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Coming Up

Monday, April 8 8:00 ! ! AA Thursday, April 11 9:00 to 11 ! Tims Ofce Hours 10:00 to 4:00 ! Thrift Store Open Noon ! ! Senior Meal 8:00 ! ! AA Friday, April 12 All Day! Tim in Springeld for Financial Ethics Training Saturday, April 13 7:00 ! ! AA Sunday, April 14 Read Acts 2:1-21 in preparation for worship. 9:15 to 10:15 ! Mary Magdalene: Shes Not Who You Think 9:15 to 10:00 ! Class for 6th thru 12th grade 10:30 ! ! Worship 11:30 ! ! Stewardship Committee 11:30 ! ! Refreshments in Fellowship Hall 2:30 ! ! Pastor lead worship at Summit Springs

Eastertide Sermons Will Focus on Acts of the Apostles

During Eastertide and perhaps beyond, Tim will be preaching from the Acts of the Apostles. Scholars believe that Acts was written by the same person as the Gospel of Luke. Acts concerns the life and work of the church as it is brought into being and sustained by God. (Harper Collins Study Bible, p. 1855) The Worship and Spiritual Life Committee will be preparing banners representing each of the scriptures. The banners will be created on the very burlap that has been on the communion table during Lent and Easter Sunday. The use of the same cloth in making the banners about the early church symbolizes the foundation of the church on Jesus teachings, life, death, and resurrection.

While he was going away and as they were staring toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood next to them. They said, Galileans, why are you standing here, looking toward heaven?
Acts 1:10-11a CEB

Condon United Church of Christ

110 S Church St., PO Box 223, Condon, OR 97823 541-384-3681 | | |

Rev. Tim Graves, Pastor | 541-256-0565 (mobile)

Order of Worship | Apr. 7, 2013 | 2nd Sunday of Easter

Greetings & Announcements *Statement of Faith We believe in one body, one Holy Spirit, one hope to which we are called, one Christ Jesus, one faith, one baptism, one God of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Based on Ephesians 4, Chalice Worship #496, Modied *Hymn We Are Marching in the Light of God #526

The People Gather to Praise

Prelude He Whispered Peace, Be still *Call to Worship (Please say responsively. M=men W=women C=children) L: O Great Spirit Whose voice we hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, All: Hear us! We are small and weak, We need your strength and wisdom. W: In this hour, let us walk in beauty, and make our eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. M: Make our hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. L: Make us wise so that we may understand, the things you have taught us. C: Let us learn the lessons you have hidden, in every leaf and rock. All: We seek strength, W: Not to be greater than our brothers, M: and not to be greater than our sisters. All: But to ght our greatest enemy -- ourselves. C: Make us always ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes.

The People Go Forth to Serve

*Benediction *Closing Response Camina, Pueblo de Dios #614 REFRAIN ONLY Postlude

Servants Today
Janet Phillips, Liturgist; Lorraine Noble, Pianist; Sharon Hamner, Organist; Benjamin Reitmann and Jim Robertson, Ushers; Adele Barnett, Flowers; Mike Weimar and Adele Barnett, Communion Helpers; and Judy Bean, Coffee Hour Host.

9:15-10:00 9:15-10:15 10:30 11:30 11:30 Youth Class Mary Magdalene: Shes Not Who You Think Worship Fellowship & Refreshments Worship & Spiritual Life Commitment

*Asterisk means, please stand if able. Bold, congregation speaks.

All: So when life fades, as the fading sunset, our spirit may come to you without shame. L: May we each worship God in this hour with open hearts, seeking to be the people our God of boundless, resurrecting love calls us to be. All: Amen.
Traditional Native American Prayer, MODIFIED

Passing of the Peace L: The Peace of Christ be with you. P: And also with you.

The People Listen for Gods Word

Scripture Luke 24: 44-53; Acts 1: 6-11 Time with Children Sermon Called to Earth *Hymn Lead On Eternal Sovereign #573 Morning Prayer Joys & Concerns Prayer Hymn Kum ba yah #12 (page 6 in Condons Favorites) Lords Prayer (debts & debtors)

*Hymn Christ Rose Up From the Dead #239 *Prayer of Confession & Words of Assurance Let us come before God with contrite hearts, acknowledging our sin and trusting in forgiveness. Merciful God, day by day we have failed to believe in your presence and your promised forgiveness. We have not trusted in your power to give the riches we cannot see. We have not honored our sisters and brothers as heirs of your desired peace. We have not forgiven others or ourselves. Give us the wisdom and faith to be your body on earth, that we may rejoice in the presence of your saving bounty, to the glory of your ascended Son. Amen. By the power of the Holy Spirit, as a witness to the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and the assurance of pardon in Jesus name, I proclaim to you the forgiveness of all your sins, that with renewed life you may serve this creation and the people of God in peace and strength. God is with you.
Feasting on the Word Worship Companion Year C, 1

The People Respond to Gods Love

Offering of Ourselves Offertory Doxology & Prayer of Dedication (Please say together.) For the gifts of Jesus life, death, resurrection, and ascension, and for the privilege of offering the fruits of our hands, let us give thanks to God with what we have this day. The Lords Table Meditation Communion Hymn Una Espiga Sheaves of Summer #338 Words of Institution and Prayer Distribution of the Elements

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