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com Volume Two Issue 3 & 4

December 2008

NBC, Macy’s “Rick Roll” the entire nation

NEW YORK-- In one of the most ers. “I mean, I expect this kind
well executed prank’s this coun- of thing from youtube, but NBC?
try has ever seen, NBC and Macy’s Really? If I wanted to be pissed
Inspired by the Dr. Pep- got an unsuspecting nation of off by watching TV, I would
per/Axl Rose wager, the Yum! viewers to watch a live perfor- have tuned into “My Own Worst
food corporation has offered
mance of the song “Never Gonna Enemy,” that ridiculous Christian
to give everyone in China a
free egg roll if China be- Give You Up” by Rick Astley— Slater show.”
comes a democracy by January resulting in the largest-scale “Rick Others, however, were might-
2009. Citizen interest has Roll” ever. ily impressed: “That was the best
faded, however, after learn- “Rick Roll-ing” involves the “Rick Roll” ever! I’ve been “Rick
ing dipping sauce would cost
playing of Rick Astley’s song Roll-ing” people for years, but
Barack Obama was recently “Never Gonna Give You Up” while I’ve never caught so many people
elected in large part be- an unsuspecting victim watches off-guard all at once. It was amaz-
cause he promised to radi- hoping to see a funny video of a ing.”
cally change the policies cat riding a Roomba or a monkey Either way, the prank was
of George W. Bush. However,
riding a segue. The victims, more one of the most massive pranks
Obama’s recent trend of
dressing like Bush and hang- often than not, are disgusted by since the Chicago Tribune printed
ing out with him is cause Atley’s ludicrous dance moves the front page story “DEWEY
for concern. But sources and ridiculous voice in one of DEFEAT[ED] TRUMAN” and
close to Obama claim there the cheesiest music videos ever the most surprising since Justin
is nothing to worry about.
made. Timberlake and Janet Jackson
“Mr Obama has merely been
charmed by Mr Bush. As soon NBC, whose coverage of the conspired to make TV regulations
as he has a couple of ‘mid- Macy’s day parade gets millions more stringent.
day beers’ with President of viewers every year, planned The Thanksgiving Day “Rick
Bush, the infatuation should the prank so precisely that many Roll” will no doubt . . .
fade . . . we hope.”
of the viewers did not even real- “Never gonna give
Christian Slater’s “My
Own Worst Enemy” was can- ize that they had been pranked. you up / Never gonna
celled. Only two people So when a much-aged Astley let you down / Never
noticed: his mother and his stepped out and began the gonna run around and
alter ego. dulcet tones of his one desert you / Never
Plaxico Burress shoots
hit wonder, America gonna say goodbye
himself in the leg. When
asked why, he responded, “I was a nation stunned. / Never gonna tell a
wanted to do hood rat things “Is any venue lie and hurt you . . . . “
with my friends, but it safe?” asked many Ha, you’ve been “Rick
backfired . . . . Oh, shit! stunned view- Rolled,” bitches.
Backfired! Get it!”

The Muddler 1
Good Christian Dear Mr. Cornwallis,
Advice is written My friends all want to see Twilight tonight, but I
by syndicated col- told them it’s stupid. Opinions?
umnist Christian
-Surrounded by Simpletons
Cornwallis who has
been imparting his
vast knowledge on Dear SS,
those in need for What the fuck is Twilight?
many years for the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
general better-
Yo C-Wall,
ment of humankind.
Christian is cur- I was out peeping the crowds on Black Friday and
rently a practic- shit was wil’n out. My boys and I was straight gettin’
ing gentleman of mad dogged by the security guard at Marshall’s.
leisure and can be Why they always sweatin’ me?
reached at ‘themud-
-Wonderin’ Wanksta
com’. If you have
any questions please send them with the WW,
heading Dear Christian or add him as your Were you and “yo boys” wearing anything that
friend on Facebook. might affiliate you with a gang? Perhaps the fact
that you were simply standing around outside such
a fine establishment as Marshall’s (I had to look up
Dear Christian, what this store was) caused undue attention. My
I just don’t know what to do with myself anymore. suggestion would be to clean up your style and dia-
I’ve spent the last 18 months of my life pushing lect, if that doesn’t work “ice dat foo’”.
for John McCain to win the Presidency. I broke up Fo Shiz,
with my girlfriend of 3 years because she wanted Christian Cornwallis
Obama, I sold my house and sent the money to Mc- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cain Headquarters, and I quit my job so that I could Dear Mr. Cornwallis,
spend more time putting signs in peoples’ yards. I am being held captive by pirates in Somalia. They
Now, I’m just lost. Please help. said I could send out one letter asking for the ran-
-Really Remorseful Republican som to be paid. I know my parents can’t cover it. Do
you think you could spare $2,000,000? If not, don’t
RRR, sweat it, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean like 5 times
You think you feel badly, I married a foreigner so and the life of pirates seemed pretty cool to me.
that she could vote for John McCain. I gave my -Casual Captive
workers the morning off so they could vote for Mc-
Cain, forcing me to drive MYSELF to Starbucks for CC,
my morning espresso. Do not tell me about sacri- Are you serious?!?!? You only had one letter to write
fice. and you chose to ask me? And for money? Honestly,
Disgusted, I don’t know why I’m responding to this letter, be-
Christian Cornwallis cause you’ll never see my column again. Sorry.

2 Christian Cornwallis
The Muddler
Tech Trends Become Cyclical: Expect
returns to VHS and Record Players
CUPERTINO, Calif.—A surprising, number of creative engineers Like everything else, in technol-
new trend has begun to emerge from our hardware department ogy, it seems Apple is once again
in the Tech industry. It seems old to try to remain solvent,” stated leading the way, though experts
technology is once again becom- Steve Jobs. “Obviously, that has agree the trend is not likely to
ing coveted by consumers. had an effect on our ability to pro- last. As soon as the economic
According to Moore’s Law, duce new, exciting technology.” trends reverse themselves, Ap-
technology performance doubles ple—along with other technology
every eighteen months; although companies—will re-hire their cre-
recent consumer trends have ative engineers and begin produc-
prompted technology com- ing new products. But, since
panies and providers to economic trends often
reverse this trend. go through cycles, do
It seems not be surprised if
8-track players, old technology
Walkmans, starts appear-
and the ing again ev-
Macintosh ery so often.
128K have “It’s
been the already
“hot proven to
products” be success-
so far this ful once,”
holiday claimed
season. Ulheim
How- Von Youst,
ever, ex- a prominent
perts claim technology
that consum- blogger. “So,
ers were only people will con-
responding to tinue to milk it until
the viral advertising it doesn’t produce
released by Apple— results. That’s the way
the multinational consumer things go.”
electronic and software designer Until then, however, get those
and manufacturer, not the po- phone lines ready, many of the
maceous fruit (in case you were Luckily, Philip Schiller, Apple’s computers being purchased this
confused). SVP of Marketing had an idea: holiday season can only connect
According to Apple insiders, “We decided to market all the to the internet through dial-up.
as successful as the company has old products we had sitting in our God, I hope the experts are
been, it still has not been able to warehouses—the iPod G1, the wrong. Who needs another fash-
avoid some financial difficulties Newton, the Macintosh 128K— ion industry? I don’t care what
associated with the recent eco- they’re all good. And best of all, anyone says, the Nehru jacket
nomic downturn. we’re selling them for a fraction like robot animals were never
“Well, we had to release a of what we would have to sell worthwhile. Why would a second
new products.” go-around improve them?
December 2008 3
This Month in History: Creating a W
The Muddler, in order to promote aware- December 5 – On this day in 1933, the American Pro-
ness of the past, has decided to create new hibition period officially ended when Utah ratified
celebrations honoring past events in world
the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, repealing
the 18th Amendment.
Celebrate by drinking alcohol like it’s going out of
December 1 – On this day in 1955, Rosa Parks defied style.
the law by refusing to give up her seat to a white
man aboard a Montgomery, Ala., city bus. Parks was December 6 – On this day in 1884, the Washington
arrested, sparking a yearlong boycott of the buses Monument was completed.
by blacks. Celebrate by admiring a phallic object.
Celebrate by breaking other bus regulations, e.g.,
talk to the driver while the bus is in motion, don’t
bother with correct change, sit in handicapped

December 2 – On this day in 2001, Enron filed for

bankruptcy, alienating millions of stockholders.
Celebrate by cheating poor saps out of their hard-
earned money.

December 8 – On this day in 1776, George Washing-

ton’s retreating army crossed the Delaware River
from New Jersey to Pennsylvania during the Ameri-
can Revolution.
Celebrate by posing as Washington in Emanuel
Leutze’s painting “Washington Crossing the Dela-
ware” in a Public place for a minimum of five min-
utes. If you leave a hat on the ground, you might
December 3 – On this day in 1947, A Streetcar collect some coins as a street performer.
Named Desire opened on Broadway.
Celebrate by yelling “Stella!” in the middle of the December 11 – On this day in 1872, America’s first
street. black governor took office as Pinckney Benton
Stewart Pinchback became acting governor of Loui-
December 4 – On this day in 1945, the Senate ap- siana.
proved U.S. participation in the United Nations. Celebrate by throwing a party for a friend with
Celebrate by joining a club and generally ignoring four names.
anything they recommend you do.

4 The Muddler
Whole New Set of “Happy Holidays”
December 13 – On this day in 1577, Sir Francis Drake December 24 – On this day in 1851, fire devastated
of England set out on a journey around the world. It the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., de-
would last three years. stroying about 35,000 volumes.
Celebrate by joining a band of Somalian Pirates Celebrate by going Guy Montague (the early
for three years of debauchery and pillaging. pages) on some books. Then undergo a transforma-
tion and memorize a book—1984 maybe.
December 18 – On this day in 1944, the Supreme December 25 – On this day in 1066, William the Con-
Court upheld the wartime relocation of Japanese- queror was crowned king of England.
Americans. Celebrate by seizing something that does not
Celebrate by exercising a current U.S. measure belong to you (it should be easy; there will be plenty
that will be seen as wildly inappropriate a few years of presents for the taking).
down the road.

December 19 – On
this day in 1843,
Charles Dickens’s
classic Yuletide
tale, “A Christmas
Carol,” was first
published in Eng-
Celebrate by
watching one of
the gazillion movie
adaptations of this
classic tale. Read-
ing is overrated.
December 28 – On this day in 1897, “Cyrano de
December 20 – On this day in 1860, South Carolina Bergerac,” premiered in Paris.
seceded from the Union. Celebrate by getting a nose job. It’ll make things
Celebrate by rebelling against your parents for much easier. Though it’s probably best you not fall
acting as your moral guardians. in love with someone whom you are related.

December 29 – On this day in 1890, the U.S. army

surrounded the a large number of
Sioux and massacred them. The
event became known as the Mas-
sacre of Wounded Knee.
Celebrate by not remem-
bering what happened, the
traditional response for any-
thing Native American.

December 2008 5
Monkey Grinder to SMU: Throw Me A Banana!
Dallas, TX – For many undergradu- Alfred for his amazing monkey or parental funds into a dubious
ates, the end of semester symbol- talents and help a lover of learn- venture. SMU makes a policy of
izes freedom, fun and frolicking; ing stay in school. I benefit, mon- avoiding undue liability and there-
monkey business, essentially. But keys benefit, SADD benefits and fore requested that Mister Apely
for Paul Apely, a student wonder- SMU benefits.” cease his practice.”
ing how to pay for Spring tuition, That last one, at least, dis- Despite the decisive judgment,
‘monkey business’ yields a wholly agrees. In an official statement Apely remains ever the entrepre-
different understanding—one granted to The Muddler, an SMU neur. “I don’t care for this mon-
that SMU refuses to tolerate. representative said, “While the key discrimination, but I’m think-
“I tried to raise money by hav- school supports legal and practi- ing I’ll hire some freshmen to do
ing my pet monkey Alfred dance cal methods for obtaining tu- a similar fund-raising act. There’s
and do magic tricks all across ition money, we cannot permit not much difference between
campus. I thought I was doing monkey-based panhandling on them and Alfred, except for the
a service to everyone: instead campus grounds. Impression- way you dress ‘em, but when in
of people spending money on able students may be coerced Rome.”
Christmas booze, they can reward into investing hard-earned and/

A Special Muddler Plea for Help Request

Dear America, car “thing” going, so if you like driving and
owning a car, you should be thanking my family.
I’m very grateful that The Muddler has given me Why not thank us for all we’ve done by send-
this opportunity to talk honestly about the state ing a check to the Car and Auto Society Help-
of the auto industry here. I was approached ers (PLEASE: abbreviate C.A.S.H). We’ll use the
by my head of marketing who told me to plug money to increase benefits for our employees
the *NEW* 2009 Ford Flex, and he asked me to which will make them more efficient employ-
ramble on about the amazing 24 highway mpg ees which will allow us to produce better, more
and comfortable seating for 7, but I said no. I affordable cars for you, the consumer. Checks
wanted this time to tell America that Detroit and should be addressed
the Ford Motor Company are looking out for the
common man. Ford Investor Relations
We are making our vehicles more fuel efficient One American Road, Suite 1026
and economical and are just asking for a few dol- Dearborn, MI 48126-2798
lars from the government in return. Do you think
it’s cheap to develop a completely redesigned Any little bit helps. Our jets need fuel and our of-
Mustang for 2010? No! We have to live up to the fices more comfortable chairs.
name that shaped much of our great nation’s
past. Thank you and God bless America,

Some people worry that the bailout goes against William C. Ford, Jr.
free market societies, but it doesn’t. Trust me. Executive Chairman of the Ford Motor Company
My great-granddaddy, Henry Ford got this whole

6 The Muddler
Christmas Lights: An Alien Attraction
Dallas, TX – Winter is nigh, and with the rising chill imagine the publicity for an alien abduction? And
comes the hanging of Christmas lights at SMU. Stu- with the economy in crisis and per student costs ris-
dents slowed by the cold have no doubt noticed the ing, the school could afford a few such spectacles.”
crews hard at work, employing heavy-duty equip- But why pillage SMU and not, say, light-happy
ment for festivity’s sake—at least, that’s what they Highland Park residents? Simple: study value. As
want you to think. A.L.I.E.N. Club leader Jack Slack elucidated, “If
The reality? SMU hopes to dine with extraterres- there’s one thing we’re sure about, it’s that aliens
trials this holiday season. avoid housewives like the plague—we suspect
“The set-up is perfect,” commented Machi the cause to be some botched abductions during
Bogovich, community organizer for SMU’s All Life the 1950s. But college students have the potential
Intersects Earthly Nebulae club (A.L.I.E.N.). “No one for enlightening the universe as to the depth and
would suspect Christmas lights as the cover for a breadth of human capacities. We can only hope the
huge light-based code intended to attract alien at- UFO beam handlers aim well. And by well, I mean at
tention. It seems so harmless—which we all know is me.”
the first sign of danger.” Thusly, SMU students should take precautions
The method is dangerous, according to Bogovich, this Christmas, lest aliens learn humanity’s greatest
chiefly because of insufficient evidence regarding secret: namely, how college kids continue to live
alien fondness of human holidays and multi-colored after drowning themselves in questionable mixtures
light pollution. “How do we know Christmas lights of eggnog and alcohol.
aren’t the equivalent of flipping off
another alien on Mars? This isn’t
just fire we’re playing with; it’s
potential laser beams.” Bogovich
then preceded to simulate, with
gestures and sounds, the massive
explosion of Washington D.C. in
the movie Independence Day.
Abduction remains another
serious concern. “College students
hold as much risk as cows,” Bogov-
ich explained, because of the two
creatures’ similar sluggish move-
ment, glazed expressions, unend-
ing appetites, disinterest in non-
grazing affairs, and likelihood of
being viewed by others as a ‘piece
of meat’. All of which confuse our
nebular neighbors, apparently.
Nonetheless, A.L.I.E.N. suspects
ulterior motives on behalf of SMU.
“It’s a win-win deal for the institu-
tion,” club treasurer Stacy Creazy
told The Muddler. “SMU loves con-
troversial acquisitions, as the Bush
Library makes apparent. Can you

December 2008 7
Karl Rove Joins Democrats in Victory
WASHINGTON D.C.-- The Republican Party had less dumbest (at least I.Q.-wise) candidate ever in 2000,
to give thanks for this past Thanksgiving as Karl George W. Bush. His plan backfired, however, when
Rove has fallen in love with Barack Obama and de- Bush’s “strategery” policies stunningly won the
fected to the Democratic Party. Perhaps he is finally White House in one of America’s closest elections
showing his true colors. against the “lockbox” favorite, Al Gore.
In a recent article for the Wall Street Journal On- Rove notoriously tried again to sour Bush’s name
line, Rove outlined what he in the 2004 South Carolina
calls a “reassuring economic campaign by stuffing people’s
team.” Rove’s comments mailboxes with hundreds of
about Obama’s new eco- annoying pamphlets and trash
nomic team have sparked mail. He also ran a fictitious
a furious reaction from his phone tree ad against the
former allies in the Repub- stronger Republican candi-
lican Party (though you’d date, John McCain, alleging
think they would be accus- that McCain had fathered an
tomed to his morally dubi- illegitimate black child in the
ous tactics, having embraced hopes that his actions would
and promoted this tactic for garner sanctions from the
years). Republican Party. But again,
“No doubt that his long Rove was thwarted when the
term relationship to them incumbent President won the
was merely a front to run eventual nomination, and later
his Liberal policies from the election after the Demo-
under the Republican’s good cratic Party ran the world’s
name,” Sean Hanity said of Rove, “He is nothing but most boring candidate ever, John “Horseface”
a slimy Benedict Arnold, and I have always hated Kerry.
him.” Undoubtedly, Rove’s defection will come as a
Rove’s tactics have tried to undermine the Re- shock to most Americans, but it shouldn’t be that
publican Party for years. Rove was the mastermind surprising as Rove is the equivalent of a political
behind the Republican Party’s nomination of its “slut.” Besides, it’s where his heart’s been all along.

The Muddler is an independent satirical news-

paper. The opinions expressed herewith are
those of the individual authors and not the
people who give us money to print this thing.
The ideas, articles and features are a collab-
The Muddler Staff orative effort and are occasionally edited (but
Pat Begley rarely). We lack a fact checking team but we
Dane Brannan have plenty of creative people to make up for
Therik Jolie-Pitt it, that is we never let facts get in the way of a
Ryan Leech good story. Furthermore, The Muddler assumes
no liability for any injuries you incur while
Greg Mandel
reading, or if you miss the point. We welcome
Frank Robinson letters to the editors but only if they’re in the
Daniel Ruiz Ducharme spirit of The Muddler. Cheers.
8 Shawn White
The Muddler

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