes. Click on ok ok

7) Install java Go to dumprun java installation (j2sdkfb-1_4_2_29)

Click on install

Click on finish

7) Set java_home & java path By default java will be installed in C drive Go to C drive open j2sdk 1.4.2_29. Copy the path

Go to my computer properties advanced system settings

Select environment variables

In user variables click on new button

Give variable name & variable value as shown below.

In system variables select path edit

Provide the path as shown below or simply paste the path which you have copied in C drive up to bin only.

Restart your system so that all your changes will be properly effected.

End of prerequisites..xxxxxx..xxxxxxx

Sap installation
Go to Dump IM_WINDOWS_X86_64 Run sapinst

Select sap ERP 6.0 sap systems IBM DB2 for linux, unix and windows central system

Select central system click on next

Select typical click on next

Click on ok

Select continue the old installation next

select ECC and AS ABAP next

Give the SID click on next

Give password

Give database SID next

Give export1 LABEL.ASC PATH OK next

Give export2 LABEL.ASC PATH OK next





Check the inputs you have given click on next

SAP installation has been started provide solution manager key next.

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