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Part 4: Design for Instruction

Student Performance on PreAssessment

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Accuracy in Movement Risk Taking Variety in Spatial Relationships Movement Opinion Adequate Unadequate

Pre-Assessment Graph: Students demonstrated kinesthetic ability in all three categories during movement experiences (technique sequence and improvisation). The dark gray columns represent the number of students that demonstrated each category well (80% or higher). The lighter gray columns represent the number of students that did not demonstrate each category well (less than 80%).

The overall results of the Pre-Assessment show that the students are very capable of succeeding in the four learning objectives. My movement pre-assessment included teaching a spatial relationships technique sequence and then requiring students to improvise and spatially relate to a partner while their partner performed the sequence (each student had the opportunity to perform the sequence and improvise). I modeled what it might look like to take risks while improvising and assessed how willing students were to try new things and take risks. I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly and accurately the students picked up the technique sequence because I had anticipated that I would need to modify the movement to make it easier. The students were also able to recall quite a few different kinds of spatial relationships while improvising with their partners. As shown by the graph, the main thing that this particular class needs to work on is taking risks. With this group of students, I have noticed that when they work with

their friends their creativity is limited and they are not willing to try new things. The various cliques in the classroom also make it difficult for students to feel comfortable trying new things. Students will not be able to feel comfortable taking risks unless they feel safe in the classroom and can trust their classmates. In order to help students succeed in the learning goals of risk-taking and movement opinion, I will need to develop a safe learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and trying new things. Unit Outline
Instructional Objective(s) Addressed Schedule by Lesson By the end of the 75 min Lesson 1: class, the Dance 1B Title students will demonstrate their cognitive and kinesthetic understanding of spatial relationships and creatively relating to other dancers through technique sequences and improvisation. B. Instructional Strategies Model mirroring, echoing, and three forms of movement conversations (agree, agree and have something new to say, or disagree) Model improvisation (spatially relating to partner) Pre-assessment: observation during informal showings Shape Polls for students not able to participate in online poll Students summarize and respond to reading. Share and discuss with peers during Mingle game (to split up cliques) Questioning and activating prior knowledge of pros and cons of technology Students vote on C. Use of Technology iPod-Music D. Adaptations for Learners Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligences: Allow students to demonstrate knowledge through movement

Lesson 2:

By the end of the 75 min class, the Dance 1B students will demonstrate a cognitive understanding of the importance of sharing opinions and respecting others opinions through summarizing an opinion piece, articulating reasons why it is important to share opinions in dance and in life, and being aware of a partner while accurately performing spatial relationships. By the end of the 70 min

Online Poll (homework from previous day) iPod-Music

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal intelligences: Allow students to read The Technology Obsession individually or in partners.

Lesson 3:


Musical Intelligences:

Lesson 4:

class, the Dance 1B students will demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively and respectfully in partnerships and in groups while working on technique phrases and color code compositions. In preparation for the movement walkaway, by the end of the 75 min class, the Dance 1B students will demonstrate accuracy in movement and spatial relationships as well as demonstrate risktaking and confidence in movement opinion during partner improvisation.

warm-up game (crab tag, wheelbarrow race tag) Collaborate in groups to create movement Informal showings Mingling Warm-up Game (Shape Tag) Demonstrate and practice mechanics of difficult aspects of movement sequence Gradually speed up tempo before trying it with music Informal showings in smaller groups Students work in pairs reviewing movement Explicitly explain rubric and grading criteria Summative Performance Evaluation (Post Movement Assessment) Self-Evaluation Preparation Needed: Visual Art Cards taped around the room in a gallery Allow time for students to work individually Video clip models composition expectations iPod-Music

New Music used for technique sequence that is more rhythmically engaging and upbeat

Offer individual coaching for struggling students during class Logical-Mathematical Intelligences: Ask all students to count rhythm aloud while dancing

Lesson 5:

By the end of the 75 min class, the Dance 1B students will perform a spatial relationships technique sequence with clarity and accuracy. Students will also complete a self-evaluation of their performance by listing things they will keep, improve, start and stop in the future.

iPod-Music Video camera and television used for student self-evaluation

Allow students to test with someone tthey are comfortable with Linguistic Intelligences: Written Rubric and SelfEvaluation Explain benefit of selfevaluating to ease tension and discomfort for shy students

Lesson 6:

By the end of the 75 min class, the Dance 1B students will demonstrate the ability to make artistic and collaborative decisions as they compose and perform a duet inspired by various pieces of art.

iPod-Music Video clip of duet incorporating unison and contrast

To appeal to visual learners: art cards and video clip (which visually demonstrates expectations for composition)

Lesson 7:

By the end of the 75 min class, the Dance 1B students will demonstrate trust and respect for classmates as well as risktaking as they actively participate in improvisation activities involving leading blind partners around the room.

Informal showings Journal before and after the activity reflecting on ability to take risks and feel comfortable with personal movement opinion. Students begin with partner they are comfortable with, then intermingle with other partnerships Gradual release of responsibility: Students are given specific instructions at first then can gradually make choices for themselves. Eventually given complete freedom of movement choices. Informal Showing


Interpersonal Intelligence: Allow students to discuss and share their opinion and experiences with others Allow students to be partners with someone they are comfortable with

Rationale for not using Technology: Because my unit focused so much on civic engagement, I felt it was important for students to understand that they can be engaged through technology but that there is also a value in having human-to-human engagement and interaction. When I did use technology it was to demonstrate concepts that are the most successfully done through media. For example, students would not be able to watch themselves perform unless they could view it via technology, and modeling professional dance compositions can most easily be done through the media (television, you tube, etc). Though I value and appreciate the richness that technology can bring into our classroom, I also value the richness that human-to-human interpersonal discussions and interactions bring and because this particular group of students seemed so disconnected from each other to

begin with, I decided human-to-human interactions would be the best choice for most instruction.

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